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(Br Tblbqbaph.) Auckland, JaD. 14. The following items of new» were brough by the steamar from 8«n Franoiaoo :— . . IHB WAB IN EGYPT. Cairo, Deo. 9. Newi his been received at Aden that i great force of hill tribes attacked firs com pantet of Egyptian troops which wtra recow noitering oatnide Souakitn on tbo fith instant Severe fighting ensued, the Egypl Una beinf completely annihilated and all their artillerj captured. Spies entered Souakim and re. ported that hilt men were hovering near the town. On hearing this Huhomed Tafes Pasoha, anxious to efface liis defeat •b Tokau da the 6th ult., on aocount of which it court martial ii pending, Hot forward five hundred black troops; and two hundred Bisbi-Bazouks against tbe hill tribes. He birwiei f remained at Bouak'im. At a- distance of three hours' march from the town th» Egyptians were attacked by soveral thousands of rebels. The Egyptian* foaght fiercely, but were oat to piece*, and only fifty, half of whom were officer*, escaped. The defeat of these troops, which were hitherto regarded as the flower of the army, causes consternation here, as it tsnds to show the task of opening a route from Souakim t> Berber, with the materiel at Baker Pasha's disposal, is nearly hopeless. Twenty cat airy accompanied the Egyptian forcer. The total loss was 600 man. There were two European officers with the force, and the whole was under the command oE'an Egyptian major. - ' Later advices state the Egyptians nere surrounded by 5000 men. The Egyptians formed a square, the. black troops being stationed on three fanes, and. the Baslii Baiouks on the fourth faoe of the square. The latter fell back throwing the blaok troops into disorder. The bUcka fought with great bravery. One gun and all their arms and ammunition were lost. In consequence of the disaster, the garrison at Souakim was reduoed to 1000 men. The blacks fought back to baok m groups or pairs, some with clubbed muskets. Many rebels were kllledi Another account says the fight ocourrud on the 2nd inst. Twenty-five men bad returned to Bonakim on the 4nh, including fifteen cavalrymen, two officare who ran all the way with the news of the disaster, and ten wounded blaoks. :••■■■ Dervishes are appearing m Upper Ej/ypt, who propose to preach a holy war. while the country beyond Egypt Proper is ablaze. Hew Tobk, Deo. 0. A London special dated Bth inst. cays : — Despatches received at Cairo to-day . attribute the failure of El Mshdi to continue bis advance on Khartoum to the breaking out of diitensions among the heads of (be various tnbes marohisg under his banner., <Some of these- advocate;; an . advance upon Doiigola, whilst others prefer an attack op Khartoum. The two factions oanoot agree on a p|nn of .operations. The Governor of Dtingol* reports to the Egyptian Government, moreover, thit a defection of Eabbahbist tribes to ,EJ Mabdi. will inevitably occur if tj|e letter's foroaa continue their advance*. i ..-,.,. : ., „ p .KB*Bn)TO l !Deo. v l7r' , : A well-known .nstiys who was with Hicks Pasha's arcry, has returned from ,El Oboid, whence he was enablod to escape of' hi I black color.' He says Hicks Panha fought like a Hop antj was the last, officer to fall. I^ie members of bis staff fell m one group. After the. battle 160 soldiers ,w/or<i found wounded- , El „Mahdi gave orders that none of the wounded should be ; The AT»kw determined to erect a monument for Hicks Pasha, en account of bis great bravery, but El Mobdi forbade it. ]|Jl Ilahdi threatened to punish Sheik Jargalls because he failed to join him. The Sbeik sent; a defiant reply, saying he i 15,000 warriors and Sevan years' provisions. ...,.; .>. ; GENERAL SUMMARY OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN NEWS. ;■..'• 39u> lesidant* of Nice are 'much disturbed kt the prevalence of typhoid fever there, 865 esses having occurred- within three month*. The; Amerioa'cs ire leaving, and goicg to Cannes. -,- ■ .'-,•■ ■. ■.■-,<'■ '-s ■:■ Signor Mari« before dying repttbed hisxeqciest to Prince Qdesklobi that has remains should be cremated!- The Prinoe opposeld the i*quei£;V ; t-r .", ■'•-. .'. , - „--, ,-■ •. ■ :s Another Chinese 'ironclad wsailaiioobedftt St. Helen's ml December Ist. iTbSSOhiMae legation and many invited guests werorjresent, Xhe Legation is enteriog inib oonlraoU for 'materiel of war, which is being seat to China m immense quantities. i r Aldermen- Maagtr, a Paraellite, was eluoted fiord: Mayor- of Dublin. The Liberal and Conservative member* of the Corporation abstained from voting. ">.' . The gunboat Nautilus is to reinforce the German squadron m Chinese waters. - It js stated thsb the TJlemas of Msnoa, a body of learned men,. have formally I'condemned1 'condemned El Mabdi as an impostor. : .- Agrarian crimes m the Government -of Kief, BdsiU, era increasing, Muoh property of the landlord's has been damaged by ants of incendiarism or pillage. , „■ . Matthews, editor of this Tyrone Courier, has beeo arrested on a charge of excitipg.the Orangemen against the Natioßalistn. '■■ . The annual report of the Patnell fund shows £40,435, of whioh ' Ireland' gave ■|fc,8?0,, • ..'■■■'■; ;;,: : .;; ■ ' -Mr Gladstone was. attended by a policeman whilst at prayers m HawartJen Church on December 18th. • ■ f" , A fearful easterly gale has done (grfeat Amiga to the town and shipping, at Gfbralbir. ' ..,'.. .'■'■" "' '."'.'! ' • ' A ' despatch' from CorkTrlated TWciimfcsr 'I7ni; slates ArJ3rew"Coremen','"{Fe"prT£crpal witness for tho prosecution m the trial of the oynspirators, testified to the esiitencd of a branphof the, Fenian Brotherhood ia County Mayo. He said lie bad: given informataorijto the police while atiistipg the mcm now on trial. He once aopompanied tho men . (now prisoners) to murder a certain gentleman who escaped because he bad previously Trained him, j . ■„:• ■ i ■; . • .:, j. .■•; aThe crisis m thp shipbuilding trade on the Clyde is growing morn and mors intense. Three large firms, including Peony, have notified their employees tbat wise* will be reduced m January, and several , other firm* will follow their example. : . .Bucbannet, the head of the,Pollticul;Department of the Swiss Federal Conncil, at ■>*■ military banquet said, "Be on ypnr: guard. . Let the Swiss peoples pre* pare to defend their country . .Many blsoks oloud* are papering on the European horißon. A war long nvoided caonot be osqsped after 1884. , It may even oome next spring. 1 ' „ The Duke qf Albany has composed a waltz. ; j The, Empress of Buisia is said to be dying yith ocosomption. , „ The Empress of Austria is slid to have given up hunting for sonnet writing. At the Dublin Assi«e* on December 6th, Blliott WM indicted for the murder of Mm ftmjtbi the wife of a landlord at Westmeathi who was shot dead while returninj; from ■,/Stat-WfM were also fpuird for oqn» spiraoy m the same murder against fourteen other persona. Three oersons arrested were discharged, . The Londpa Times think* Proiident Arthur 1 * messate somewhat/ xsareless, slid see* n tribal to the J^lsh vote m the lajignage used m regard to pauper immigrant*,, The rets generally exprei* disappointment jihat >c President did not recommend a reduoon m the tariff. The Stafford states the most important part is that oootaininc a recommendation to use herolo measures tot the suppression of " polygamy." The Telegraph denounces the President's recommendation to ate borofo treasures for the «uj>preition of polygittly, (add describes the proposal as an attempt to ei*eOt a politioal detpotum oa tho rain* of » prasoribed fnith. ■ ■ " Oulda " depie* that the is corJvertod| to ihe Catholic Church. : : lhe Bultaa of Turkey hai deapatobed an aide-de-camp to Helijat*, and tWo Court Dervishes to the Soudan on errands relating to Bl Mabdi's revolt. ' Thos. Burt, tho working men's raotabßf of Parliament, writing Concerning tlndcs unionn, regrets two things m particular, tb«t so many are secret and that they rush intd strikes. < Tho Portuguese Press vrrito against the Queen, .tbft' Prince o( Wales, »tjd Eugliil)

! »oniety gene rally, for neglecting their Croi Prince, m allowing Mm to ro to an hotel ai uofgivipg him a single rrcpMon or ball. T Time* relo.-t« th*l. thn Prinre came at t. wrnn? time- of (he yenr; expecting Engli society to h(> revived and to make arrangemen on his rpeoml behalf. '.1 '' i ' A Calcutta dPßpatch §ay« the Marquis Ripon, Viceroy of India, returned on Satu d'iy,and wan welcomed by an immense cron of natives. The banners of tlie ratives, c which " God Bless the' Viceroy ": was i scribed, weye destroyed by Europeans, ar an European mob of 2000 assembled i Goveroraent. House and. bined. the Msrqn and his wife when they drove to thp gate. 1 a banquet on Friday 20"0 Eiiropeanp wei present, nnd the toa^t of "Tho Viceroy " wt received. in silence,, pnly 24- persons standin up- ;;;„.! :,• : '. • •■ .- ■ T. M. Hi-aly, M.P., presided at a forl nightly meeting of the Irish Nationnl Leagu on Dfinember sth. The Secretary nnnounco fiJQQfI, had been received, from America sine lest meeting. Mr Bi^gar referred to J O'Oonnor Power, M.P. for Mayo, hs the " Jai Oarey of Iriah politics," and added tliat m Irishmen had a choice of a Grovernrnen situation, who had not fii'jfc become a traito to the .i.nterenta of.Jrel»Hd. International measures are mooted for tli control of th' 4 kale of explosives m order ti prevent their use by conspirators. The Windnor Theatre (the largest m Ne» Tori) han bfen huroed to the ground. Nc lives it»eCe lost. On December 14tb, th< Btandurd Theatre m the same city was alec destroyed by fire. An ulteinpt was fruetrutec to burn the Oasino. Hnicock has arrived m San Francisco anc has received an ovation. His tour is for thi purpojn of 'making ospital as a democratic candidate m the next Presidential campaign. According to a statement made l>y a leading New York importer, the effeot of tho decision of tbe United States Customs authorities tc exclude impure teas has been to decreißO the importation from 14,687,00 pounds tc 8,650,000 pounds. . , • At Caldera, a Chilian soaport, on Dercrnbei 10th, 8500 sacks of saltpetre became ignited destroying r> great portion of tho con! deposit of tbe railway between that place and Capiapo. The faltpetra tun along the railway track to the sea, burning tho sleepers, fences, machine loops, etc. The Hew York Bar Association has expressed by reiolution the Wieh that Judges of the Court of Appeal should appear m silken gowns on tho Benoh. and on tha 12th a committee was appointed to prosecute disreputable lawyers, by whom fchn profession ia burdened.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2905, 15 January 1884, Page 3

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ADDITIONAL NEWS BY THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2905, 15 January 1884, Page 3

ADDITIONAL NEWS BY THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XL, Issue 2905, 15 January 1884, Page 3