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The Timaru Herald. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1889.

TOWN & COUNTKY. Wo aro couipollod to hold over » lending article, report of a presentation to Mr HalkottDuwson, und otlior intorosting mnttcr. Tomorrow evening at Mio Baptist church, Uio Boy. 0. C. Brown will tnko as his subject, "Tlio only hope fortlio world is the return of tho Lord Jesus Christ to reign. The words of Israel are appiinblo to for^lful Christians, ' Now therefore why speak yo not a word of bringing I Ik: king hack ?' " At 11 meeting of tho newly-elected Fairlio Crock School Committoo, Mr J. Milne was olected chairman for tho year, and Mr F. Gillinglmm, lion, necrotary, Application whb mado by Mr Krans for tho uso of tho schoolroom as a skating rink for thrco nights per week. Bcsolvod that tho application bo grunted on condition Hint proper euro ho taken of tho furniture und titling). Torm?, 15b per week paid m advance. Mr Morrin iias appointed visitor for the month ot May. Kosolved that tho committee meetings bo hold tm the tveoud Saturday of t'neb month at 3 p.m. Xhero buiup uo othet business tho , meeting terminated. !

Persons interested will please note that the data of bblo by Messrs Turnbull and Son of Mr Toschach'a furnituro haß been tillered from Wednesday next to Monday. The new Weßleyan Church at Temuka is to be opened by special services, conducted by the Eov. G. Bond, 10-morrow. A number of Timaru friends will no doubt make a point of attending one or more of them. Tho heads of the new water-race byo-laws, to bo brought into force m tho Geraldinc County next month, are published today. Also a Bpecial order of the council levying v special water rate m the Woodbury district. In connection with the gift auction at Fairlie Creek m aid of tho Roman Catholic Church, it is notified to-day that it will bo opened by Mr Milne, and that ladies and gentlemen from Aahburton and Timaru will supply some mußic m the evening. It ia not often that a hotel, m town or country, is put up to auction, root and branch, and therefore it is worth noting that tho Woodbury Hotel, site, stock, and furniture, are to be submitted to the hammer hy Mesirs Mundell and Co., on Tueßday week. The following gentlemen have been nominated for election on the Geraldine Hood Board : — Messrs John AUman, John Charles Binskin, Thomus Wareing Corbett, William Deßenzy, Frederick R. Flatman, Lewis Grant, John Kelland, P. H. McShane, W. Upton Slack, John Allan, and Robert Skinner. A Wellington gentleman, who has lately returned from a trip to tho Hot Lakes, speaks of tho drinking habits of the Natives m that district. A largo number of English tourists havo passed through Ohineimitu lately, and it, is, he Bays, & ommon thing for the new chum "young bloods" to spend money freely m trying to make the Maoris drunkZadkiel's Almannc made a good thol. lliis year. We find under dale April lfith, the following reference- made lo the Duke of Edinburgh, who is now suffering from Malteso fever : — " Our Sailor Prince will be troubled by Saturn's stationary position bo near tho places of tho Sun and Mars at his birth ; he will do well to avoid staying m unhealthy places where fever lurks." At the kind invitation of Mr W. Upton 81ack, who is leaving the Geraldine district, a most pleasant day's Bhooting was had on the Woodsido estato on Thursday. A good number of the adjoining farmers and others turned up, and seven guns shot over tho estate. Hares provod to bo very plentiful, pnd when the shooting party broke up m the evening, it was found that over eixty hares had been bagged besides a number of pukaki. Tho weather was splendid, and all expressed themselves thoroushly pleased with their day's sport, and many warm expressions of thanks wero accorded Mr Slack for throwing open his estate for the day. We are requested to remind owners of horses that accoptauces for tho handicaps and entries for other ovonts at the forthcoming South Canterbury Jockey Club's meeting, are due at tho Grosvcnor Hotel to-night. There was v long list of nominations, and it is to bo hoped I hat the list of acceptances will bo but little shorter. The course is m splendid order. The capital growing weather we have had lately has brought on the grass so that the course bears a lurf fit for a bowling green, and tho chairman of the club, Mr E. T. Rhodes, has had a couple of men on for some weoka past to attend to matters of improvement that wero out of nature's live. The grounds about tho grand Btand are " aa pretty ao a picture," and attendants at the races ought to enjoy a stroll about them as much as or moro than "pulling a pound on." Arrangements havo been mado aa usual by the railway authorities for the Timaru race days. An advertisement to-day gives alterations ingrain times, and concessions m faros. The banks m Timaru will bo closed on the second day of the meeting. Iho following extract from a private letter to a townsman (m no way directly interested m tho subject written of) will be interesting to many of our readers. The letter is dated April IGth, and tho extract relates to a trial of the hunters sent orcr to Melbourne by Mr Rutherford : — " I saw Jefferson yesterday, and Kent over to sco the horses tried at tho Moonee Racecourse. I consider it was a rattling good trial. To go over all tho jumps — gorse, post-and-rail, water, and everything — m cold blood, and without a mistake of any kind, is about good enough for anybody ; and so the fellows seemed to think. Theycr was there, and rode Oliio, Dallam, aud Milford, I think ho is called. Jefferson rode tho marc and tho white-stockinged beast. 1 have seen a good few jumping trials, and soon, at Home, but I nevor bofore had tho pleasure of seeing horses of such good Btamp, jußt show ing the Australians what New Zealand can do. Not a eingle vcatigo of a mistake m any way, and cither going hard nt it, or quietly popping over. They were eimply beautiful. U wks rather goud when ono fellow enid, ' Oh yea, the big horse (Otaio) can hop over his jump*, but how about when ho is going hard ?' Tbeyer took him m hnrd as he could go for about a quarter of n mile, and over eoino stiff post-nud-rail, and pifT! beforo you could wink ho bad lakcu off, landed ngiin, and was off m bin etrido. Good enough. Eh •* " In this morning's issue wo publish tho prospectus of the Timaru Wool Works and Pelt Preserving Company (Limited), and we muot say it is worth reading by every resident m South Canterbury who baa funds to invest m a going and paying business. ?.f oel companies uro formed for a specific purpoßO before commencing operations, or a largo portion of their capital ia invrstod. But tho proposed com. pany will not invest or eink their capital, aa the prospectus states, tho monoy required ia for the purpose! of buying wool, skins, &c. Wo havo m our midst the lincst Hour mills m tho world, woollen factory, freezing works, meat preserving works, tanneries, dairy factories, llrcx mills, all (louriiliing institutions when properly managed, and largo omployers of labour. To fill up the blink tho Timaru Wool Works and Pelt Preserving Company (Limited) is projected— and with a guarantee of 8 per cent for two years. Tho provisional directors uro business men of known stability and ability, whose names aro a sullioiont guarantee that tho company will be auccesßf idly managed. Wo are givon to understand that a large number of shares havo been already applied for privately, which will almost cn»uro tho Moating of tbo company. Messrs F. Cargill mid I. W. Kiby aro (he brokers ap- | pointed for the company, who will i-ive any information to intending shareholders. Messrs Collins and Co., auctioneer*, will also supply any information that investors may wish fot. Tho Bharo list will closo on tho 25th May, r and shares will bo allotted m order of uppli- t cation. 'I I). McGiiinno's bffjß to inform the pubhc . tlml ho hiiseuM out his interest m tho Club Hotel, but still carries on tho business of t ho Railway Refreshment Rouma. First-class ') luncheons Buppliod daily from 12 noon till 3 p.m. Price, one. shilling. Early breakfasts " [m tiajofor flrd trains, Is (5d cuob. — [Advi J 1

Tho verdict of all who lmvo used the | " Jumbo " brand Baking Powder, is that it makes light, nutritoiiß and digeslivo bread, cakes, -pastry, etc. As the ingredients are of the finest qualities, and no injurious elements aro used m tho preparation, bread, etc., made with thie powder will keep fresh and moist longer than with any other powder. ABk for Anderoon'a "Jumbo" brand Baking Powder. — L^DYT.] STNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Railway Department — Train arrangements and faros for Tiinavu race days. Waimato County Council— 'Publish amended list of poundage fees ; requiro pound-keeper at St. Andrews. Geraldinc County Council — Special order making rat.o ou Woodbury water supply districts ; notice ro new water-raco bye-laws. Geraldino Town Board— Wants clerk and : working foreman. Liconsiug Committees — Dates of meetiugs 1 Pareora and Makikihi districts. Timaru Banks— Havo special holiday on May 3rd. Prospectus— Of Timaru Wool Works and 1 Pelt Preserving Co. S.C. Salcyards Co-Fix hours of sale for next Thursday. 1 R. Turnbull aud Son— Sell produce- and sun- , dries, this day ; sell Mr Toahack's 'effects on . Monday faltered from Wednesday). Moss Jonas— List of stock for Newmarket sale on Tuesday. Gracie, Maclean and Co — Entries for next Saturday's sale ; linos of sheep for salo at I Point ou 6th May ; horse fair at Washdyke i 7th ; clearing sale at Mrs Hullen's farm, Wuitohi, 10th ; sell 111 acre farm, Kerrytown, on 1 11 th. i N.Z.L. and M.A. Co— Sell horses at Washdyke fair, May 7th. Webster and Maodonalu— Line3 of stock to t be offered on May Ist. Mundell and 'Co— Soil Woodbury Hotel, stock and furniture on promises, also 170 " acres bnsh m Peel Forest. 7th Mny. , Timaru Baptist Church — Notice of tomorrow's serviee3. Wcsleyan Church, Teinuka— Opening scri vices, to-morrow. , B.C. Church, Fairlio Crock— Gift ruietiun, May 3rd. r Tenders Wanted— By W. Gosling, for orop--1 ing ; by E. Tipping, for accounts. Miles, Archeraud Co— Have accepted tender for farm. G. Pearson— Has new fruits and fancy goods 5 iii stock. J. E. Beckinghum — Notice re cheap lines. D Wanted — Nurse- ; strong boy ; general serf vant. To Let — Stable and coach-house iv town. Lost— Sheep dog.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4525, 27 April 1889, Page 2

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The Timaru Herald. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1889. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4525, 27 April 1889, Page 2

The Timaru Herald. SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1889. Timaru Herald, Volume XLVIII, Issue 4525, 27 April 1889, Page 2