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An ordinary me«ting of the Borough Council was held laßt night m the Counoil Chambers. PRESENT. His Worship the Mayor and Councillor! Sherralt, Bower, Rowlny, Bush, Annettß, Delany, Allen, Hill, Jone>, Sutter, sod Gibson. Mr E. H. Lough (Town Clerk), Mr Dale (Foreman of Works), and Mr Beswick (Waterworks Inspector) were m attendance. MINUTES. The minutes of last ordinary meeting were read and confirmed. CORBKSPOXDESCE. Letters, rt-., forwarded by the Council sintv last meeting were read, and the follow" m? inward correspondence was dealt with:— Telegram from Mr A. D. AustiD, re w»ter supply to Railway Department, informing Council that the Department had agreed to accept the Council's terms. From the Secretary to the Timaru Harbor Board with reference to the removal of waterworks plant. From the Clerk to the Level* Boad Board, m reply to a letter received from the Council asking the Board's permission to take earth from near Mr Shaw's and pay half coit of aame, forwarding the following resolution, ■which waa pasaed at tho Levels Road Board's last meeting :— " That the Council can take the earth at their own ctpeuee ; excavation to be done so as to leave a footpath to the satisfaction of the Board's Overseer." It was decided to let this stand over until tenders for work m King street were before the Council. WOBE3 COMMITTEE'S BBPOET. Tho Works Committee reported that they had made arrangements for the supply of c»st-iron ware ; and recommended that three etandpip.s be erected :— one at Berwick street, ono at Woollcombe street and one m the Main North road, near the Melville Hotel. On the motion of Councillor Bower, seconded by Councillor Rowley, the report was approved of and adopted. ACCOUNTS. Tho following wore passed for payment:— General account, £271 ; waterworks maintenance account, £49 ; and Waterworks Loan account, £265 12s 3d. His Worship pointed out that among the accounts was one for £37 for a new hose reel, fortho Fire Brigade, and that as the reel w*t so light ond handy the bonns given for tho first pair of horses at the station »f ter an alarm of fire had been given might for the future be discontinued. Councillors agreed, and the following, moved by Councillor Butter and seconded by Councillor Gibson, was carried — "That the resolution passed by thin Council on the 22nd March, 1832, offering £2 sud £1 refpectrrcl?

for tbe first pair of horses at a firo bo rescinded." TENDERS. Before opening tender* for works, the Mayor drew Councillor' attention to the state of the Borough finances. A lot of works had been tendered for, and before accepting and deciding to carry them out, careful and earnest consideration should bo given them. Councillor Slitter nsked the Mayor how the csntractor for keeping the water-race m order was carrying out the work. He thought some ratepayers were anxious to know how the arrangement worked. The Mayor m reply, informed Councillor Snlter that the arrangement worked satisfactorily. The Waterworks Inspector, m reply to a question put, said the management of the race wf»g good. During the lute rains one or two little slipa had taken placp, but the debris was quickly oleared away by the contractor. Tenders were then opene-1 for the work of connecting the pipe-head with the reservoir as followa .— B. 8. Watson, £231; W. MeGill, £320. Councillor Gibson moved, Councillor Sutter seconded, and ir wns carried :— " That the tender of B. S. Watson, for the sum of £234 be accepted subject to his complying with the form of schedule and Mr Dobson's upprovsl ; and Mr Dobaon be wired for to lay out the work on the ground, and pi»s the plant." Applications wero received from Me^ro W. Annand, W. Henderson, W. Huggins, Thos. Bobert-, J. C. Bell, and W. Moore for tbe post of Inspector of Works m connection with the above contract at a salary of £4 per week, and that of Mr Annnnd was acctpted, on tbe motion of Pouncillor Sutt«r. An amendment by Councillor Rill, " ThatMr Huggins be appointed Inspector of Wr.rW wns lost. For laying down water pipps m Arthur and Dee streets, tenders were received as follows : — H. Barker, 7d per yard for 2£in pipe*, 9d for3in pipes ; W McGill, 7d for 2iin, 9d for 3in j Jaj. Holland, 6d for 2Jin. 7d for 3in. Mr Jap. Holland 1 ? tender was accepted. Tenders for advertising and printing were then deßlt with. The proprietor of tho South Canterbury Times forwarded a letter, m which he etateri that he declined tendering for the work, but that he wotld do the Council's advertising »t the same rates as charged to other public bodie?, viz.! 33 per inch. The Manager of the Timarti Herald, wrote thanking the Council for post favora. He deolined tendering for the work, but would insert the Council's advertisements for 3s an inch. Councillor Sherratt said despito what had transpired at last meetinz, he was still under tbe impression that the Council had at one of their meetings ajreed to giva the two papers turn and turn about. Councillor Butter was of the same opinion. He said a letter had been received from Mr Kerr about a month after last year's tender was let relating to the matter of advertising. It had been referred to the Finance Committee, and m their report to the Council, they recommended thot tho contract already entered into with the Timarti Serald should not b>> Hi»turbed that year, but that the South Canterbury Timse should get it for the next twelvo months. It seemed to him quite fair that the papers should be giren turn and torn about. He assured the Town Clerk that if be consulted tbe records he would find it ai he stated. The Town Clerk, after a few minutes' learcb, found it was recorded among tbe minutes of the Council that on tbe 23rd October, 1882, tbe Finance Committee passed B resolution m re Mr Kerr's letter — "That the papers get turn about m future," and that on thia being brought before the Council, it was adopted. The Mayor said calling for tenders had been of no use whatever, as m accordance with the resolution quoted above, the South Canterbury Times was entitled to the Council's advenising. Councillor Gibson then moved and Councillor Bherra't seconded — " That, the South Canterbury Times be appointed the official journal for the next twelvo months, at the price contained m their letter." — Carried. Tenders from Mr W. H. Foden and from the Timaru Senld Company were reo -ired for printing, and the latter, being the lowest, w«s accepted, on tbe motion of Councillor Gibson, seconded by Councillor Sutler. For putting m a culvert m North street, tenders were received as follows : — E. Kirby, £20 \ii ; I>. McXeozie, £18 15s ; T. Richards, £21 19s i C. Travis, £18 15s 6d ; A. Vincent, £14 7s 3d. The Mayor explained tint as this job required doing without loss of time, he had instructed th» Foreman of Works to get tenders for it, so that th*y could come before the meeting that evening. Mr "Vincent's tonrfer was accepted. There being only one tender for improvements m Sing street, the Mayor asked the Council if it was their wish that it be opened. Councillor Hill moved and Councillor Delany seconded — " Th«t the tender be opened at once." Councillor Bower moved and Councillor Softer leconded — "That the tender for improvements m King street be returned unopened." Councillor Suiter said that this worV was not required a 1 all. It was simply a waste of publio money to touch this street, especially ai it wa» m such good order. Councillor Hill naid it was very evident Councillor Hutter was m ignorance as to the •tat? of that part of the street near Sbaw's corner. Councillor Sutter denied being m ignorance of tho matter. H» was over the street on Sunday last, and ho could assure them that it was a gross misrepresentation to say that the street wia m a dangerous state. The amendment, on being put, was lost, and the motion carried. The Mayor, before opening the tender, asked the Foreman of Works his estimate of cost. The Foreman replied £250, but that the work was really worth £260. The tender was then opened. It was from Gliddon & Stratford, and the amount of the tender was £255. Councillor Hill moved, and Councillor Allen seconded— " That the tender of G-liddon & Stratford be accepted." After some little discussion the motion was put and carried. WATEBWOBXB INSPECTOR'S BBPOBT. The Inspector's report was read, after which Councillor Gibson moved, and Councillor Suiter seconded — "That the claim for damage to waterworks plant be made by the Town Clerk at once, and the whole matter of commencing the work and carrying out tbe same be referred to the Works Committee, with power to aot." A MtH3ANCK. Councillor Gibson moved, Councillor Sutter MConded, and it was carried — " That the Inspector of Nuieances give the necessary notice to whom it may concern to trim or remove broom fences at the oorner of Church and Sophia streets." The meeting then terminated.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2798, 11 September 1883, Page 2

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TIMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2798, 11 September 1883, Page 2

TIMARU BOROUGH COUNCIL. Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2798, 11 September 1883, Page 2