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..aim rcmarKsa. on iur jt>m?tjiau^» : «»«», Which he described as being; carried outmost efficiently, while lie also paid a tribute . to fir Sommervillc, who acted us treasurer.,; awl it was resolved to send the last mined gentleman a letter conveying the Union's thanks for his services as well as forwarding him a breast pin «s some slight* though tangible token ■■, of the'ostccitt in which he is held. Our Auckland correspondent wired last i evening:-* 1 " At the banco sittings of the f Supreme Court t.o>day the cases, A.itkcn r, | Swindloy and Pcarcc v. GroviHe, were ad- : Journed until after the v3Cutton,~T.he long. : standing case McCornvick v. Bean, in Which : Sir McCormick appealed, to have the decision; of the Warden" reversed r« the CarJigaii lixlonded spocifll claim was concluded today After hearing argument at considerable length His Honor licld that the decision of the Wardqh n'-aßjcpVi-qet. He'could not see that any other construction '■ be put ou section 125 than that the laud should be deemed abandoned unless, the. Warden granted a« extension 6f time.. Ihe time expired on the 22nd; March, and no : extension had been granted and therefore the land had become abandoned. The appeal was dismissed with <£1010s costs. At Waitekaiiri on Saturday a young man named William Brownett, 19 years of age, met with a painful accident. He was rid-: iiig (says the "Miner") up the jubilee ; frack, carrying a basket and leading a. pitckdiorsO) when he was mot by aijiobof. horses boiiig driven down by some lads.' Meeting in the narrow track,, the -horses lvatiiralty lashed out, and he was dismounted, right vii the middle of the track, and the only wonder is that lie escaped from what looked like certain death. The other lads., frightened at the result, cleared into the. hush, and left him to his fate, The young fellow's pluck is shown by tire fact that, oil recovering consciousness, he took oft the pack-saddlq and walked home, a distance of over a mile, though his jaw 1 was broken and several of Ills, teeth knocked out-. He was taken to the chemist's, Mr Faidderfy at Waitckauri, and a message sent to l)r* Wright., who set the jaw, and removed the poor lad to. the Waibi Hospital, to put him. under Miss Ariiaboldi's care. Mr Catran, bookseller and stationer of. Pollen street, is to thfe fore as is usual at. Christmas tim« with him \yitj) a fine assorted stock of cards, toys, and goods of a more expensive nature, suitable for pre-. scuts. His cards are a particularly nice lot and arc no doubt as he says, the very best that money can buy. lit imports: them from Home, and not only their beauty. but their novel designs strike one at the first ghnee, and the cheapness ni which they arc sold is surprising. For instance; the packets which are sold at from sixpence to two shillings are wonderful value, and there are also boxes of cards containing ten With envelopes, which arc sold for one shilling. It is the hand-painted designs on ivorine which are specialty attractive; already they hove been in demand and. ; doubtless be'foro'the festive season is much, nearer Mr Cattail will find his stock in that; particular article exhausted.. We need not Mention tho toys* they are as some adver- : Users say "too numerous to particularise,." but the goods in the shop suited for more claborato presents cover a wide range, and. moreover include some really handsome as well as useful aitioles, Nbfc tlie least Worth meiitlouing which come undo- that category are handsome tea-sets, ladies' companions,. arid writing desks.* the. first named being of most attraciiye designs, nnt the com*, pinions are so nicely finished and so useful. n$ to make them coveted by nil feminine beholders, The writing desks are of many patterns and prices--from sixty shllings highest priccd'being well mou-ited, well inlaid and veneered, and good value is found in those of Japanese : pattern which may be obtained for about '. twenty shillings or so. Mr Catran has- also laid in a fine stiwk of books suitable for 'school prizes and all the popular annuals are to be found on his shelves, including "Boys' and Girls' Own'* and "Young } England," which it may be said arc Bold at [Auckland prices;. There are numerous, .other features of Mr CatMti's stock., but we : }i ive said enough to. show that in. the shop. can be found everything likely to be be re* quired in the particular line,^[ApvT,} PiiNOFOEtBs carefully timed for 7* 6d,- : pflriodicul visits at reduced rates? J, Qmao, Tdiamea Musio Wafoijoueoj Pollen street,—. 'fADW* ■ ■

Recently some lira! class Sfeouo has been brought in from tho range betwoej) Waibi nmMViiitc'Kßiiri. A bulk nßSay of the last eamplc from the oufeiop showed 29s per : lon. Mr W. Pcrcival, secretary of jhe Auckland Racing Club, was thrown outofljis buggy yesterday through his. horse slipping, He was badly bruised, about the phou'tdcrs and arm, and was. taken to the Auckland Hospital, where it wag Found lie was suffer* ing from internal injury to the head, A scheme promulgated by the Ghindiuuri County Engineer, for supplying Pfteroa with waU-r has been adopted by the committee, and will be submitted: to the Council lioxt week, .If tliissclreine Is evfiiilimlly adopted I>y tlio Council, a lOniporary water supply i will be avflilable witjiiiu few weeks' tiiiw;*

IlqfrSG-hmitt, conductor of tJie Auckland t;h©Auckr;: Dhoral Society, lwo been presented l>y the nndoiTicoof. the Wiiilu and WaitoMri. members with a purse of sovereigns' as n Joldnjining, w?is on Miondivy. Christmas gift* : norning last' at the Baptist Tabernacle,: Tho usualoxaininations in connection with f ™>* *» % B ?* fl *? ** £'■ the Thanhs High School utowcoucMed, » s Chainhei gave the S*he distribution of certificate »f> f^^Jff^^t place tt*Asy, when the School will wlnle Mi s Or breakup. His Worshipthoiilnyor will take *« ffSoro, wh chief bridesmaid, Tho t)i C ah»lrat3.3op.m, t and parents of pupils Rev, Sinclair W tho officiating clergy, awl the general public will bo eordially m s< Welcomed, Mr J, .J3acrc y Secrctarj of tho Auckland. As the train for Auckland drew tip at the R°f &■ Corktree, vUited the Thaitiesyes* ■ Hamilton West station*,., Tuesday morn* fo% fd during the short tug tibia J* Hit was seen that one of the sheep trucks fff ««W *f **$*&■ near the engine was on fire, An&flfia< ° ] ™& likelihood thew was of lion was at once made, and the lire ex- strong representation from the Thames w inmushed before much, damage, was done, -Joatcrews m thei rf»ampK.n racoon the It would Appear that the lire wan caiwsdby 29th January. Mr Ganley M not giveany 4,v nuwmnii v. ~ positive answer, but ho pointed out the attivl? K^RSSdSJSinS lldo **» by the Ne* Zealand B*>wing fettle accuniulotiono rnhbislM rfttj. J h f thcrace,and corner* that, owtnglto the heat, had bm. tkt tw(j converted into tinder, from tho Thames were daily praqtising in. the Our readers need little reminding of w haleboats. Whatfiver Thames' ;XUllio. Trcbolfi's concert thU ft veiling* for tiott to the race may ho it seems evident i the fame of the caftMrlce is well known, there will be tho minimum'of the six crcw.s. and it may be expected that those who required. [can. possibly alten<i at the Academy of m , & "FRUIT SALT ' has been found Music have already decided to do so, an Gorredtive to lh(J a , gcstiVe . Qr , An excellent programme for the ncca on in th e oolbhic 3 , in Infia, aud in will bo presented and not only will Mrtllc, j, aM wX increasing sal* render His to tcr by far than "nips;" and among tie numbers, but Messrs Prmise and i»hm thc G oort; Templars—a numerous community mm down for most acceptable items, a O vorthe is icCOgnised not only ? n the Wltolo the entertainuient *riMc isaT j ctreß M n g kt as fe a gtimulatinj feel sure, bo inuch Appreciated, The box plan at Mr Burra's will not bo open aftei iSmi 1 p.m. to-day. •■ .'.... The Hon. Secretary of the tisher Relief Fund wishes us to ftta'tc that he has received J and banked subscriptions to the abovo fumf. obtained as per lists by the following gentle-meni--T, Radford, Esq.,. (Mayorof Thames),, £1 7h Gd; Mt A, Thorburn, MtoM; Mr It. N, Bagnall £9 10s Gd; Mr Edward; Brown, £1 7s;Mr|as.Goldsworthy£!l IsGd; Mr Wm Eddowcs, £lto; MtJ,H, Steedman, £11st MrW. It- Newton. £i fa Gd. A meeting of tho Committee to receive an interim report will be held in tho Borough. Council Gliambers if availablo, on Saturday .oveniiig noxt. AH gentleman having lists: aro requested to roturii them together with ■ tiro amount received as soon a* possible., Tho election of four Maori members. Of tho House of takes place on Saturday next at tho soforal polling places appointed throughout the colony. Tho Courts house at Shortland isthe place appointed in this distrjetfor taking tho votes for the return of one member for the Western Maori Electorate. There are thirteen candidates, one of whom (a local aspirant to the honor) being Reha Apcrahama ofKiriKiri. The voting commences nt 9 a,m. and closes, at 4 yw., and will be conducted by Mr E. J,. Anderfon as Deputy Returning Officer, with Tiiipanas assessor. The next, nearest: polling booths aro at Coromandel and ]?aeroa, !. Tho Management Committee of the Rugby Union presontcd Mr Gr, E. Buckland last overling with a pair of handsome sieevo links as an acknowledgement of the services he rendered the Union and the game : last season, and also as a token of esteem in which lie is held by members of the Union generally. Mr MaNeil made the presentation.; ■'find remarked on Mr jJucJUaud'a- work,

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8613, 17 December 1896, Page 2

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Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8613, 17 December 1896, Page 2

Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8613, 17 December 1896, Page 2