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Commercial Intelligence.

Timaru Herald Office, j Saturday Kvuniujj. AUCTIONEERS' REPORT. Mes.-sr.s Maclean and Stewart report for Sfie past week as follows : — Horses — 45 draught and light horses were to-day bonked at their yards for sale, tho principal lot being- a mob of broken and nnbrokpn hacks, tho property of Mr Kaine. Other ontries were received on aeeormt of Messrs Evans. Wheeler, Hjaay. Holwell, and others. Tha draughts were- rather a poor lot, and prices m consequence-lorr. They dispo.-jed of 1 1 medium draughts at from .£lO to £'22, and Mr Raine'a. lot, comprising 16 head, all found buyers at from £i to .£lB 10s, making a total of 3D head sold. Good draughts are being enquired' for for both local and export trade. Sheep — Their usual fortai«htiy aalo was held last Thursday, at tho Washdyko yarda., when a very fair entry cama to hand. They have to report a better enquiry for both store and fat sheep, and prices am considerably Iwtter. They sold 400 crossbred owes, m lamb, at 12s Od ; 150 fat crossbrwt wethers at 1 Is, and 170 prime merino wethtrs at lls ; and privately during the week thoy placed about 400 half-bred ewes at a satisfactory price Cattle— An average entry of fat and store cattle were yarded last Thursday at Washdyke, and a fair proportion fonnd bn.vers. They placed cows and heifers at from £2 to £7 2s (Jd; 8 fat heifers at £7 2a Gd ; 4 fat Hteers at from £h 2* lid to £G 7a Od. Town Property— By instructions received, they offered at their rooms to-day a freehold < Beotion m Chnrch street, Timara, containing 1 rood 3 perches, together with buildings, but did not obtain an offer sufficient to make a sale. Mr K. R. Guinness (for tlio New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited), reports for the week eivlc-d Friday, July :51st, as foTlow3:— •-."attlo— The Hnpply of prime f(nality beef is getting -career , svory a a y. We miotc an ad\Tlf t" H L^ V T ?,°° lb > with » coM demand. At the Washdyko Company's yards on Thursday only a small supply of prime came forward, which brought good values, with keen competition. Thoy sol.l heifers np to £7 lbs Stores— No transactions of any note to report. > <.ood two and three year old i,tecr» are iu-i quired tor, aud xulcablo at market rates Sheep— The demand for primo quality i> good, with only a limited supply. They «u«,i> prime mutton at -'„1 to 2\.i p«r lb ; mS '<A. At tho Washdyke Company's yarili fa ; o entrien camo to hand. The dnmnn'T wa« brisk, r:vf;ry lot changing hands at advanced rates. They sold the following lines — tat crossbred wcthern, at IU ; 2GT, half-l>fe«l wether*, at 12h 9d ; 190 merino ow«h, m. lamb nt "h lid; 100 cull half-bred hoggota, at 7s r>/l. Private Sales— They havo found buyers for the following lines : — IOO fat merino weth/ >r» at 10a ; 200 do do (io, at 8s Cd ; 120 primo fat orossbred wethere at 15s; 280 fat half-b red wethers at 133 6d ; 70 Btoro orowfbred vrctr.iera at Vii ; 000 crossbred botrgobi at 9s ; 478 do do rlr> o» 10h ; al«o 59 heacf two-year old atoor.i at £2 12s Od, and have several, transactions iv Hhoeji and cattle ponding. Country Sale— On Friday, the :51st insfc. they conducted a dearing «alo of Btook implements, etc., on account of Mr William Walker, Waitobi. Considering tho unfavorable weather, tho atton/lunco was largo an 1 <:vory lot Hold met with good competition,'

and the prices obtained were very satisfactory. A line of (ill! two, four, six and eight tooth orossbred ewes brought 13s lOd ; tSO crossbred hoggets, 10s ; old rams, 13s : fat crossbred wethers, 12s 3d j call merino owes, 4s Id : draught horses, from .£lO to .£ls ; hacks, £5 10s to £7 ; engino and combino, ,£l<;s : implements, harness, etc., eto., at current values. Skins— Tho market w.i-s iv fnll supply nt their usual fortnightly sale. Priced were well maintained. They sold by auction and privately 832 Best butchers' crossbreds, 3s 3d, 3s (id to 3s lOd ; second quality, 2s Gd, 2s Od to 3s ; merinos, 2s Od to 3s ; country skins. Is 9d, 2s, L's 2d, 2s 3d to 3s ; v bales station skins brought J.Vd to 5d per Ib. Wool, 7d per lb, pieces td, locks 2id. Hides — The market remains steady. All coming forward moot with ready sale at tho following quotations, viz. : — (iOlbs and over, 4',d per lb ; SOlbs to GOlbs, 1J ; light and inferior, 3d to 3id ; cut and slippy, 2d. At the above prices they havo disposed of over 97. Messrs Jonas and Bourn report as folThoy havo no change to report m tho local markets. Tho rise m tho value of both sheep and fat cattle seems to he well established, and owners of fat stock fit for sale will do well to gradually dispose of what they hoid, as prices will a little later on suffer a decline ns spring feed comes m. Sheepskins fell slightly m price at the recent sales, bnt valuos are likely to be maintained at about lato rates as prices havo recovered m the northern and southern markets. Whoatismoyingoff alittlo easior, and a slight improvement m oate is expected. Somo enquiry exists for small freehold farms of from ono to two hundred acres, and buyers from both north and south have called upon thorn to look for suitahlo holdings, hut prices asked, m one or two instances, havo proventod sales being effected. Owners seem to bo perfectly satisfied as to tho value of their land, and groat bargains under tho circumstances are not to bo expected by new comers. Tho value of agricultural land m South Canterbury is justly estimated by tho present occupants, and small capitalists would, they are convinced, do better with a small freehold here, than with a larger one obtained for tho same uionov on tho scona plains or heavy bnsh lands of tho North Island. Sheepskins, &c— They hold their usual salo on the 22nd. submitting a catalogue of oxcellont skins. Prices throughout the sale wc-ro somewhat uneven, and thov report a drop m values of from 3d to Gd per skin. They sold crossbreds at Is -fcl, la Gd, 2s lid, 3s, 3s lid, 3s Od, 3s lOd ; morino3 at Is -td, Is Bd, Is 9d, Is lid, 2s Gd. 2-i 7d : eight bales of morino wool idingv) at G : ;d, pieces and locks -id, rough fat, iJdtbl-M. Washdyko Saleyards — They report having held a very successful sale m theso yards on Thursday, there being a largo attendance of bnyoi'3 aud farmers, and a very good entry of stock. They sold 170 crossbred hoggets at 9s 3d, 170 cross bred ewes at 11s lOd, 32 wethers at 13a 6d, and 50 fat wethers at 15s 7d, 34 store pigs at lls, 12s, and 15s ; 1 breeding sow at 2t>3. 1 at 27s Gd, 2 at 30s, aud 1 at 35s : 3 store steers for ill, 3 at X 3 ss; G yearling steers and heifers at 3Ss ; 2 cows at .£2 10a, 1 at .£2 15s, 1 at £3 lls, 1 at £1 15s, and 1 at £o los. Miscellaneous — On Thursday, the 22nd ult., they held a clearing sale at Mr Nolan's farm, Upper Otnio. There was only a moderate attendance, bnt every lot was sold, including seven useful farm horses, which were quitted at ruling prices. On Saturday last they had an average entry of horses, nnd succeeded m placing tho bulk at current values, a bay mare and black golding submitted as one lot realising £±l, a chestnut gelding, harness and baker's cart .£2-4 ; also harness, grass seed, implements, poultry, <ie. , at satisfactory prices. They have to report having effected the sale, privately, of Mr Raymond's milk ronnd, lease of land, stock and plant to Mr Lawrence Hnrtnett at a price withheld. They have also quitted one or two small parcels of milling wheat. For breeding ewes they have had considerable enquiry, and values have advanced as predicted by them.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3385, 3 August 1885, Page 2

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Commercial Intelligence. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3385, 3 August 1885, Page 2

Commercial Intelligence. Timaru Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 3385, 3 August 1885, Page 2