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SOUTH CANTERBURY HUNT CLUB STEEPLECHASES. Stewards — Messrs B. Elworthy, O. IT. RWles, K.T.Rhodes.T.Hamlin.J.S. Ruthorford, VV. 8. Armitoge, H. Ford, H. Rutherford, B. Woollcombp. C. A. Jefferson, J. B. Brown, M. J. Godbv, K. Richardson, junr., A. Perry, nud A. St. "G-. Hameraley. judge— Mr M. Studholme. Starter— Mr C.N.Orbell. H«ndicappers — Messrs A. Cox, and W. St. Lindsav. Clerk of Courso -Mr G. C. Miles. Clerk of Scales— Mr M Mitton. The meeting held on the Timaru Racecourse yesterday, under Hio auspices of tlie South Canterbury Hunt Club, must have been very satisfactory to those who have taken so much trouble to encourage sport in the district. To begin with, the entries wore good, and it was generally understood that the rider of every horse which started intended to do his best to eecure first honors. That no mistake was made in this anticipation was proved as the day wore on, and the Club have a right to aay that, so far as steeplechasing is concerned, their gathering of yesterday would bear a considerable amount of challenging. In meetings of this description it is hardly the duty of the- Press to criticise the ovents and the horsemanship of. the riders as closely as they would open meetings, but wo may say that | those who mounted yesterday showed, as a rule, tho pluck and "go," tornpored with a certain amount of caution, which is necessary to make a man fit to hunt across country. The morning broko fine and clear. Id tho afternoon several strong nor'westerly gusts catno on, and nt intervals I made matters rather unpleafant for all on tho ground, but tho enjoyment of the day was not long marred. Tho course, of which we gave a description in yesterday's issuo, was in good order. In tho early part of the day sevoral of tho artificial jumps got a great deal knocked about, but they were as far as possible rcpuired. The stone wall suffered us well as soinu of the gorse and tho posts and rails. Tho fences were certainly stiff, and calculated to well tost tho merits of horses and riders. Though falls were not unfrequent, no accident of any serious nature occurred. In tho afternoon about 600 peoplo were present, the larger proportion being on tho lawn or tho Grand Stand. The number of ladiea present was a foaturo in itself and no doubt did not a little to urge the compel itors on to do their utmost. Thero were many visitors from Otago, and other parts of Canterbury, who evidently looked upon tho steeplechases as something well worth seeing. Tho train arrangements wero in every way satisfactory, no hitch of any kind occurring. A halfholiday was proclaimed in town for tho occasion, but not so many people took advantage of it to visit tho course as mig ! t have been expected. Those who did no had little or no fault to find with the provisions made for a day's amusement. Messrs Hohbs and Goodwin hud a totalisator at work, while ft number of ganu.i wero provided as woll. Tho general licensed and refreshment booths supplied all tho wants necessary to the comfort of tho inner man, the luncheon laid out by Mr Bowden in tho Grand Stand rooms being very tasty and appetising. The Police wero present, but they had nothing to do but shako hands with and receive the best wishos of their friends, whose name it is needless to say is " Legion." The following are dotails of tho various ovonts : — Habbioai' Hunt Clcii Cup, a stccplechaso of 20 »ovr. For <|iiaillod hunters, to be ridden by members of any recognised Hunt Club j maidon riders allowod 71b. Open to all Hunts in tho South Island. About 2i milos. Mr A. Gladstone's ch g Chanco, 6yrs, list 111b (Owner) 1 Mr J. H. C. Bond's g g Victor, nged, 12«t 71b (Capt. Cotton) 2 Mr E. 11. Benzon's b a Robin Hood, aged, list 31b (Mr Boyle) 3 Mr C. A. Jefferson's b g Ormidale, aged, IZst (Owner) 0,

Mr Apnew's Donald, 11 Bt 101b (Mr G I Wood) ; Mr W. S. ArmitageV AH Fours, list 21b (Mr Delamain) ; Mr J. Melton's Myrtlo, list 21b (Mr C. Melton) ; Mr E. T. Rhodes Kadlow, IPst 71b (Mr Taggnrl) ; Mr J. 8. Rutherford's Mnud, lOst 51b (Mr Harley), also ran. Doveridge and Bonn wero scratched. Totalisator -On Victor, £38 ; on Ornridnto, £37 ; on Chance, £58 ; on Donald, £4 ; on Robin Hood, £8 ; on All Fours, £14 ; on Myrtle, £19 ; on Hadlow, £7 ; on Maud, £13. Total, £195. Mr Orbell took tho (ield to a paddock at the buck of Stevenson's where ho lost no time in getting them away in good order. Victor lead over the first fence, Chance second, and tlio othera well up. Going through tho ploughed ground tho lot straggled out. The next jump and the double across the road were negotiated by Victor, Chance and All Fours in tho order named. Ormidale then ran into third place, and Donald for a time made a good show, but baulking at the next fence, fell behind again. At tho new fence nt the back of tho course, All Fours bolted off the eourso, and was thenceforth out of tho running. At tho new post and rails, Victor still had a good lead, with Chanco second, Ormidale third, and Myrtle fourth. Chanco took (ho lead from Victor at tho double, but he did not keep his advantage long, as he was challenged and passed ogni'i in the starting paddock. No alteration took place until coming on to tho course proper again, when Eobin Hood got on close terms with the lenders. He seemed to stand a good show of winning, but struck the second fence from home, and though well saved, could not make up lost time. Chance overhauled Victor at the lnst fence, and camo in a com parativelv ensy winner by about two lengths. Hadlow had previously come to grief over a gorse fence, and his rider looked for a while as if he was going to get into trouble, but after all, got. well clear of his stirrups. Dividend— i'3 0s 6d. Match.— l mile on tho Hat. No weight under list. Mr E. H. Benzon's rg The Old Firm (late Donald), aged ... (Mr Jefferson) 1 Mr W. S. Lindsay's br g The Shifter (Mr Boyle) 2 Totalisator— On The Old Firm, £10; on The Shifter, £18. Total, £28. A fair start was made, The Old Firm getting slightly the best, of it. He kept a lead of a length for a short lime when The Shifter showed in front, but only to fall back again. At the close, coming into the straight, the whip was used pretty freely on The Shifter, but his antagonist, won easily by two and a half lengths. Dividend— £2 10s. Maiden Steeplechase. Weight for age. For qunlilied hunters that hnvo never won u SteeplechafO of any description, and that have been regularly hunted with nny recognised hounds. To bo ridden by members of any recognised Hunt Club. Open to all hunts in the South Island. About 2 miles. Mr P. Wareing's b g Satollito, aged, 12st 31bs ... (Mr Gordon Wood) 1 Mr W. S. Armitage's b g Gabriel Junks, 12ft 3lb ... (Mr A. Dclamain) 2 Mr B. R. McDonald's b g Jack, a;ed, 12st 31b» (Mr A. Cox) 3 Mr J. S. Rutherford's b g Dalham, aged, 12st 31b (Sir Mevonson) also ran. Edelweiss and Wildtlower were scratched. Totalisator— On Satellite, £15 ;on Gabriel Junks, £11 ; on Jack, £11 j on Dalham, £16. Total, £116. The scratching* for this event left only four in it, Dalham being if anything tho favorite, though not a few pinned their faith to Jack. Satellite was not as much fancied as was expected by some of the knowing ones. Another good start was effected, Satellite showing the way over the first, fence, with Jack eeoond, Gabriel Junks third, Dalham fourth. At the back of the course Jack ran off and lost his chance of scoring a victory. At the gorse fence Satellite still lead, with Dalham second and Gabriel a good third. The stone wall in front of tho Stand was well taken by Satellite, but Dulham went on tho wrong aide of tho Hag, and allowed Gabriel to take second place. The two latter baulked at tho double leading off the course, but on making a second attempt, were more successful. Dalham improved his pace, and through Satellite refusing the next double, got ahead of him. For a time he looked like carrying off the laurels, especially as Gabriel had stuck up for a time, and the. pace became very warm. Tho two got on even terms again, aud a neck and neck raco ensued, till the lastfence from home, which Satellite struck, but was well saved by Mr Wood. Dalham, however, camo down a cropper, his rider, Mr Stevenson, being stuuned, and lying for some time insensible. On coming to it was found his left side and face were somowhat bruised, but beyond this ho had sustained no injuries. Gabriel Junks came in a fair second, and Jack an indifferent third. Dividend— £6 19s. HrNTKiis' Flat Rack Handicap, of the value of 15 sovs. For qualified hunters that have never won any race of tho value of 20 sovs. Open to "all Hunts in the South Island. 2 miles. Mr A. Gladstone's ch g Chance, Gyrs, 12st71b (Owner) 1 Mr E. H. Benzon's ch g Doveridge (late Sefton), aged, Ilstslb (Mr Jefferson) 2 Mr A. Boylo's br in Wildflower, 4vrs, lOst 121b (Owner) 3 Mr J. Melton's Myrtle, list 101b (Mr 0. Melton) ; Mr J. S. Rutherford's Rambler, list 71b (Cornelius), and Dulham, list 71b (Mr Gordon Wood) ; Mr M. J. Godby's Johnston's Luggage, lOst -lib (Dunn) j MrG. C. Miles' Undo Henry, lOst 31b (C. Hobbs), and Mr W. Hook's I'oppercorn, lOst (Dlackmore), also rnn. Totulisator— On Chance, £81; on Myrtlo, £7 ; on Rambler, £55 ; on Dalham, £14 ; on Doveridge, £40; on Wildflower, £51; on Johnston's Luggage, £3 ; on Uncle Henry, £7 ; on Peppercorn, £3. Total, £26*. This raco was started in tho tueth of a stiff nor'-wester, which neither added to the start or to the pleasure of the spectators. Mr Orboll had some troublo in getting his horses away, but tho lot wcro at last, in motion, Rambler jumping off with tho lead, tho others gradually tailing out. Passing tho Stand tho paco was a merry one, Rutnblor having a good advantage, Wildflower second, and Johnston's Luggage third. The rest graduully closed up. At tho back of tho course tlic wind had again to be fucod, and the paco slackened. Wildflower challenged Rambler, and tho two kept closo company till coming into tho straight, when Chanco went through with a rush and won in splendid Btyle, wliilo Doveridge, well ridden by Mr Jefferson, camo in second. Tho finish was a most exciting one. Dividend— £2 16s 6d. Hack Steeplechase, of 10 sovs. No weight under list. About li miles. Mr M. J. Godby's Silver King (Mazcngaib) 1 Mr A. Gladstone's Wang (Mr A. Cox) 2 Mr E. Rutherford's Tho Mount (Mr Storonson) 3 Mr Cramond's Tommy (owner), Mr G. Lovegrovo's Polly (owner), Mr \V. Roger's Firefly (owner), Mr R. Agncw's Unit (Dunn), Mr J. R. Browne's 13illy (Cornelius), and Mr E. H. Benzon's The Old Firm (C. Hobbs) also started. Totahsator — On Tommy, £1 ; on Silver King, £44 ; on Wane, £20 j on Tho Mount, £2 ; on Polly, £25 ; on Firefly, £4 ; on Unit, £10 j oil Billy, £45 ; on Tho Old Finn, £1. Total, .6158. Tliis was tho most exciting and best "contested race of tho day, though not a little amusemont was caused at tho beginning by all the horses but Billy refusing the stouo wall immediately in front of the Stand. No time was lost in pulling thorn at it again, nnd Billy's load did not itvail him much. Tho running was principally cut out by Silver King, Billy, Wang, and Tho Mount, Tho field kept, in closo company nearly all round, and Silver King was only landed a winner by a neck, gained on the post ; Tho Mount n good third. Tho winner wan heartily cheorod on weighing out. Dividend— £3 4s Cd. Ladies' Bracelet, a handicap etecpleehaeo, in which each hoiso was nominated by a lady. For qualifiod hunters, to bo riddon by members of any rccognisod Hunt Club. Open to all Hunts in tho South Island. About 2 miles. Miss Agnow's b g Donald, aged, list filb (Mr Gordon Wood) 1 Mrs Davis' g g Victor, uged, 12st 71b (Capt. Cotton) 2 Miss E. Smitbeon'a b g Robin llood, aged, , list 61b ... (Mr BteTen»on) 3

Miss Oodby's Flirt, lOst (Mr Harley) ; Mrs W. S. Armitagc's Rona, list 61b (Mr C. Melton) ; Miss Mabnl Armitago's All Fours, list 31b (Mr A. Delamuin); Miss Mary Ann's Ormidalo, list 81b (Mr Jefferson); and Mrs J. a. Rutherford's Maud, lOst 51b (Mr A. Cox), nlso started. Mrs Godby's Johnston's Luggage, Miss Rutherford's Rambler, and Miss Hack worth's Hadlow were scratched. Totalieotor —On Flirt, £i ; on Robin Hood, £11; on Rona, £17; on All Fours, £8 : on Ormidale, £26 ; on Victor, £83 ; on Maud, £9 ; on Donald, £2. Total, £160. The favorite, Victor, ngain got the best of n fair start, and Bhowed the way orer the first fence, the others stringing out! The jumps were at first taken well, but the field* soon began to thin. At the stone wall Victor still led, with Donald close up. Ormidalc here fell, and Hona went up to the leaders, getting into second place over the road. This order was maintained till nearing home, tho other horses being out of it. .At the post iind mils, Rona, who was going splendidly, and promised to be well up at the finish, camo to grief. Donald mended his pace, and overhauled tho grey, and though tho latter struggled hard, he was beaten by fully three lengths, Robin Hood a fair third. Dividend— £72. Consolation Handicap Stkisi'lechase. open to all beaten bornes at tho meetin". About 2 miles. Mr J. H. C. Bond's g g A r ictor, aged, 12st 71b (Capt. Cotton) 1 Mr W. S. Armilage's g g All Fours, aged, (airA.Di'lamain) 2 Mr E. H. Benzon's eh g Doveridge (lato Scfton) aged, list lib (C. Hobbs) 3 Mr J. Melton's Myrtle, list 21b (Mr C. Melton) ; Mr J. B. Browne's Billy, lOst. 121b (Cornelius) ; Mr A. Gladstone's "W:uig, KU 101b (Mr A. Cox) j and Mr M. J. Godby's Johnston's Luggage, lOat 41b (Dunn), ntao started. Totalizator— On Victor, £36 ; on Doveriflge, £28 ; on Myrtle, £7 ; on All Fours, £12; onßillv, £6; on Wang, £16. Total, £105. This race was run in the dusk of the evening and was rather difficult to watch. After a false start the lot were eent away somewhat, struggling, Vietor having the beat of it, with Johnston's Luggage second. Very little change took place till getting into the road, when Myrtle fell, and All Fours gained on the leader, whom he shortly afterwards passed, Johnston's Luggage fulling third. At tho lust fence before home Victor was third, and it looked as if his lust chance of tho day iva< gone. This did not prove to be the case, and his many frienils hud the satisfaction of seeing him sweep into first place, All Fours landing a good second, Doveridge third, and Johnston's Lupgage fourth. Dividend— £2 Uii.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3413, 4 September 1885, Page 3

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SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3413, 4 September 1885, Page 3

SPORTING. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3413, 4 September 1885, Page 3