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The ordinary monthly meeting of the Timaru Harbor Board was held yesterday, at their offices, Messrs Maclean and Stewart's Buildings. MEMBERS FRESENT. Mr Win. Moody (Chairman), E. Aclon, A. Hayes, Jno. Talbot, Moss Jonas, E. Elworthy, A. Wilson, J. Kelland, and Captain Slitter, M.H.R. MINUTE 3. The minutes of the annual and of last ordinary meeting were read and confirmed. COBBE9PONDENCE. Before considering the correspondence, the Chairman said the revenue for the month had been £68 13s 4d from Landing Service, £294 17s Id from wharfage dues, and £205 5s lOd from port charges, total £568 15s 3d. Letters -were then read as follows : — From Messrs McEwan and Co., of London, quoting prices for dredger chain, and from the game stating the Krupp steel crane wheels had been shipped per s.s. Coptic, and enclosing a civil engineer's certificate and report on the wheels. The letter stated that the wheels were a sound and satisfactory piece of work m all respects. The Chairman said the transaction had been a most satisfactory one, and the total cost far below the estimate they had formed. In answer to Mr Acton the Chairman said the draft for coßt of wheels would be charged against Messrs Kincaid and McQueen. From Mr Low, dated 26th March, stating the rails on the new wharf would be laid as Boon as possible. In reply to the Chairman, the Engineer said the .Railway Department had finished laying the rails. From Mr Maxwell, regarding the charge now levied by the Railway Department for loading coal at the wharf, and stating that Meßsrß Turnbull and Sutter, M.H.B.'s, having represented the matter to the Minister for Public Works, it had been decided that from and after the 13th April when cranage is charged for or provided, 6d per ton only will be charged for each loading or unloading that may be done by the Department. The Chairman said the charges for timber had also been represented to the Department, and after consideration it was resolved that the Secretary write to the Department asking if the word "timber" had not inadvertently been omitted from the letter quoted above. From. Messrs White, Smithson and Kaymond, instructed by the owners of the Black Diamond line of steamers, with reference to a claim of £35 for damage done to a cuae of goods on or about the 20th January. The matter was, on the motion of Captain Sutter, handed over to the Standing Committee to take evidence on and report to next meeting of the Board. From the Secretary of the Timaru Sea Bathing Company, asking for a lease of land below high water" mark, as shown on a plan attached, for the purpose of erecting a bathing place. He pointed out that the Company had not been formed for the purpose of making money, but for supplying a long felt want m Timaru. The Company asked for a lease of ten years, and for ft further term of 21 years subject to twelve months' notice. After some discussion and consulting the Harbors Act and Timaru Harbor Act, Mr Elworthy moved, Mr Acton Beconded, and it was unanimously agreed to — " That the members of the Timaru Sea Bathing Company be informed that this Board has great pleasure m complying with their request upon the terms asked as to time and resumption ; upset rental to be £1 per annum, and if no obstacle m the Harbors Act prevents dealing, that tenders be advertised for m terms of clause 138, to be m at the June eittingof the Board." From the Oamaru Harbor Board asking for the lend of the Timaru Board's screw mooring laying plant, as they were about to put down some screw moorings m the Oamaru harbor. A letter received later was also considered, ■tating that the Oamaru Board intended to lay down one mooring, and if the work proved successful they would then lay down two more, and asking the rate this Board would charge on such arrangement. Captain Sutt«r moved, and Mr Jonas seconded — " That the Oamaru Harbor Board have|the use of the gear for putting down one mooring for £30, and for each additional mooring £25, carriage to be paid by them loth way?, and the material to be returned m the same good order as it leaves Timaru." From the Timaru Harbor Board's Socretary stating that the charges made to the Union Company for the b.s. Wakatipu had been £20 Bs. This matter, it will be remembered, was left m the hands of the Chairman at last meeting, and he now reported that he had made the terms as liberal as possible with the Company, as an inducement to get large steamers to call here. He would like the Board, however, to consider this matter themselves, as one other large steamer had lately called (the CHaucus), and as others were likely to call soon, the matter of charges should be carefully considered. Members agreed that everything should be done to encourage large steamers to call here, and it waa resolved that enquiries re charges <m the s.s. Wakatipu be referred to the Staging Committee, to report upon it and similar t>Mes - From 2& r James Philp, contractor for wharf contrao* No. 6, referring to his letter of April 9th, lb^i. .and laying farther particulars respecting hi* claim for compensation before the Board. The matter was referred to the Standing Committee to report on. From the Harbor Master, requesting an increase of salary. . The letter was held over fov consideration at next meeting. HABBOB MASIEE'S BEPOBT. This report was read as follows : — _ " I have the honor to report the arrival of 26 vessels, of the aggregate register tonnage of 8529 tons, and the departure of 28 vessels, of the aggregate register tonnage of 7994 tons. During the month of March, 1885, the whole of the above vessels have been \Torked at the wharf. The Dflva, from liondon, direct, had to be lightened m the roadstead and at the moorings previous to 'being worked at the wharf .

" During the early part of the month there hare been a few heavy seas, causing a range m the harbor. " On the 28th instant, the laying of rails on the wharf extension was completed, and the extra berthage has been utilised since. " The Landing Service hns been employed during part of the month, the earnings being gross, £142 13s lOd ; nett £68 13s 4d. The storage at the Landing Service ib being used for the Harbor Board's cement. 9oundines have been taken during the month, the result being similar to last month, with the exception of the berth dredged at the new wharf. engineer's bbpobt. Mr John Goodall, C.E. to the Board, reported as follows : — " I hare the honor to report on the progress of the harbor works during the last month, as follows : — " Breakwater Contract No. s.— The foundation blocks for the whole extent of the curve has been laid, and the monolith has been extended 37 feet, making 304 feet of finished work. "Wharf Contract No. 6 (extension) hag been fully and satisfactorily completed, and railway sidings hare been laid on it by the railway authorities. The continuation of the water supply pipes is now required for supplying shipping, etc., with water. " Wharf Contract No. 8 (Moody Wharf).— The greater part of the cement walling for the approach of this work has been built, and the filling m of the enclosed space has been begun. This part of the work will be completed by the time that the iron bark timber arrives, the first consignment of which is expected during next month. " Dredging with the Prieatman dredge has begun alongside the wharf extension since the rails were laid. " Cement contracts. — The first consignment of the Dunedin Harbor Company's contract has arrived ex Deva,. and the first of Mr Turner's contract may be expected daily ex Norman McLeod." The Engineer enclosed letters from Mr Hargreaves, which stated tho barque Kassa was to leave Clarence River, N.S.W., with piles and beams about the 13th April. DBEDGING. The following report on dredging was then read : — " We hare the honor to inform you that we are unable to send m to-day a definite report on the subject of dredging inside the harbor. It appears to us that although the question must be met shortly, it is not urgent, as the present depths of water will suffice for tho class of vessels now frequenting tho port, which, however, show a great tendency to increase m size. The chief trouble that exists is the bank of sand, which remains beyond the reach of the Priestman dredge, and before it can be determined what may be best to do to remove Ihis expeditiously and economically, it has been deternvned to try to scoop up tho bank with the appliances we have, with the help of the tug. '.I here has not-been a suitable occasion to do this during the last month. As regards more extensive dredging, information is now being gathered to arrive at a proper decision. We beg to request that extension of time be granted to mature this report. " We are, etc., " jxo. goodali. Wm. Webster." The Board agreed to an extension of time being granted. THE ENGINEER. The following letters wore then read from the Engineer (Mr Jno. Goodall) : — " Sir, — In accepting the position of Resident Engineer to the Napier Harbor Board I Tvould be sorry to sever my connection with the Timaru Harbor Board with • whose works I have been connected from their very commencement to the present, and having been the fortunate agent of their success. Should the Timaru Harbor Board be still inclined to employ my services I may point out two ways m which I will be most happy to serve them, with or without a Resident Engineer at Timaru. Without a Resident Engineer the works might be placed under the superintendence of Mr Jno. Hamilton, the present Clerk of Works. Of Mr Hamilton -who is so well known to the Board I need not say more than that be has my thorough confidence ; his long and successful connectior with tho works hns given him such experience that few enjoy, and were he to be placed ir charge it would be strange were he not tc acquit himself with credit to the Board and to himself. For professional assistance I could visit and report on the works at stated periods of, say, once m three months, or oftener, and whenever emergency may require. The works ai^e at such a stage now that sucli an arrangement is possible, and Mi Hamilton is conversaut with every detail, and should an untoward accident occur requiring professional assistance it does not appear tc me that were even an. engineer to be on the spot he could do anything to help on the spur of the moment. However confident I may bo m this opinion il may not appear m the same light to the Board, and therefore they may wish that t Resident Engineer be appointed to take pro■fessional control of the works, subject tc myself. Should that be the wish of the Board m that case I do not consider the entire time of an engineer will be required. Were h« a capable man and resident m Timaru, he could be referred to on all questions cropping up, and be could keep a supervision over the works. I consider that would be ainplv sufficient unless the Board considered that more constant attention is required. Under any circumstances I am willing to act as consulting engineer, to viait the works and to report on them every three months or oftener, and to come to Timaru as soon as possible whenever emergency required, for suoh sum as may be agreed upon." The other, dated 9th inst., was — " I beg to inform you that I will be willing to act as Consulting Engineer to the Board for £300 per annum, for which sum I will make a visit and give • a report quarterly ; travelling expenses to be included. In cases of emergency I will be prepared to visit aj often as necesBary, the Board to pay travelling expenses. These terms are similar to those between the New Plymouth Harbor Board and their Consulting Engineer." The Board wont into Committee to consider these letters, and on resuming the following resolution was confirmed : — Moved by Mr El worthy and seconded by Mr Talbot, "That Mr Goodall be offered the appointment of Consulting Engineer at the rate of. £250 per annum, to pay quarterly visits — or oftener m case of emergency— to the works m progress and report thereon ; all travelling expenses to be included, this arrangement to be terminated at any time by three months' notice on either side;" and " That Mr Hamilton's salary be increased to £5 per week." LOAN PROPOSALS. Mr Jonas then moved the notice standing m his name as follows : — " That the Board vow consider the question of proceeding with further works for which another loan is required." Discussion on this question was ulso carried on m Committee, it being eventually resolved on the motion of Mr Talbot, seconded by Mr Hayes — "That tho Member for Timaru be requested to take the neCesgary steps to got an Empowering Bill passed at the next session of the General Assembly, authorising the Board to borrow a further sum not exceeding £100,000, for the further prosecution of the harbor works." An amendment, moved by Mr Elworthy, and seconded by Mr Acton — "That the Member for Timaru be requested to place before Parliament at next sitting a _ full statement of the Board's financial position, and to urge upon Members the necessity that has arisen for further prosecution of tho works, and that the Members for South Canterbury be requested to co-operate m getting a Bill drafted for the purpose of enabling the Board to borrow £50,000, according to the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives," was lost ; and a further amendment, moved by Mr Wilson — " That it is not advisable to apply to Parliament for a sanction to further borrowing at present," failed to find a seconder. ACCOUNTS. Accounts amounting to £1815 2s lid were passed for payment, and the meeting adjourned.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3287, 10 April 1885, Page 3

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TIMABU HARBOR BOARD. Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3287, 10 April 1885, Page 3

TIMABU HARBOR BOARD. Timaru Herald, Volume XLI, Issue 3287, 10 April 1885, Page 3