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THAMES BOROUGH COUNCIL. TEN 1 I'j ' S will hp ro'pivod np to { p.m. of TUESDAY NEXT, fcho 22nd inst., for REM /VIVO l.lliiO LO.\J)Sof GRAVEL, oto,, from fcho Kumk j Crook, Specifl otio'i may bo booh /it (ho Council Chamber*. To lowcßt or any tcndoi not nocosßirily nccoptod. Amikht Uiu'CK, Town Clerk, HOT ICE. TO'ffll! THAMES tmiC, WANfl® MOWN tint JOHN S. WATERMAN, liaving decided to carry on his trade as GENERAL CARPENTER, would most rc^poetriilly solicit a share of public support. ■JOBBING WORK of nil descriptions undertaken and faithfull} carried out I'lstimaU'H given for all work iiiwimcetion with ittJIJLDINU or IMPAIRS. Estimates riven f..ri» .SPHALTING, cither for prepared or tin: and samlinj,', or will uiideitftKonny jobs in connection with same. John & Waterman, RICHMOND STREKI', SJJOJt'I LAND. t. IMMY'S HAMS, AUOKLANI) BKAKI), lid. SYRUPS, ltd; Thames Make, 10d and is, THAMES JAM only 3d per tin, MARMALADE (in bulk), 3d pet lb. NEW LEMON ERRU (id. NEW SULTANAS, (id/ RAISINS, Gd NEW CURRANTS, inl POTTBJ) MEAT, 2d per tin. P, NORBURY.

If! MTU IIH fiSiiTO# r'^vAA/v/vwvv , 'A/'v/ t i/',jTO THAMES* —tetfif- the-'Xmas Holidays Are Invited to Visit the new Drapery and Clothing Warehouse, THI CALEMNIM HOUSE. ALBERT STREET, (LATE MARSHALL'S BUILDINGS), And Inspect the stock of New and Fashionable Goods, without king pressed to Purchase, .fmM+mrmttmfrmmtMmmmmmn THE STOCK Is entirely Hew ; Purchasers maytherefbre rely on getting a Good Article, All Goods are larked in Plain Figures—The lowest prices , for cash, No Second trices. No Discounts. ROBERT WOOD Cash Draper and Clothier,

yyyyyyyyyyyvffyyyyyyyyvyyyyyyyvyyyyyyy/y GIFT SALE Sg A. J, AND E. IRVINE'S Commenced on Saturday, sth December. >yvyyy yy yyy yvy yy *y i y?T.y y yy.y.vy y yyyy y tWy yvyyv yv yy yyyy yyrvvy♦» Having bought the greater portion of the Gifts for 1896 prior to our determining to retire from business we have now decided to hold our usual Every purchaser to the amount of 10s worth aid upwards will receive a USEFUL PRESENT. Our shipments for this season are unusually heavy, so that we are in a position to suit all and give the greatest choice in all kinds of Fashionable Dress Goods, Washing fabrics, Millinery, Mantles, and General Household Furnishings. Telephone 311 First-class Dressmaking on the Premises; Charges Moderate. | Telephone 31, Country Orders promptly'attended to, ji # 3. JUP> Et tmim. Drapers and Silk Mercers, Pollen-street, Thames. :

tetf" English, Continental, American, and. Colonial •' Ladies', Gents', and Children's BOOTS and SHOES in Tan, Glace Kid, Ooze-calf, Camras, 1 < etc., all sorts and sizes at . 1. WHITEHEAD'S, Family Boot and Shoe jWarehouse, Pollen street. - Address: Telephone No. 77 ' ' THOIBSRN'S IS NOW ON, When every Purchaser of Goods to the value of f®s * and upwards will receive a handsome Gift or a Liberal Discount TIIORBURN will allow a Discount of jper cent, off all, accounts of 10s and upwards paid on or beforeJDecember 24th THORBURN has just received 50 dozen pairs of four button Tan Kid Glovesj which will be sold at Is 6d per pair THORBURN has just recei ed a splendid lot of New loth- j thing for Meu, Youths, and Boys—Specially selected for tlio holidays. < ' - J THORBURN hasso dozen'pairs of Ladies' Black Ca3hmer® Hose to sell at Is per pair. . j THORBURN has New Goods coming to hand every day, and ;j the stock is replete with everything required for a taty's a I a Gentleman s outfit! Address; Pollen street. ;. • •••.. ;: '. • .• 1 '. > . \ f V * r

APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CLAIM District: llauraki. Date: 17th December, 139E[To the Warden at Thames.] r HEREBY apply for a Special Claim 1 for gpldiuiniiig purposes under the pro visions of "The Milling Act, 1591," of the lands hereinafter described, ■which have been duly ma iked in accordance with the mining regulations. John C. Comimk, By his solicitor, Edwin Cleridon, Signature ol Applicant. Miner's Right: No, ol9:i; date, 30th September-, DfHll,. ,\iune and address in full of applicant; Jnhn Cmdiogly Colbeck. Mine Owner, .uckland. Stylo tinder which it- is intended to conduct the business: Kohinoof special claim. _ Locality wliero the land applied for is situated : Mar's Homestead, Tttirmi. Bounded on the south by Opal special claim application, all other sides by supposed unoccupied ground. Extent of land applied for: 100 acre?, _ Amount of capital proposed to bo inzested i i's,ol'o. Proposed mode of working the land: Stopiiig ftnd driving. , Term for which licenseis required: 21 years ( remarks: Marked out on 17th December, 1806,. (> wu. Mark on pegs V Dated at Thames this 17th day of December, im. -r*-, The above application and any objections will be heard' at the Warden's Court at Thames at 10 30 a.m on 21st January, 1897. Any person desiring to object to the isß'- e of a license for the land spplipd for must, before tbal diiie, enter bis obju tions at tie OlVce # TJiMities. Tf Esi.i» Kfissv, Warden, Warden's Office,■ Thames, ]7tti 1 Jccemlior, IK.9U, HVIS a.m. [No. 3;9 I'OK SPECIAL CLAIM Distuict : Haimiki Date! 17th December, ISl)<>. (To the Warden Hi Tlhiimh.) I HEREBY apply for a Special Claim for U'old-miuing parpen 1 * muter the provijiious of ''The Mluhig Act, l.Si'l." of the lands bereinafiev desci ibed, which have been ; duly marked in accordance with the mining : regiilatmim. John CouwS'SljY Comets, By his solicitor, Edwin Clendon, Applicant, Miners Eight, No, 5193; dak, 30th Septenikr ,1890 Nairn ft'id address in fn.l of applicant; John Cordinglv Colbeek, of Auckland, Mine Owner, ....... , , Style under which it is intended to cunduct thebiisiiiess! Opal special claim. Locality where the Land applied for is hituiiti'd: Mar's Freehold, Tainta. Bounded n the south by tljo Tairua rive, north by Kohinoor application, West and east by supposed uncocupied ground,. Extent of Land applied for; 100 acres. Amount of Capital proposed to be invested; fuCO), projioßcd. Mods of working tlw Land;

Stopiui' olid Driving. Term for which license is required: 21 years i encr.'tl Ifemarks: Marked out at C nth DcecmW. lS!)(i Mark 011 Jteys V Bitted at Thames this 17th day of December. IB9G. —— The abovo npplior.tion ami any objections will be benrd fit the Warden's Ooijit. at Thames al lo.lioa.rn. on Janmry 21st, 1897 Any purson dvsitiiig to object to tte grant'" ing ol the special eljim applied for, must, before that due, enfpr his objections at the Warden's Office at 'I l)iimf>«. 11. Eykk Kmny, Warden. Wanton's Office, Tlwtiiw, 17th December, 1-96, 1U.15 [378 O nion steamship company of NEW ZEALAND (Limited) TIME-TABLE W eatber and circumstances perinitf ing), e"OR NEW PIAM'IUTR,WELLINGTON, AND LYTTEbTON. (From Onwnoa). Steamer Date of Sailing'. Pnssenprer tain. TAKAPUNA...Monday 21,10 a.ra 18.55 a.m i (Cargo at Railway till 1 p.m. Saturday) TOR NEW PLYMOUTH, WELLINGTON AND NELSON. ; MAQINAPUA... horsday 24, 1 p.m. | noon: (Cari;o at railway till 9.45 a.m.) FOE HOBAItT, MISLISOURNE (Yiaßluff) (Fudm AvcKiASn) ROTOMAHANA., Monday, 21st, 4 p.m. (Transhipping at Dunedin, FOR GISBORNE, NAPIER, WELLINGTON, LYTTELTUN, DUNEDIN. ROTO JI All AN A.. .XI oiiday 21st, 4 p.m. FOE ALL KA«T COAST PORTS, GISMUIfiN'E, NAPIER,4 wiiWGION, IHNGADEB.. Wednesday, 23rd, 5 p.m. FOR SYDNEY. WAlHollA..,riu'fdiiy, '22nd, 5 p.m. FOR SAMOA. HONOLULU, AND SAN FKANCI-'CO. MOiNOWAI-Saturda , 26th, 2 p.m. (Cargo till 10 a.m.j FOR TONGA, SAMO\, FIJI, AND PYDNBY. (Nvki'siofa, Haahai, Vavau, Aha, Suva'.) TAVIUNI . Wednesday, Jan, 13th, 5, Ki»R SUVA AND LEVUKA PUKAKI.„TneSdny, January 5th,5 p.m. (Car»p till noou.) ftp Cargo must be booked and alotgsiao TWO HOUR* boforo advertised time of de narturo. IW-ncer Tickets must be tajjen at the Company's Office. Auckland branch' Palmorston Buildings. HAMEB AGEVOY OFFICES Bnrfce Streat Whari. H. 0, GILWJSPIE, Agent

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8617, 22 December 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8617, 22 December 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8617, 22 December 1896, Page 3