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An ordinary meeting of tho Borough Qoaboil was held m the Council Chambers lait evening. Prosent-^His Worship the Mayor, and Councillors' Sberratt, Bower, Proof or, Btuh, Matsey, Hill, Joaes, Crabites, Allan, Sutler, and Gibson. 11 minutes. The tninutos of last ordinary and of the annual meeting were road and coftQrmed. COBBB3EONDKSCB. After copies of letters forwarded since hat moeting hid been road, inward correspondence was read (is follows : — From Mensrs Imidlaw, Son and Came, Qlttfgow, saying tn'nt the plant ordered by ths Council had been forwarded by the ship Qeoreo Wi«b irt, and that on her arrivsi at fort Chalmers the goods would be sent on to Timaru. Alao enclosing full particulars with cost of tho goods ordered. From Mr It. B. Sibly, offering to tho Council at. ii price mentioned a quantity of blue•tone ipalls was declined. 'From Mr F. LaCren, laying that he wa» willing-to guarantee 15 per oont on an outlay of, nay, £180 to brjng,the main from the road Along: Hobbn'' road to his property,. ._ the guarantee to be fdr three years; this to be reduoed to bis rateable value, which he understood was at present £160 per'annum, upon others tiling the water. ■•' ! Councillor Gib»on moved, Councillor, Butter seconded, and it was carried—" That the offer of MrXuOrait for a water supply be granted m lotidj of his letter dated 19th December, 1888/' In connection with this matter, the Town Gler'n said ha had notified contractors who had done similar work for the Council to tend m tondern fo.' laying the pipes to Mr LoCren's bouts', and they had done ao, as follows :— B. FBf^an, £84 3s 6d | B. 8. Watson, 19s 8d per ('bain (which, there being abont 27 chains to bo-done, would amount m all to about £26 11s); H. Barker. fi26 jW. MpSill, £29 18* 6d. Mr Bai'ker|« tender was accepted for tha work. . ■.-..,' ' '„:'.. "' , ' From(.jMr B. B. Hibbard, drawing the Counoil't attention to the high water rate,be was p»yihg.—The matter was referred to the Bprotigliyaluer... ' , ,' iPnm Mr' 8. Turner and Mrs Bmily Oxby, asking foi.* a remission of Borough ratee.— The requests were granted. ' From Mr Geo, .MoOarter, MkiDg, the Council to agree to. the transfer of loase Hd, .Bnssell Square.—Agreed to. , .Jforn Mr J. Hammond, requeuing the Counpil to give, liinj • license for a four' whe«leri ,»nd aloo » driTqr'i Ijoente. — .Granted. From Mr(R. 8. Wafson, with regard to the flnal paymeDt of the oontraot for oonnectlng the pipe head with the reeorvoir.—His Worsbjp^ oiplatned that the matter had been sJrsHdy, pealt with. . : From Mr. J. 8. Bennett, drawing the Council's attentioo to the bad state of the drain m front of hiii place of business m Elizabeth streot.—The, matter was referred to, the Works Com mi tti<B. ; ■ ■ : ! i ißtßm Mr, F. J. Brosnahan, with regard to s leqte- of ...tin water race reierve, saying He would bo. prepared to take it for a term of 10 yeapil andJilant it to the satisfaction of the Counoil.—The letter was acknowledged. From,the4»me,,with tho filling m of tb'J drain on Mr^Bnsseiri Sporty.— Hefenred to the Works Committee. . : , ; . THB BPIIDHIO B?BULATIONS. ' Mr. 3?, J. W«l«op, •robitoct,; wrote, requesting to be allowed to pat ao iron screen, 0 feet from tho roof ,of the ahed of tho N.Z.ft.A. Coujpanyi the «oreea to be on the «c» aide, and to run the whole length of tho shed. He forwarded a sketch plan of the work, and added tl|»fc,(tq»jwronly: of ,».tflmpprtry kind, Oo thif. njiplioation the Building Surveyor bscl written :—'f This applications i» not)'in oPmpl)a^Qe> with/ ,the' Buildiog BoguUtionsj because the work is to bo done m wood i and iron, when it should bo briok or atoaa.',' . ; Oatifluillor, Gibioo. moTod, and Oouocillor • „ir.: .-. ...... .-. , i. i ■

w Sutter seconded — "That the application tic! Mr F. J. Wilson, on behalf of the Gr< lib Agency Company, to put iron screen on t ho store on the beich be dec ined j if the wo ish be proceeded with the Mayor to instm its tho Borough Solicitor to- prosecuto witho delay." of- -■ Some disiiuapion took placn on this matte ir- the old eround when tbe spplicalioe for t rd " verandah" — over which so much noise w on innde,— for the oamo Company came befc n- the Council tome months ago, being go: no" jf^rt more than once. Ultimately the res ot lution was carried, Councillors Hill and AIL ■it only voting against it. it Councillor Sutter during the discussic re mentioned that new regulations had bei is drawn up some time ago, and to bring the ig before the OJuncil he moved, at a latnr stag of the prociindingn, "That the Town Clerk, i t- tho next minting of the Council, lay on tr ie table the Building Kegulations as drafted t id llin Solicitor and ravised by the Counci is wi'b a report froro the Building Surveyt r. whether he considore"? it would be ed»i»aft ». to adopt thd Regulations described above." 0 r eepouts. t The Works Committee's report was rest ir and showed that sotno small contracts ha been entered into. Tho following report frot c the Foremnn of Works, m re Brown stree o sewer, was adopted by the Committee, and h ■km inetruclf-d to propnre plan nnd Bpeoifica » tions for thfi works reenlioncd by him fo j neit Committee meeting, viz: 8 " From th« following statement you wil 0 find a low circulations made by mo opon th 1 capability of the Brown street sower. On lb. 17th November last we had a somewba :1 heavy rain-r-I may say n greater raiofill thai c we ujuully 'get— laeting for 16 hours, tho rain 0 fall being S\ inches. The waternhed, '. nscorluin by a referenco to a map of thi j Burough and Buburb?, and an inspection o 1 tho locality shows that tlio catchment arm i 0 about 125 naree, which would give 868,00t s cubic feet of water, allowing i-inoh fo: J evuporhtipn. The sevrer is capable of carryinj off 36,000 cubic feet por hour. That woul( r tnko 24 hourf to carry off tb« storm-water ', but it m eyidiint the absording nature of thi t soil together with the usunl evaporation mini . have been over li inch. I take it to be «< > from the fact that the bulk of the raiDfall wai 9 from 5 o'clock a.m. to 1 o'clock p.m,anc during a portion of that time Brown ntreet al - its junction wth tho Market Reserve, and" i F portion of fche paddock. i»t the corner ol 1 Brown and Cross atreete, were partly undei - water ; but, at 1 o'clock p.m. the sewer had 5 carried it all off, and tho rubbish was olenred from about the grating of the trap at tin corner of the Immioration garden; This traf is connected with tho sewer by a 9-inoh pipe I am therefore, of opinion that with a good large trap at tho junction of Cross and Browr streets, and iron gratings m the natnra] waterways, the newer would be lirge enough for. all ordinary rains, but m the oate of extraordinary rains it would bo necessary to build m the east or sen side of the trap a length of 12-inch pipe, so that if thero was more watei than . the sewer could carry off the eitrs flush oould pins through the 12-inch pipe and thonce down tho water-table, when the lower part of Brown street i» filled up to the adopted ■ level. Even after that Is done the stone culverts across the streets leading to the trap may reqiiiro enlarging." The Foreman's ordinary report was then read as follows : — " The contract for works iv King *treot it completed laliffuctorily, and tho contract lor putting on the metal on King street is alio completed. The prisoners aro getting on very well with the cutting* m King street. The stone culvert, m the hollow will require lengthening nbout 30fi, if the owners of property will allow the tailing over of an embankment; on their aections. I biive examined tbe northern end of Grey road, noar Mr Collins, »nd to cany a road as fat-' as the sections are fenced m, to make anything like a road half a chain wide, I should want 1000 yards of stuff and 9 chains of forming. The work is all filling m, and there are no nuttings on the road except a bit by the old show ground, whiolt would bo wanted m Elizabeth strset. Tbora can be an accommodation rosd formed by cutting down about 2ft Bin' at Mr Collins gate and collecting all the ttuff between Mr Collins and Sefton street and removing tho twa banks m Barah strent (350 yards). Ihe cost would be about thirty-four or thirty-five puunds. ■ I am now getting a good deal of inspecting done m different purtß of the town," and I have put down m a memorandum book thoso places that aro all right and tbofe that are not." The Waterworks Inspector's report was also read. He had visited the waper race seyiiral times sines the last meeting of. the Oonscil. On Sunday, tbe 6th inst., the contractor, Robert Blms, reported to him that a portion of tin race near the dam had given way, and he arranged with him to forward material for repairing the same next morning, and now bad to report that the repairs had been, and the wtter was now ruiming from tbe dam to the reservoir. AdTtntage was taken of the stoppage to thoroughly over. haul Spooner's length of race, and men had been employod; : to «»s!s•' Spooner, and tho race was now In gpp^jarcler. The rcserroir being connected? ; 'wiMi 'the mains, Spooner would m future be enabled to keep hit length of (he race m very good order without additional assistance. Owing to the nature of the weather, there wos a great growth of grass and weeds along the course of the raoe, bnt the eontrttcior, by employing assistance was ablo to keep it m fairly good order. The preeeot modi! of cleaning the ecreone at the reservoir wan very inconvenient as there was no room to work. He would iisk the Oounoil to allow the callows to be moved from the old pipe-head to the new work, and also a stage for soreoo washing, to be laid close to tbe well with a fence round to protect the well from rubbish blowing m during tho cleaning, &o. Mr Spooner: would bo able to do the work himself. The contraot for White , street extensioo had been Ist and oompleted eiaco the last meeting of (he Oonuoil. The Worki Committee's report as road was adopted, ; , It was resolved that matters m connection with the screens at the pipe-head bo left to the Works Committee ; that the Works Committee be inutrnotod to get tho culverts m George street jouth extended ; and that m future that portion of the water-raca not included m Mr IClma 1 oontraot be lookod after by the roservoir keeper. Pounoil|or< Bower, considering tbe report on tho water-raos not satisfactory, questioned tbe Inspector, who was present, on tbe matter, who explained at length what had baon done on the race lately j also the position of Elms' contract, and what work was required of Mr Spoon or, tha reservoir kenpor, THE VALT/ATIOH BOLL. Xhe Town Clerk laid on the ÜbU tho valuation rojl for 1881, The valuation ho said was £43 000, £500 lower thun that of laat year. This was accounted for by there being very few new buildings erected during the year, and persons having had to reduce rent* considerably. He hoped to have a more satisfactory roll to plnca before then next year,. . It was resolved tbe.t tbo roll for 1884 be advortiaed ai laid down by tbe Aot. TH!! COUNCIL'S LABOBBBB. Couuoillor Hill moved, and Councillor Allen seconded — "That tbe Foreman of Works be instructed to take on two of the surface man liitely suspended, with tho view of keeping down tbe growth of horbnge in~tbn streot. channels within the Borough, arid other necessary works." Tho moTor said those mutters required attending to ' at; onoo. It was not right to allow ttreais to be commenced and wbon about half done to then leave them. Ho instanend one street — Cliarles street and said it was m a most wretched state. He thought enough surface men should be employed to do these necessary works, of el«e all Iho plant thoy had should be sold and ovurything dono by oontract. Tho etreots were boiDg oyergrown with tyeeds, etc., and to kden them under the Oounoil should take on again the men who \ were ;dwohßrgod beforo the holiaayi. Councillor Gibson remarked that it would perhaps pay the Oimuril to lot the stroets foi gearing purpoios if thny wore really so bad, i'liero were otreets m tbe north and northwost part, c-f the town, however, which roquired looking to us well as thn southern, r An rauardwd how the work should bo done, t whothor by the surfto uieo or by contract, i flto CoUDOII Wore so obangeable on thisquosI tion that tlmy had noviir yot, deoidud defluitoh ; ujwn it. ' f It wu {ibioted oufc th»t tbe Muyor bad

of power to put on any extra labor that mif sin bn required, and therefore the resolution ci ;he wero compelline the Council to provide wt 'rk for two men wne not required. During t lot diFcussinn the Foreman was questioned as iut »ome steps be hud taken with regard to t Council's labor gang, and stated that he h Pr, been obliged to break up the gang on accou he of the unsatisfactory work done by them. ] as stated that he was, by using a ploug >re harrow and three, horsee, actually doing me ne work than had been formerly done by fo io- men and tbe three howes. This was oc en sidered very satiifactory, but drew forth me than ono remark from Councillors that it vi 'n a pity the Foreman bad not found out bu en a way sooner ; it would hare caved the Cou no oil a lot of money and Councillors mv ;o valuable time. at The motion on being put was los*;, on ie four voting for it. >y MISCBLLiNEOTrS. il, Councillor Sutter moved, Counoill ■>r Proctor seconded, and it wbb carried— "Tb le tho Foreman of Works prepare and lay ( tho table at next meeting, plans and specific lions for improvements m Gray Road, i 3, reported by the Foreman of Works." d By Councillor Bower, seconded by Com n cillor Sherratt — " That the Foreman be en )t powered to get the various pitched crossinj c put m repair by re-laying, by contract or b i- day labor. >r ACCOUNTS. Accounts wpro passed as follows : — Genen II account, £290 8i Id ; Waterworks lonn, £3 c 10b lOd j maintenance account, £48 18i.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2905, 15 January 1884, Page 3

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TIMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2905, 15 January 1884, Page 3

TIMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2905, 15 January 1884, Page 3