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Diphtheria and typhoid fever have made their appearanco in Waimale. A child of Mr J. Mulvany's, who has been in the hospital some time, died on Sunday evening from diphtheria. Yesterday, at the Besident Magistrates Court, Waimate, before His Worship tho Mayor, a first offender pleaded guilty to a charge of boing drunk in Queen street on Saturday and was discharged with a caution. Tho miny friends of Mr James Patterson, of Waimate, who had his leg crushed in the drum of a threshing machine, will bo glad to hear that he has so far recovered that he wub removed from tho luspilul to his own home on Saturday last. It is announced this morning that the oporu " Les Cloches do Corneville " will be repeated on Wednesday ami Thursday cvenioga — tho evenings of the sports days. The performance on Thursday evening is to be a complimentary beneh't lo Mr Sidney Wolf, the bandmaster, and the conductor of the opera. Ho desorves it, for his labours for tho band in promoting, directing, und conducting the performances in aid of tho band fund. Mr D. Bono, who has been for ton years in tho service of tho South Canterbury Education Board, and who is well known as a successful teachor, has been appointed head teacher of tho Baupaki native school, situated noar Lyttclton. The many friends of Mr Bone will bo glad to hoar that he has succeeded to such un important and congenial post, and will wish him the same success that has attended him in South Canterbury. A poll will be taken to-day for the election of two members respectively to represent the Otipua and Point subdivisions on the Levels Road Board. For Olipua the candidates are Messrs W. H. Jones, B. Mnhoney, A. C. Pringlo and E. Timaru Rhodes, the polling places being the Meat Preserving Works, Washdyke, cottage opposite Mr Duval's late residence, North street, and Mr Guy's house, Bcaconsfield. For tho Point Messrs R. Kcrslake, A. Mec, and Charles N. Orbell are the candidates, and the polling booths are Meat Prcserviog Works, Washdyke, Road Board Office, Pleasant Point, Levels Company's woolshed, Totara. Messrs Kedfern, Alexander and Co., in a epeciul wool circular re BUeep washing, give the following advice : — "Wo have consulted our brokers, Messrs Jacomb, Bon and Co., on this ijuestion, and they agreo with us in stating that colonial wool in the grouse meets with a. much more extensive demand than when it has been scoured or washed, not only from English buyers, but also from tho French, German and American, and wools in the greaso aro not subject to what might bo called the spasmodic demands thero are at limes for washed wools. In conclusion, wo vonture to think that, although it may bo of advantage to English growers to sell their wool in a washed state, it is, generally speaking, to tho advansage of Australasian wool growers to ship their produce in the greaso." His Lordship tho Priinute preached at St. Saviour's Church. Temaka, on Sunday last, and administered the sacrament to about forty communicants. In the evening the rite of confirmation was administered to seventeen female and Sve male candidates, presented by the incumbent, tho Eev. T. A. Hamilton' The service was in every respect an impressive one, and tho Bishop's address was received with earnest attention. The faot that this was probably tho last occasion upon which His Lordship would officiate in the parish, together with tho interesting coremony, was sufficient to attract an unusually largo congregation. Scats were placed as far as the communion rails, and the vestry was also filled. Notwithstanding this, many persons were unablo to obtain admittance. Thero was a very cflicient choir, and appropriate hymns wero sung. The Asuburton County Council aro dividod in opinion whether it pays to Bpend monoy on poison for small birds. Mr Brown is melancholy ut tho fuiluro of poison. Why, a neighbour of his coopod up a hen and fed her for a fortnight on poisoned grain, and »ho throve on it — actually got fat. That's nothing to go by, said Mr Harper ; don't you know you can't poison a hen ? You can poison gceso and ducks, but not hons. It is difllonlt, concurred Mr Wright. Mr Brown, hopolcss of help from tho druggist, would offer Id a head for doatt birds, killod no matter how, and his motion was only lost on tho casting vole of tho chairman, who votod against it to giro liiuo for furtbor conoitloralion. 31r Harper bcliovod in poison for small birds (though ouo could not poison a hen), and if tho council gave 4s 'Jd :i hundrod for heads, ho could pay his exponaes evory trip lo town, and more, by picking up poisoned birds. Eventually tbo council voted £150 to bo Bpont on poißonod wheat. j A meeting of tho Book Selection and Entertainment Committee of tho Mechanics' In- «! ituto wub held on Saturday evening. Present — Mr G. F. Oluloo (president), Mnjnr Bamficld, and Messrs M. While, P.aymond, and Virtue. A letter was read from Messrs Mudio and Co., advising tho shipment, por Coptic, of about CO volumes of tho latest works of fiction, travel, biography, etc., which will probably reach hero beforo tho rml of next week. This nhipment, together with an order sent last month, will mako considerably over 100 volumes to arrive, in the soleclion of which the committee havo endeavored to moet tho wishos of subscribers. It watnlsu resolved to send a supplementary order by tho next mail for books suitable for boys. Tbo librarian was instructed to prepare a catalogue of books now in the library, with n viow of getting tbo annio printed. Somo discussion ensued aa to tho advisability of getting up an untorLuinmcul jn nid of the l'uiid.i uf the institute, uiul it was roßolvod to hold a prolucnadc concert noil, month, Ihu president to uiuko the preliminary lU'rangutuouts. Memboi'6 of tho committed decided lo muko an active c-invnti fur subscribers duriDg tho niontli.

Pome large potatoes are on view at Mr Franllyn'e, stationers, at Waimate. They were grown on the Wuimate estate, at Willow Bridge, the largest kidney weighing 41b Hi ounces, and a Derwent 3Jlbs. It is said that the Tiraaru Gat Company will publicly announce in a day or two a reduction in tho price of gas per 1000 feet. Tho price has been eo lowered that both large and small consumers will find it cheaper to use gas in preference to kerosene. 'She prizes which are to bo given at the athletic sports meeting to-morrow and Thursday, are now on view in the window of Messrs G. and T. Young, jewellers and watchmakers, MaiD Road. Tho majority of the prizes ore very handsome, and hive been eagerly inspected. As usual, the ladies' prize for the steeplechase is a very beautiful one. Mr 0. S. Fraser writes to point out that, in our notice of the performance of " Clochci do Cornovillo," last week, we were in error iu connecting his name with tho stage managership. Tho original arrangement was that Mr Fraser should bo stago manager, but it was afterwards thought best to combine Ihc dutios with Uiobo of musical conductor. Mr Wolf therefore took chargo, and is entitled to great credit for his very successful exertions. Liet of letters I'rcm places beyond the colony, received at the Timaru Post Office during February, and unclaimed on 30th April:— H. Atkinson, J. P. Frick, Frank Hutchins, Wm. Haigh, Miss Halford, Denis Hietou, s[rs Geo. Jones, James Keefe, W.Q. McAllister, Mrs Bmith (Grey Road), T. Surman, ißauc Wilkins, Hugh Anderson, Thomas dickering (3), Wm. Challie, S. Smith, John Lister (2), John Litton, A. White, Henry Wood, 4 (Annie Bow). The adjourned vestry meeting of St. Mary's Church was held yesterday afternoon iu the veslry. Mr Gray Bhowed a statement of receipts and expenditure from all sources for the year, and soparato balanco sheets were submitted, duly audited, from St. Mary's, (ho bonevolent fund, and Sandiotown and Waimataitai schools. Tho parish accounts are, if possible, to bo audited to-day. Mr Gray was authorised to get 100 copies of the report and balanco sheet printed by Saturday next. Captain Woollcombc, in accordance with promise, aaid that he had ascertained thut the cost of covering in tho tower foundations would probably bo about £6. It was resolved to let the work stand over for tho present. This being all the business, Archdeacon Harper declared tho annual parish meetine open. It was proposed by Mr Hedges, and seconded by Mr Sims, that the meeting be adjourned until Monday next, tho 13th inst., at 8 p.m., to St. Mary's schoolroom. This was agreed to, and tho meeting closed. The secretary of the South Canterbury Amateur Athletic Club notifies that toroorrow and on la\m&By tAio sports meeting will be held. It will be seen that two rices have been inserted in the programmo open to boys attending the High School, under and over the nge of 12 years, respectively. It is to be hoped that tho boys will take udvantafto of this opening, and that a large number of thorn will compete It is from this school that tho active members of tho club must bo recruited. There are to be two bicycle races, open to members of clubs Mi at have attached themselves to the Cyclist Association. Tho prizes for these events aro of superior quality, and no doubt a largo number of wheelmen will face the starter. The quarler-milo flat and running high jump arc New Zealand championship events, and for tho former we understand there will be keen competition between the Chrislchurch and Timaru athletes. With tho exception of the scurry, boys', strangers', officials', end consolation races, all entries must bo lodged with tho secretary to-day, by 6 p.m., accompanied with fees and particulars of colours to be worn. We aro requested to mention that Mr L. A. Cuff, the hon. secretary of tho New Zealand Amateur Athletic Association, will assist Mr Lindsay with the handicapping, as Mr Hamilton is unable to officiate. Tho prices for admittance of children to the grand stand have been reduced. At the priies are this year to be presented on the ground by the president's wife, and a long programme has to bo gone through, the sports on each day will be commenced at 11 o'clock. It is particularly requested that no dogs bo brought on to tho ground. Tho Garrison Band will be in attendanco each day. Arrangements havo boon mado with Mr Lovien for providing cold luncheon and refreshments, including afternoon toa, which can bo obtained at j. very moderate cost. D. McGuinncsabogs to inform tho public that ho has sold out his interest in the Club Hotel, but still carries on tho business of the Railway Kefreshment Rooms. First-class luncheons supplied daily from 12 noon till 3 p.m. Price, ono shilling. Early breakfasts in time for first trains, Is 6d each.— [Advt.] Tlio verdict of nil wlio have used the " Jumbo " brand Baking Powder, is that it makes light, nutritous and digestivo bread, , cakes, pastry, etc. As the ingredients are of tho finest qualities, and no injurious elements are used in tho preparation, broad, etc., made with this powder will keep fresh nnd moiit longer than with any other powdor. Ask for Anderson's "Jumbo" brand Baking l'owdor.— lAdvt.] SYNOPSIS OP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Waller und Co — Hayo reeoivod frosli supply uf lfttost worka in fiction, oto. N.Z. Lona— Soil stock at Waabdyko, uu Oth iunt. Temulca Koad Buiinl— lmportant election Theatre lioyal— " Loa Cloches do CornoVila " on Blh aud Hth inst. t\ Coira, Totnuka— Has Walliugford Hotol to let. W. Evans ---Calls for tondorH lor ploughing. K Tippiufj— Huh house to let ; notico of Stnrroak and Storrier'a book ilebls. Drummond and Glaason— Waut droasmakers at once. Mundell and Co— Hold oloariug salo on 17th Graoio, Maclean und Adam— Sell horses.thia day. Kallantyna nnd Co— Notice of purchana of fancy needlework. Mi.-w I,iHatiinuu— Una primly wthool [vr (firls. I.ovela Road Hoard— Call for lomlors for road work*. Timß.ru High School— Second term commences oil May 21at ; important notice re Turnbnll .mil Son-Sell section, lionsp, nto., on Saturday. X.Z.R.— 'Nbticoorm-w timc-tublo. for l.'illi instant.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4533, 7 May 1889, Page 2

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TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4533, 7 May 1889, Page 2

TOWN & COUNTRY. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4533, 7 May 1889, Page 2