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Miscellaneous. DR SPEER'S ~~~ PRIVATE Dispensary, Palmerston Buildings, foot of Queen etreet, Auckland. Established for the Scientific nnd Speedy Cure of Chronic, Nervous and Special Diseases. Dr Speer is n regular Graduated Physician, educated nt Hnrvnrd Coll- ge, U.S. He hns devoted a lifetime to, nnd is ncknowlcdged to be tbe most expert Physician m his speciality m the United States. Young men nnd middle-aged men, who euifer from Nervous nnd Physical Debility, Loss of Energy and Memory, Eruptions on the Fnce, Mentnl Depression, Kidney nnd Bladder Troubles, Neuralgin, Bheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Pnralysis, Fits, Spinal Disease, St. Titus' Dance, Liver Complniat, ABthroa, Cntnrrh, Heart Disease, Gravel, Piles, &c, and are tired of taking mineral drugs, will do well to come and try the Doctor's method of cure, as it will, if proporly applied, relievo them of their sufferings and restore them to health. Ihe Doctor uses no mineral preparations ; his treatment consists wholly m the use of vegetable remedies. Many are they who hnvo implanted m their system by improper uso of calomel seed which produco an nnnual crop of disease To such ho would say, Come nnd bo healed. It mntters not whnt your troubles mny be, come nnd let the Doctor examino your case. If it is curable, lie will tell gou so ; if it is not, he will tell you that ; for he will not undertako a ease unless heis confident of effecting a cure. It will cost you nothing for consultation, co please call nnd sntisfy yourselves that the Doctor understands your case. Dr S, cures Humors and Diseases of tlio Blood. To Ladies who arc nfllictcd by nny of the following eomplnints : — Cold extremities, weak stomachs, lame nnd wenk backs, nervous and sick headache?, constipation nnd indigestion, pn : n m the side nnd back, leuchorrea, &o. I wish it understood that I do not claim to perform impossibilities, or to hnve a miraculous power. All applying to me will receive my honest opinion of their complaints. No experimenting. I will guarantee n positive cure m every enso I undertake, or forfeit £200. Consultation m Oflice or by Letter, fueb. Charges moderate. Examination and Advice, £1. dill or address : Db H. J. SPICER, Westminster Chambers, 36, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Oflieo Hours, 9to 12, 1t04,6 to 8 p.m. Sundnys, 10 to 12. N.B. — All medicines necessnry for a complete cure enn bo sent free from observation on receipt of symptoms. 9-24 2228

IMPORTANT TO ALL! ENO'S FRUIT SALT.-It is the best Preventive of and Cure for Biliousness, Sick Headache, Skin Eruptions, Pimples on the Face, Giddiness, Feverishness, or Feverish Colds, Mental Depression, 8 Want of Appetite, Constipation, uable to those who are Fagged, whose ' duties require them to undergo Mental or Unnatural Excitement or Strain. If its great value m keeping the body m health were universally known, no family would be without it. THOUSANDS OF MILES IN INDIA. I — " For many years I have found ENO'S FRUIT SALT of tho utmost vnlue m the hot nnd dry seasons, nlso m the monsoons. I have travelled some thousands of miles m ludia during tlio last thirteen years, and m all thc various FRUIT SALT the most refreshing long, heavy marches, nnd other fatiguing duties to which the British soldier of Inte has becu exposed. I hnve always been nble to keep n supply of the FRUIT SALT on hand, nnd could obtain it m most stations. My denr wife, during her travail, found it to be the most useful thing that could be obtained. Many others here hnve fouud ENO'S FRUIT SALT better than nny beverage yet m the Indian market. I mn, your 3, Ac, A WutiiKl!, Central Military Prison, Poonah, Bombay, January, 3Citli, 18S-1. — To Mr J. ('. KNO." SUDDEN CHANGES OF WEATHER, ANY EMERGENCY, INFLUENZA, FEVERISH COLDS.-DRAWING AN OVERDRAFT ON the ANK OF LIFE. Late Hours, fugged, unnatural excitement, breathing impure air, too rich food, alcoholic drink, gouty, rheumatic, and other blood poisons, biliousuess, sick hend-nehe, skin eruptions, pimples on the face, want of iippetite, sourness of stomach, &c, use ENO'S FRUIT SALT. It is, cooling, health-giving, refreshing, and invigorating. You cannot overstate its gresit value m keeping the blood pure and free from disease. CAUTlON.— Examine caeh Bottle and see that the Capsule is marked " ENO'S FRUIT .SALT." Without it you have been imposed on by n worthless imitation. Sold by all Chemists. Direction m Sixteen Languages how to prevent Disease. Prepared only at Fno'sFrnit Saltworks, Hatckra, London, S,E.,by J.C. Eno's Patent.

Undertakers. Xjrr EBB AND RADCLIFF, BURNISHING UNDERTAKERS, Beswick Stbebt, Timaru. 20 589 J. E. BECKINGHAIff, T7ICRNISHING UNDERTAKER, OPPOSITE KING'S STABLE. N.B.— The Trade supplied. 6-8 839 ' A. BLOOMFIELD, CABINETMAKER AND FURNISHING ; UNDERTAKER, HAS REMOVED to moro convenient and Central Premises OPPOSITE Messrs \ J. ANDERSON AND CO.'S, Grocers, and is prepared to undertako FUNEHALS ON MOST REASONABLE TERMS. Jobbing Work of all kinds done bo h m Town and Country. t 4.7 474 I — Conveyances. MACKENZIE COUNTRY COACHES. THE Af AIL and PASSENGER COACH lenves FAIRLIE CREEK after arrival of first train from Timnru for SILVERSTREAM, BURKES PASS and TEKAPO on TUESDAYS, and RETURNS on WEDNESDAYS. Conches nlso run to BURKES PASS and back to Fairlie Creok on TUESDAYS, THUBSDA3'S, and SATURDAYS. Livery and Bait Stables, where Horses and Buggies are on hire. McLEOD k ROSSITER. 2-7 2082 ROYAL MAIL COACHES. WAIHI BUSH, GERALDINE, AND ORARI. WE beg to inform the Public that our Coaches will run as under, viz. : — Waihi Bush and Back. Waihi Bush — dep., 6.15 a.m., 6.15 p.m. Waihi Bush — arr., 8 p.m. Gebaldink to Oram akd Baoe. Goraldino — dep., 8.40 a.m., 10.40 a.m., 3 p.m., 5.35 p.m. Orari — dep., 8.62 a.m., 11.50 a.m., 4.16 p.m., 6.51 p.m. In connection with the abovo line of Coaches, wo have the Livery and Bait Btables at Geraldine where Light Expresses, Buggies, Gigs, and Saddle Horsos can bo obtained on the shortest notice. N.B. — The most experienced drivers and ' grooms are kept m connection with the businees, therefore the Publio can rely on th greatost civility and attention m all business entrusted to tho firm. : Head Office, Geraldino. J. MUNDELL A CO., ' 4210 Proprietora. ' /"IRATEFU L — OOM PORTING EPPS'S ~COCOA. > BREAKFAST. r "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion I and nutrition, and by a careful application of tho fino properties of •well-selectetl cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with c delicately-flavored beverage which may say ' us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the f judicious use of Buch articles of diet that a constitution may bo gradually built up until | strong enough to resist every tendency to J 5 disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever ' there is a weak point. We may escape many a I fatal shaft by keeping ourselveß well fortified with puro blood and a properly nourishec frame." — See article m the Civil Servia Gazette. Mnde simply with boiling water or milk. ' Sold vo iib packots by Grocerß, labelled thus i — ■ JAMES EPPS & CO., HOIIUSOPAIHIO OfIBMIBTi LONDON, ENGLAND.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3746, 4 October 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3746, 4 October 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3746, 4 October 1886, Page 4