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Gbbaldinb. —Tho Hon. J. B, A. Acland will deliver his interesting lecture on the past history of tho Moon m tho Oddfellows' Hall, Goraldine, oil Prid/iy evoning noxt. Tho proceeds will,bo added to tho building fund of St. Mary's Church. HoßTloni/cORAL SooiETS. —Tho annual goneral meeting of tho Timnru Floral and Horticultural Socioty will bo held m tho Town Hall on Thursday evening, forthorecoption of the annual statomont of accounts and cloction of offico-bearors. Am Omission. —ln noticing Mr Jonus' ball, which took place on Friday last, wo by an oversight omitted to montion that the docoratioiiß wore from the hands of Mr T. Harnoy. His work loft nothing to bodOßired, and it was certainly not tho oosiost part of tho otfair. pBKSBrTBBIAN GITT AUCTION. —The SCOretAry to the Committeo roturns tlmnkß this morning, m an advertisomont, to nil who m any way contributed to the success of tho lato gift auction m aid of the building fund of the Presbyterian Church, Timaru. Wo aro glad to learn thnfc over £400 was netted by tho sale, a sum whioh moaßiiros a very great success indued. Tjib WnAHF.— Yosterday somo workmon, undor tho chargo of Mr Hamilton, put down a now fonder pilo at tho outer wharf, iv placo of ono recontly damaged. Tho pilo has a long broad iron plato fastened on its fuco, secured by counter sunk bolts bo that a perfectly smooth Btirfaco is presontod. Tho iron facing is oxpectod to provo offoctivo m preventing chafing, nnd will cortainly do no damago to vessels. Wo understand that all tho fonder piles aro to be protect odin a eimilar way, at they require replacing.

Levels Road Boabd. — Mr Wm. Pringle fas tho only person nominated yesterday for ho vacant seat on tho Levels Road Board, md ho was therefore declared duly elected. U> their neit mooting, on Juno 10th, tho ;ho Board will make and levy a rate of ill m he £ on the ratable property of the district, for general purposes. The rate roll is now jpen for inspection at the Board's office. Tbstimonials.— On Friday evening tho Choir of the Congregational Church presented Miss Goldsmith with a handsome plated teapot bearing a suitable inscription, on the occasion of her retirement as a member of tho Choir and leaving the district consequent on her contemplated marriage ; and on Sunday afternoon tho teachers of the Sunday-school remembered her long services as a teacher by presenting her with three useful volumes of books. The Choir-mnstcr and the Superintendent of the School m making the presentations severally alluded to tho usefulness of hor work as Veil as to the regularity of her attendance. Obituary. — Mr William Nicholls, one ot the oldest employees of this journal, died yesterday morning after a brief illness of three days. Ho had been nearly fourteen years m the Timaru Herald office, for five as an apprentice, and for over eight and a half as a journeyman. During moat of the time he held several responsible positions amongat his fellow-workmen, and wns held m great esteem by them. He arrived m Lyttelton with his parents, by tho ship Tiptree, m January, 1864, and lias resided m Timaru over sinco. Ho is tho first employe of tho Timaru Herald who has died m harness. He was 28 years of age, and leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss. Mr Nicholls was a member of the Foresters' Lodge, Court Southern Cross, tho members of which are earnestly requested to meet at tho Foresters' Hall, at 1.30 p.m., on Wednesday (to-morrow), to attend his funeral. C Baitbbt/. — Yesterday being a holiday, advantnge was taken of it to hold a Government daylight parade of the C Battery of Artillery. Tho Battery was supposed to fall m at 8.30 a.m., but owing to want of punctuality on the part of many of the men, it was nearly nine o'clock beforo tho order wa9 given. The number of men on parado was thirty-five, under tho command of Lieutenant J. E. S. Jackson. Tho Battery was put through the manual exercise, after which a number of company movements, m close and extended order, were capitally executed. Most of tho manoeuvres wore smartly and carefully gone through. On returning to the drill-shed, tho Band formed and played some marches, etc., and tho Battery was exorcised m gun drill, dismounting, etc. About 11.30 the men were dismissed. The next parade is fixed for Juno 4th, and it is hoped every member will be punctual m attendance. Commemoration op tiie Queen's BibthdAY. — Yesterday was observed as a general holiday throughout this district, m commemoration of Her Majesty's Birthday. Picnic parties wore indulged m to a great extent, the woatber being all that could be desired. The match of the S.C.R.C. against tho Kaiapoi and Duvauchelles Bay Rille Clubs, and tho C Battery's firing for Messrs Bower and Ferguson's cup were tho events m town. A feature of the festivities of the evening was the playing of the Artillery Band opposite Mr tevien's fruitorer'e shop, and the illumination of tho Theatre windows. The illuminations were very nicely done. They consisted of a device, filling tho central window, showing the British Crown reposing upon a cushion with the words "God Bless our Queen " disposed abovo and below it, and the letters " V.8." with rose, thistle and shamrock wreaths above and below, m the flanking windows. The devices were well drawn and colored, and looked very pretty. They wero the workmanship of Mr Gee, of Saudietown. For theso the crowd wero indebted to Mr Levien, as well a3 for tho music of the band. The night being fine a largo crowd collected around tho musicians. Some diversion was caused by tho Salvation Army Band stopping m the street a little below and playing at tho samo time with the other band, their performances being now and then interspersed with " knee drill" by tho Army. Theatre Rotal. — Miss Dargon had a fair liouso last night, m point of numbers, to listen to hor first of two series of dramatic readings, etc., but m point of appreciation, the audience fell far short of those before which sho has appeared elsewhere m New Zealand, and m Australia. Every item was applauded, but thero was nothing like enthusiasm shown m any case. Tho first item on the programmo was tho quarrel scene- between Sir Peter and Lady Teazle, m the "School for Scandal." This was capitally rendered, tho distinction m the two characters, m voico and gesture, boing cleverly maintained throughout. It was very quietly received, however, possibly because many of tho audionco remembered tho same scene as (performed hero not long ago with all tho assistance of a full stage equipment, by two capable persons, and sufliciont allowance was not made m favor of Miss Dargon, who had to sustain two characters without any assistanco from accessories. Ignoring all recollections of this kind, MiBB Dargon's opening piece will bo admitted to have been exceedingly well givon. " Beautiful Snow," which fow elocutionists can make anything of, was tho next item, and tho loud applause which followed, showed that Miss Dargon hod to a very great degree mastered its difficulties. Quite a contrast was felt when next was heard n passago from tho world's greatest poet — the divorco seono from "Henry VIII." — tho steady flow of thought expressed by tho language, differing as black from whito almost, m comparison with tho mixture of ideas m " Beautiful Snow." Tliis itom was several times interrupted by applatiso. Thomaa Duvis' spirited description of the charge of tho Irish Brigado at Fontcnoy, camo next, and was given with an energy and firo which could scarcely be expected from a woman. Tho curao scene from " Deborah " was oxcellently givon. A. Poe'a " Rayon " was one of tho best if not tho best recitals of tho evening, taking into account the difficulty of tho phraseology. To say that tho peculiarity of expression which characterises tho poem was inconspicuous, as it. was rendered by Miss Dargon, is to accord her very high praise. The oliaso scono from " London Assuranco" created great amusement, and tho last item, Hood's " Lost Heir," was given m such a stylo as to provoko roara of laughter, and send tho audionco away m capital humor. To-night's programmo contains somo telling selections, "Bingen on tho Rhino," "Tho Cliargo of tho Light Brigado," and " Shoridan's Ride," three battlo pieces, with which Miss Dargon has olcctriiieu hor audionces. Faiblib Cheek. — The Queen's Birthday was colobrntod m this township by a ball, which was held m tho local schoolroom under the auspices of tho Loyal Gladstono Lodgo, 1.0.0.V., and which passed off very successfully. Tho company was as numerous as the size of tho hall would allow without being ovor-crowded, and good musio being provided, tho dancing was greatly enjoyed by all proscnt, and with occasional breaks for songs and refreshments, it was nearly daylight on Saturday morning by tho timo tho lengthy programmo was got through. Tho room was tastefully decoratod with ovorgrcons and fines, and tho success of tho ball both financially and othorwiso is principally duo to tho mdofatigablo efforts of tho Committee entrusted with the arrangoments. — Two years ago a football team was got togother m this distriot, which nftor little ov no practice togothor, hold thoir ground well against tho Timaru club, at Albury. Last yoar nothing was done towards forming a foothftU club, but this year tbo mattor promises to bo takon up m a proper spirit, and tho result will probably bo the formation of a good team. With this end m view a meeting was held nt Evoreloy, on Saturday, when it was rosolvod that those present should form themselves into a Club, to bo eaUod tho " Maokenzio Country Football Club i" colors to bo black and whito, m momory of the ole Burko'o Pass Crickot Club. It was rosolvod that Mr Donald Maoloan of Strnthconan, be President, and Mr Wm. Saunders, of tho Wolds, be Vice-President. Mr J. E. Goodwin was olectod captain, and promiood to act as soorotary and trewuror pro (em. Tho annual subscription was fixod at half a crown, and a list of about forty names was drawn up of those m the district who are to bo requested to bocome members. A practice is to bo hold ovory _ Saturday aftornoon m a paddook m the township kindly promisod by Mr Struthors, and it is hoped that a sufficient number

rill attend practice to enable the Club E 3 try conclusions ■with other Clubs before ti he season is over.— Threshing and delivering A rain is still going on, and the crops so fur v live turned out very well. '1 ho wheat crop t i muck better tban last eeason'B, and the ample is first-class. Thcro are not many ] docks of wheat this year, the principal i [rowers being Messrs Wilson, Keay, Nixon c md Snußhall. The turnip crop is not good, t hough rather better than was expected it one time. Grass is plentiful and flocks i iro doing well. — Tho railway buildings, i ;urn-table, water supply, etc., »ro at last com- I ploted, including a neat and substantial i dwelling for the station-master, who, howaver, has not yet put man appearance It is to be hoped that the elaborate cedar-wood telegraph instrument table which has been m position for six months or more now, will soon bo connected with its brother at Albury, and the public no longer annoyed by seeing " Post and Telegraph Office" painted m large letters on the door of un empty room. A Lady's Wish. — " Oh, how I do wish my skin was ft 3 clear and soft as yours !" said a lady to a friend. ' ' You can easily mako it so, " answered the friend. "HowF" inquired tho first lady. "By using Hop Bitters, that makos puro rich blood and blooming health. It did it for me, as you observe." Read. — [Advt.l Cured op Drinking. — " A young friend of mine was ourod of an insatiable thirst for liqnor, that had so prostrated his system that ho was unable to do any business. Ho was entirely cured by tho use of Hop Bitters. It allayed all that burning thiiat, took away tho appetite for liquor, made his nerves steady, and ho has remained a sober and steady man for more than two years, and has no desirojto return to hiß oups." — From a loading E. B. Official. Bead.— [Advt.] SYNOPSIS OF NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Charles Wright— Notifies that the Levels Koad Board will levy a rote ; declaration of election of Mr Win. Print'le. J Preston Gcraldinc— Notifies that the Hon.J. B. Aclanci will deliver a lecture at tho Oddfellows' Hall, Geraldlnc, on 30th inst., m aid of St. Mary's Church, Geraldino. W. Maslin— Has 90 acres of land for private sale. W. Donkin— Has four miles of gorse cutting to let. Tiraaru Floral and Horticultural Society — Will hold their annual meeting on 29th inst., at 8 p.m. Miss A. L. Dargon— At the Theatre Uoynl this evenJames Bruce— Desires to thauk the public for their liberal support m connection with the Presbyterian Gift Auction. W Werry— Requests the Foresters to meet at their Hall on Wednesday at 1.30 p.m., to attend the funeral of their late Bro. Nk-holls. Wanted— One notice. Catabrah op the Bladder— Stinging irritation, inflammation, all kidney and similar complaints cured by "Buchu-paiba." Moses, Moss and Co., Sydney, General Agents.— Advt. " Buchu-Paiba." — Quick, complete enro' all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. Druggists. Moses, Mosa and Co., Sydney, General Agents. — [Advt."] Wells' " Eouoh on Cobns" — Ask for Wells' " Rough on Coma." Quick relief, complete, permanent cure. Corns, warts, bunions. Mo3ea, Moss and Co., Sydney General Agents. — Advt (3). Don't Die m the House. — " Rough on Eat 3 " clears out rats, mice, beetles, roaeheß, bed-bugs, flies, ants, insects, moles, jackrabbits, gophers. Moses, Moss and Co., Sydney, general agents. — [Advt. |

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Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 3018, 27 May 1884, Page 2

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Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 3018, 27 May 1884, Page 2

Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 3018, 27 May 1884, Page 2