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( howdbd Out. —Owing to pressure of advertisements we are again compelled to hold ovor correspondence and other matter. Stock Sales. We would draw attention to Mr D. Maclean's sales of stock after the show. Important Salbb.—Messrs Jonas & Bourn desire to draw attention to their various sales advertised this morning. Borough Council.—The usual monthly meeting of the Timaru Borough Council will bo hold at the Council Chambers, Georgo street, at 7 p.m. The Cells —Two persons (one a female) arrested for being drunk occupied free quarters at the gaol last evening. They were arrested on Saturday night. Stud Stock. —A Dunedin telegram informs us that the Messrs Rutherford have purchased the thoroughbred horso Cassivelaunus. Thia should prove good news for owners of racehorses m this district. Thb Boatino Season.-—TheTimarußoat-ing Club opened the season 1835- V 6 on Saturday afternoon with a procession of boats, afterwards holding aome scratch races. A. report of the afternoon's proceedings appears m another column. Habbob Board Loak.—A meeting of the ratepayers of the Makikihi riding of the Waimate County, to discuss the Harbor Board borrowing" proposals, will be held at the schoolroom, Hook, at eight o'clock this evening. Life Absctbabob.—Mr W. B. Craig, local agent for tho Kquitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, publishes m our columns this morning an answer to the attack made on that >ociety by a rival society, which appeared m our issue of the 22nd instant. Cheap Excursion. —The Railway Depurtmtmt announce that excursion tickets will be issued from Oatnaru and Waimate to Timaru to-morrow. No doubt many of our southern brethren will take advantage of this opportunity offered them to pay a flying visit to limaru to see its beauties. Iwo other attractions are offered m the shape of the Show, and the Timaru Racing Club's Spring meeting, both of which will no doubt be well patronised New Fibm.—Mr Walter F. Pottt, for the past two years canvasser and collector for this journal notifies by advertisement m another column that he has commenced business m conjunction with Mr W. H. Suckling, as general agents, etc. Mr Potts, during his connection with the Timaru Herald, has showed himself possessed of great business tact, and m every way earned the respect of those with whom he was brought m contact. His many friends will cordially wish the now firm every success. Resident Maoistbatb's Coubt, Waisiatb—At thii Court on Saturday before Dr Stocpoole, and J. Manchester and F. Sloe, Esqrs., J.P 's, Wm. Sarm»n w»i charged with a breach of The Gaming and Lotteries Act 1881 by playing illegal games on tho show ground of tho Agricultural Society at Waimate on tho 23rd instant. He was also charged under the Police Offences Act 188-1 with imposing by falsa representation with a view to obtain money. Mr Clement appeared for accused. The evidence of Thomas Baird, and Sergeant Morice was given for the prose cution. After hearing evidence for the defence; accused was sentenced to fourteen days imprisonment for the last named offence, and ordered to pay a fine of £5 for illegal gaming. Assault-at-Abms.—Our readers are reminded that the Asaault-at-Arms, which has been got up m aid of the Timaru Naval Artillery, will be given m the Theatre Royal this evening. We had tho pleasure of being present at the " dress " rehearsal on Saturday evening, and confidently promise that everyone who patronises the Assault will bo pleased. The manual exercise by tho three corps was very well done on Saturday night. The bayonet exercise by tho Timaru Navals, Rifles, and 0 Battery, which is undoubtedly one of the chief features of the programme, was gone through capitally, tho men working together very well and keeping good time. The cutlass and sword exercises by the Navals and C Battery respectively will no doubt prove another great attraction, as also will the sword feats by members of tho "arrison corps. There will also be barbell and Indian club exercises, singlesticks, boxiug, fencing, etc, and a sailor's hornpipe by a well known bluejacket whose dancing is always much admired. A melee which is sure to cause no end of fun wil also bo given, during which the Surgeon of the Vavals, with his welltrained Ambulance Corps, will carry the wounded off the field. Another attraction of the evening will bo the "Dog Watch " on hoard H M.S. Terror, by the Navals. During the watch the audience will be introduced to King Neptune and his wife, Mrs Amphitrite, and then will commence much rolli.-king fun as only those who have properly crossed tho " lino " know anything of. The whole will conclude with tho tinging of " God Save the Queen " by the corps m garrison. Wo jnay add m conclusion that the Garrisnn Band is to bo present and will play the sweetest of musio, so that taken altogether th« evening's entertainment should prove a very enjoyable one. Knox Churou, Waimatß.—The anniversary of this Church was celebrated on the 23rd instant by a soiree and public moating. THe soiree was held m the Oddfellows' Hail, and was numerously attended, a large number of persons who had beon visitors nt the Agricultural Show having waited to bo present. After tea ft public meeting was held m the Church, tho Hey. J. McKeo presiding. The Church was well filled on the occasion. Revs. J. MoKeo, Waimnte, G. Lindsay, Otepopo, White, Pleasant Point, and J. H. Gray, Wuimato, addressed tho meeting. Mr W. Allan, President of the Knox Ohuroh Sunday school, spoke as to the working and results of the Sunday sohool, and said that at present it wns m need of a few teachers, and hoped volunteers would be forthcoming Mr A. Wiitta, Treasurer of the Church Committee, said as the date of tbo anniversary did not correspond'with the close of the flnandal

year he ifas not preparwtto submit a balance-1 sheet. 'He,;fijLWe*«trygftV» »™list of subscriptions s^ddormtionVrecisivod during the portion of th& Bna eial year siriee last balance-eheet was adopted, and an e"»titm»te.of the present financial posi' ion tit the church fund. The congregation, be said, had great reason to be thankful for thi> result of their last effort to clear off the dubt on the church. This effort had been completely successful, and they were now able to apply the regular income to the payment of legitimate expenditure, instead of having so much to pay m interest on debt Mr Watt also referred to the considerable falling off m number of church members caused by the removal of several families from the town and neighborhood daring the present year. The ministers' addresses were well received. Mr Lindsay, who was eight years minister to this congregation previous i to Mr MuKee's appointment, was heartily welcomed by all present when he appeared on the platform. The choir was well represented and did excellent servico m making the meeting successful, Mr Keilaon leading and Mißa Grant performing the accompaniments. Soloe by Mrs McEee, Miss Baxter, and Mr j Neilson were deservedly applauded. Totes of thanks to the ladies who had provided tea, the choir, the speakers, and the Chairman were passed by acclamation at the close of the meeting.

SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. B. Maclean—Sells horses, etc., on Thursday. Jonas aud Bourn—Sells Clydesdale and other utoctt on Thursday; sheepskins, hides and fat on Friday ; unredeemed pledges on Saturday; hold regular monthly «lo at Pleasant Point next Monday ; clearing mle at Tcmuka on 3rd prox. ; household furniture at an early date. J. Mundell and Co.—Sell farming stock and implements on Friday. N Z Loan and Mercantile Agency Company—Want tenders for wool carting. W. McKibbon—Has potatoes for sale X> .McLaren—Wants six good ehearcrs. Theatre Boyal—Grand Assault-at-Arms Uiis ovoning. Suckling and Potto—Have commenced business as general commission and estate arants. His Worship the Mayor-Proclaims to-morrow a public half-holiday. N.Z Railways—lmportant notice ro excursion trains to Timaru to-morrow. T. I-anedon— -%'ill supply fodder on show days. " Driver"—Wants a dog. In Bankruptcy—Re J. W. Btonyer.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3456, 26 October 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3456, 26 October 1885, Page 2

Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3456, 26 October 1885, Page 2