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IO THE EDITOR OV THB TIMABTT HEBAI/D. Sib, — I wish it were possible for the Timaru Serald to have a good reporter at these annuul meetings of ratepayers ; m default of which I wiah to offer a few remarks on the last meeting. Unfortunately by law these meetings are obliged to be held at 12 o'clock, an hour at which few ratepayers can attend, except those m the immediate neigh borhood, and some fow that are less busy, residing at a diatance. A gentleman, a member of the Board, replying to the remarks made by ratepayers upon the action of the Board should not take such remarks as personally addresßed to himself, as this would lead the ratepayers to coneider that this gentleman alone composed the Board, which is not flattering to the ability or the independence of the otber members of the Board, for it would then appear to be ruled and guided by thia one mun. At theee meetings overy ratepayer has a perfect right to criticise any action of the Board for the last 12 monthß ; and for any gentleman occupying the position of a member of Ihe Board to lose his temper and abuse a ratepayer for epeaking out his independent mind, is by no means right or becoming. The Chairman congratulated the Board on having obtained a high tender for the Geraldine Kuad Board account, from the Bauk of New Zealand for tho coming year. I, as a ratepayer, do not approve of the principle of advertising for tenders for tbe Board's account every year. I think if a Board is well treated by a Bank, and obtains a fair rate of interest, it should bo tatiefied. I will only observe that if the object be to deprive their present Bunk of their account, aud give it to another, this may be the beßt means of doing so, though m the present instance it has failed. I only hope the Road Board to which I belong will never adopt tbe course pursued by the Geraldine Koad Boaid m thia particular. I thoroughly believe m old friends — old and tried servants ; and, if a public boc'y is always inclined to chop and change, what faith can a Bank have m them ? We all know that if an employer were to be continually chopping and changing hia servant b, it would be m vain for him to expect new chums to take an interest m hia wellbeing. I am glid to obaerve that the Kakahu district haa had fpent m it th'a last year about £8000 outol about £12,(j00 which the Geraldine Road Board have expended altogether. I think the Kakahu dietrict will give me some little credit for the remark I made about a year ago, at an annual meeting of ratepayers m Geraldine, m advising them to try and get their part of the district annexed to another Road Board if justice were not dono them. This was the timo when " rigid and strict economy" was the order of tbe day ; when contracts were let privately between Board days to keep the country open for traffic. Thia unwise and hateful system has disappeared, and a very liberal spirit new pervades the Geraldine Road Board. In regard to the employment of two men, a clerk and an overaeer, I hope the Board h»a found that the advice I gave them has turned out to be good. After I ceaßed to be Chairman, it was thought that one man could do the work. When 1 waa Chairman we had Mr. Sherratt's services, and the help of Mr. R. Irvine for fix or twelve days m the month, and that waa found little enough ; but with one man to do the work of clerk and overseer, everyone grumbled. Now that the Bo»rd have two good men, everyone is satisfied. Xheref ore, I hope that " strict economy " will no more ruie the Board m */bis respect. The only district that now complains of being neglected, ia that between the north bank of the Orari and the Hangilata. Until the last few weeks, I may almoßt say that not a sixpence has been spent there the last twelve months. It is true no member of the Board resides m that large district. It is also true that the Geraldine Road Board have un agreement signed and sealed between them and the Mount Peel Road Board, each agreeing to pay half the costs of the road between the Rarjgitata Traffic Bridge and the South Rangitata Railway ia alao true that for more than six months paßt, the Mount Peel Koad Board hare repeatedly, I may say almost monthly, aaked the Geraldine Road Board to repair the dangerous placet along thia road aa they were afraid of some accident, and that they would pay half the costs. From some unaccountable sense of justice, the Geraldine Road Board treated the ratepayers m this portion of the district with contempt, and wrote to the Mount Prel Boad Board excuses for del»y, stating they were waiting for a full meeting of the Board before a deoiaion would be given, or something to the mo • effect. What would b» thought of two

! private g'-ntlen en enleiing into an . greem. Nt o do a certain thing, and, after the ngreument was Binned, &c, one of the parties made excuses, &.c. Would lOt the. le^al gentlemen be soon engaged m the matter ? In this ense, the Mom.t Peel Road Bonrd, knowing they w-re dealing with straightforward, honorable men, allowed the agreement to stand, that as the road »ac m the Geraldine Konri Board district, they would ienve the letting of the work to them, and would pay half the cost. Is not the conduct of all tbe member* of the Geraliline Road Board to be blamed for treating their own laeparers, as well as tlie other | arty to the agreement, with such utter neg'ect? It seems to be » Een>-rbl »ish that the district fhould be dirid'-d into Wards, and tlie Lccal Election Ait brought into force, so that all ratepayers cun vote by ballot. I hope therefore the members of the Road Board will ace the matter carried out. I am, &c, C. G. Tbipp. Orari Gorge. Jan. 13th, 1879.

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Timaru Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 1350, 17 January 1879, Page 3

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GEARLDINE ROAD BOARD ANNUAL ELECTION. Timaru Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 1350, 17 January 1879, Page 3

GEARLDINE ROAD BOARD ANNUAL ELECTION. Timaru Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 1350, 17 January 1879, Page 3