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Hrld Ovbb.— Owing to pressure on our t apaoo we are compelled to leave over correspondence and other matter. 1 Bank HoiidAT.— Wednesday next, the 1 aecond day of the Show, has been appointed i a Bpecial half-holiday for the Banks m I Timnru, Tub Waimate Snow.— The apnual ex- ; hibition of the Waimate Agricultural and , Pastoral Association took placo at Waim&te yesterday, and was Tory Buocossful. We • publish a report of it> m atiothtsr column.

TIMABTj ObIOKBT-Clto.— A match Bankers I and liKWjen r. World will be played this afternoon. An express will leave Bank of New Zealand corner at 2 p.m. — [Advt.] Life AbspbawoS.— Mr W. B. Craig, ageDt for tho Equitable Life Assurance of the United States, publishes a notice m another column this morning. Ibhioation. — A- public meeting of the ratepayers of the Seadown water Bupply district for the purpose of considering and discussing the proposal of tho Geraldine Couuty Council to borrow a sum of money for irrigation purposes will be held at the Washdyko schoolhouee at 7 30 o'clock this evening. Boatiho.— Members of the Timaru Boating Club are reminded that they must assemble at the shod at 2.30 this afternoon. The procession of boats starts at 3 p.m. The weather at midnight did not promise a fine day, but it is to be hoped tho weather this afternoon will bo everything that can be desired. Timabu Bacikg Club. — Full particulars as to the arrangements for the Timaru Racing Club's Bpring Meeting on Tuesday, are published m our. columns this morning. The Timaru Garrison Band have been specially engaged for the occasion and will play a choice selection of music during the day. A notice to owners, trains and jockeys re passes, will also be found m our advertising columns. Thb HabbobJ Loan. — A meeting of the ratepayers of that part of the Waihao Biding of the "Waimate County which ia within the Timaru Harbor district, will be held at the Council Chambers, Waimate, at eight o'clock this evening, to discuss the Harbor Board's borrowing proposals. A meeting will also be held at the School-house, Upper Pareora, on Tuesday evening. A Capsize. — A grocer's cart was yesterday afternoon capsized at Waimataitai. The curt was being driven along tho Main North Road, and while rounding the corner going down into Woollcombe's Gully it was run up the bank, thereby causing it to capsize and throw down the horse. The occupants— a man and a small boy — and the contents of the cart were pitched into tho road. The two individuals picked themselves up considerably shaken, and then set to work to right their cart and get the horse on itß legs again, which they succeeded m doing after soms difficulty. Tnr. Assault- at-Akjis. — The arrangements for the A^sault-at-arms to be given at the Theatre Bjyal on Monday night bit progressing satisfactorily, and the entertainment is expected to bo a great success. Wo hear that the tirkcts are going off rapidly so that tliero will probably bo a crowded house. It will be seen from an advertisement m another column that a rehearsal is to be held to-night and it is to be hoped there will be a lull muster of those who are to take part m the affair. Saundbbs v. Cabot. — In this case Mr Justice Johnston delivered judgment m the Christchurch Supreme Court on Wednesday. It will be remembered that a n>otion was made to enter a non-suit, or to have a new trial on the grounds (1) of the insufficiency of the findings of the jury on the fourth issue ; (2) of the misdirection of the Judge on the 16th and 19th issues ; and (3) that the findings of the jury on the two last-mentioned issues were agninst tho weight of evidence. The application was reiused with costs. On the application of Mr Joynt, leave was given to appeal. Watkb Supply. — A well attended meeting of the ratepayers m the Waitohi Flat water supply district, was held m the schoolroom Waitohi, last night, Mr John Talbot m the chair. The Chairman explained at length the objects m view, and also read Messrs Meason and Marchant's report on the subject. Considerable diversity of opinion was expressed as to the necessity of the works, but finally, on a note being taken, four hands were held up for and ten against the proposal. A full report of the proceedings, by our special reporter, will appear m Monday's issue. Waimate Hobticultubal Society. — A Committee meeting of this Society was held on Wednesday. Present — Mr Taylor, VicePreßident, and Meßßrs Clear, B. Cameron, Taafe, Graham, Jones and Collins (Secretary). A letter was read from the Secretary of the Timaru Poultry Association m reply to a request for information as to Poultry exhibits at next annual Flower Show at Waimate. It was resolved that, m connection with the next annual show of the Waimate Horticultural Society, a Poultry Show be held. It was decided that twonty-seven classes for poultry, birds and cats be opened for exhibition. Sates of entry, prizes, and admission were fixed, and further details deferred to next meeting. The Secretary was asked to thank Mr Collins of the Timaru Poultry Association for his kind letter m reply to the Committee's enquiry. Thb Wbiaington Exhibition. — The iflsio Zealand Times refers to the great delay which took place m judging the exhibits at the Industrial Exhibition as very unfair both to the exhibitors and the judges. It adds — " Whether on this account or for other reasons we are unablo to «ay, but undoubtedly some of the awards have caused surprise, and still more so some of tho omissions. It would not be judiciouß to criticise here the individual cases alluded to, but it is curious, for instance, that an exhibit which took a first prize at the South Kensington Health Exhibition last yoar is not deemed worthy even of mention m our Wellington Exhibition. Putting aside, however, theso instances of eccentricity, tho fact remains that m the needless postponement of the awards a great injustice has been done, and an explanation is imperatively required as to the reason why the exhibits were not judged at the outset, according to the customary practice on such occasions." Jost ih-Time.— Last night about 10.30, as a resident was passing Messrs Messiter, Power and Cranniteh's boot shop m the Main road, he noticed a strong glare of light at the back of the shop at the end of the right-of-way. He called the attention of Mr Eichbaum'o assistant to it, and both proceeding to the rear of the premises named, saw at a glanco that some material m one of the back rooms was on fire. They burst m the door and one of thorn fetching a bucket of water threw it on the burning pile and luckily extinguished tho fire. After tho smoke had cleared away, Si-rgt. Cullen and Constables Daley and S tehwell, who had been called to the scene, made an inspection, and found that it was some old pieces of packing-cloth that had been on fire, and that one of the walls had been slightly charr»d by the blaie. It would appear that the fire was purely accidental, caused no doubt by some one having carelessly dropped a lighted match about. It was indeed fortunate the fire was discovered so soon. Had it smouldered and burst forth during the small hours, it would probably have done an immense amount of damage, as all the buildings adjoining are of wood. TnBATBH Royal. — It is with plcasuro vt announce that the G-.V.8. Drumatio Club intend nqain appearing before the public, during the holidays, they having engaged the Theatre for the Bace and Show nights. On Tuesday night they will open their short season of three nights whon they will put on tho Timaru stage for the first time, the sparkling comedy by Baylo Bernard "The Irish Attorney ; or Galway practico m 1779." This comedy, it will be remembered, scored a marked success when payed by this Club afow month's ngo m tho Catholic Schoolroom, it drawing for several nights packed houses. A grand musical melange will follow, and tho first evening's entertainment will conclude with the farce " Turn him out." On the evening of the second day of tho Show, onr old friend Mr T. J. Kennedy, will take a benefit, whon tho ever popular comedy, " His Last Legs," will bo given. A musical interlude is tho next item, after which will be given the farce, " The Old Gooseberry." On Thursday evening the drama "Handy Andy" will be produced. Hooper's string band, under 1 the leadership of Mr Woods, tho eminent violinist, have been specially engaged, and will play some choice selections each evoning. TnE latb Bishop of Makchestbb.— - Tho nows of tho death of tho Bight Roy. Dr Fraser, Bishop of Manchester, will be read with unfeigned regret, His Lordship being universally respected as ono of the most able and liberal-minded prelates m tho Church of England. Dr Fraaer, who was the ton of Mr James Frasor, late of Heavitree, Exeter, was born at Prnstburv, noar Cheltenham, m 1818. He vbs educated" at Bridgworth School, at Shrewsbury School, and at Lincoln College, Oxford. In 1840 ho was elected a Fellow of Oriel College. Ho acted aa tutor there for five year*, and m 1847 accepted the Oollego living at Oholdorton m Wiltshire, which he afterwards exchanged for ti»t6f

Upper Nervet, near Beading. He toot a prominent part m connection with education, regarding which he presented some valuable reports to Parliament. Id 1867 he was nominated a member of the commission to enquire into tho employment of women and children m agriculture. In January, 1870, he was selected by Mr Gladstone to succeed the late l)r Prince Lee as Bishop of Manchester. J-lie deceased prelate was noted not only for ti« w"i a"d France °f hi. religious in7h'. lv f? r the iatereat which took V,LT °f tho wooing classes, shown at<?f IA l L T An int<^W exhibit wa. weighing 9slb B each!were WO bro" 6 7 htflir on Bb a warded to Government House Th R rv landed by Major Bceles he believed to be the Cahforman salmon, whicli he (Dr H«*nt\ had liberated m the Hutt river six orTevcn. years ago. That would be about the time m which the fish would mature. If they had succeeded m acclimatising the Cnlifornian salmon m the Hutt river, it was very important, m a commercial point of view, as it was very prolific, and of great value. The fish from Lake Wakatipu was probably the English brook trout, but the spots had been changed to a sihery color by the deep waters of Lake Wakatipu for it afmostimpossible for the fish to have gone to sea and returned with the 81lvery Bpot9. Ho ,° not give a decided opinion without a more thorough examination (adds the New Zealand Times), and he did not think that Maior Eecles should be asked to deliver up his fish for the purposes of scientific investigation (Laughter.) Resident Maoistbate's Court, Waihath.—Dr Stacpoole, J.P., presided at this Court on Thursday. An inebriate charged with being drunk m a public place on the previous day, pleaded guilty. Sergeant Morice said accused was evidently suffering severe'v from the effects of drink, and was not sufficiently recovered to take euro of himself. His Worship veinanded accused for ("even days for curative treatment. At the same Court yesterday, before J. S. Beswiek, Esq., R.M., and J. Manchester, Esq.', J.P., George Johnßton was fined 6s and ordered to pay fourteen shillings cos's for assaulting John Smifi at Waimate. on the 21st instint. Complainant was standing as doorkeeper at tho door of the Salvation Army barracks on the evening of that dny. He forbid defendant to enter the door, but the latter persisted m trying to get m, and m so doing took hold of complainant and shook him. Civil cases—Judgment by default was given m a mte to recover a Borough rate of £4. Battray v. • ellars, claim £20. Mr White for plaintiff, Mr <'rmaby for defendant. This caie was brought on to recover the balance of tho price of two horses and a dray sold to defendant by plaintiff. A set-off for £29 4s Id was claimed by defendant on account of timber, fencing material, and horse work supplied by defendant to plaintiff during the last four yeare. Plaintiff's solicitor produced a bill of sale held by plaintiff over defendant's horses and stock. The amount of the bill of sale had been partly met, but a considerable portion, over £100, yet remained due, and it was claimed thatdefenrlant's set-off should be allowed as against the claim of the bill of snle. This course was opposed by Mr Ormsby who Baid the consideration of the bill of sale should npt be imported into the cose at all. Plaintiffs claim for balance of price of horses was admitted by defendant, and his set-off had been brought into Court m the regular way. The supply of some of the items m defendant's account were disputed, and the price charged for nearly all tho other items was alleged by the plaintiff to be a great deal above tho regular market valuo. After hearing the evidence of plaintiff and defendant, every item m tho account having been gone through, judgment was given for the plaintiff for £11 7 9 with cost* £2 Is. The Court then rose.

SYNCPBIB OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS to-d and Son —Hold a sale of produce, etc., d^W. Collins and Co.—Sell produce and suudrios toD. Maclean—Will soil exhibited and other (.tock on Thursday. W. S. Maslin-Will tell freehold property on Sth N.Z.L. and M.A. Company—Hold annual pedigree stock sales at Christchurcb on 12th proi I""1*™1 T. H. Wigley—lnvites teuders for disc harrowing icmuka Unseed Company- Want to purchase a lathe. Theatre Royal-G.V.B. Dramatic Club will play on show and race nights. S.S. Pelham—Sails for Northern and West Coast Ports on Wednesday. B. E. Hibbard-Has first-class spirits and wiueson hand. James Granger—Has farms on lease Assault-at-Arms-Bress rehearsal to-night M. J. Godby—Has lost a hunting flask Bank Holiday—Special half-holiday at Tiiaaru on ■Wednesday. Harbor Loan—Meeting o! ratepayers of Paroora riding at Upper Pareora on Tuesday. Equitable Lifo Assuranco of United States—Notic* re explanation. Minister of Lands—Notice re claims under Forest Trees Planting Encouragements Acts Timaru Racing Club—Publish particulars of arrangements for their spring meeting on Tuesday ■ also notice to owners, trainers and jockeys. A. J Quelch and Co.—Arc agents for tho Johnston string biuder. T.A. and P.A.—lnvite tenders for supply of green Funeral notice-One. In Bankruptcy-Re J. W. Stonyer.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3455, 24 October 1885, Page 2

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Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3455, 24 October 1885, Page 2

Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3455, 24 October 1885, Page 2