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FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1886.

Owing to pressure on' our news columns," we oro again compelled to hold over the leading article, correspondence, etc. Tho annual meeting of tho Levels Boad Board lapsed yesterday for want of a quorum, and now stands adjourned to Tuesday next, tho ordinary meeting day. The South Canterbury ITarrriera moot tomorrow ut tho Waslidyke Ilotel at 1.30 o'clock, instead of 11 a.m. on tlio 'i'emuka Koad as previously advertised. Tendora are invited by tho Knginooring Dopartment of tho Now Zealand Government 3 Railways for ploughing and sub3oiling land :1 on tho railway reserves near Arowhenua and '» Otaio. Tenders will be received till noon on Friday, the 14th inst. Tho South Canterbury Building and Invcsti, merit Company, Limited, notify that a general '" meeting of shareholders will bo held on the ' 14th inst. at 8 p.m. Business to receive tho report and balaueo-sheet ; elect four directors . and two auditors. g Tho Thursday half-holiday is 03 strictly " observed m Wnimate na it is anywhere olso m g the colony, every placo of business being closed after 12 o'clock. 'Jhe inhabitants seem to apprccialo this relaxation, and make tho best of it. Tho members of the football clubs exercised themselves yesterday afternoon m a scratch match —tho first of tho season — m which tho playing qualities of the competitors, on both sides, was well oxhibited and put to the test. The match commenced about a quarter to four o'clock, and did not ■ torminato till about five. There wm a num> ber of spectators on tho ground.

A bachelors' ball will bo held m the schoolroom, lU;i];ikihi, at eight o'clock this evening. Messrs A. H. Briscoe, H. W. Mooro, and R. H. Pcarpoint, of Gcraldiue, havo been appointed Justices of tho PcacJ. Tho annual meeting of tho parishioners of Ctaio and ft. Andrews will be held at three o'clock to day m the schoolroom, Lowor Otaio. The election of five members to servo on tho Levels Road Board will tako place todivy betwoen the hours of 9 a.m. and 0 p.m; . Tho polling placos are notified m .another column. A meeting of Iho Waimnte County Harriers will bo held at the Ship Hotel at 11 o'clock to-day. Tho principal business will bo to mako arrangements for hunting during this season. A poll for the return of fivo members to serve on tho Qcroldinc Roid Board will take plucc to-day between Iho hours of 0 a.m. and 6 p.m., at the booth, near tho slosio bridge, Gernldino road; schoolroom, Hilton; and schoolroom, Woodbury. A poll will bo taken to-duy for tho return of fivo members to serve on tho Tcmuka Road Boavd; - Tbo polling places are: — Tcmuka Road Board office (principal), Wailohi reading-room, Rangitata South schoolhousoj.Ornri assembly room. ■To-night tbo inhabitants of Terauka aro to have a treat m the shape of tho St. Leon's Circus.. As they havo done co except ionolly well here we havo no doubt but that they will do a thriving business m Temuka, The circus IB certainly well worth seeing. After discussion at tho Board of Education meeting yesterday, Mr Jas. Austin's application that his daughter, a scholarship holder, should bo allowed to attend tho Timaru High School, was again refused. At next meeting an important motion bearing on the subject broached by Mr Austin will come before tho Board. Mr W. B. Howell, the newly elected mombcr, took his scat at the Board of iiiiiiciijion meeting yesterday, and was warmly welcomed by other members. Mr Howell was on tho Board Eomo ycara ago, and curiously enough now takes tho seat vacated by him then, and but lately occupied by hia successor Me W. J. Steward, M.H.R., who resigned his Beat some weeks ago. Tho Board of Education liko everything about their buildings nnd furniture to bo neat, and they bar luxuries. Therefore at yesterday's meeting they agreed that a fender upplied for by a Bchool comiuitteo for Iho uso of a muster, was necessary, but they declined to furnish him with a doormat. Thero is eomo talk of early steps being taken for tho re-election of Major Stewart as representative for tho elcctornto of Wiiimate, m the event of a dissolution of Parliament taking plneo shortly after the Houso meets. There is a propriety m tins that is commendable, and the electors would do well to take time by tho forelock, nnd thus follow the example of other constituencies that approvo of the past political careers of their members. At the Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday before T. W. Hail, Ksq , J.P., a first offender for drunkenness was fined ss, m default 21 hours' imprisonment with hard 1 labour. James Mathews charged witli being drunk and using obsccno languago m tho Main South Road was sentenced to 48 hours' imprisonment with hard labour. Andrew Agnow for being drunk at tho railway station yesterday, and breaking four glasses, vuluo 6s, tho property of Taniel McQuinnofs, was fined 213 and ordered to poy tho damago done. The Court then rose. The county pound, situated about a mile from Waimate, was full of cattlo yesterday. Theso were impounded from Makikibi, and ore apparently tho property of one settler. ' Tho usual notico WO3 sent to tho supposed owner, and tho immediate release of tho nnimals was looked for by tho pound-keopor. It would be well for cattle-holdors to see that tho Impounding Act is not yiolatod by any negligenco on their part, seoing that damages from trespassing, cost of driving, and pound fees amount to a considerable sum, m almost ■ every instance. Tho usual monthly mooting of tho managing committee of the Waimato Presbyterian Church was held on Wednesday evening. i Tho pastor of the congregation, tho Rev. James McKoo, presided. The Treasurer (Mr , A. Watt) reported that a balance of £16 stood to tho credit of tho church fund account. Messrs McTaggart and Carter wero appointed church collectors for the ensuing : month. Tho Secretary (Mr Baiter) was requested to call upon several of tbo members of- the congregation respecting their contributions. So oia matters pertaining to tho church wero discussed, but nothing definite resulted therefrom. Tho proceedings were opened and closed devolioually. Somo amusement was caused at the Board of Education meeting yesterday by tho read- • ing of a letter from tho Pleasant Valley School Committee According to tho letter tho roof of tho master's house is like a sieve, and at night time when it is raining tho master has to spread tho family umbrella over his virtuous couch beforo rotiring to rest. The committoe drew such a pitiful pen and ink Bkotch of tho master m this peculiar but rather undignified position, that they completely soflened tho hoarta of mombers of the board, who at once gave the ■ necessary orders to havo the roof effectually repaired. It was undoretood, however, that the committee would retain tho copyright of their letter so that other committees m a similar prodicament cannot " go and do likewise." Tho bazaar and gift auction hold m Temuka yesterday to raise monoy m aid of tho general fund of St. Saviour's was both financially and 1 generally a thorough success. Tho chaste 1 decoration of tho Volunteer Hull, whoro tho bnzaar was held, combined with the gracoful form and attractive colouring of tbo many ornamental and uaeCul articles m the stalls, quilo transformed tho usually baro and un- ' adorned walU. On entering, the most promi--1 neut objoct was tho flower stall, a really beautifully designed and arranged display of cut and growing flowers, ferns and fruits. I This was m charge of tho Misses Guy, T. 1 Pilbrow, P. Hoy nor, Kowe and N. Wills, who 1 worked mostzealously nil the afternoon, lheir exertions contributing largely to the revenue At tho stage end of tho hall on the platform was arranged a stall alr.iost oqually tempting. 1 tho gift of the Indies of tho congregation. Tho ! boards wero literally crowded almost past i bearing with edibles of every imaginable kind, ' and, judging from the business dono, of unusual I quality. This stall was well tended by Mosdames • AkU'lton, Davey, Hayhurat arid Voyce. In > the centro of the room n largo Christmas tree, ; its branches bending beneath a most luxuriI ant crop of pretty trifles of all kinds, stood. I At both sides stalls extended tho full length Ii of the room covored with ft profusion of • articles, the work or gifts of friends and members of the congregation. It would be

impossible to describo n tithe of tho hundreds of elegant nick nacks or of tho numerous articles of more sterling value heaped upon theso stalls, which were undor the caro of Mcsdaines Ashwell, Gaze, Hamilton and Hnrgreavos and Misses Ladbrooke, McDonald, Patching, Pilbrow and Wood. A large quantity of goods —larger than on any previous occnsion--hnd boen sent m to tho " gift auction," including livo stock, ccrenl9, vegetables, fruit of all kinds, and many other articles which wcro sold by auction by Mr Gray. , The bnzaar will result m the clearing of a largo amount for tho purposo intended, but'until tho accounts aro all mado up it is impossibie to givo tho exnet amount. Yesterday's Lyltelton Times contained tho following item, sent to them on Wednesday night by their nokitika correspondent: — David Curie, proprietor of tho Guardian (evening paper) has boen committed for trial on five charges of libel, on tho information of Leonard Norlhcroft, ono of tho proprietors of tho West Coast Times. The charges are all of a eimilar nature, and allego that defendant's papor compared informant to Snnp, oE tho firm of Quirk, Gammon, and Snap, and to Nick Bottom, m Shakespeare's piny of "Midsummer Night's Dream." Informant is Deputy-Assignee m Bankruptcy ; nlso Crown Land Board Commissioner, editor, and ono of the proprietors of the West Coast Times. Th« MagUtrnto m committing said he thought two of tho informations showed libel, but tho othors vrero weak; however, ho would commit on all charges. Bail was allowed — defendant £100, und two Buretios of £50 each. Mr Bovan, M.U.R., is ono of the informant's partners, and the other is Mr Michael Pollock. Madame Summerhayes' small, but very efficient, eoncort company, gavo thoir third concert last evening to an unfortunately rather sriinll audience Tho piece cle resistance of tho programmo vfns tho performance of a selection from Wagner by tho Tiraaru Garrison Band under the leadership of Mr Wolf, tho fruits of whose masterly teaching wero abundantly evident ie tho playing of tho band. Madamo Summer hayes played a solcction from Lizt's ' Rigolletto," earning a well-meritod encoro, to which sho responded with nn exquisitely rendered " Souvenir do Versailles." Her other solo " Tho last Hope," by Gottschalk, and " Laughing Water," by Wohli, and Gottachalk's "Pasquinade" woro equally felicitously performed, and though not encorod, fully deserved such recognition. In a duet with Madamo Summerhayes, Miss Lulio Anderson showed to great advantage, hei playing being marked not only by brilliant execution, but by tho most delicate feeling and expression. Mr F. A. Uicholl's Bang Blumentbnl's "My Queou" nnd Gally'e " Gallant's of England." Being honoured with a recall for tho latter, ho gavo " Anchored" with great taste. Mr Dv Vernot's two comic songs " Tho little "Ply," and "I never was meant for tho sea," was well sung and favorably received. Tho performanco concluded with a capital presentation of Grossmith's comic operetta "Cups and Saucers," m which Miss Lulio Anderson displayed much character talent of a liigh order, and -was ably seconded by Mr Nicholls. St. Saviour's Church, Tomulta, held the annunl parish festival on Wodnesday evening m tho Volunteer Hall, which was tastefully decoratod for tho occasion. Tho tea was provided by Mr Lee, and tho tables were attended by Mesdamcs Austin, Aldorton, Davey, Gaze, Hamilton, Pilbrow, Voyce, and Winilobank, and Misses Macdonald, Patching, Pilbrow, Rowo, and Wood. Some two hundred wero presont at tea, tho number increasing Boraowhat aftorwords. After tea tho Rev. Mr Hamilton, m tho unavoidable absenco of Archdeacon Harper, took tho chair, and a capital musical programme, interspersed with short addresses, was gone through with much success. Tho choir sang the harvest anthem, "Yo shall Dwell m tho Land," tho glees " Oli who will o'er the Downs with me," "The Dawn of Day," " Oh Hush Thee, my Baby," and tho Easter anthem, "Now i 9 Christ Risen from the Dead," under tho baton of Mr Rutland, Mr Proudloek presiding at the pianoforte Miss Ledbrooko eang " Castles m tho Air," and Mrs Hargreave3 "Ycstorday" with great taste and expression. Short addresses having been given by tho Rev. Messrs Preston, Jasper Smyth and Hamilton, the meeting closed with tho National Anthem. 1 The HATF-noHDAv Movement. — The Jetaployccs of Timaru thank tho public of South Canterbury for their hearty sympathy in' supporting tho Thursday half-holiday movement, wJiich tinder their continuod patronage, will provo a lasting benefit, Customers aro requested to complote their purchases before one o'clock on Thursdays, to ensure punctual closing. —[Advt.] '.' You Don't Know Their Value."—" They cured me of billiousness and kidney complaint, as recommended. I had a half bottle left, which I used for my two little girls, who tho doctors nnd neighbours s'.iid could not be cured. I am confident I should huve lost both of them ono night if I had not had the American Co.'s Hop Bitterß m my house to use. That is why I say you do not know half tho vnluo of American Hop Bitters, and do not recommend them highly onough." See [Advt.] That Husband of Minb 1b threa times the man ho waa before ho be^an using- "Wolla Health Ronowor." Druggists. Moses, Moss and Co., Sydney, General Aueuta.—{Advt.l (2 SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S.C. Building and Investment Company — General moeting on tho 14th inst, at 8 p.m. S.C. Harriors —Will moot at the Washdyko Hotolon tho Bth inst. N.Z. Railways—Tondors for ploughing, &0., to bo iv on the 14th inst. "J.P." —Wants a ohaffoutter and horse works. Timaru Harbour Board —Want tenders for loasinpc a sito for a mill. A. Maxwell —Makes all kinds of harness, including English and colonial riding saddles. Dntminond and Glasson —Havo .£IO3O worth of dumngod drapery to sell cheap. Madamo Summorhayos —At tho Thoatro Royal to-night.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3619, 7 May 1886, Page 2

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FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1886. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3619, 7 May 1886, Page 2

FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1886. Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3619, 7 May 1886, Page 2