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— -— — a. '. Medical. TT SEELENMEY E R, HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMIST AND MEDICAL BOOKSELLER, 110 Swansxon Stbbbt, Mblboubnb. Homesopathio Tinctures, Pilules, Triturations, Globules— Wholesale and Retail. Libornl Allowances to those who use Largely. Term* on Application. Obdebs by Post Promptly Astbndbd To. Medicine Chests in Vari«t.y from 11), Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed. The following Hat of tho remedies most commonly required in the colonies, with thoir uses, will be found helpful to those about te adopt, the Homoeopathic Treatment : — Aconite. — Ferorishnces, inflammation, oold (invasive stage), rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia. Antimnnium Tart. — Broncbitia, croup, cough with much wheeling and difficult oxpulsion of mucous. Arnica, M. — Injuries from falU or blows, con cuesions, physical fatigue, muscular rheumatism. Arsenicum, A. — Influonza, cold with profuse acrid discharge from oyes and nose, shortness of breath, akin affectum*. Belladonna. — Bore throat, scarlet fever, ncsrlet rash, congestive headaohe, infantile convulsions, dry night cough, boils, carbuncles, abfciss. Bryonia, A. — Bronchitis, dry cough, and pain in the chest, pleurisy, lumbago, dyspepsia, constipation, pleuro-pnoumoma. Calcarea. Oarb. — Scrofulous affections, loss of flesh, difficult teething, sculled head of infants Chamomilla. — Diarrhoea, restlessness and other affections of children during teething. China. — Diarrhoea from debility, loss of appetite, neuralgia, prostration from abscess. Cina. — Disorders in children arising from worms, grinding tenth, wetting bod. Colocynth. — Colio with diarrhoja, -Iysentery, severe neuralgia, sciatica. Drosera. — Spasmodic cough with retching in hooping cough invaluable. Hamamelis. — Bleeding from any part, varicose veins, inflammation of veins, bleeding piles. Hepar. Sulph. — Boils, abaoeaßea, whitlow, hoaraeneta, inflammation of eyelids Hydrastia. — Chronio ulcers ulcerated mouth, constipation with piles. Ignatia. — Hysterics, sleeplessness from fright or grief, low spirits, nervous headache. J Ipecacuanha. — Hooping cough, first stage nausea and vomiting, cough with retching hemorrhage. Iria V. — Bick-headaohe, purging and vomiting, aevoro flatulent colic, cholera intan turn. Kali. Birch. — Bronchitis, acute and ohronic; cough with much wheezing, yellow coated toncue. Mercurius. S. — Cold in'the head, sore throat, ulceration of mouth and throat, toothache from decay, discharge from eara. Nux. Vomica. — Indigestion, flatulence, constipation, spasmodic asthma, stuffy cold iuthe bead ; also for tho result of over study, and excoss : ve use of stimulanta. Phosphorus. — Hacking cough, pain and tightness of tho chest, with wasting ; pleuropneumonia, norvoua debility. Pulaatilla. — In "measles almost specific, it i* preventive. Indigeation from rioh food, bitter, •our, or foul taste, pains in the left aide Rhua.Tox. — Chronic rheumatism, lumbago, rhoumatic stiffness and lameness, apraina, redness of akin with burning and itching, vesicular erysipelas. Spongia. — Croup, dry hard barking cough, worse at night with tickling and burning sensation; Sulphur. — Skin disease, pimples, piles, useful after boils to prevent recurrence. Homcepathio Tincture of Camphor (Dr Rubini'a). — Useful in first stages of cold aud iafluonia (an effeotnal remedy if promptly administered), oholera, colio, and diarrhoea fainting, spasms, and epidemic diieaees. In bottles, at Is, Is 6d, and 2a 6d. Camphor Pilulei. — The most convenient and portable form of the aamo medicine. In bottles, la, and la 6d. Green glass, boxwood caps, la Gd, and 2a fid. Tinoture of Arnica ranks first amongat external applications, for braises, Miraino, tender feet. In bottles, la, la 6d, and 2* 6d Arnica Cerate, for abrasion of the skin. In jars, Is, and la 6d. Arnica Liniment, for musuclar rheumatism — to bo rubbed- on the affeoted part*; It Is 6d, and 2s 6d. Arnica Ball, for chapped handa or lips Is. Tincture of Calendula, for cuts and lacerations, wounds, ulccri, Ac In bottles, le la 6d, and 2s Gd. Calendula Cerata, for alow-healing tores In jars, le, and la 6d. Glycamyl of Calendula. — A most valuable preparation for broken chilblains. In glass jare, Is 6d. Tincture of Rhus Tox, for sprains the of tendons, and for rheun atitm. In bottles, Is 3d and 2a. Rbui Liniment. — Valuablo for rheumatism, applied by .rubbing tho parts affected. In bottles, li and la 6d. Rhua Opodeldoc. — ls6d. Hamamelis. — One of tho chief remedies for Hemorrhages, bleeding piles, varicoee veins, etc. In bottlea, la, la 6d, and 2s 6d. Hamamelis Cerate, for treatment of piles. In jars, le, and la 6d. Carbolio Acid Liniment. — Moat valuable for immediate application to burna and scalds. Should be ready in case of acoidenU. In battles, Is 6d and 2s 6d. Tamua C. — A valuable romedy for o'twlMaine. Bottlea, le 64 and 2s 6d. Arnica and Calendular Plaster. 9d and il 3d per packet. SEELENMEYER'S PHOSFERRINE. Tho restorative and invigorating effects of this valuable preparation are now extensively attested by numbers who have resorted to it for GENERAL DEBILITY, DEPBESSION, POORNEBB OF BLOOD, LOSS OF APPETITE, LACK OF VITALITY, Ac. Also NEURALGIA when arising from general weakneas. Sold in bottlea, with directions, It 6d, ga 6d and 4s Gd. SEELENMEYER'S CONCENTRATED TINOTURE OF PODOPHYLLIN. An effectual remedy for biliousness with nausea and giddiness, bittor taste and risings, bilioua vomiting and purginga, constipation, and all maladies resulting from sluggish liver, le, Is 9d, and 3a. " I know no modioino within the wide range of either the Allopathio or Homospathio Materia Medics, that exercises so direct and beneficial an influence over a torpid condition of the liver as this drug." — Dr. WMorgan. SEELENMEYER'S SOLUTION OF PHOSPHORUS, 20 drops contain one-tenth of a grain o. Pure Phosphorua. This solution is the only Homcepathio pre partition of Phosphorua in the colonies, of an absolutely certain strength, from which tho higher attenuations can be correctly made. It can bo taken in water, does not undorgo o. idation in mixing, is devoid of the unpleasant taeto and odor off tho drug, and retains ita atrongth for any length of time. Valuablo in Tubercular Oonaumption, Irritating Cough, Debility, tea. Sold in bottlea la 6d, 2s 6d, and 4s 6d each. Liberal terms to the trade. BKKLKN MEYER'S BEMI-EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL AND PHOSPHORUS, In bottles, 2s fid and 4s 6d eaoh. HOMOSPATHIO WORKS. MATERIA MEDIOA AND SPECIAL THERAPEUTICS OF THE NEW REMEDIES. ByDrß. M.Hale. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. In two volt, half bound. Morgan ON THE LIVER Bi3d. A MANUAL OF PHARMACODYNAMICS, or the Action of Medicines in Health and Disease. By Dr Richard Hughes, 16s. By the tame author. A MANUAL OF THERAPEUTICS^ Two vols. 8a 6d eaoh. Dr Ruddock's Text Book, Medical and Surgical, on KMOBOPATHIO PRINCIPLES j Mi. G. SMALL, At •nt, Tiwwu.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3524, 14 January 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3524, 14 January 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Timaru Herald, Volume XLIII, Issue 3524, 14 January 1886, Page 4