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Business Notices. Wanted. U/ ANTED— A First-class COOK. Ro- ' ffrences requhed. Apply to T. G. Cobk. 25ap WANTKD— A GARDENER. Single Man. Muefc understand rearing Foreet Treee. B. Mackay, Baiucliff Station. 25ap W 'ANTED — Three or four Gentlemen BOARDEBS m a Private Family, m a healthy locality. Address F , offico of Ibis paper. 28»p COWAN & POSTER. \7I7ANTED —ME THOMAS MORW " ' VV CHUMB to Communicate with William Bennetts, Tokomairiro. 28ap LEVELS BOAD BOAED. WANTED — A Person qualiGe d to act as CLERK ond OVERSEtR, to the Lovi'ls Road Board. Applications, stating salary rrquired, to bo lodged by the 9th of May, addressed to BOOTS AND SHOES WILLIAM MOODY, Chairman. Timaru, 13th April, 1881. 14ap n, . TXT ANTED— LADIES TO KNOW that Xo arriTß VV COWAN & FOSTER are SELLING JOSEPHINE KID GLOVES at 2a lid. OTXT T , T , W _„„„„ T, nrt ,r TT7" ANTEr> KNOWN— That MKa HILL PEB SHIP BEN VENUE, FROM W haß REM OVED from Beach Boad to the BAILWAY BOARDING HOUSE and DINING KOOMS, Cain's Terrace, buck of Bailway Station, l&tely occupied by Mr LONDON, Wadlow. Comfortable Board and Lodging, £1 per week. A first-class Dinner on the tablo daily from 12 to half-past 2 for ONE _. , BHILLING. Tcaand Coffee at all hours. 9do Ab Under : — TRUNK 199 LadifB 1 and Maids' E.S. Glove Kid Boots, } Pol., Fancy Stitched High Leg ■r j- , a„., , -co WANTED — „ Ladios' and Maids E.S. Glace Kid Boots, rrißE LADIEB of TIMABU and DISFancy Stitched, But- TIIIC T to Know that toned Fronts, High Le S COY AND DRUMMOND " Ladies' and Maids' Glace JDgT opHNED OTJT tho FIEST of K.IQ Jonols, rancy iJutton, High Leg their NEW SEASON'S DRAPERY, Consisting of 21 Pkgs, ex B.M.S. " Cuzco," comprising iho very Newe?t and moßt Choice Goodß m Dreßses, Mantles, Jaokctß, Ulsters, TRUNK 200 Ladies' Levant Bint Silks, Satins, Plushes, Pomponettes Ribbons, Balmorals, Stitched, Plush Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Fancy High Lfg Fur8 > Fancy Goods, Trimmings, &0-, &c, and a few Paris Model Bonnete; these to be „ Ladies' Black Kid E.S. supplemented by Boots, J Pol., Fancy 9 Pkg 8| ex Orari, now overdue Stitched 5® P^s, ex Contunon, due 11th March 6 Pkgs, ex Westland, due 30th March 14 Pkgs, ex Norfolk, due early m June 19 Pks, to follow m month of Hay Making m all 128 Cases and Bales of Drapery, Clothing, Carpets, Mattings, Floor-cloths, Linoleums, Manchester and Furnishing TRUNK 201 ™-^«£A =£•• g^ft F^^.^tt^'ndS'.nl Lace Pat. Toes' usually favorable conditions, placing them m a 1 ' poßilion to put before their Customers the t j- > ni „» tZiA Vs> Best Lines procurable m the English and *£t. * Prf *™« Markets, at Prices that cannot but High Leg S ive "tisfaction alike to Buyer and Seller. „ Ladies* Glove Kid E.B. Many of this Season's Goods being exceedBools, J Pol., Mock ingly Choice, COY AND DRUMMOND Button, Fancy. would solicit an early inspection. They take this opportunity of reminding the Ladiea that their DBES3MAKING DEPARTMENT is still under the exceedingly efficient management of MISS GREEN. RUNK 202 Ladies' Kid E.S. Boots, erp .„- _ wnrrq _ J Pol., Slide Strap, Pat. DUNSTABLE HOUbK Toe Timaru, March 7th, 1881. Bma „ Ladieß'LovantE.S.lßootß, i Pol., Corded, Mock Lace „ Ladies' and Maids' Kid ______________________——» ES. Boots, } Pol., — ' Double Vamp PATRONISED BY THE ARISTOCRACY AND ELITE, EXTENBIVELY USED IN THE ARMY AND NAVY, AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY THE LEADING MKDICAL PRACTITIONERS. Protected by tho Royal Letters Patent, dated TRUNK 203 Girls' and Maids' Levant October 11th, 1809. Bigli O l,eg BOOtB ' PCI> ' I|B BBIGHT'd PHOSPHODYNE. „ Girls' and Maids' Kid The Safest and only Sellable Preparation E.S. Boots, i PoL.Mook of Phosphorus. Eureka, Button Fronts /fe^^^f^i^^alE^^^H „ Girls' and Maidß* Levant *"^]j jjrt~-~ ii •fflr^Wfiflsr*^S Multitudes of people ore hopelessly suffering from Debility, Nervous and Liver Complaints, Depression of Spirits, Timidity, Indigestion, Lassitude, Want of Power, TRUNK 204 Ladies' Felt Lace Boots, & c-i wnO ßo cases admit of a Permanent Fur Bound cure by tho new remedy, DE BRIGHI'S PHOSPHODYNE (Ozonio Oxygen), „ Ladies' Blaok Felt Slip- Trbich at occe allays all irritation and pc" excitement, imparts new energy and life to the enfeebled constitution, and rapidly t. Ladies' Blaok Felt Slip* cures every stage of theso hitherto inpers, Fur Bound curable and distressing maladies. „ Indies' Velvet Slippers, db BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is Fur Bound. acknowledged by the first inodical men m Europe as tho most efficacious medicine hitherto discovered for Weak and Shattered — _ Con»titutions, Nervous Debility, Aversion or Incapacity for Study, Indigestion, Femule Complaints, Flatulence, Liver Complaints, fitly „ » , Shortness of Breath, Pains m tho Head, TRUNK 206 Ladies" Dr.ib'Felt Slip- p irnp ] CB) Impoverished Blood, and all diseaeeß pera, with Buckles caused by a long reiidence m tropical } climates, for which iron, mercury, iodide of „ Ladies Fancy Velvet po t a88) & c ., aro given m various forms, ofton Slippers, i Military t0 tno destruction of tho patient's health. „,,„„ „, . DR BRIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE — „ Ladies Felt Boots, Plain rmj nt ,;[ t h 0 introduction of Dr Bright's PhosLace. pbodyne, Phosphorus was but seldom prescribed hb a medicine, owing to tho difficulty m so preparing it that its action could bo kept ra under perfect control. It had been used m — — > Almond and Olire Oils, m Sulpliurio Ether, m Rectified Alcohol, m Chloroform, and m several advertised medicines ; but, m nil Iho _ hitherto known methoda of its preparation, TRUNK 206 Ladies' Levant E.S. Boots, cortß i n irregular results huvo been expiriSancv Toes onced. But m the form of Dr Bright's Phosphodyno, its invaluable action on tho i) Ladies Levant E.S. Boots, human system is realised without any of thoso Blooked, Plain Front, d raw bocks which other modes of preparation Tnssols invariably produce. , DR BttlSrHT'S PHOSPHODYNE ispro- „ Childs Pat. Balmorals, pared on a Ryr Pbihoii-lb, by whioh all Low Heels. poaiible risk and disagreeable after eifects aro ontirely prevented. CAUTION.— Avoid Phosphorus m the form of Pills or Lozenges, as they frequently contain Solid Pahticlks of Phosphorus, which accumulate m tho system, injure tho Bones and Palate, producini; Nocrosca and oil) or ecrioiiß ovilt. Being prepared from obsolete formulas, they aro generally un- ■ reliable, and m soino cases positively dan- « — r^ .^,.r»,,-^ gC DB' BBIGHT'S PHOSPHODYNE is COW^AN & FOSTER "gw^le to tho Palalo, and innocent m its ' action, whilo rotaining all its extraordinary properties, and as a speeiSo surpasses all the known Thcrapoutio agents of tho prearnt. day. DB BRIGUT'S PUOSPHODYNE.— In uio enables all debilitated organs to perform their natuml functions. Poisons Buffering C*nmZ"lPf A 1W TIYYTTCITi 1 f rom Nervous Debility, or any of tho hundrod tUOKMAM MOUbili. , JDltomß whicll th ?' di 6l y rDß9ing dileMo 23np assumes, may re*t ussurod of an rfloetual euro by tho uso of this moßt invaluable remedy. DR BRIGHT'S PHOSPUODYNK Is Bold m Cases only by all Chemists and Slorekeopors throughout tho Globo. 85^- ASK FOB DR BRIGUT'S PHOSPHODYNE. And do not bo Persuaded to take any Useless and Possibly Dangerous Substitute New Zealand Agents : NEW ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY. 28ap

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2058, 28 April 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2058, 28 April 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Timaru Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 2058, 28 April 1881, Page 4