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Miscellaneo usi TT 8 E°^E L' E"N : M 'B V E R, HOMCEOPATHIO OHEMIST AND MEDICAL BOOKSELLER, 110 BWANSTON STBBBT, MbLBOUBNE. Homoeopathic Tinctures, Pilules, Triturations, Globules — Wholesale and Retail. Lihi-ml Allowances to those who use ' Largely. Terms on Application. Oedees b* Pobx Pbomptly Attended To. Medicine Cheats m Variety from Us. Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed. The following , list of the remedies most commonly required m the colonies, with their u<ses, wilt be found helpful to those about to adopt . I-he Hpmo^opattiio Treatment :— v; ■ - Aconi6e.— Fe'verishriees, inflammation', cold (invasive stage), rheumatism, lumbago; ncHralgia.. . . , . . , ..-.-,.- Antimonium Tart. — Bronchitis, croup, oaugh with : much wheezing and difficult expulsion of mucous. Arnica, M. — Injuries from falls or blows, concussions, physical fatigue, muscular rheumatism. ■ ; ■■•'■ i Arsenicnm, A. — Influenza, cold with profuse acrid dischiirge ■ from eyes und nose, shortness of /breath) skinaffectionf. ■ Belladinna. — Sore throat, scarlet fever, Bearlet rash, congestive headache, infantile convulsions, dry night cough, boils, carbuncles, abscrsa. Bryonia, A. — Bronchitis, c]ry rough, ;and pain m the chest, pleurisy, lumhago, dyspepsia, conßtipation, pleuro-puo.umoniu. r . . ),. Calcnrea. Carb. — Scrofulous affections, loss, of fit sh, difficult toothing, sculled head of infonts ' ' ' - > l ' Chamomilia.— Diarrliceft restlessness and other affectio'ns'of children' tlurjng feb'th'in'g. China. — Diarrhoea frohY debility, lofs of appetite, neuralgia, prostration from abscess. Cina. — Disorders, m children arising from worms, grinding teeth, wetting bed. Colocynth. — Colic with diarrhoea, dysentery, aovere neuralgia, sciatica. Drosera. — Spasmodic bough with ching m hooping cough.' invaluable. '.;•.. Hamamelis. — Bleeding from may part, varicrise veins, inflammation of veins, bleeding piles. . :.. i Hepar. Sulph. — Boils, abscesses, whitlow, hoarsened, inflammation of eyelids Hydraslis. — Chronic = ulcers iilcerated mouth, constipation with piles. ■ Ignatia. — Hysterics, sleeplessness from fright or griefs low spiritfl/nervous 1 headache. Ipecacuanha:— Hooping con^ii, firai stage nausea and vomiting, cough with retching h»roorrhagp. Iris V. — Sick-headache, purging ; and vomiting, severe ' flatulent colic, cholera inantu m. Kali. Birch. — Bronchiliß, aoiitp and ohronic; cough with much wheezing, yollow coated tongue. Mercurius. 8. — Cold m the head, gore throat, ulceratian of mouth and throat, toothaohp from decay, discharge from eara. Nux. Vomica. — Indigestion, flatulence, constipation, spasmodic asthmn, stnffy'cold m the head ; also for the reßiiltof over Btudy. and excess ye use of efimulanta. Phosphorna. — Hacking coughy pain and tightness of the cliest, wilh wasting ; plenropneumonia, nervous debility. Pulsati-la — In measles almost specifit", it i» preventive. Indigestion from rich food, bitter, sour, or foul taste, pains m the left side ( female). Rhus. Tox.— -Chronic rheumatism, lumbago, rheumatio stiffness and lameness, sprains, redness Of skin with burning and if ching, vesicular eryßipeltts. ■ • ■ "Spongia." — Croup, dry hard barking cough, worse at night with tickling and burning sendisease- - ! ~£"" l » P ueg ' u « e * ful after hiv'" ' • t" <svont reourrenoe. =uinoepathic Tincture 'df Camphor : '(Dr Rubini's). — Usoful m first stages of cold and influenza (an effectual remedy if promptly administered), cholera, colic, and diarrhoaa, fainting, spasms, and epidemio diseases. In bottles, at Is, Is 6d, and 2s 6d. Camphor Piluleß.— The most coriveriient and portable form of 'the same medicine. In bottles, Is, and Is 6d. Green glass,- boxwood caps, Is 6di and 2s 6d. Tincture of Arnica ranks first 'amongst external applications, for braises, grains, tender feet.' „In bottleß, Is, Is 6d, and 2s;6d. Arnica Cerate, for abrasion of the skin. In jars, Is, and Is 6d. Arnica Liniment, for uiusuclar rheumatism — to be rubbed on the affected parts, la lsGd, and 2»'6d. Arnica Ball, for chapped handß or lips Is. Tincture of Calendula, for outs and lacerations, wounds, ulcers, &c. In bottles, It Is 6d, and 2s 6d; : Calendula Cerata, for slow-healing sores In jars, le, and la 6d. : : Glycamyl of Calendula:— A most valuable preparation for broken : chilblains. In glass jars, Is 6d. Tincture of Rhus Tox^ for sprains the of tendons, and for rheumatism. In bottles,- la 3d and 2s. ' Rhus Liniment. — Valuable for rheumatism, applied by rubbing the parts affected. bottles, Is and Is 6d. Rhus Opodeldoc' — 1b 6d. : : Hamamelis. — One of the chief remedies for Hemorrhages,, bleeding piles, varicose veins, etc. In bottles, la, 1b 6d, and 2s 6d. •■ Hamameliß Cerate, for treatment of Injors, Is, and Is 6d. ■ Carbolic Aoid Liniment. — Most valuable for immediate application to burns and ecalds, Should be ready m- cisc of accidents. Tn bottles, Is 6d and 2b 6d. Tamus 0. — A valuable remedy for C'lbloins. Bottles, Is Bel ond'2s 6d/ Arnica and C'alendular Plaster. 9d and U 3d per packet. • BEELEN MEYER'S PHOBFE R R I N E . The restorativo and invigorating effects of this valuable preparation are now extensively attested by numbers who have resorted to it for , ' • • ■. j '■■■'■ ■ '■V >. ■ GENERAL! DEBILITY, i DEPRESSION^ POORNESS OF BLOOD, LOSS OF APPETITE, LACK OF VITALITY, &c. Also NEURALGIA when , arising from general weaknosß. . Bold m bottles, with directions, 1b 6d, ge 6d and 4s 6d. SEELEA'METKIi'S" CONCENTRATED TINCTURE OF PODOPHYLLIN. An effectual remedy for • biliousness' with nausea and giddiness, bitter t is ta and risings, bilious-vomiting and. purgings, constipation,, and all maladies resulting from Bluggish. liver, Is, Is 9d, and 3s. "I know no medicine within the wide range of either the t Allopathio or Homospathic Materia Medica, that exercises 'so direct and benefioial an influence over a torpid condition of the liver as thisdriig."— Dr. WMorgan. , SEELENMEYER'S BOtUTION OF PHOSPHORUS, 20 drops contain one-tenth, of a grain o. Pure : Phosphorus. ' . This solution ib the only Homcepathio pre paratfon of Phosphor as m the colonies, of an! absolutely certain strength, from which the higher attenuations can. be correotly made, j ; It can bo; taken m water, does nob- undergo oxidation m mixing, is devoid of the unpleasant taste and odor of the drug, land retains' its strength for any length of; time.. ■ V. Valuable m Tubercular Consumption, Irritating Congh, Debility, • &c. ; Sold 'm bottles Is 6d, 2s 6d, and 4s 6d eaoh. Liberal terms to the trade. ' HJ£iJiLiI£NMEYER'S SEMI-EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL AND PHOSPHORUS la bottles,'2s 6d snd 4s 6d eaoh. ' ! H^M^EPATHIC WOBEB.T ;. .; MATERIA'riMEDIOA :ANB>; SPECIAL THERAPEUTtOS" OF' THE"" NEW REMEDIES. By Dr E. M. Hale. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. In two. vols, half boond. MorgaTON^^fHE^rVßß Bslßd\ A ■ MANUAL' OF PHABMA-pOpT^i;-, MICS, or the Action of Medicine* m Health and Disease. By Dr Richard Hughes, 16s. . By the same/autkor. A MANUAL OF THERAPEUTICS/ Two'*ol«. 8«'«d eaohV •- Dr Riiadook'g Text Book, Medical and BUIV 1 gical, oin.HMCEOPATHIO PRINCIPLES' «B«. ' ' " . . , „-.,. - • '..;;.,- --' ■ : Q. BMALI^,i • ; ;'- Agent, Tirontu/ 1

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3289, 13 April 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3289, 13 April 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3289, 13 April 1885, Page 4