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The Timaru Herald. TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1889.


Nominations of candidates for seats on tho Toniuka Road Board are duo to-morrow at noon. The Pleasant Point Library committee are summoned to a mooting at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday next. The South Canterbury Refrige rating Company are railing 0500 shoep to Lyttelton, for shipment m the lonic. Tbe advance m tho prico of sugar notod a few days ago is due to short crops of cane m Cuba, Brazil, and Java. A first offender was brought beforo the Resident Magistrate yesterday rnornin?, and subjected to the usual penally on a lirst conviction. The Oamavu Harbour Hoard to-day advertise for tonders for rubble and concrete work. Posaible tenderers havo all next month to preparo their tenders. Two considerable auction sales fall duo tomorrow — the sale of of Mr Halkelt-Dawson's furnituro at Timaru, und tho clearing salo at Mr Rickman'a farm at tiio Hook. A notice m connection with the church bazaar at Fairlio Creak will bo found m our adverlieing column*. Among the gifts to be sold are 200 bunches of Mount Cook lilies. Classes under tho auspicos of the technical si'hool will be commenced on Thursday evening, for five subjects speciiied m a notice elsewhore, which also stalea the terms for each. It is announced that Miss Ackennan, tho eloquent lecturess, will lecture m tho Assembly Rooms on Wednesday ur.d Thursday evenings. The firat lecturo is to be freo, but a collection will bs made. For the second a chargo of Is will bo made for admission. An adjourned epecialmeetiogof tbeßorough Council was to havo been held last evening to clinch the adoption of the two new bye-laws, to regulate the use of velocipedes and tho naming of streets, but a quorum not being obtained, tho business had to bo further adjourned. Mr D. Mahoney, licensee of the Bhatnrock Hotel, declares it is not true that, as stated m a local yesterday, the man Rayner, hurt by a fall over tho railway cutting on Saturday night left the Shamrock at a late hour by tho back way. He atatcs that Rayner, who worked for him some years ugo, called to see him m tho evening, and again about half-past nine, but he (Mr Mahoney) was then out, and Rayner left at once, and by tho front door. A special meeting of tho Levels Road Board was hold on Saturday, when a letter was received from the board's solicitor respecting tho board's legal position with regard to tbo northorn approach to tho upper Parcorn bridge. Counsel's opinion was that the Waiumte County Couucil, having control of tho bridge, have also control of the approaches, and it was therefore resolved to write to the County Council to that ellect, and leave it to them to coinpleto tbe restoration of lliu bridge by forming tho approach. Iv tho passenger list of tho Wakntipu on her outward voyage last week wo noticod the nnmo of Mr Edmund Cornish, lato merchant, of Cain's Tcrraco. He goes to Sydney to join other members of his family, who aro m a largo way of business there. Mr Cornish and his family lived m Timaru for more than thirteen years, and were universally respected and liked by all who came m contact with them. South Canterbury can ill eporo such thoroughly good citizens. We heartily wish him and his every succe?B m thoir now home. A paragraph yeßtorday respecting the second mato of the barque Kinclune, who was reported missing on Sunday morning, wound up with tho statement, based on information which wo deemed ijuito trustworthy, that he had turned up on Sunday night. That information, however, proved to bo without foundation. Robinson hud not turned up, and has not yet done so, and the conviction bocomes stronger that, he is not mislaid ashoro, but drowned. Ono piece of vory strong circumstantial evidenco iti this direction is tho fact that ho wns given a. black kitten on Saturday night to take on board, and that tho kitten was found' drowned m tho harbour yesterday. Robinson is slated to have been a vory quiot man, and ho had an unusual amount of property on board for a man m his position, m tho shape of instruments u ml presents for his people at Homo. Captain Crighton never supposed his second ollicor liad left the ship voluntarily, but w»b slow to beliovo that ho was probably drowned, arid suspected as Iho altornativo that ho had boon hocusnod somowhoro. Tho finding of tho littlo blnck kitten m the water, howovor, that tho missing man was going to take aboard with him, was generally held to aolflo nil doubts. Captain Crighton, under tho circiiuHUucea—he having everything ready lor Bca— had to promote a. competent man to Iho post of socond mate, and sailod m tho affornoon for Homo. Yoslovday a party uf police- woro dragging tho harbour In hopes of recc-, ciine tho body of (ho uiheii;;; imu,

In the absence of a second Justice of the Peaco the Resident Magistrates' Court at Temuka was yesterday adjourned for a week. The Supreme Court sessions open this : morning at 11 o'clock. Grand and petty jurors and witnesses are reminded that punctuality is one of the legal virtues. It must have struck many persona who were about the harbour yesterday when the Kinclune was preparing for sea, that tho signal of her departure— the harmonious " ehnnty " of tho men at tho windlass weighing anchor, was a vast deal pleasanter to hear than the horrible utterances of a steamer. At tho same time it jarred a littlo to hear men were singing so cheerily when one of their Bhipmates of a day or two ago was lying'bcneath the water not far from whero they were floating. The committee of tho South Canterbury Jockey Club are making a concession for the race meeting this week which should go no littlo way to increase the attendance. Hitherto persons riding or driving to tho course have had to pay for the admission of the horses they rodo or the vehicles they drove, as well as for themselves. The committee have decided to make no such chargo at this meeting. Horsemen and occupants of vehicles will havo to pay no more than pedestrians or arrivals by train. • A match between the Temuka and Daiktown Football Clubs took place m the Temuka Park on Saturday afternoon. Gray captained tho Temuka team, and Dyson tho Darktown. Aftor an exciting game, Darktown won by 2 points, the scores being 1 goal and 1 try to 2 tries. Gaffaney and Filzgorald secured the tries for Darktown, and J. Russoll kicked the goal from Gaffaney'g try. A. Steward and M. Mendelson secured the triej for Temuka. Messrs F. LeOren and T. Guunior acted as umpires, and Mr J. 8. Flint carried the referee'B whistle. The opening services m connection with the now church recontly erected by the Wcsleyans at Temuka were hold on Sunday. The attendance at all the services yeas oiceptiomlly large, and the increased space afforded by the new building wob strained to the uttermost. Tho services wero conducted by tho Rev. Mr Bond of Christchurcb> assisted by the pastor, tho Rev. R. 8. Bunn' Tho dovotional exercises were appropriate to lha occasion, and there was a very efficient choir, assisted by friends from Timaru. Mrs Harrison presided at the harmonium, and the instrumental music was augmented by a recently formed band under the leadership of Mr Harrison. The sermon m the morning was preached by the Rev. Mr Bond from lievs. 1., 12th verse, and ho drew an excellent comparison between the churches as existing m tho Evangelists' time and those of the present day. In the afternoon a people's service of Bong was held, and baptism was administered by the Rev. Mr Bunn. The Hey. Mr Bond m the course of tbo service gave ft brief discourse on " the personality of God." In the evening the sermon was taken from Romans I , lGlh vcr;e, a text which was handled with remarkable force. The services were much appreciated and will be Cuutinucd on Sunday next. D. HoGuinnc-s bogs to inform tho public that he has Bold out his interest m the Club Hotel, but still carries on the business of the Railway Refreshment Rooms. First-class luncheons supplied daily from 12 noon till 3 p.m. Price, ono shilling. Early breakfasts iv time for first trains, Is 6d each.— [Adyt.] The verdict of all who have used the " Jumbo " brand Baking Powder, is that it makes light, nutritous and digestive bread, cakef, pastry, etc. Ab the ingredients are of tho finest qualities, and no injurious elements are used m the preparation, bread, etc., inndo with this powder will keep fresh and moist longer than with any other powdor. Ask for Anderson's "Jumbo" brand Baking Powder. — (_Adyt.J SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Fairlic Crock Bazaar — Notict of opening. S.C. Technical School — Classes comuicifco Thursday evening. Miss Ackennan — Announcement of two lectured. Pleasant Point Library — Meeting of comuiittco summoned. S.C.J.C. Meeting;— Notiuo ro admission to course. Moss Jonas— Notifies that Mr Dawsoif s furnitnro is on view. Gracic, Maclean aud L'o— Add to list of stock for salo on Thursday. Gray and Montgomery— Add to sale list for May 3rd. P. Oaitt — Caro of Studholmc Junction Hotel. S. McClelluud— Has taken J. Douglas's lato bakory. Tondcrs Wanted —By (Jamarn Harbour Hoard for protective works ; by J. Stone, for ploughing. Alpha -Notice re race cards. Wanted — Gcnoral servant ; (rood cow. Funeral Notice— Ro Kllcn Gaffaney.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4527, 30 April 1889, Page 2

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The Timaru Herald. TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1889. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4527, 30 April 1889, Page 2

The Timaru Herald. TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1889. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4527, 30 April 1889, Page 2