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Lbvels Boad Board. — The ordinary monthly meeting of the Levels Road Board will bo hold m their offices, Main Road, at 11.15 this morning. C Battery, H.Z.A. — A special parade is ordered for to-morrow evening. Members to assemble m drill order at 7.30. Wo understand that it is intended to havo a march out during the ovoning. Thb Timabu Hospitai,.— Tenders are invited by the Hospital Commissioners for oxtending tho Hospital drain seaward. Specifications may bo soen at the Council Chamber. Tenders are to be delivered at tho Hospital not later than to-morrow, Wcdnosday.. AnnKST. — A man namod William Thomas Topping was arrested by Detective Kirby, at Winchester, yesterday, on a chargo of stealing a swag m tho Mackonzio Country. Ho will bo brought up at the Resident Magistrate* Court this morning. ! TnE Gladstonh Emotion. — Mr Arthur E. Q-. Rhodes, m an advertisement which wo publish this morning, expresses his regret that private engagements preoludo him from contesting tho Gladstone) scat this year. At Uin same time ho thanks tho requisitionists for the honor they have conferred upon him. Tub Watmatb Eleotobatb. — Mr W. J. Steward invites the electors of Waimato to meet him at tho schoolhouse, Makikihi, tomorrow i at tbo schoolhouso, Waihao, on Thursday) at the schoolhouso, Hedcliffo, on Saturday, and at the Oddfellows' Hall, Wainmte, on Monday, All the meetings will bo at 7 p.m., except that at Waimate, which will bo at 8 p.m. Accidbnt, — While out riding yesterday Miss Taylor, daughter of Mr Taylor, of tho Gornldine Hotel was thrown from hor horse, which took fright at some object m the street. Fortunately she received no very

serious injury, oscopt a nasty cut m the back Df tho head, and a severe shaking, although the horse was m full gallop at the time. Cockebell's Cultivaioe.— A public trial of CockoreU'e X Cultivator was held yesterday on Mr llcKibbin's farm, Pleasant Point. There was a good attendance of farmers and others interested. The land operated on was a piece of stubble, and tlie action of the implement, upon it was considered very satisfactory, all present being well pleased witli it. Bied Snow. — The entries for the annual show of the South Canterbury Poultry, Pigeon and Canary Society closed last evening, when the lists closed with 110 entries of poultrj, 30 "of pigeons, and 60 of canaries, besides" a few^extras. The total, 200, is some 30 more than last year's number. The increase is chiefly m ?ong birds. The show will be held on the 11th and 12th (next Friday nnd Saturday), m the new Assembly Rooms, a very suitable and pleasant place indeed for the purpose, we should say. R.M; Cotjbt, TlUAßtr.— At this Court yesterday, before F. LeCren and E. G. Stericker, rTsqrs., J.P.s, two men were fined 5s each for drunkenness. A man named Thomas Halpin was fined 20s for being drunk on licensed promises, and ordered to pay 6s, the Value of a pane of glass broken by him m the Shamrock Hotel ; m default soven days. J. Dow, J. Howton, and W. Catton, wero each finad ss, and J. Davidson 10s, with costs, for allowing cattle to wanjlor at large within the Borpugh. Political. — The following meetings aro to be held this evening, viz. — Mr D. Anderson, at the Assembly Rooms, Pleasant Point, at 7.30 ; and Mr J. H. Sutter, at tho schoolroom, Washdyke, at 7.30, will address the electors of Gladstone. Mr A. Coi, at Winchester ; and the Hon. W. Rolleston, at Grapeß' Valley, will address the electors of Greraldino. Mr W. J. Steward will meot the Waimate electors at the schoolhouee, Makikihi, at 7 o'clock to-morrow. Fabboba. — A public tea meeting was held m connection with the Wesleyan Church, on July 4th, the school being well filled on the occasion. The tables were presided over by Mesdames Guy and Ward, and the Misses Priest, Rapsey, and Guscott. After tea the meeting was presided over by His Worship tho Mayor of Tiniaru. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. Fairclough and Hayes, Mr Dawson, Rector of the Timaru Higli School, and Mr Holdgate. Selections of music were given by Miss Lottie Guscott on tho piano, with surprising effect considering the youthfulness of the player. Mrs Guy sang two solos very nicely, accompanied by Miss L. Guscott. Mr Dawson informed the meeting that he would give a lecturo on chemistry, with experiments, m a Bhort time, m aid of tho Sunday school. At the close of the meeting votes of thanks were proposed by the Rev . Fairclough, and seconded by Mr Holdgate, to the ladies and all those that had taken part m getting up tho tea ; also to His Worship tho Mayor and the other speakers, by Mr T. Priest and Mr Guy. This concluded one of the most satisfactory meetings ever held m the Pareora district. Football. — A very good scratch game was played m Mr Woollcombe's paddock last Saturday afternoon betweeu full sides chosen on the ground by Mr Keid and Mr Campbell. The weather was first-rate for the game, and a very pleasant afternoou was spent. The play was rather uneven, the sides not being su well matched as they might have been, Mr Campbell's side having the best Bet of forwards and Mr Reid's the best backs. The result was a goal and a try to nil m favor of Mr Reid's Bide, the superiority of the backs chiefly accounting for this result. A match has been arranged, to be played on the Tiniaru ground next Saturday, between tho second fifteen of the local Club and the second fifteen of the Oamaru Club. This should be a very interesting game, as it will show what our youngsters can do. Tho match will commence punctually at half-past ono. The local team will bo chosen from tho following :— King, Mills, Cramoml (2), Kny, W. Wood, Tato (2), Good all, Gardiner, Watkins, LoCren (2), Webb, Hughes, Jas. die, Stevens, Laurenson, Hnylock, Birrell, Cook, and Melton. Tho team will be captained by W. King. On the following Saturday, the 19th, the first fifteen will play a match against fifteen of the Fairlie Creek Club on tho Timaru ground. A team to represent the Timaru Club has been provisi nally chosen, as follows : — Backs : Reid (captain), Roberta, F. LeCren, G. Cole, Eiclibaum and Jones ; forwards : Mackay, Shirtcliffe, Sheehan, Lough, Smith (2), Macintosh, Campbell, Pigeon, Haines and Wood. Any member named who will not bo able to play should inform the Secretary without delay. Tho Fairlio Creek Club numbers some heavy players, and the town men have some hard work m prospective. " Whittling" Extbaohdinary. — Tho latest rage m America is a tussle for tho " whittling championship." Tho Alta California says : — A recent article m this journal respecting the dexterity of a local genius, Major Forbes, of 1024 Larkin street, lias occasioned considerable of a furore m the jackknifo circle, but moro particularly m Pennsylvania, an extract being publisliod from tho Pittsburg Sportsman a short time since, m which claim was laid to tho championship m behalf of a young kindling splitter who had performed somo very neat little executions with his knife, when again comes the Sportsman of tho 10th inst., with a column article filled with braggadocia and indignation because Major Forbes does not, upon that journal's say-so, immediately send on his belt, personal and real property, and an interest m his salvation hercsfter. There is no doubt but that the coal-dust begrimed and smoke-blackened youthful hewer of wood can perform some vory ingenious little tricks with his knife, but to draw it mildly for a beardless youth, whoso name is William Wioman, ho carries an abundance of adamantine cheek, backed by the over-trustfulness of tho Sportsman writer. We have not at command now the various pieces of pati»nt and skilful execution of Major Forbes of this city, but since our former statement ho has made somo articles m our presence and Bhown us others which lay the Sportsman's Alleghenian low m tho dust. Among thoso is a beautifully finished napkin ring with a fan on its top, mado of one pieco of wood, also a eelf-feeding pen, made of pir.o, which can bo written with, having an inkstand attached, whilo the holclor is composed of ten pincer joints, which, m point of execution is an admirable proof of novelty m design and completeness. As this is tho first and only ono which tho Major over made, and where thoro is an absence of a model, it is nt once to be Boen how difficult tlie execution must bo. But for dclicato work he has mado, as an exhibition of lm deftness, from one match four pairs of pincers with nicely working joints and a complete ; an upon "the ond, whilo out of throo other matches ho has mado respectively pincers numbering from fivo to ten pairs. And for still moro fineness and delicacy ho has m ono match made fifteen houses m which are fiftoon balls, all free from tho sides and m motion, and upon the same match, with tho phosphorus remaining, ton pairs of pincers with working joints. We have no doubt of Major Forbes withdrawing his claim to tho championship when he is matched m contest and openly defeated, but to ask a man to givo up his rights and privileges m this world upon tho ipse dixit of any person, at such a distance, is simply buncombe, and wo still pin our faith to tho Major and his jackknife,

W. J. Steward— Publishes programme ot his electoral ""a/'e^G. Rhodes— Has decided not to contest tho Gladstone Beat Wanted— lbreo notices.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 3054, 8 July 1884, Page 2

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Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 3054, 8 July 1884, Page 2

Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 3054, 8 July 1884, Page 2