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- <Jfie «£ <tfa«° ,«v«n<i: «f ibe year wbiob obUdria m Sfadarn"' look forward to «4tb anxioai. langLogf^ i* the annual treat .ft the Bfc. r iM»rjr'» : Juhday ; 8ob<w1» and partoh tmtlwul. OhiHren of all ereeda are wel- 1 eoraea.aiiaU <»mer« ma liberally provided forairi uapaitiiily deidt wiiTi ; oonuqiieotly thk f e»ti»al i» extredely popular with tM jmredilM of tteimrn and neighborhood. Then tbo«i«bowe»»»oildjetrti few years ago, bot ore children no l(iDger,ietain lirely reoalltiotions of fatmer' ftMtti»j ttod.tliuy would uttend them. Ear that inion^ptobibty, if there were no otlwr t bet lijere m tbe other good reasotk tbst ibey«a» 6!i6ron'gbly enjoy themtelres a( tb* fflteih their o«ti.- way, parbapt more' thoroughly tiaulhey ni»d toidoat children j tbereioaa thai featiral w ' eitrera«ly ; popolar with fcho ywith a tbii ulaod. When all the obiUnm go tlwrt 4li« mothem, If not th» fatheMialaft,!! intut ! |p w*v and the hnband Wiil i aecomnaiijr tht. mif if he cuo get away; from 1 worfct or' Imiioen j . consequently £tt Itativalis nltended by young and. old, aid is usully one of the large»fcX)atdooi.'fath«ringi oftbe yatr. Vo* an e"fen*of>&falrfnai»aryiDtjeh dependa on tb« i<re»*b«^ «t*J fort«iiat«sy a nicer day «onld not !»*eb»«3«de«tre(l<Baa Xhtzraday proved to b»« apd/lbe atUotjaDCM! waf therefore large; A&oaathtinißitbe tftiauton there rnnjt hare been fnlly 2600 peoJlaOD 4be gronnd, ooontinf <)ldan<J yoooy, Kid at least 1200cbildr«n, tay iiUder 16 fe«»«*iUge, sst down on the gnui»{orte«wi Mo*t W the adalta were of comae f eaalw, > : tba breadwinners being eothfiA at.tliiir dalfy liiboM, and the light) tintii of tbe ladies' sad girl*' snmnis«'i.di*ste^ gaTi) the ground a very bright appearance

indeed, and the constant movement laaderthe scene a moat animated one. Soon after ten o'clock, m tho morning the Sunday Sohobl children and thrill teaoherp roujteiod at the Sebool Church, -atid after listening to 4 - short service and an address from the Yen. Arohdanoon, they foiled into procession and | m»rohed to the pionio ground, Captain Gain's paddock frontkg. on . North street, the | Artillery Band playing a .march at tbeir head, and the Public. Siihool Fife and Dram Band takiDgn turn io »ho middl, of the proo<M.ion. Theoleanlineae *oj Cidipeaa of the ohittirep nwde the prooa,*MQn a pleajaub tight to see, and it hardly nefded their banner and nutte,rou« bannerette* to improve its appearance. Oa arrival at tt|B paddock, about noon, the children di opened for .a, short' time until lqncb. waa roady.for diatribution. : This first rhpng they did,, pf course, wao to run round the. field and see. what preparation* had beep made.' for the; afternoon. The principal attraction for them was a large marquee m whioh were stored the qatabiea, and a monstrous pile of oops, with basket* and buoketa and jugs to correspond. It may as well be stated here that for their lnnoheon 110 loaves and 2201b8 of ham. were made! into sandwiobes ; for tbeir tea, 60QO currant bans were provided j and 401b* of tea and 160 quart* of milk irors vied io brewing tea for all : comer*. Tlie tea was bi.-ewed m eight portable boileni, whioh, as ith* . due time arrived, babbled and steamed m unison m a most businesslike way.. There were two other refreshment tents, at one of wbioh the teachers, offlpiali and muaioiita* were supplied gratis, and at th s other the public were offered a wide ohoice of food, with a oap of good tea, at a very moderate ohorge. This tent was well patronised during the afternoon. On the opposite sidirof the ground tea Indies' Guild had a basaar te.vt» m whioh was arranged for fate a heterogeneous collection of useful and ornamental article.* and toy*. A fair amount of business vat done here, during -the Say, by direct sals anil by the inevitable raffle, and toward* eTwurift Mr Gninnere, .assisted by Mr- . . Stnbbs, disposed of moat of the remaining- articles by auction. A couple of raceoourees, one for ■ boy* and one for girls, b»d been well ohoaen and marked out with flaw, and jumping pole* ereoted. Two doubto siring* had been put. up,; and thsee were promptly taken ppßaenion of' and their timbers xept'oreakiEg lill dny, Ajfqot ; ball furnished amusement to a good many, and from the way the swinge and the hall were kept going,' a hint might be gained to proVide more of e^oh another year. Soon after one, o'clock the 'children Were oollootefl for luncheon, itndabo'nt. 800, chfoflj; Sundayschool eobolari, responded to the call, j»nd Fere .liberally regaled with ' Band wiches and. cake. After lunob the rapes' and ot|ier contests for prises commenoed^.' Mea»rs Craig an 3 Campbell being the {irJDcipal manager* of the boys 1 game*, and Messrs Chapman and Wiltwayi assisted by some of the lady teachiirs, of the girls' races. The Yen, Archdeacon B.arper fixproited a general super"vision, over the ythylt prccediogs, and win here, there ar.d everywhere. Th e, : , girl aj' were father backward at ftnf, and Mr Chapmao ptjoi'plained that be could not get started, bat when he had got on s or tjmp, racea off, be. got bip fields, and' win hart tifs progrHmme finished^ Owiog to tba length of their, programme, and the time ttk&i up by tha jumping events, thci boys' games\were > n6t"conelodediili nearly SBTBU o'clooSr,' Cfreafc "interest irai taken m some of tlio games, and tome very good con-i tests wero witnessed, . both m racing and jumping. T'f o steeplechases were set dowD, the first oriMS being oups (;iven ; by the Yen. "Archdeacon. These -weru well contesteo,' over' a courne of about half a 'mils, wiih;^ variety of fences. A etiflf water jump had ..§)» be negqtlitec, and most of the steeplechases got into it loore or lei s. The propriety of •ending boyn into w;ator m their' ordinar.f clothes is quiigtionable ; j dump legs end mt : feet, with a. hot body, and possibly^ spoilt clothes, could scarcely bare been bargained for. by thaii pareuta. While the children were engaged m ! their gimee, hondreds of youths of both eex«s vttvo ' placing at popukir ring gantat or rounders, md the oWw o»ts' ooneregated' round ttie 'bands, or the baaosf, strolled abont, or formed little groups for converiation. The Artillery Band, played it frequent intervals, and' Miioted. .jjreatly. to. I make the festival a SHOCe.e^ but J if their ssleciigns bad boon of a more 'lively I kind 1 they would have been better appreciated by the children. At haU-paet five the,boll 'was rung for tea, and witii 1 »''go6d appetitw, the effect ol' their activity daring the aftt*fioo'n, tbe children mnstered yjofckly. Thsy formed ii dinae circle of large diameter, artd their numbor was estimated at' at least 1200. A small artiy of teacher* and assistant* ioftn! sapplied eaifc one with a oup of- tea and 7 Btibs ad Zi'i. After tea camo uomemore boys* cVrti'tests, and then the distribution- of the pfEfr'a -wot;. The«e consisted of useful katck^knaeM, of vsrietiSs too namarom to mention. The recipient*: a f the Arohdeaoon'* prizes for i lie iteepleoaaitia were shouldered and hearltly cheered 1 by iheir tjomradej. About : h'slNpiM. iev«h vjdrdrwa* given for the school ehiKNen i to reffaraa for the return homo. The ramMori* jraiTerftaxdily responded to, the ehiiareb were it) joy ing them»elve*-so much. Bveh'tne youDfjeut ifere imitating thoir elders 'nnd playing Minestly at tonaing the handkerchief, and thoy tfere evidently very loth to leave it. At length they •were got m order, but formed a muoh anjallor prboßsritfn tian m the inrtrning-— nomti having be.en' alreao!y.*aVerf home by tbeir parents. The'ii'rbeetofoaj'raftj'oirtil to the School Church, and after singing a y»rse of "WoaSave the Queen," and 'gWing obeer* ' foV the Arobdeaoon and eTer?6ody choQerifed, they *»** dumurtifl" vo their iome*.: ;:A. number of young people **■ nwineibt'the ground for some timtf Ibtifer nlairin* *>' i ki«»-ln.the.ring, a gftrfft -y»feh (klwwri tiiWme* more papular tow Mas' 'thft close <oi Ilti day. Of the fertival 1 *!*) vrlte^ ft is alm«)t enmcient to say that it w««yven a gteitir'nißoe** than those of • former; -jraaw. ilt>eomia"to thoroughly enjojr eKeinselte*. indlfop^i, humor reigned from flraß'M »mt{ ,it *irr|;^ilccident occurred whioh »pofl«o" i dfte flidy'f enjpylnent, however. The refreibiiietrt t»nt»'w«te scarcely tied down tight 1 enongtf, and nonia of the supporting poKßdroppfta out'nowiind again wbeiitho canvas WB»lifted by the wind. On on* of these occasions a falling pete struck a Lhlt on the head, ajiffan iron pii», at. the top v Tftther'nasty eat 'on tie t»i»£lSi » hi "l?> ? b s?B^ Mno B* est •ixe, Wed prpfnseh>" 'Bftrfunately' there were seveml doctor* oh^ttii grottnd, a!nd one of them bo :>n stopped the flow of blood and bandiige<| the Vfpu^dj i,nd iha'lafljf ':*»»: talen The following is' t'list 'oi the gamei.'conv petod.ia by I>oy* and girli respectively, and i the uantss of the priie winners j— ,- ih i ?■ • :* i bosb'«aicßS. . -i .'■ i 100 yiiM* race, for boye of 14 snd over— <J. Stratban'l, W. Taylor 3. ; ■■ < 10p y:»rd«, for boy* 11 to 18—0. LeCim 1, w. a. Ooodsii 2. ..";, 100 yards, for boyu under IP-r?' *iW7 !» A. Boyi. 2. ; _'_ ... ,-' ,. ■ . ■; i „./; Pole jonsp, for boys 14, and- oittr- B. LeOren (sft Bin) 1, 3. Dairson (6ffc6io) 2. Bawibn, from bi« s|re, was required to givi) 12 inches to the others. ■■ ' '■■ Long: jump; for boy* 11 to 13— W. Oxby (13ft) :i, B. Jdnes 2. ; , 4 Lobb jump, for boys 10 *nd under— Wright 1, S. Sliappere 2. „'■'.' „.'j>.",l < t , , Steeplechase, for boysi 14 and, ovw— W. Butler I, A, Haish 2.

200 jard* walking, for boys 14 and o«rE. Oafcseron'l, fihappere 2. ' i ■ ■ ': 200 rardswalkrog, 11 to it^Wl fell 1, B. Clayton 2. . , „...." .. .. ... 200 y«ri» w»lHb»; for bbys'of f lO and troiler--8. Shsppero 1, A. Wilson 2. 'iOaywtlirMJe,' fflvehbirbojtofillaid npi»*ls— A; Jone»l f G; Allen 2; ■" '• ' - •<' • SOC* "yardi raofl,' '« Mow boys of 11 tttld under— L. Brown 1, A. Wil*on 8. ■• -■' '• VlO 'litftt yards race, for boys of 14 and over— ShippsrerlyG. Allen 2. . „ . • sOOyarts itawrfW- bajw'ol,' tt'lto 18-^W LeOren 1, F. BifOOrtnbfld *J ' ' '! " '•',;'■ •' «00 yatdi race ttifboj/iot lOftOd Wart— 81.B 1 . Kobn 1, P.Sytn.B. t> •J^...r.0. ; ;■« :>■■'. .a : •• Hif:h jump, for boyi ii*nd-64**-*&± Allen art 2(d) i, m o»*yt<*(4ft) »-. ■••11 ■•'■ ■•■■■■"■:■•■' lHii;h jump, for boy» 11 to ldt*A. Jtniet (Bftioiin), BvUeOretf*;) '">) ■■■'' l ■„•■;'"" , Hf((h jamp, for born 10 and Utrfer^A. WH»W«i/ '•'•"' •:'""' - ! '' d ; Sfaepleobaee, tot boya Uf-M'-l^W/'G. 'Good»ll 1, E. OU.yteflra.J,' ■'• r ' •■■■•••'"..l : >f£OII yardi nice, for boys 14 and ' <>Tef^-G. fAllen I, W. -vr«M> 9. ' " ' •-■■;«« ■"' -' ••■<• ' ; ' 20() yards race, fo» boy.ll tolß^-A. Ship■pare 1, P. Boatu 3. ' ' ,• ;-,i''.-fi ■vi -.J ( 20) yards rtoe, fn» boyi U 10 aid ditAer— G. Sliubbi 1, K. Irnin Si,

i 400 yiwds walking, (or boya 14 and orer— B. Oamnron 1, A. Shappere 2. ■■■■>• 0 MO j»rS» walking, -fee boya.ll to 13-H. StpkeS 1, E. Olaytot 2. r ',■ 1 400 jfcrds walking, for . boyo 10 and under ~H. Batcher 1, A. Stansell 2. ' ' Thtect-leggad race, for boys oljl4 and over —Thompson and Taylor -1, Blraoban and BhilipsS: •: „ Tbren-legged race, for, boys 11 to 13-~ .ffirby and Wilson 1, Thorean and Mills 2. i - ThMu-lagged race, for boyeof 10 end under *iShapp6re and Oborn 1, J. Wlleon and B. Kirby SI. • ■: : i- '-■■-■< • 0181S 1 GAItBS. .--I- ■':■■: ' " 200 yards, race, for girls o£ 1& and' over— Xi Wil«dn.l, J. Oookeon 2, ■■:.-■.• l ::- -i ■■ 200 yard*, for girU 11 to 13—3. Don 1, E. Campbells.' • .... iv.-l SOOjards, for girls of 10 and under— Flo. Cookaoii 1, B.'BdSrman 2» .^ .' >v ■• -j : 100 yards walking, for. girls of 14 and over -t-L. Watarhoose 1, L. Mason 2. ' 100 yards walking, for girls 11 to 18-S. Don 1, Flo. Cook 8. ; : 10Q yards walking, for girls of 10 and under — E. Dupree'lt- Pi Kirby 2. ' : 100 yards race, . for girls 11 to 13— A. I Xoonsy 1, B. Etans 2. „ i ; . I 100 yards, for girls Bto 10— O. Cotter 1, M. Hnlford 2. ■• 1 200 yards walking, for girls 11 to 13— M. Patteison 1, T. Bearf 2. i 200 yards walking, for girls 31 td 13— Flo. ( Cook I.M. Patterson 8. <-■;■< |. ' 200 yards r»ce, for girls 8 arid under— L.' Collins ly E. Qurney 2. ■■■-': . 100 yards, for girls of . 14 ■ and under— l/. Oollins 1, A: Gregg 2. ■-•■■ 100 yard*, for girls 11 to 13— B. Campbell I, I/. Baton a. 100 ya«3», for girls under 6— M. Gabitea 1, M. Riiymon6Y2. i ' -..- i 60 yards, for girls Bto 10— E. Collins 1, H. Bownlan 2; ■:■■'. ■60 yards, for girls under 6— N. Lane 1, M. Smith 2. i Teachers race, 100 yords— Miss L. Cameron 1, Mits Cooper 2. . . ■ :

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Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2919, 31 January 1884, Page 7

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ST. MARY'S PARISH FESTIVAL. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2919, 31 January 1884, Page 7

ST. MARY'S PARISH FESTIVAL. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2919, 31 January 1884, Page 7