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Somebody with ingonious curiosity liqb discovered that Mr Chamberlain «nid " I " 174 (■mice In Ilia epooeh at Glasgow a few wopkj iigq. Thp'p(|l)liij rni.n '"'ho "'» supposed to. h'avo the liighpßt record m this respect ia Sir Qoorpto Bowon, about, wlioso fondness for tlio personal pronoun a good ttory usod to bo told m tho oolonieß. A Victorian joupnaliat romarkod to a New South Walos colleaguo that his paper was preparing a reprint of a iipocch by bir George Bowen, but that they hud r\in short of " la." "Wo can help you," eoid liis friend from New South Wales ; " wo aro republishing a speoch by Sir Henry Parkcß, nud an holms left out nil his ' H'« ' wo pan !«p[} them to you; jou might cut tiiom m half nud us« tnein lor * I'j,' i' A very romarkablo will Is Unit of Horatio Q. Ontlcrdonk, brothor of tho Jlothoi^ift Uisliops of Now York and Pennsylvania, by which ho leiivos between JEfiOU.OOO m\d £800,000 upon tho fpUowir.U eiUaordinsry uon<|i!ionn ;--Wo heir mint bo an idlor, olugKard, spendthrift, prolligato, drunkard, gambler, use liquor or tobucco, go hunting or fulling on Sunday?, uttond races, ontor a barroom or porter-jioupp, npg|oc|, to ricp, hvc»ki fuLit., and bo runciy for biuiuoss by !l n.m , or pet iniirried boforo ho or nbo is lis ycurn old Tho will alno denouncca " uiy infiimoua pun .lolin," und piica nil fuluro OiKlunjnnka Ihc privilege of Fibming John. Upon this hint, tlio lawyrrn will, nays thn New York correspondent of tho Suntini/ Times, movo to huvr tho will net asido, and tho property distributed by the l'robatf Court.

Mr Gladstone's brother, the late Sii Thomaß, of Fasque, was. an out-and out-Tory of the good old sort. At one time he presided frequently at tho local meetings of tho party m the little country town, of Stonehaven, and he uaed occasionally to denounce m do measured torn™ what he regarded aa tho wild political schemes of "my brother." In peraonal nppearaneo b» bore a wonderful resemblance to llr Gladstone. He had a commanding appearance, wasoversixfeetinbeigbt, straight os a poplar, and altogether physically as fine a specimen of tho North Country j laird as one would moet with m a long day's march. The Chicago Journal supplies the following information concerning what the new United States Ministers lako to drink :—" No member of President Harrison's Cabinet is a total abstainer, though Wanamaker publicly frowns upon intoxicants. Mr Harrison likeß a swallow of Irish whisky now and theD, Blame is a connoisseur of French wines. Windom enjoys a dinner at which eacli course has its appropriate stimulant. Tracy is fond of a pint of champagne at lunch. Noble likes malt drinks and indulges every day m a bottle of imported ale. Miller seldom takes anything but rye and selzer, while Busk swallows his corn juice plain. Klijah Halford has never tasted whisky, but has siDped j champagne now and then on convivial occasions." In the course of a recent argument a question was put to Sir H. James as to the legality of the trusts aDd syndicates being formed m England. He said : " I have looked at some of them — the salt trust for instance— -but I do not know enough of them. All I can Bay is, if these syndicates carried on their business m America they would have very sharp justice shown to them there." The Master of the Rolls : "It doeß not strike me ai clear, if thero is a combination; to buy all the salt m tho kingdom for the purpose of raising the price 70 per cent beyond what it would be, Ido not feel at all clear that that is not an illegal combination." Bir if. James : " According to the common law of Amorica and our common law it is illegal." — Lam Times. Bombay has just lost by retirement one of its most popular officers. Colonel Sexton is one of tho few men who rose from the ranks m the Crimean days to a high position as a combatant officer. At the "soldiers' battle "of Inkertnan Colour-sergeant Sexton, as senior effective non-commissioned officer, assisted m collecting the reports and calling the roll of the survivors, whon but 80 men of the 95th Regiment answered to their nameß. Subsequently Sexton served with his old corps m India during the Mutiny as lieutenant and adjutant, and not long afterwards joined the Indian Staff Corps. He has now left India a full colonel and m receipt of a pension of over £1100 a year —no had thing for tho recruit who joined the British army with no idea, like Napoleon's soldiers, of carrying a marshal's baton m his knapsack, or even a colonel's allowances. Their precious bones nre lighter' and their flesh is more buoyant. The vecords of the humane societies on both sides of tho Atlantic show that of late years a fair proportion of their medals fall to the lot of girls. There were several notable instances of rescue from drowning last summer by girls under 20 years of age. Many women aro accomplished swimmers. This is but natural. Aa their bone 3 are jrenerally lighter than those of men, and their ilesh more buoyant, they have loss difficulty to overcome m acquiring the art. Some of them could float at their first attempt if they could acquire the requisite faith m the power of the water to hold them up. Swimming is very much an act of faith, for it is generally the case that when a person believes sufficiently m the buoyancy of the water to trust to it his precious body, lo ! he is a swimmer. There were young girls at Newport loßt summer who could float on the surface of the ocean with no more difficulty They could have floated for hourß if necpsjary. Some of the most famous swimming feats have boen accomplished by very young women. It would have been hard to convince General Booth that the Queensland editor who has turned parson is a saved man. At a recent moeting at Newoastle, England, General Booth, speaking of tho causes which brought people to their meotings, said some who came to scoff remained to pray. Heporters, of course, came on business. They were very hard to eatoh. (Groans). Ho had seen a reporter with a tear m his eye — (" No," and cries of " Glory bo to God ") — and he believed he onco saw a reporter put s shilling m a collecting box. (Expressions of incredulity from various parts of the hall.) There was hope therefore, for the reporters — (" Hallelujah," and " Lord have mercy upon them ") — that was, if they were caught beforo they came to be editors. Then they were gone. (Loud laughter.) General Booth then spoke on tho true religion of humanity, and, m a characteristic prayer, said, "Oh, Lord, if 20,000 people go to sco a football kicked about, grant that as many hundred thousands may come and oro the Sun'lerland people kicking tho devil about. 1 ' The noted quality of the UofTco miido m the Cafes of Turkey, France, and Amorica is chieily due to the fact that only Fresh Honstod Coffee is. used ; so that none of the volatile oil and other essentials are lost. Ask your grocer for Anderson's Coffeo, and you will have a bevorage alike refreshing and stimulating, as it ia fresh roasted and ground at the factory, Timaru. — [Advt.] j Chronio Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and pulmonary troubles can bo cured by Scott's KmuUion of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophoßphites. We have absolute proof of this from all sections of the world. It is as palatable as milk. Try it before it is too late. " Gentlemen,— l think it only fair to you to say that my wifo had been laid up a month with a very sharp attack of bronchitis, coupled with n very distressing cough through pulmonary affection of the lungs, and the cough had beooino so troublesome that eho was scarcely able to obtain two hours' rest n succession. I obtained a bottle of Scott'e Emulsion, which gavo her immediate rslic.f, and six bottles have restored hpr \o her uaua\ slato of health. I am, jjoiitlpmepj yours tru\y Geo. FATtI-j^ER, tjmckec,pcr, HalUimahir* Works, SbcftalcV Large nnd small »i*ea sold hj all chemists. 4s 6d and fls fld.— [Advt] For nmainder of Neipt tr« Fourth Pag:

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4541, 17 May 1889, Page 3

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MISCELLANEOUS. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4541, 17 May 1889, Page 3

MISCELLANEOUS. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4541, 17 May 1889, Page 3