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We are glad to heav that the Bishop of Melanesia has recovered from his late serious illness. His Lordship ia expected m Auckland during the present month. Mr E. Tennyson-l'mith will preach m the Wosleyan Church to-morr.iw evening at 6,30. The morning t-ervice will be taken by the pastor, (he Rev. W. J. Williams. The Timaru Rifles will parade m (he drill shed on Monday evening next at linlf pnßfc soven. Aiming and position drill will be gone through and a good muster is desired. It is a significant {act that since the last census was taken the population of the towns linn decreased, m spite of the protection tariff which was (o do such wonders for !ho towns, and provide a large urhan population 1 to consume tho goods of the small farmers, 1 who wera m that way to h'. compensated for the increased cost of living. The members of thoGeraldino Rifle Volunteer Corps hold thoir first aooial for tho winter season on Thursday evening, the drill shed , being prettily decorafod for tho occasion. , Dnncing was kept up with considerable spirit till an early hour next morning. Mr Bissett acted as M.O. and Messrs Colville and Good- , willie were the musicians. The usual Congregational services will bo 1 conducted to-morrow m the Sophia 6treot hall by the Her. E. D. Cecil, who will preach m the morning upon tho principle " Know thyself before judging others." In the evening tho special Beries will bo resumed, and tho seventh discourse delivered, dealing with the characteristic message of Christianity to society, following one upon its message to the individual, prccoding two others upon its message to the raco. In the ohow window of Mr Eacieliff, Bes. wick Street, yesterday was to be seen a striking wator-colour panorama of the Hakateratnea Valley, which he has juafc mouted and framed for the owner, Mr H. N. MoFnrlano. The artist waa Mr Earlauo's brother, and the picture was painted 22 years ago, when the valley was Btill m tussock. The point of viow is a finall hill looking up the riverbed> and tho river, with its terraces, and gorge m the background, ocoupios tho centre of the picture, — a good picture itself — and spreading away from it are the flats on each aids of the river and the downs that bound them. The panorama has boon mounted on calico, and framed by Mr Hadcliffa m gilt imitation oak grain. It is so long that it had to bo divided m tho middle, as a single piece of glass of tho requisite length to covoi' the whole could not bo obtainod. The MaHon Mercury siys : — We should presume that the most successful way of putting a stop to duinmyisin — about which thoro is so muoh talk at the present timn — would bo to have a few more individuals the name an thoy have up tho coast. Wo are informed that ft certniu land-grabber up that way, who wanted hkmo land than he waß ontitled to by the Aot, got two men to allow their names to be put down for certain sections, ho, of oouraa, paying the instalments as thoy canio due. After tho necessary improvements had been dona, ac required by the Act, Mr Land-crabbor requested the transfer of tho said soctiono from the dummies to hinißolC. It had bean, no doubt, previously agreed upon by tho dummies that they would stick to tho land, bo each individually answered, "No, my name ia on the lease as the selootor, and I am gning to stick to tho land." And they aro both flourishing settlors up that way to-day. We tako tho following from yoßtorday's Ohriatohuroh Press : — Wo regret to aunou'ico tho death of Mr Charles Pitt Oholmondoloy, of Port I-ovy, elder brother of Archrloucon Oholuiondclor, and one of tho originul foundora of tuu Canterbury selUotneut- Ho was cducalod at King William's College m tho Islo of Man, Ho came out m tho Oliur lotto tPano, oue of tho " first four chips, 'i which arrived here on tho IGth DflMtnber, 1860. A few months after his arrival ho purchased laud at Port Levy, and roßidod there almost up tD tho tivno of his death. His hoalth began to fail two or three yosrß ago, and ho went Homo to London for medical troatmout. Ho roinained thoro for four or live months, gotting the best medical advice, and returned to tho oolony ut Christmas, 1889. The complaint from whioh ho Bufforod— a specios of paralysis— howovor, gradually progresßod, and last ovoning he painlessly passed away at Glenfaba, Opawa, jfubro bo had boon residing. Tho doooasod gontloman was m his sixty-first year, and bad never married. Ho was of a quiet, unobtrusive di* position, of ' tho striotost intogrity, and wna much beloved by all who know him. Ho took great interest m tho wclfaro of tho Mnoriß, who wore moro numerous when ho first went to Port Levy and did all ho could to bofriend and holp , thorn. He wns alao an aotivo suppottor of tho Ohufoh. Soino years ago ho gave a sito at Port Lovy, on which a very protly little church was built, nutl osertod himself m proj ouriug Hb orootion. In many wsyo his loss , will bo dooply foil.

At the Baptist Church to-morrow morning :he Eev 0. 0 iirown will take .is hia subject, ' The 6i xf old mystery concerning G-od nmnifist m the fU-sli." And m tha evening, rT Joseph's singular dying request, or, tho Lsvuulito s eji'llyg m a foroi r o imiu. The Press of ycstirri^y says:— Tho largo and rare fish which was recently stranded at Okain'a Bay, anfl which ia now on view at a shop nest to Messrs ffanearrow ODd Sisson's fruit shop, High street, hue been pronounced by Mr Forbes and others to be a vory fine specimen of the Eegalicus Pacificus,freqaev>tlv known as the ribbon fob, and sometimes oallcd king of the herring. Thero is one specimen already m the Musaum, but it is only 12£.. long, whilo that recently caught measures 20ft. The taxidermist at the Muneum who has tasted tho flesh of this pronounces it to bo like over boiled arrowroot. Others oay that it is vei'.v good and not unlike tho frost fish. Mr R. Gr. Warnes, who purchased tho fish and is now exhibiting it, has removed the roe. This is of a bright scarlot colour and weighs over 61b. It is intended to have tho fish sot up bo that it can ba pießerred for exhibition. Attention ia directed to tho particulars of the large salo of furniture which iB to commence at Mr Moss Jonas' rooms at 1 o'clock to-day. The furniture was on viow at the rooms yesterday, and was inspected by a very largo number of ladiea and gcotlemen. Tho articles, which are numerous and many of them olegant, am a direct consienment ex ship Waimate, and for sterling workmanship, choice finish, and superior quality would be hard to beat m tho colony. One or two special lines m chairs, some of solid walnut, others of mahogany, are beautifully finished, and Bhould sell exceedingly woll. Angora oiat3, corner chaira, otc, are novelties, and should aIBO meet with ready sale. The furniture io all of the latest design, and those m want, of firßt-ola3S pieceo Bhould certainly not miss this opportunity of securing genuine bargains. Mr Jonas will be pleased to welcomß country visitors bent on inspection any time before tho hour of Bale. Returns given to the Cromwell Argus by tho manager of tho Kawarau and Northburn stations as to tho rabbits destroyed last year show that m round figures half-a-million ■rabbits have been destroyed aud accounted for on 232,000 acres ; and even this large number does not represent the grand total, os about 10 per cent of the rabbita poisoned are never found, and a goodly number fall a prey to the hawks, which are very numerous io tbe vicinity of the stations. On the Kawarau station, of 200,000 acres, the average number of men employed was 5550, the amount they earnod being £3534: 18?, for which 427,500 okins were received by the station . The approximate amount received for the 455csvt of Bkins sent away was £2931, showing a loss to the Btation of £850. On tho W'orthburn station 11 men wore employed, on an average their earnings being £573 10a, representing 67,300 Bkina paid for. The amount received for the 80cwt 2qr of 6kin3 sent away was £560, showing a loss to tbe station of £70. Too loss to tbe station is therefore an average of Id per oero for Kawarau, and Id per aero for Horlhburn indeoendant of the loss of feed. The Sai/ of Plenty Times saya that the figure-bead, stern post, paddles and bailer of tbe canoe which conveyed the chiefs to the vessel m which Captain Oook visited Poverty Bay over a hundred yeara ago, are on view m a Xauranga curioaity shop. The whole canoe wa3 brought from Tnur&nganui to the Boy of Islands some sixty years ago, manned by two hundred warrioi'3, and commanded by a chief named Pohe. It waa well known that tbis canoe was brought hero, both by Europeans who had to do with Maoris, and Maoris themselves ; and trhen Sir George Grey was here some twenty years ago, it is said he endeavoured to purchase the parts of it that remained, offering tho possessors a sum of £25. When tha portions now m the possession of Mr King were handed to him they were a good doal knocked about, but he has had them restored m a workmanlike manner. The carving of the figurehead ia not much HUo that done by the Maoris nowadays for it has a sort of dragon's head ac well ac the ordinary prostrate figure of a man. The cawing of tho several piecaa 13 wonderfully well executed, when one considers tho primitive tools tho Maoris had m those days, and there are few oxamples of so much .value at the present lime. Seldom if ever has tho Theatre Royal boon 30 crowded as it was last ovenin™, tho occasion being an entertainmeut by Mr 81. Tennyson Smith and friends, The mayor (Mr Ross) presided, aad his briof introductory remarks were received with loud applause. During the evening Mr Smith gave oight recitals, opportunity boing givon him to abow m a marked degros the ability he possesses as a finished elocutionist. His humorous sketch "A concert m B " vsas giran m firstclass atyle, and apparently pleased the audience far moro thau any other piece given during tho ovoning. 'JCho pathetic story of tho London waifs was also well delivered and appreciated, and "The Vagabond" as a recitation was quite a mastorpiece. The humourous lecture by a Welshman, on a well-known nursery " poem " caueed great laughtor and " The Fireman's Wodding " was an item which gavo ample aoope for realistic word painting. All tbo recitals were mo3t cordially rcoived, and Mr. Smith's oveniuf* with tho poetD will be long reuioinbc7od hero. DuriDg the evening songs wore givon by Misses Wood and Campbell, and Messrs Marlin, Oourtie, Holdgsle, and GSilchriet, the two la«t-namod gentlemen earning weU-mei'itud encoros. A small but eflicient orchestra phiyed selections very nicoly, and a violincollo solo by Mr Elli? Wood wan grontly app'.'ociatod and 1111 encore douiauded. At the c'oso of the eulortain mout tho Ho?. W. OiHioe proposed votes of thanks to Mr Smith, to thoao who had assistod iv tho musical pa.rt, to Mr Mosa Jonas (for uso of I'hnalro), and to tho tnnyor for presiding, tho votes being carried with prolonged p.pplauae.' iJeplies having boon given an onthusiastic mooting wss brought to a closo at a few minutes to 11 o'olock. Still to (.ho front.— Tho Jumbo Brand Baking Powder tiikes precedence for making digostivo scones, cakes, bread, etc. Sold by all morchantß aud grocers.— [Advt.] tJmonistV and froo labour advocates nro agroed on ono mutter, i.e., that tho beat usrvo soother is a Purity Cigarette.— [Advt.] STNOI'SIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "A.U., Toimika" — Wauts to leaso a furm, James Granger— Has largo shop to lease. Maniigor, Albtiry Estato— Has seed wlioat for, sale. Goortro Poarson — Has fancy gooda, school requisites, etc., on &alo. T. W. Fyfo — Wanta tondors for gorsc cutting, etc Goraldmo Lodgo, N.Z.C.— Fuuoral uotioa to brethren. Mundoll and Co— Stock sale at Point on Ist June, at Tomuka ou 2nd Juno. Loat— Choatnut hack uiavo ; reward Star 110101, Tomnkn. Shorratt'3 Coal Yard— Ordoi's takon for nlucguiu. firowood.

Moss Jona3 — Stock sale at Pleasant Point on Ist Juno. A. E. Cox — Larpro cleaving sale on 9th June. N Z. Loan — Sheep and cattlo at Point on Ist June ; at Temuka on 2nd June. Rutland and Co— Laure sale of sundries this day. Gracie Maclean and Co— Sale o£ draught and hack horses, hunters, etc., this day. C.F.C.A.— Want a junior elork. Baptist, Woaleyan, and Congregational Churches— Particulars of Sabbath services. Timaru Rifles — Parade on Monday oveniu". Mrs McCallum— Phrenologist and palmist, is at Lynwood House. Kernohau, McCahon and Co— lnsert their price list. Graoie, ATacluan and Co— Soil stock at Pleasant Point on Monday. Wanted — Five notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5155, 30 May 1891, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5155, 30 May 1891, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY Timaru Herald, Volume LII, Issue 5155, 30 May 1891, Page 2