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miscellaneous ■ KXEIKR aUKHRRIKS, I'itAHVl HOAI> C'MHIfcTCHIJItCH N»« Zhuahi<. I THOMAS A B O I JSORBEBYMAN. T.A. desires to thank the many kind patron who hftye to liborally eupported him for th. lant twenty years, and assures them that h> will uee his utmost |endeavora to morit a con tinuance of their favors. Ohoico Flowering and Evergreen fchruba Fruit and Forest Treea, including the Tarious Culiforniau Trees, Giants of the Forests. Thousands of Rosea, very choico, to which I have added, by importation, many new varieties. Also Greenhouse and Bedding Plants. I have nmny varieties of New Doubl.Pelargoniums, Now English Stage Pclnrgoniuniß, New Fußchins, &c. The Stock of Trees comprises, in onnuuj bored qunnlitics — Apples, Peare, Plums, Peaches, Cherries Nectarines. Gooseberry, Currants (block, nhite.aiui red), Raspberry. Pinus Insignia, Pinus Muricata, Pinm Maritima, Pinus Tuberculota, Pinm . Larieio, Pinue Ponderos'i, Cupressut Maerocarpa, Jvoieh tjpruco, anc! A uf triau Fir. And n-any others too numerous to par culariee. Ai*o, Clirobing and Xrailib^ Shrube well adapted for verandahs, treliisworl and walls. And several varieties of the Blackberry My exhibition of Fernß ib really splendid, comprising almost nil known species. Gc;.t!emin'B Gatden? laid out bj contract ; r.onn but expirienied men employed. Greatest care taken in Packing Trees, &c. Orders to any part of Nc* Zeulaud executed with despatch. Five minutt'B walk from Nortl) Town Belt Tmtrs pa«s the Nurecrier many times b tioy. Catiiloguc3 on application. 14iu DR K• • K 'If CELEBRATED OIMMEKT, THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND, Is confidently recommended to the Public cs an unfailing remedy for wouu'.lb of every dojcription ; a certain remedy for u) .-crated legs, burns, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face, pore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breitts, piles. It also entirely romoveß the foul smell arising from cancel. Sold in pots, 13Jd, 2s 9d, 4b fid, 11s, and 22a each ; and his PILULE AKTi-SCROPHOLuE, OR ALTERATIVE PILLS, Proved by more, tlia-j sixty years' experience to be one of the bebt medicines for purifying the blood and aseietiug Naturo in her operations. They form a mild and superior family aperient, which may b; taken at all tirnee without confinement or change of diet. Sold in boxes, at 13id, 2s 9d, ie fid, Mr, and 22» each. Prepared only by PEACH AND BARNICOTT, Bridport, Dorset, England, and .«oln MOLLER'S COD LIVEK OIL. Head Offices, Christiania, Norway j Branch Offices, 521 Oxford-street, London. Steam Manufactures at Stannund and Ks belvaag, Lofoten lelnnds, Norway. MOLLER'S COD IIVER OIL. lhe "Standard," I3tn May, 1872, in an article on " Lofoten la'andain the Season,' 1 eayß, : — " In these islands, when no sun is seen above the horizon, and night lasts nearly 24 hours, the tourist who braves the perils ol the short but stormy passage will encounter s strange Bceno. Though deserted in tae summer, threo inlands swarm with some 20,000 in tho winter, attracted by the cod flsh, winch arrive in millions every January to pj-awn. The take for the season just over has been 17,000,000 fish, which is below the nverage. After tho fishery, the most interesting? features of the islands are Mr PETEK MOLLER'S Manufactures of his well-known tasteless COD LITER OIL, where thousands of barrels of the most delicate livers undergo b series of operations for about two months. The virtue of his rnodo of operating is ite producing tho oil in its natural state of purity without refinement, just us it is found in the Gsh while living, possessing qualities surprisingly pleasant to those accustomed to associate as synonymous nasty ta»te and cod liver oil. lhe great secret of tbe excellence of his oil i« absolute cleanliness in manufacture, and exclusive uee of freßh livers removed from the fifh immediately it is taken, rendering it as tisteless as tho best olivo oil. It is painful to think that the fishermen among th^meelveß, anil nmid a scene of filth, make inferior Borte of oil t'rom the stale livers : but this oil ie generally known in the market by its verj nnußeoiiß flavour " OLLKR'S COD LITER OIL, is produced exclusively from selected livers of the finest quality, and Lofoten fishery por Jessing facilities which appertain to no othsr fishing ground in tho world for the exclusion of mil pntriH. unhealthy, mid poor liven. MOLLER'S COD LlVEtToili.— w T 8. Locke, Esq., M.R.C.S.E., Admiralty Burgeon, Ac, writes from the Home for Sick Children :— " I can confidently rerommend Mr Moller's Oil to thn public a? of exceptional purity and jjre»t dioUtio value." /~1 K A TEFUL — COMFORTING EPPS'S ~COCOA. BREAKFAST. "B,v a. thorough k no nluilgo of the natural laws -which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a. careful application of the fino properties of -well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicious use of bucli articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are flouting around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."— See articlo in tho Civil Service Gazttle. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets, labelled : — JAMES EPPS & CO., Hoiukopathic Chemists, LONDON. Also Milkers of EPPS'S CHOCOLATE ESSENCE. 5-y 5306 GEKALDINE COUNTY CHRONICLE. WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. ONE HTJITDBED COLtrirXS SEAI3ING MATTE K. CONTAINING all the Telegraphic and Local News of the Week. Farming and Agricultural Memoranda. Tales by Popular Authors. Moral and Religious Literature. Sporting Items. Leading Articles upon the popular questions of the day. Eeports of the Judicial Courts. Keports of Local Boards, &c, &c. PRICE SIXPENCE PER COPY. Price per Quarter, 6s 6d, booked. „ „ Half- Year, 12s in advance. „ „ Per Year, 20s „ „ j As an ADVERTISING MEDIUM: affords good opportunities for giving PUB■LI CITY, ESPECIALLY in the COUNTRY DISTRICTS, it being the ONLY WEEKLY PAPER published hetweon Chijstehurcb and Duuedin

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2797, 10 September 1883, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2797, 10 September 1883, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 2797, 10 September 1883, Page 4