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ONE WORD ! DEAR FRIENDS,— We havo some hesitation m addressing you m the manner following, but hope that it will not be looked at m any invidious light when we state that it is only our regard for your health that causes us to do it. We have been a Firm of Analytical Chemists for many, many years, and have m the long course of this time manufactured certain Medicines that, being based on scientific formula and absolute care and precision m manufacture, have enjoyed a popularity far m advance of any other Pharmaceutical Preparations of the day. How successful we havo been m this is only to note the extraordinary amount of tho sales of our Haydock's New Liver Pill. We have the pleasure to state that we have Bold 28,089 VIALS OF DR HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVER PILLS. The reason of this demand is because we find m Haydock's New Liver Pilla ft wonderful .and extraordinary combination of concentrated medicine. The Victories of Science^ — Electric Telegraphs, Steam and Printing — revolutionised the whole system of the globe, and made mankind wiser and better. So, although there are countless Pills used for diseases and claiming much qb to their merit, the remarkable discovery of Dr Haydock has eclipsed them all, nnd has founded a NEW MEDICAL SYSTEM. The Doctors, whose vast doses of four or n"vo pills onfeeble tho stomach and paralyse the bowels, mußt give way to the man who restores health and appetite with ono or two two of his extraordinary Vegetable Pills. Ono or two of DR HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVER PILLS suffices to place the stomach m perfect order, creates an appetite, and renders tho spirit light and buoyant. If the Liver is affected its functions are restored, and if the Nervous System is enfeebled it is invigorated and sustained. (tbakbiatioit.) Aykab, Province of Burmah, B. I. Honored and Learned Physician, — The unworthy one who dares to address you aud come before you humbly m the dust, begs for his people (caste) ' that you would deign to look upon their ignoble miseries and cure them with your I ife-giving grains (Pills). Illustrious one, your most potent medicine is ife to them and their children, and all the Drug Bazaars are empty, and your Soul is not m them. This humble petitioner, although he is ignoble and unworthy to be m your high presence, prays that you will graciously permit your Life grains (Pills) to come to Aykab. To the most learned and wise Physician Haylock (Haydock) of High name. Native to the States of America, united m North America Country. Servilely signing for himeelf and twentythree others, this Petitioner places his sign. TNAIIi FAITAIBEBEBAKOIBt. Carmi, 111., April 2, 1884. Db J. Havdook. Dear Sir, — I received your Pills a week ago. I havo tried them, and must say that I never had so much good done by anything as they have me. I have suffered for years with biliousness, and have been so sick at times as not to care to livo, but your Pills have cured me. One aged man here has taken from me only two of your Pill», and I wish you could see him. He has had no appetite for JCve months, and to-day he ate a dinner such as a ploughman eats. I had to chock him, but he laughed and said he was treating his stomach to a new sensation, for it roolly was hungry. I hand you with thia four dollars. Please send at once, as below, your Fill*. Mas Sarah Mannbes, Carmi, Illinois, U.S. We would fatigue you if we were to go on with them, as we very well could do,|but the above must suffice. Haydock's New Liver Fills Are the true grains and essence of health, and the greatest bleseing that Science has given to the world. For Nervous Prostration, Weakness, General Lassitude, Want of Appetite and Sick Headache, Dr Haydock's New Liver Pills will be found an Effectual Remedy. Each vial contains Twenty Fills. Price Twenty -five Cents. For Sale by all Druggists. Any sceptic can have a vial of Pills SENT HIM FREE on receipt of hi* name and address, for a trial. Send a postal card for copy of pamphlet — "THE LIVER AND ITS MYSTERY." It furnishes valuable information to all. HAYDOCK 8s CO., NEW YORK, U. S. CAUTlON!— Druggists are desired to notice that the name of J. H. Francis, sole agent, is written across each dozen packages of Haydock's Liver Pills. All without this are counterfeits. P. HAYMAN & CO., Sole Agents for New Zealand. 7-4 9794 OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Aud Hypopliospliitcs of Lime and Soda. ALMOST as PALATABLE as MILK Possessing the combined virtues of these two valuable remedies m their fullest degree. More easily digested and assimilated than m tho crude form, and especially desirable for siclcly, wasting children and persons with feeble digestive power, and ns A RE3IEDY FOR CONSUMPTION, A REMEDY FOR WASTING DISEASES OE CHILDREN, A REMEDY FOR SCROFULA, A REMEDY FOR ANEMIA AND GENERAL DEBILITY, A REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, AND THROAT AFFECTI6NS, ' In fact, nl} disens,es, where there is nn inflammation of tha Throat nnilLun^ n WASTING OF THE FLESH, ami n WANT of NERVE POWER, nothing m tho world equals this palatable Emulsion. It is prescribed and endorsed by the 00.->t physicians m tho various conntriesof l"..o worl.l, who will attest these facts, l-'cn- t;::Io by all Chemists. mHE "TIMARU HERALD. Stbam and Atmobphbbio JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT Is replete with and has one of the Largest and Choicest Plants of ENaLisn and Auebican Appliances nnd Txpes for Letlterprcss Printing m New Zealand, and executes witL taste, design and despatch every kind ol work from a card to a volume. Posters Invoices Streamers Billheads Day-bills Counterheads Hand-bills Memo Forms Circulars Menu Cards Cards (business) Invitation Cards Pamphlets Ball Programmes (vlPeriodicals riety of very choice Visiting Cards designs, with <»r Mpmoyial Cards without pencils, &c) All our Stationery being Imported from the Home Markets, and our Printing performed by motive power, the Prieos charged are very Moderate ; only a fair percentage for profit is added, therefore they do not exceed Dunedin or Chrislchurch PricesMODERATE CHARGES. PLEASANT POINT. MR I. L MOERIS, Storekooper, Point, has boen APPOINTED OUB AGENT, and Subscribers will m fnture pleaso call at his Store for their Papers. Mr VfOßßia' reoeipt will be a sufficient discharge of aooount paid to bin on bth«U of tiUf OC«e

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3550, 13 February 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3550, 13 February 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3550, 13 February 1886, Page 4