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«. SOUTH CANTERBURY JOCKEY CLUB'S AUTUMN MEETING. Second Day — Friday, May 7th. Stewards— T. Hall, M. Jonas, E. G. Korr, D. Maclean, A. Perry,' K. Hi Rhodes, jun., B. R. Taylor, A. St. G. Hameraloy, J. W. White, W. S. Armitage, E. Richardson, Jan., 0. N. Orbell, and T. Tesohemnkor ; Judgo, M. Studholmo ; Starter, E. Buthorford ; i Clerk of tho Course, R. Stanaell ; Clerk of the Scales, J. R. Stansell'; Handictipper, G. Dowse ; Troasurer,E. G. Kerr : Seorotarv, F. W. Cook, . . ' The aeeond day's races of tho abovo olub were more successful than -were thOEO on the first day, and the attendance of .visitors was much larger, 'iho weather was dull and very wintry all day, mantles and cloaks being in great demand. The various oflioials workod hard, and did their utmost to get the races off to time, and so avert tedious delay which waa 60 marked on the first day. Dospite their efforts, however, tho races dragged ,n little, tho last ono boing startod half an hoar lato. Mr JR. Ruthorford, who, by-the-bye, with his usual courtesy, consented to act as etarter at almost a moment's notice, wieldod the flag far better yesterday than ho did on Wednesday, and got nil his horses away well. By tho timo -visitors by the first train had reached the courso,' tho six horses coloured oh the card fir the Ilurdlo raeo wevo saddling up, and at 1 o'clock the lot of them were in line opposite tho starter. Each had about an equal following, tho winner of tho first day's hurdles just slightly pulling on tho othors in the machines. Tho raco was a topper, tho horsos jumping first class and doing tho 1£ miles splendidly. Irish King pushed Borderman closely at tho finish, but ilwongarb was not to be caught napping, bringing in his horso a clever winner by a length or two. For tho Handicap, tho big event of tho second day, tho scratching of Jack loft four only to sport silk. It was confidently thought that as the going was much bettor than on Wednesday there was nothing in it but Captain Webster, with Tit Bit for the bost outside show. At the full of tho flag Atho) Daisy and Tit Bit raced sido by side, but soon Daisy drew away and cut out tho running at a handsome paco. Sho could not last, howorcr, Tit Bit and Captain Webster wearing her down in turn. A j slashing set-to ensued between the pnir named — verdict, a win by a short neck for Tit Bit. The winner is not a handsome colt by any means, but ho can gallop capitally. Miss Lyle won the Selling Baco by a bare half length, after a very gamo strugglo with Gaiters. On being put up for sale no ono would bid tho owner's reserve (£SO). Tho Pony Race was rather a surpriso in ono rospoct, though tho way Nelly could travel soon got abroad, and money wns thercforo plunged on ber, the dividend being hardly worth lift ing. Tho Winter Oats was also a surprise, Rose and Gold winning as sho liked by over a length. Miss Lylo won tho Selling Hack Race after a good Bpin with a- racing-looking animal rejoicing in tho namoof Teddio, which called to mind thoughts of a donkey flutter, but on being put up for salo tho mare again did not elicit a bid. Tho Consolation was won by Jack, ono of tho most genuine and consistent racehorses that ever looked through a bric'le, who beat the hurdle racer Master Agnes by half a length, both horses being " nil out." Details : — Handicap Hubdle Race, of CO sovs, added to a sweepstukeß of 2 sovs each for acceptors ; second horse 10 sovs from Iho stakes; about 1£ miles. Messrs M. and C. Hobos' b h Borderman, Gyrs, list 31b ... (Mazengavb) 1 Sir D. Rutherford's b g Irish King, -ijra, 10st21b (Lyford) 2

Mr J. Higgins' ch g Secretary, aged, list, (Mitchell) 5 Mr W. W. Greener's ch g Trapper, aged, lOst 71b (Cotton) ( Mr P. Butler's b g Fough-a-ballagh, aged, list (Butler) ( The fivo acceptors saddled up for thif raco, and the machines soon Bnowed thai each had about on equal following. Afte: two or threo false starts, Mr Rutherford al last got them away nicely, and Irish Kin{ and Fough-a-ballagh at once cut out thi running. Ovor the hurdlo in front of thi stand these two showed tho way, closetj attended by Seoretory ond Trapper, Border man lying handy last. At the back they al closed up, but on rounding tho bend Fough a-ballagh dropped back beaten, and Secretary took the lead. On coming into the straight Borderman came through with a great rush took tho hurdlo at tlio bend first, and camt away wonderfully well, -winning a splendic raco by a couple of lengths. A very gooc third ; tho rest closo up. Timo—3min 6Jsec. Totalisators—lnside £215, £74 on tin winnor, dividend £2 12s; outside £166, £74 on tho winnor, dividend £2125. S.C.J.O. Handicap, of 150 sovs, added to t sweepstakes of 3 sovs each for acceptors : second horee 20 sovs, and third 10 sovi from tho stakes ; li miles. Mr P. Butler's b c Tit Bit, 3yrs, 7st 12lb (Stratford) 1 Mr Stephenson's b h Captain Webster, syrs, 9st (Sharp) i Mr H. D. Bradley's b m Athol Daisy, fiyrs, 7st.slb ... (White) I Mr J. Cotton's b c Hermitage, 3vrs, Bst 21b (Derritt) { Betting—6 to 4 agst Captoin Webster, 3t< 1 Hermitago ond Tit Bit, 6 to 1 Athol Daisy; Messrs Hobbs' b g Jack, 6yrs, 7st 91b, vf ai scratched. s After ono faleo stort tho lot were got awoj |very prettily. Tit Bit ond Athol Daisy lee almost side by sido past tho stand, Hermitngt on their quarters ond Captain Webster lasl on tho outside. No change took place til rounding the turn when Daisy shot to th< front, and had a clear lead of a length or getting to tho back. Here Captain Webstei went through nnd soon collared Hermitage who ot onco fell away hopelessly beaten. Ai tho turn Tit Bit had got Athol Daisy deot beaten, and Bho was very soon passed by the Captoin. Tit Bit led into the straight by t length, and though tho winnor of tho Cuj mode a gallant effort ho could not catch thi colt, who passed the post a winner by a neel amid great excitement. Timo —2min 46i?ec. Totalisators—lnside, £268, £57 on thi winnor, dividend £4145; outside £229, £51 on tho winner, dividend £3 17s. The following table showß tho vinnors, etc., of tho S.C.J.O. Handicap since tho 187 1 meeting : —

*UrW. Walters'Hippocampus (7st), rar a dead heat with Bido-a-Wco, out the lattei wns allowed a walk-ovor for the stakei through tho former going lamo. J Altered from two miles to one and o hall miles. Selling; Race, of 40 sovs ; winnor to bo sol< by auction, any surplus over 60 sovs t< go to raco fund ; weight for ago; ( furlongs. Mr J. E. Pilbrow's br m Miss Lyle, syrs, Bstl2lb (Owner) 1 Mr Wise's b g Gaiters, aged, Bst 71b (Sharp) J Mr J. Napier's b g Woe Roddio, 6yrs, 9st (Stratford) ' Mr J. Moorhead's b g Bagshot, 6yrs, 9st (Masen) ( Mr F. Lambert's br f Camorino, 3yrs, Bst lib ... (White) ( Messrs Hobbs' b g Melvillo, 3yrs, Bst 101b was scratched. Rather o straggling stort was effected Miss Lylo led from tho fall of the flag, and a! tho turn into the straight, had a clear lead oi a length. Gaiters then came through, one made a desperate effort to catch Miss Lyle but failed, the mare winning a Bplendid raci under the" whip by a boro half longth ; Wei Roddio a vory good third j tho other nowhero. Timo—lmin 121sec. Totalisators—lnsido £233, £14 on thi winner, dividend £115s ; out-ide £176, £2] on tho winner, dividend £7 10s. Poxr Race,, of 20 sovs, for ponies not ex cceding 14 hands 1 inch ; second to ro ceivo 5 sovs from the stokes ; woigh list 71b for limit nomed, with an allow onco of 71b for every inch undor tha height; sii furlongs. Mr R. H. Crocker's c m Nelly (Knight) ] Mr C. Wcdoroll's blk g Impulse (Mr P. Stock) i Mr T. G reaves'b m Wco Lass (Owner) J Mr C. A. Jefferson's b m Mary Ann (K. Dunn) < Mr W. Sugden Armitago's b m Vivo, wai scratched. At the fall of tho flog Impulse upheld hie namo by rushing at once to tho front, but a' the turn Nolly had him beaten, and came ic tho easiest of winners by a couplo of lengths indifferent third ond fourth, 'limo — lmin 12iscc. Totalisators—lnside, £75, £57 on thi winner,' dividend £1 3s ; outsido £BG, £G] on tho winuor, dividend £1 6s. Tub Wintbii Oats, of 50 sovs added to i sweepstakes of 2 sovs each for occoptors second horso 10 sovs from tho stakes ; 1 milo. Mr Bradloy's b m Rose ond Gold, 4yrs, Bat 51b (Whito) 3 Messrs Hobbs' b g Jack, syrs, lOst 51b (0. Hobbs) i Mr A. Boyle's br f Vanity Fair, Syrs, 9st (Derritt) S Mr 0. A. Jefferson's b h Tim Whiffler, ngod, Bst 121b ... (Blackmore) C Mr Dooley's br g Cicero, 3yrs, Bst (Stratford) C Mr J. E. Pilbrow's b m Mermaid, aged, 9st ... (McGuinnoss) C Mr Pilbrow's br m Miss Lyle, 6yrs, Bst 711 was scratched. All got away wj-11, nnd at the bend Jock, Vanity Fair, Rose and Gold and Tim Whifflei wero together, Cicero and Mermaid last, Rounding the turn Roso ond Gold drew away, and, tho straight had hardly been entered when Jock commenced to como along strongly. Vanity Fair followed suit, but tho .filly and gelding could not catch Roso and Gold, who won pretty comfortably by over a longth. Mermaid pulled up vory lamo. The others as placed. Time - lmin 51soc. Totalisators—lnside £'27, £21 on the winner, dividend £5 8s j outside £89, £8 on the winner, dividend £10, Sbllikg Hack Race, of 10 sovs; catch weights; six furlongs. Mr Pilbrow's br m Miss Lylo ... (Owner) 1 Mr Coultor's Teddie ... 2 Chinaman, Comerine, Motagowry, Mabel, Seven Bells, Larry, WaUie, and Vulcan also ran. The race was almost a gift to Miss Lyle, who won without tho whip being put on her. Although Teddie showed a lot of paco ho could not hold his own with tho mare, and did not come well under the whip j the others all ovor the course.

Time — lmin 21scc. } Totolisators— lnsido £153, £78 on the winner, dividend £1 15s i outside £126, £72 3 on tbo winner, dividend £1 lis. Consolation Handicap, of 30 sovs ; 1 mile. 3 Messrs Hobbs' b g Jack ... 1 9 Mr G. Ruthorford's ch h Master Agnes ... 2 t Mr Jefferson's b h Tim Whiffler 3 r Master Agnes set tho pace but could not t last, Jack catching him at the turn into tho j straight and winning ono of the grandest e races of tbe day by half a length. b Totalisators — Inside, £132, £10 on the f winner, dividend £2 19s ; outsido £138, £47 • on tho winner, dividend £2 125. 1 This race brought the S.C. J.C. meeting to - a most successful termination. r - — . (By Telegraph.) \ A.R.O. AUTUMN MEETING. 1 Auckland, May 7. Entries for the following races at tlio Auckland Racing Club winter meeting wero received u to night : — t GHBAT NOnTHBBN STEErLBCnASE. Macaroni Revenge i Julia Ann Bob ; Guy Fawkes Carbine 9 Quilp Whalebone Shotover Kinga«k Tiger Miss Griffiths I Huntsmen Miss Agnes Alpha Bcllo } Wide Awako HANDICAP HDBDLB BACE. 5 Macaroni Revengo Guy Fawkes Carbine ) Quilp Shotover 3 Tiger Landseor Mies Agnes Alpha s Orphan Nigger Manain

S.C.J.C. HANDICAP. ,_ __ |_ ,-. _■ M H* V ►-. I- Kl 00 CO OC CO CO CO 00 CO CO 00 ct. aocococococ_.oo_4~._-r er m ci _- io to i-. a> to oo _* *« ■.-. * J- W O __ __3 .*_ H Ir- W J. i? *-,_?» EL 1 -. I a ™ >__ ™ -_ g> r-i t-i __; p ta o s-'cScSgg.gS;!. _j ~-. 3 a" g^* 1 tira .d t_. w « ta o __. >3 r*- _ 1 e - 3 2. H K?S'S CO S--H3 § s -I? - S-s s; ? 3 5 5 "**-§_;•-- 3 2 o rjq cr -" CX. _T t* P.™ <J 00 (O Ol <1 O) W <t CJ Oi j HtOffl.JHil."'-' -- 2. gs*s*_:2_r 5 s _. <gcr cr H- ' tOtOtOtdtOtOtO-00-C.* 88583388.3 H .c.e_£,£.ii_.£ij_>>____-. soj to o to to co <_. g» to *• fci

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3620, 8 May 1886, Page 3

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SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3620, 8 May 1886, Page 3

SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3620, 8 May 1886, Page 3