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about half-past two m the morning. By good luck, on entering the town she met a person who works late o' nights ; who waß able to direct her to the house she wanted. Her adventure was now nearly ended, but not quite. Taking the saddle off the horse she tied the be;ist to the verandah by the bridle. At daylight horse and bridle were gone, and the •woman had to carry the saddle to the Btation and go home by rail. Such a display of maternal affection cannot fail to excite sympathy, and it. deserves recognition of a substantial kind, while the sensible conduct of the woman m bringing the horse along " for company " is worth recording. Preparing to Ror/Gn it. — A correspondent of a Sydney paper, m writing of the ignorance of the colonies displayed by people m India, tells a story of a person m Calcutta, ■who had occasion to go to Melbourne on lusiness m 1880. He had a very imperfect mowledge of the place, and could find no lerson m all Calcutta to post him up n tho ways of the colonies. In order 0 make things certain lie travelled lown to Madras, and there hunted up an mcient Anglo-ludian who remembered Mel)oume m '51. The result of the information iommunioated during their interview, was ihown m the departure of tho gentleman m [uestion with three large field tents, four lative servants armed to the teeth, a regular irmory of weapons, and a good stock of provisions, blankets, &c. Heavy Guns at Gibraltar. — The 100- --; on guns at Malta and Gibraltar will be, says 1 Home paper, mounted and equipped as tollowß : — The case-shot or canister will contain no fewer than 2110 balls, of which L 915 will weigh eight ounces each and the remainder four ounces each. The case will be of steel, 17.65 inches m diameter, being rather lesß than the bore of the gun, and a stay-bolt of wrought iron will pass through the axis, 40.5 inches long, to increaso its rigidity and strength. The total weight of this projectile will be 2000 pounds, and it is intended to be fired at ships or storming parties at close quarters only, for the case will open immediately on leaving the muzzle and the shower of shots will hardly he effective over half a mile. The common, Palliser and shrapnel shells for the same gun will each have a diameter of 17.72 inches fitting tightly the bore of the gun, and they will be rotated by copper gas checks screwed to the base. The fuse for the common shell will for the present be the general service " Pitman," and that of the shrapnel the fifteen-second muzzle-loading time fuse of wood. Each of these shells will weigh, with its bursting charge, 2000 pounds. The hydraulic carriages, platforms, loading gear and turrets finally approved for the I^o--ton guns are, with slight modifications, the same as were tried at the model fortress m the Royal Arsenal. Two sets of hydraulic loading gear are to be provided for every gun. Mothers Don't Know. — How many children are punished for being uncouth, wilful or indifferent to instructions or reward simply because they aro out of health ! An intelligent lady Baid of a child of this kind, " Mother don't know that she Rhonld (five the little one moderate doses of Hop Bitters for two or three weeks, and the child would bo all a parent conld deßire." Look for. — (Advt.) A Lovely Chaplet.— A lute fashion report says : — " Nothing can be prettier than a chaplet of hop vines m blossom." A recent medical reviow says: — "Nothing can be a better renovator of the health than Hop Bitters. They aid m all the operations of nature ; toning np the stomaoh, assisting the food to become properly assimilated, and promote healthy action m all the organs. Tho dictates of fashion, as well as the laws of health, alike favor a right application of hops." Eead. — (Advt.)

Vital Statistics. — There were registered lit the Registrar's 'office, Tiuiaru, during the month ended 29(h February — 26 births, 6 marriages, and 4 deaths. Ram and Ewe Faib. — Tho Canterbury Bam ami Ewe Fair will be held on the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Assoei- 1 ution's ground, Christeliurch, on March 20th. Entries will bo received by the Secretary, Mr 11. Murphy, up t<> Thursday, March 13th, at tho Association's ooice, Hertford street, Christchurcli. TIHAUD Hosp::tai,.— Tho following is a return of tho patients m the Timaru Hospital for the month of Fobruavy : — Patients under treatment at date of last return— males 14 ; femilos, 5 ; total, 19 ; admitted during thomontli : males, 12 ; females, 3 ; total, 15 ; totals treated : rinles, 26 ; females, 8 ; total, 34. Discharged during the month— cured : males, 8 ; relieved : males, 2 ; doad : males, 2 (John Crokor and Samuel Molyneux) ; totals diiicharged: males, 12 j remaining under treatment: malos, 14; females. 8; total, 22. Out patients tainted during the month: males, J8; fnmolos, 18; total, 36. The Mackay Case. — Tho Jhearing of the charge against Josoph Mackay of embozzling monoys belonging to tho Government Insuranco Departnont. -was commenced at Ooraldino on Saturday before tho Resident Magistrate, Mr Iladdelcr, and Dr Fish, J.P. The Court watt opened at ten o'clock and sat till half-past fiva, with an hour's adjournment at 1.30. Tie Crown Prof-coutor's statement of fcho cana und tho examination of (lie prosecutor, Mr Luckie, tho head of tho Insurance Department, occupied till the adjournment, and from half-past two till half-past; fire, Mr G. Thome, Superintendent of Agents, was under examination, and his cross-examinatiori is not yot finished. Tho Court adjourned till ten o'clock this morning. Koya'j Floubcng Mills Company. — Tho first annual general meeting of tho Royal Flouring MUIh Company (Jas. Bruce and Co., Ld.) wan held on Saturday lost m tho offices of the Company, Grey street. There was a good attendance of shareholders. A roport from tho interim Directors, and a statement showing the operations of the Company Binco its commencement, was read and unanimously approve"! of. The report, which appeared to ho highly satisfactory, ib to ho printed and copies sent to all tho shareholders. After the election of seven Directors arid an Auditor for tho ensuing year, the moeting terminated. A Wi:ary Walk. — An unfoitunate woman who is engaged as a domestic son-ant on a farm some fifteen miles from Timaru, had a distressing adventure ono night last wcok. She is ono of that unfortunuto munbor of wives whoso hmbands have deserted thorn, and left them to provido for young children. Having but ono to provido for, howover, tho Hurvivor of four, sho placed it m tho euro of a person m Timaru, and wont out to aorvico. Ono daj last week sho received a lcttor from this portion demanding iinraodiuto payment of an account for keeping tho child, and threatening to turn it into tho streets if tho money was not paid at onco. Tho mother got this letter m the ovening. Her luatornal instincts were aroused, and sho became so much distressed with fear that the threat of turning tho child out of dcors would be literally carried out, that nothing would satisfy hor but setting out for Timaru at once to (lischiirgo tho tiobt and saro lior child. Her employers did their best to porsuado her that licit day would bo soon enough, but their arguments were useless, go sho must, there and thon, and on foot if no other way was provided. Sho was thcroforo placed on a quiet old horso end allowed to start on tho errand, between eight and nino at night. Hor progress at first was encouraging, but after going a fow miles the horso eithor foil lamo or found tlmt ho had an inoxperienced and timid rider. At all cvouts it refusod further duty. The poor woman was intent on roachiug Timiiru, and was about to turn tho beast adrift, to find its own way homo, when tho thought; occurred to licr tlmt a« sho had still a good many miles tx> go, m tho dark and along a lonely road, she had better lead tho horso wiidi her for company. This she did, und after v woarisomovralk, dragging tlio horso by the bridle, she reached Timaru

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Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2946, 3 March 1884, Page 2

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Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2946, 3 March 1884, Page 2

Untitled Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2946, 3 March 1884, Page 2