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! Miscellaneous. TT S E E L E N M E-Y-E R, HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMIBT AND MEDICAL BOOKSELLER, ; 110 SwApstON Stbebt, Melbotiikh. Homoeopathic Tinctures, Pilules, Tritrirutiboa, Globules — Wholesale and Rftail. : ' ' LnVrul Allowunees.'to (hose 4 who 1 use Largely. Terms on Application/ ' ■ J 'r~' . Oedeus bt Post Phomptly Attended' To. Medicine Chests m Variely ffom ll's! : Prescriptions Accurfttoly'Dispensed." : The following list of the remedies most commonly required in' the colonies, with their uses, will be found helpful to those about tt adopt the Horoceipal.hic Treatment : — Aconite.— Feierishnesa;" inflammation, cold (invaeirf etoge), rheumatism, lumbago; nnK. raluia. Antiuionium ' Tart. .■— Bronchitis', croup, OJUgh witk much wheozing nnd difficult expulsion of mucous. Arnica," M. — Injuries from' fails or blows, i?ont'U.sßions, physical, fatigue, muscular rheumati'smV ' : . ' ' : - '- ; ' * ■<■■' ' Araet'icuvn, A. — Influenza/cold, with proifu'se 'acrid "discharge' from eVes -and nose, shortness of breath, skin afTecl ion?. : Belladtnnu. — Sora ithtoat, scarlet fever, "CBrlet rash, congestive headache, iufantile convulsions, dry night cough, boils, carbuncles, •ibscs?.' ' ■■■■■■■■ _•..'„,■ ißryonia, A. — Bronc'iitip, dry cough, and pain m the chest, pleurisy; lrimbago, dyspopsia, constipation, pleuro- pneumonia. Calcareo. Car,b.— Scrofulous affections, lost of. flcsb, difficult, teething, "called head of intints.".' . '■"', ., „a : : ; '; / ' . j ' .Chaiiiomilla. — j)iai;r)Jcßn ' reslU-ssne'ss' and other affections ijf children during Seething. Ohini., ; — Piurrhrea from debili*y, s loss of appo'ite, rieumrgia, prostration from ibscess. ,oma. — Disorder* in' ohildreu' arising from wornie, grinding teeth, w.'tting beil. Colooy nth. —Colic with diarrhoea, dysentery, severe neuralgia, sciatica. \ ■ iDroaera.— Bpaainodic .cough.- with .. ching m hooping congh invaluable. ..•-., .,. Hamamelis. — Bleeding from any part, varicose veins, inflammation of veins, bleeding pile?. iHepar. Sulph.-—: Boils, abscesses, whitlow, hoarseiie-B, inflammation of eyelids Hy>irastiß. — r Chronio ulcers ulcerated mouth, constipation vrith piles. , .. Ipnatia.' — Hysterics, sleeplessness from fright or grief, low spirits, nervous headache. ' Ipecacuanha. — Hooping pougti } firotr^tage nausea and vomiting, cough with retching haemorrhage. ■: ' - - - -.••■ Iris—' 1 V, — Bidk-headaohe, purgiug ~and vomiting, severe flatulent colic, cholera inj until m. Kali. Birch. — Bronchitisj acute and chronio; cough with much wheeziiig, yellow coated tongue. ' " •'>-••■ -i | Mercurius. 8. — Cold in' the head, sore throat, ulceration of iriouth and throat, toothaohe from decay, discharge frem ears. Nux. Vomico. — Indigestion, flatuleuco, constipation, spasmodic asthma, stuffy cold m the head ; also for thp result of over study, and excosj ye usn of stimulants. Phosphorus. — Hacking cough, pain and tightness o.f the'ojiest/wiih wasting-;- pleura*' pneumonia, nervous debility. Pulsatilla — In meiales almost specific, it i« preventive. Indication from jieii foud, bitter, sour, or foul t»«ta, piina m the left side i.feinain). : i Khus.Tos. — Chronic rheumut ism, lumbago, rheutnntia otiffnef s anci lameness, 1 sprains, redness of skin with burningand iiching, vesicular erysipelasT '"" "" .'.'' .-.--..-^. — ..,,. Spongia. — Croup, dry hard , barking cough, worse at night with tickling and burning sen-, sation. . '. ■ ■. . ..■ ;■ ■ ,- ; i Sulphur. — Skin dinuase, pimples, piles, useful after boils to .prevent recurrence. Homcapathio Tincture of Camphor (Dr ■Rubini's). — Useful m firßt et.ages of cold and influenza (an .effectual remedy if.promptly.admirustered), 'cholera, colic, arid diarrhtßa,--fainting, spasmsj and epidemic diseases. In bot: Ibb, at Is, Is 6sl, aud 2e 6d. ( ' '.'•' ;; ,; ' Camphor ' Pilules.— The 1 ; most convenient ! and poriahl'e. form of the 'samo medicine. In bottles, Is, and Is 6d. Green gifts?, boxwood caps/Is 6d,' and '2s 6d. ; • •U1 '■' Tincture* of Arnica' ranks' first amongst external j applications; for braise's,' ; grains, tondorfeet. In' bottles,' ls, 19 6d, and 2s 6d. . Arnica Cerate, for abrasion of the s^in. In jurs, Te, and Is 6d. ' ' ' " ■ ' Arnica Linimont, for nmauclar rhenmatism — to be rubbed . on the affected parl.B. 1» Is 6d, and .2a 6d. ' ' ■ Arnica Ball, for chapped hands or lips Ib. Tinefurd'of Calendula,~forcntß and lacera* : tions, wounds, ulcera, &o. In rbottles, It Is 6d, aad 2a 6A. : Calesdula Cerßta, for slow-healing soro? In jars, Ih, and Is 6d. . ! Glycamyl of Calendula.— r A most ; valuable preparation for broken chilblains. In glasß jarsj la 6d. ;■■ • - ,- -p Tincture of ithua Tox, for sprains thebf' tendons, and for rheun.atism. Ie bottles,. Is 3d and 2s. ' ', „'.( j l -V. '„-. i Rhus Liniment. — Valuable for rheumatism, applied by ru6bing the parts affebted; In bottles, la and Is 6d. Khus Opodeldoc. — Is6d. ■ Hamameliß.'r*-One pfthe chiof,reiqediesfor Heemorrhagea, breeding piles, varicose veins, etc. In bottles, Is, Is 6d, and 2s 6d. ': Hamamelis Cerate, for treatment of piles. Injiirß,'ls, and Is6d. ; .' ' U . ; Carbolic Aoid Liniment.— Most valuable for immediate application to burns and scalds. Should be J rea3y' in case 1 of accidents. Tn bottles, Is 6d and 2a 6d. , v i; [ Tamus C.— ;^A valuable remedy for c-1---blaina.; Botiies,- Is 6d and 2s 65. ; 5-i 1^ ' Arnica a%& r Calendular Plaster; 9d asd' 7 U 3d per packet. ■ ; ;;; SEELENMEYER'S j P H O 8 F E R, R IN E. >. r s '* I The restorative and invigorating . effects 'of this valuable preparation are now" extensively attested by numbers who have resorted; to jit GENERki, v ; pEBiLETY, ; DEP^SKCON, poorness of; blood; , ioss" -W APPETITE, LACK OF VITALITY, iSa Also NEURALGIA when . arising^ from ■■ general weaknesa. ■ -'", „.''.!, ,-*..-. Sold m bottles, with; directions, lafffdi g» 6d and 45. 6 d.; 1.:,-;/) •■•. .'f d !.!. SEELEf<MEYfKR"B ' CONCENTRATED : TINCTURE OF PODOPHYLLIN. An effectual reniedy 'for bilioiisnesa with nausea and giddiness, bitter tistcv and risings, I bilious vomiting and' pnrgings, 'constipation, and all maladies resulting from sluggish' liver, la, la 9d, and 3s. T •■';' ' =" ■■■'•;• '■■ " I know no medicine within the wide range of either the Allopathic 'ov> Etomagpathic Materia Medica, thafc.'exorciees so direct and benefloial an influence over a torpid condition of the liver as thia drug." — Dr. WMorgan. • :•'. SEELBNMEYER'S : ;a .;? SOLUTION OF PHOSPHORUS. 20 dropa contain one-teritbjpf a grain 6', Pure „PBoßpb"6rnßi : ! i- ;' Thia solution ia tho;oaly Homcepathic pre paration. of Phoaphorua m. the colonieß, of an absolutely certain 'strength, from- i.which the higher attenuationa coin be correctly made. It can bo taken m water, does' not undergo oxidation. in mixing, is devoid of the unpleasant taste and odor of i the ;drug, and retains its atrengtb. for any length, -df time. . u-.. ■/: Valuable m Tubercular Consumption, Irritating Cough, Debility, .&c. Sold m bottles la 6d, 2a 6d, and 4s 6d eaoh. Liberal terms to the trade., . aiSKLKNMEYEB,^ SEMI-EMUiJLSTO^ OF COD LIVER OIL AND PHOSPHORUS Ih bottles,-2a'6d and4aic6d eaoh. j , ; HOMtEPATHIO WORKS, ■. j MATERIA MEDIQA A]JrD, ! BPEOIAL THERAPEUTIOS OF „ jHE 7 ,i NEW REMEDIES. . 'By D^ EL M. Hale. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. In two vola. half bound. ."..A ■ ' Morgan ON^HB J fiiy3Cß.' ; "Ba-8d. ■' 9 1 A 1 ; MANUAIi' h OB PHARM^AOODYNAMIOB, or the Action i dr'Medioinea m Health and Diaeaaq r By Dr Ri'ch.Wd Hugh^,'l'6e. By the same autkofV- .Ai^ANUAJcOJE THERAPEUTICS. —Two *ole. 8a 6d eaoh. Dr Buddock'a Text Rooky Mfldicol and Surgical,i cal, on HMffiOPATHIO PRINCIPLES tßa. ■'••' "- ■ ■■■■'■'• ■' . , G. SMALL, ■ • ■ • '"'■ Ag«njt, TiqT^ju.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3288, 11 April 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3288, 11 April 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3288, 11 April 1885, Page 4