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Medical JX SEELEN MEYER, HOMOEOPATHIC CHEMIST AND MRDIOAL BOOKSELLER, 110 SWAKBTOS STREET, MIUBOUBNB. Homojoptithic Tinctures, Pilulef.Tritura'ioßS Globule*— Wholeenlo »nd R, tail. Allowances to those who use Largely. Terms on Application. Oedbus Br Post Promptly Attended To. Meciic'nts Cheßta m Var etj from lla. Prescriptions Accurnte'y Dispensed. The following list, of the remedies uiont commonly required m the colonies, wth their u«es, will be found helpful to those about tr ndcipt. tho Homoaipalhic Tre&ttoent : — Aconite. — Feverishness, inflammation, cold (inv.iaive stage), rheumatism, lumbago, nevralein. Antimonium Tart. — Bronchitis, croup, cough with muoli wheezing ond ditßcult expulsion of miicoun. Arnict., M. — Injuries from falls or blnws, ooni-tiesionß, phyuical fatigue, muscular rhtumatigm. Arsenicum, A. — Inlluenri, <'old with pro-fu-R aurirl iliitpiiarge fn>ui nyes und nope shorrnrpo of hrenth, skin afi'eciions. Bi'llaii'iina. — Sore throat, scarlet fever •cnrlrt raeh, cnnnestive headache, infanti'cconvulsions, dry night cough, Imils, carbuncln 1 KbFC 6». Bryotiia, A. — Bronchitis, r'ry t-ouiih, anc pain m the chest, pW'urwy, lumbago, dyjpepsn con«tipttion, pleuri)-pniTivi(iniH. Cilcnrea. Cart). — Scrofulous affections, loci of flesh, dilßcult tei-t.hing, Hc.lled head ot m fanti.. ChiiiKomilla — Dinrrl oei restleßbnef-s anc otlxir aifeut.ions <>f ehildron duriig 'eeth'ng. Chin;i. — Di»rth<jea from debility, lo?s of ap pelitp, neuralgia, prostration from ibi-eose. Cina,. — Disorders m children arising fron worms, grimline tei'th. witting he.l. Coloi:ynth. — Colic with di»rrhiea. -tysmtery SKV>Te m-ura'eia, si'iatifa. I)ro«pri. — Spasmodic couth with retching m hooping cough invaluable. Hamamelis.— Bleeding from uny pntt, vari 0.-si* viiins, inflttmnttttioi-i of verne, hlefrdin] V'lli.'c Hep«. Sulph. — Boilb, absiesaes, whillow hoiir.,, ue-s, ii.flammation of ayi-lids. Lly-'rautis. — Chronic ulcers, uluerutei uioutli, conßtipation with piles. lentil*. — Hyi-tericß, BlisHp|eß»ne»i> ffnn fright or grief, low spirits, norvoun henHHrhti Ipci-uuuanha,. — Hoopiui! lOujju, firi", ftu,.! nausut »nd von.itiii|» couf^b with retehii.j hairnoiTliage. Iris V. — Sick-headache, purging an< vomiting, severe flatulent onlic, ciiolera m f*ntum. Kali. Birch. — ilronchilis, nculi- »nd chronic cough with much wheezing, yellow coate tout;u •. Me 'curius. B.— Cold m tha he»d, sorj throa uloersiiitn of mouth and throat, toothaeh from decay, discharge fram ears. Nux. Vumicß. — Indigestion, flatuleric , noi stipaiion, xpartuodic astbmi., btuffy co ! m til hoad ; also for the result of over study, an oici'm ye use of stimulants. Pho>phorus. — Hacking cough, pum an tiglitneßß of thi- chest, with wasting ; pleuri pneumonia, nervous, debility . Pulsatilla — In measles almost specific, it prevenii c. Indigestion from rich foori.bitte pour, or fuul Utste, paint m the left sic ifeuitUe). Rhus. Tox. — Chronic rheumttisin.lumbagi rheumatic stiffness and laii.encss, sprains, rec ness of skin wiih burning and itching, veuicuU erysipelas. Spjngia. — Croup, dry hard barking cougl worsii ut night with tickling and burning cci sut ion. b'ulphur. — Skin disease, piinpleß, piles, usi fal after boiU to prevent rocurrence. Homoepathic Tinctare of Camphor (I Rubini's). — Useful m firs'; stages of cold an influansa (an effectual remedy if promptly u( ruii-iitered), cholera, colic, and diarrhea fainting, spsscna, and epidemic diseases. I bnt Jes, at Is, Is 64, and 2n 6d. Cfjnphor Pilules. — The most conveoiei and portable form ni the tame medicine. 1 bottles, Is, and Is 6d. Gi-een glass, boxwoc cap>, Is 6d, and 2s 6d. Tincture of Arnica ranks first amongst c ti-rn&l applications, for bruises, •"nrair tendiT feet In bottlnß, Ib, 1b 6<i, and 2s 6 Arnica Cerate, for abracioa of the 8«"n. J j.rj. Is, and Is 6d. Arnica Liniment, for misuc'ar rheumatic — to bo rubbed on the affected parts. '. Is 6J, and 2a fid. Arnica Ball, for chapped hands or lips 1 Tincture of Calendula, for cuts and lacer: tioD3, wounds, ulcers, 40. In bottles, 1 Is 6d, and 2s 6d. Calendula Cerata, for slow-healing soru In jars, Ib, and Is fid. Glycamyl of Calendula.— A most valuab preparation for broken chilblains. In git. JBrs, Is 6d. Tincture of Ehus Tox, for sprains the o tendqns, and for rheua stism. Id bottles, J 8d und 2s. Elius Liniment. — Valuable for rheumatisc applied by rubbing the parts affocted. 1 botlJea, Is and la 6d. Rhue OpodeldocIs (sd. Hamamelis. — One of the chiof remedies f< HtEmorrhages, bleeding piles, varicose veir eta In bottles, Is, Is 6d, and Zs 6d. Hamamelis Oerrtc, for tnalnient of pilt Injure, Is, and Is 6d. Carbolic Acid Liniment;. — Most valuable fi immediate application to bums and pcald Should be ready m cmie of accidents. 1 bju.les, Is6d and 2s 6d. J'amua C. — A valuable remedy for chi blaiiiß. Buttles, Is 64 uud 2b 6d. Arnica and Calendular Plaster. 9d and i 3d per packet. SKBLENMKYBB'B PHOBFEE. RINK. Ihe restorative and invigorating effects c thii' valuable preparation are now extensive] attested by numbers who have rosorted to i for GENERAL DEBILITY, DEPRESSION POORNESB OF BLOOD, LO3S OJ APPETITE, LACK OF VITALITY. 40. Also NEDRALGIA when ariiiing fron general weakness. Sold m bottles, with directions, U 6d, gi 6d and 4a Od. SICELENMEVKR'S CONCENTRATED TINCTDRE OF PODOPHYLLIN. An effectual remedy i'or biliousness with nuiißea and giddiness, bitier taste an 4 risings bilious vomiting and purgings, constipatior, and all maladies resulting from Bluggish liver' Is, la !)d, and 3s. '■ I know no medicine within the wide ranze of cither the Allopathic or Homcepathic Materia Me'iica, that exorcises co dirnct and bonofic al an influence ovar a torpid oondition of the liver as this drug." — Dr. WMorgan. SEELENMEYKR'S I SOLUTION OF PHOSPHORUS. 2J drops contain one-tenth of a grain o *urc Phosphoj'us. This solution is the only Hommpithic pro parstion of Phoaphorus m the oolonios, of an absolutely certain strength, from which tie higiier attenuations can be correctly made It can be taken m water, does not undcrco oxidation m mixing, i B devoid of tho unpleast.nt taste and odor of the drug, and retains its strength for uny length of time. Valuabio m Tubercular Coneumption, Irritating Cough, Debility, &c. Sold m bottles Is Hd, 2s 6d, and 4s 6d eix;h. Liberal terms to the trade. SKttJL.KNMEYER'B SESII-KMUIiSXON OF COD LIVER OIL AN}) PHOSPHORUS. In bottles, 2s 6d nrd 4s 6d each. HOMCEPATHUI WORKS. BIATERIA MEDICA AND OPEOIAX THERAPEDTIOS OI 1 THE NKW REMEDIES. By Dr E. M. Halo. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. In tws vole half bound. '' Btorffan ON THE LIVER 8»8d. .. J. MANUAL OF PHARMA.OODYNAMIOS, or the Action of Medicines m Health and Disease. By Dr Richard Hugbea, 16«. Br the samo author. A MANUAL OF THERAPEUTICB. Tw, ,ols. 8s (Id each. Pr Ruddook'# Text Book, Medical and BurgiaJ, on H MCKOPATHIO PRINCIPLES Ma, a. small, Agent, Timaru,

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Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2946, 3 March 1884, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2946, 3 March 1884, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2946, 3 March 1884, Page 4