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• . '. The Waimato County Harriers meet at Mr , Charles Wederiil's Masonic Hotol, St. An- , drows, on Tuesday next. Given such a | popular trysting ground so cldso to Timaru, . thoro should bo a large meet. [ A Wellington paper layß that nt Lady i Onelow's first rocoption, his |Excollency and Lady Onslow charmed nil thoir.Tisitora ' with their affability and unaffectednet9,and ontiroly 1 dispelled nny doubts that might have been ' felt ns to Iho new Governor and his lady 1 becoming just as popular as were their pro--1 deceesors. Intending shareholders m the Titnnru ' j Wool Worki and Pelt Company must Bpply | to-day to tho brokers, or Collins and Co ,if they wish to ho m the first allotmoiit of gharop, ( us the list closes to-duv. Wo liupo tho lint will bo fully subscribed, for (ho registering of L tho company means to the district increuied ( prices for skins and wool, and to tho town ; more monoy m circulation, m tho shape of \ ; wagjjß, &c, I

The number of tourists who have visited the Waiotapu Valley, Kotorua, since December last is 220, as against thirty for the previous season. Thia is exeluiive of local visitors. The surveys id connection with tho section of the Midland Railway from Nelson Creek to Ahaura having been completed, the Company have telegraphed instructions to let the contract m the colony, and tenders are now being called for the work. A person who left Auckland to go to Sydney to better himself, writes to his friends m anything but a hopeful strain. He states that he looked for work for weeks without Buccess, and at last secured employment as assistant m a fruit shop, getting only food and clothing for his sorvicos. Ho regrets that he ever left tbis colony. Tho Agnews wore released from gaol at Wellington on Wednesday after six ironths imprieonment m default of finding sureties for good behaviour. They resumed their accustomed promenade m front of the Government offices. During tho day they accosted the Besident Magistrate who had ordered their imprisonment, and they had to bo ejected from the court house. A comparison of the number of insolvencies which occurred m Victoria and New South Wales during the quarter ending March show that m the former colony 103 estates were sequestrated, the approximate liabilities being £1,208,472, and the assets £1,573,831, while io New South Walei 224 estates were sequestrated, tho liabilities being £168,264, acd the assets £88.060. From our roport of the Dunedin races yesterday, it will be seen that Mr Pelham Jones was thrown m tho hurdle race yesterday, and most seriously injured. He was riding his own hurdle racer, Monteagle, a horse well known m South Canterbury. It will be remembered that Mr Jones met with a most severe accident m the bunting field here some years ago. "A bob m and the winner shout " has been improved upon m Cambridge. Phrenology is now all the go, and as Professor Lio Medo is staying m the town betakes the place of the dice. He examines the heads of those present, and the ono with the worst cranium shouts for the others, lhe professor doubtless thinks it good fun as he pockets a fee from each ; but tho one that has to shout is an unbeliever m phrenology from that time forth. An Auckland bankrupt named T. L. White, called on to attend a meeting of his creditor! did not turn up, but sent a note saying that as ho had found it impossible to tnuko out a statement of his receipts and expenditure, the data at his disposal being only fragmentary, ha could not attend. This being tho second meeting at which White, was absent, a resolution was pa?sed instructing tho Official Atsignee to proceed against him for contempt of court. At the Baptist Church, to morrow evening, the Rev. C. C. Brown will take as his subject " Is it wise, is it consistent, ia it right, on tho part of Protestants to encourage and assist Bomaniim by money gifts, by personal service, by attendance at Romiah ceremonials? Protfßtants owe everything to the Beformation under Luther. It is their duty, therefore, — whilst conceding the fullest liberty fur all religious worship — to stand by the principles of tho Reformation and not play traitor." Writing ot the Maori Football Team Iho London Star remarks : — What have the New Zealanders done P Out of 53 matches they have won 35, drawn 4, and lost 14. And this, too, playing often as many as three mutches a week, and having an accident list of appalling size. Their best performance was perhaps, the terrible drubbing ihey gavo the representative Irish Fifteen, although the " eye-opener" they gave Blackhcath the other day, with their second-best team, was no mean performaQL'O. A peculiar action has been brought against the Wellington-Manawatu Bailway Company to recover £2 damages and Ba, the amount of fares paid on Easter Monday. Tho plaintiff and his wifo took tickets to Paikakariki, but at Plimmerton the carriage occupied by them i was detached from the remainder of the train j and they were left behind. For the defence it was submitted that the guard of the train had called to passengers to change carriages. His Worship, however, held that tho notice was not sufficient, and that it was the duty of tho guard to specially notify all passengers who wished to change. Judgment was given for 18s, and costs £5 19s 4d. "If,"«ay«the New Zealand Times, "the official estimates of the late harvest must really be accepted as approximately accurate, wo can only say that tho result is exceedingly disappointing. After all the brilliant reports about the exceptional abuodanco of the wheat yield it is a sad comedown to be told authoritativoly lliafc the total wheat crop is lees than m 1888, and very much less than m 1884 or 1883. Tho average yield of wheat per aero, according to the returns, is even more disappointing, for it is absolutely the smallest m tho past soven yoara, while that of oiils has only once before been bo small during all that period." If the estimates tbis yenr aro not below the mark, then those of previous years must have beon fur too high. A successful soiree was held by the congregation of the Timaru Primitive Methodist Church last evening. A tea was hold m tho Barnard street Hall, at which there was a large attendance, three sittings being necessary to meet all demands, and there was a plentiful supply of good things. Tho tables were presided over by Mesdamca Mason, Padgot, McClatchie, Beswick, and Williams, a^bachclor's table being presided over by thn bachelors. A public meeting was afterwards held m tho church, at which the pastor, the Rev. W. Woollas, received fraternal assist" nnco from tho Reva. Marten, Austen, Brown, and Clement (Geraldinc), and Captain Harvey of the SaUfttion Army. The Bey. W. Gillies sent a message regretting much his being unablo to attend, through severo indisposition. Tho meeting was well attended, the church being quite full, and the gentlemen on tho platform gave most interesting addrcßses, interspersed with anthems by the choir, and a fow aolos by lady members, Mrs Mason and Mis) Legott, and Mra Pedler recited a touching composition on " Bread seen after many days." The chairman m his opening address informed the meeting that tho church had had what he considered a good year financially. Tho income/ had been £214, & very good sum for such a "foeble folk," and although they had no balanco m hand (they Dover had that of course) tho income had sufficed to meet oxpondituro. Thoro wns a dobt of £300 on tho church, nud a determined effort was to bo uiado to rcmovu this incubtu by tunaus of a bazaar to bo held m October next. A largo amount of work had beon dono for tho bazaur already ; many friends wcro helping the eonI grogation m this matter, and ho had no doubt ' that th.o bujair would tistouwhwost people.

1 We are requested to draw attention to a special «ale of horses by Messrs Qraoie, Maclean and Co., to-day — the sate of a dozen sent up from Lawrence, Otago ; draughts of a particularly good stamp. The Neic Zealand Herald says : — A monument Las just boon erected at Bangiriri to commemorate the storming of the pa, and m memory of Midshipman Watkine, of H.M.S. Curac;oa, and several seamen of the Naval Brigade, who fell m the storming. The memorial is m the form of a stone column with appropriate carving, and enclosed m a cast-iron railing. The names of the dead are inscribed on the monument, with their rank, and the ship to which they belonged. It was executed to the order of the warships recently m port, the crews of which aubrcribed lhe funds. Meesra Tait Brothers carried out the work very creditably. Efforts hare been made recently, says the Aye, on behalf of persons interested, to induce the Victorian authorities to relax the regulations affecting the dipping of sheep imported from neighbouring colonies. There are a nnmber of sheep passed through Victoria from Tasmania on their way to the Sydney markets. The regulations m force require that all sheep brought into Victoria shall be dipped, and they have to be clipped Bgain upon their arrival m New South Walof . As the sheep on'y pass through Victoria, it has been suggested that dipping them is unnecessary. Moreover, it is contended that frequent dipping injures the wool. On the other hand, the Victorian authorities state that every precaution mußt be taken against the possibility of scab being introduced into the colony from New Zealand, via Tasmania. Mr Ourr, chief inspector of stock, has been asked whether he can recommend any relaxation of the regulations m favour of sheep brought from Tasmania, and that officer declines to approve of any concession m the direction indicated. In view of the opposition shown by the chief inspector, Mr Gillies has declined to tako further action m the matter. The verdict of all who have used the " Jumbo " brand Baking Powder, is that it makes light, nutritous and digestive bread, cakes, pastry, etc. As the ingredients are of the finest qualities, and no injurious elements aro used m the preparation, bread, etc , made with thin powder will keep fresh and moist longer than with any other powder. Ask for Anderson's "Jumbo" brand Baking Powder.— [Adyt.] D. McGainne?s begs to inform tho public that he has sold out his interest m tho Club Hotel, but Bt ill carries on the business of the Bailwar Refreshment Booms. First-class luncheons supplied daily from 12 noon till 3 pm. Price, one shilling. Early breakfast* m time for first trains, Is 6d each.— [Adyt.] SYNOPSIS OP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Waimate Connty Harriers — Meet at St. Andrews on Monday next. Collins and Co — Sell sundries, this day. Moss Jonas — Sale of stock at Newmarket on 28th inst. P. M. Eiokman — Solla rams and ewes on 28th inst. Meason and Murchant — Call for tenders for retaining wall. J. G. Cowan — Bnsinoas notice. Baptist Church — Special sorrices for tomorrow. N.Z. Loan— Sell stock at Washdyke on 31st inst. Primitivo Methodist Church — Key. Mr Clement preaches to-morrow. Wantod8 — Four Notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4548, 25 May 1889, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4548, 25 May 1889, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4548, 25 May 1889, Page 2