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HO& SAL ft, IN Grahamstown, A Well Situated 8 Roomed House oil tiro allotments, ntitablo for Boarding 'ttnm, ami built about 8. years. Price, -Mo. TEACHER of Ytt NO, VIOLIN, 'CELLO, and SINGING begs to annouiiec that by general request ho lias decided to at commence the practice of bin profession at the Thames.. /tar TERMS, etc., on application to this olliee. ""oiifsKMuiu iSTOurir* TO 'J'ilß EIKOTOR3 OF I'ARAWAI. r ADIES AND GENTLEMENJj I i HANK, you for the patient bearing you gave iw; on Wednesday livening and for your confidence in urn. I regret that I shall be tumble to again address you., as the day of Election has been fixed much earlier limn we were led to believe, I shall, however, by eirtmkir and by printed copies of the- essential portions of my speech, which will be mailed to jom, endeavour so fur as such means way allow, to let you know my views. yours faithfully, Emm EnWAitns, THAMES MWINU DISTRICT. LOCAL OPTION 1»0LL. 1 THOMAS VvILLIAM CLARK, R«I, turning Officer for the Electoral District of Tiiaines, do hereby give notice that ERIDAY, tIuj'rOURTHDATT OF I>KCKMBBft, 189(5, is the (lay nppomted for the taking of the POLL of the Khutors of the above District, under "The- Alcoliolie Liquors Sale Control Act AmoinluwHt Aet, 1895." ' The said POLL will bo taken at the same Polling places and. at the same time as the Poll of the Electots for the return of a Member of thelfoiiKc of Representativis fur the said Electoral District of Thames. Dated at Thames., this tAvcuty-wixth day of Novembers 1896» T. W. CQABK, IteUi?fling Offiew.

. ALBERT STREET, (♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4ff♦♦♦*«♦» Fresh Shipmente OF Coming to Hand Daily. Jllst Arrived—A Lot d Shut Lustres, Chaste ~ Button Tan Kid Gloves, twin Is per pair; Goods anil Most Fashionable { brdws' 4 Button tilted*', and t liuuua n^i; Just Arrived—A Lot of Black Plural Limbics, j Ivid Gloves in best qualities, Just to hand Beautiful Designs, Very scarce Goods and in |! Jugt Arrived —A new Jot*i| OUehftfi 3-tSlli y«rtl, Great Demand { yard, 1] yard, and-2 yards wide \ new feta})Ui Just Arrived—A few pieces of .Japanese Art j ulc Patterns. Al&i Mealtimes, J}o«rmats r aud. Muslins; Tinsel KlktU;, Lowly Cooes and j ftjipmate, s*Uii>ts rapidly. Sheepskin Sllpnuits; certain to clear rapidly \ nt 2s lld in M.mxw, White, Grey, and Gold Just Arrived—A new lot of Ladies' Gem Hals; ) J us t Arrived- New kits of Lace Curtains, Honey* Stylish, yet Economical $ comb and Satin guilts; choice patterns and ixJttSt Arrived-A fresh lot of Ladies' ILnbretlas; j celktt value. latest handles, and Al Value j J US J; Arrived-A Large Shipment of Kaiapui Just ArriVecl-A lot of Children's Blouses, I'ina- { Clothing. Tito Cut and JFfofeU of these- goods forehand Overalls; an English, manufacturer's \ are a special feature, Men's Odd Vests and wimples, only one of each, selling at Home j Boys' Odd Knickers now in Stock at .finest. Prices \ prices, Just Arrived™ A largestoek of Ladies' Corsets from \ Just Alrived- New lots of Men's Shirts in White, tho best makers, Thomson's and CB/s all { Kegatto, Charley's. Aunt's Tennis,. etc ir now lots. marked lowest prices \ 0 f Ties, Collars, Braces, Huts, Caps, Piiggariej, Just Arrived—A fresh lot of Kid Gloves; Girls' j and Underwear, All Newest Goods andMiug 1 Button Tan Kid Gloves all sizes; Ladies' <1 «' Cheap RA RP RT M/ft fl H *° eH(?er sT ® ve Support accorded. Mm • lIU DCft I VV UU U since Opening au! wl 1 ! endeavor to merit a continuance of the ;same' Good Good* for Good GoM are what Thmms people require, ckd It W> wUI always keep thk in View, '♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦«.««»♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦««««♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦<,♦»»♦♦< Cash Draper and Clothier,

ABSOLUTE AND POSITIVE £5700 worth of New and Fashionable Drapery, Millinery, & General Household Furnishings. Retiring from Bttsiness —Leaving Thames as soon as the stock can he disposed of and Premises leased. Desire to tciuloi' theiv most sincere Thanks to thtm* friends and general public, both at Thames and Up-eoMitry districts for the very liberal and support accorded fclicm since resuming business. The tfroat> success which has attended their eiWts to please encour. gcd them to qgiitireue longer in business than they intended to do when resuming business three years ago* 'Ilieir very bag experience of Thames trade lias enab.ed them to sel.;v goods suitable to the requirements of the pace. Their first consideration has always been a goad and reliable article at the least -possible expense to their ciis> n-.iers, The Thames people: )m0 appreciated their eiForts,—Result a very liberal and hearty support. Negotiations for the premises have been going on for same i"mifi, but the heavy «fcie& beimr: a barrier to tlmdisposul of the business they have decided U give the public a chance of making a. Big Saving by purchasing their Spring and SummwGoqdiat; great reductions for CASH ONLY. During the next few months they must clear out the bulk of their Kxtoisive/New, and Fashionable Stock of General Drapery, Eyery Article Greatly Eedueed. All Goods Booked will be Charged Ordinary Bates,. . Jtti'st-Qkm nnmSBAKINQ on m Premises. W Chwjm. H.B.—This is a rare chance for heads of families and other largo buyers to replenish their stock at very low prices for cash. A. J. & B I are now prepared to consider offers % the Lease of the Premises, which will be found most complete and well appointed, with every facility for carrying on a very large business, capable of doubling present turnover, The stand is without exception the best on the Thames. I At <$♦ AKD % IRYIMEj. Drapers and Silk Mergers, Pollen-street, Thames*

J, C. DAVIBS For some years with Mr B. Vickcra, carrying on business in Auckland, under the style of Vickcrs and Davies, SlHU'Cbrokcrs, BEGS to announce that he has resumed business es SiIAKKIMiOKJSR, ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENT, At hobson's buildings, iSIIOHtJiANn-STREET, AUCKLAND Telephono No, 818. application for licensed holding* District: HaubAKl. Date j 19th November, 180 C f (HEREBY apply for a Licensed Holding I for goldmining purposes tinder the previsions of "The Minim! Act, 1891/' of the lands hereinafter described, which have been duly marked in accordance with the mining regulations. Thos. 11. Ukawfom*, Signature of Applicant. Winer's Right; No. 5078} date, 28th August,. 1806. Name and address in full of applicant: Thomas Henry Crawford, Queen street, Thames, Stylo tinder which it is intended to eonduet the business s Washington special claim. Locality where the hind applied for is situated: Tapn. Bounded by liawke's and McMnhoii's freeholds. Extent of land applied for: about 20 acres, Amount of eapititl proposed to be invested : .#>,OM Proposed mode of working the land; Sinking, and driving. Term for which license is required: 21 years General remarks: Marked out on 17th November, l&fiO* Mark oil pegs N Dated at Thames this 19th day of November, 1836. The above application and any objections will be heard at the Warden's Court at Thames «tlO!ioit.m on 10th December, 1.85)0. Any pci'son defiling to object to the , issoe of a license for the hind applied to must, . boforc that date, enter his objections u.t the i Warden's Ollieo at Thames. H Eykk KivKNY, Warden, Warden's Oftitt, Thames, i I'JtliNoWmbcrJSlW, 2.10 p.m. [No.ftW i ""'" "~ (Member Thames Stock Exchange, Shavehmka- awl Mhiintf Affmtf \ EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, BROWN | SlM'!*, THAMES, Moimy to lend on approved lieeurity.

I /! fepf' English, Continental, American, and; Colonial; < I Ladies'. Gent**, ami Children's BO0lS:Md5 / SHOES in Taa, Glaee Ooze-cali; etc., all sorts and sizes at M. WHITEHEAD'S, j Family Boot a#d Shoe Warehouse, Pollen street. i Will THIS WEEK oifer to Ms Customers aM $M .♦♦♦«♦*♦♦*♦*♦♦♦♦*** JTIIOHIiUItN will soil Turk Towels at 2s[, THORIiUi?K wjH sell &Q cUcm Wwifl& i lKli)f!t'(lo/*it |: Bltiek Seamless ifost* ;tt 7M J.»ci= ;p iir" •;-■. ! THOHnURNMviII sell Sli'fHiK WMto TIIOKIIURK will sell Ladies* «M/ Girls* I ii full yard wide, at 3s lid per dozen V Uryc Flop Sun Bats at (id t'iitlj .; , : :■; ; THQRBURN will sell New I'riiH Diosscss, J» TITORBIJEN will Sell !Mpii y s 3lei ; iup SpM ; I .Miaraiiteed to wash, at 3s U tht, iU per pair -^ will sell ruw Tweed Dresses' THORIJURN will sell Hon's &i.y? m< Rljiyk; at If 3d the dress CMnncW Sox, seamless'; svf.-Is per pair 1 TttdwiL'KN will sell Ladies'Umlervcsts at/THOROUM will selUlfiii^Hefiitoffiidpiv 4.1(1 ftiieh. f sliiits at IsCdcaslij J).raWGrs,a;fc.(s ; Gd ; ItlOftßUiiJT will sdl Mcu's Tweed SitHsstf j»ci- pair Vk 11 (I tire suit / TIIOBlil'R?f asks vou to inspect his Sped. TllCmnUßNwiu sell Men's StronglMH) $ fS^li \W ; • Pants at Is ihl pc, pair *<»> '» s ' , THOKfitIRN will si-H Silk Hawlkcrohicf.-J XJIO&IRTBX will *M « besaiiTu! lot 'aT alCdeacli t TtmiiiH and Cr;eketiiig Shirts fi-oiiiils , I TiK'.RBUItK will yrfl TJ-er»ii.iocJ.siHckdjj it«t toMs each :| Ilaiidkerehicfsal Is lid per dozen jTHOßlitfßft will sell silpm* tiiiijiesiii : I TIiORISU l?N will sell Linoleum and Canvas->) Ladies' Carsjifcs at 2s (id per p:iir hack Slats for placing in front of wash-JiTHORRURN will sell. Children's ■'.'' stamls at Is, Is 3d, Is lid each. ) Pinafni'isat tseaeli. y 'fIIOKBUHK ' ms my a m 'y i^o' 1 Stock of ll il classes ■i of Drapery, Clothing, and Hats, and lespcctfully asks j your Inspection and Patronage. I 'THE LITTLE SHOP," w ' Telephone; 77. POIiLEI STBEET, THAMES.

H. GIIIESPIE, j (Member Thames Stock Exchange) A CCOUNTAN f AND fIOMMJSSION AGENT, j EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, BROWN STREET, J .*_ ! Telki'jiom; No. '31, j TO TRAVEL THIS SEASON BETWEEN I PAEROA AND THAMES. j THE THOROUGHBRED .STALLION, ! Stands 10 hands 2 inches in height* hand-1 some horisCj big bonoj beautiful temp- r, j BROOKBV,.byStl.cgorout ofKepfo/ch, i Reproach out of Slander by Fritz. Hercules, j j Mz Hercules by Yatuwdoii out of Peeress. I Slaader by Bay Camden from Annie Laurie, I by Cap-a-Pis from Bell Brand,, by Dover. i Reproach., half-sister to Hippodamm, one of '; the speediest marts in New feland, won the ; Wanganui Cup and Marton-ftangitifcei J.C. j Handicap. Half sister to lJillingsralc, pro- ' bably the n-ost brilliant milcr ever ! f alee! in New Mao-1, haft-Msier to >'fm\\ Shot, As a three-year-old won j rcGre'4 Nwilm n Derby, betting Ftonoy- • hurst mid of bets, und being puiled out I lvstcr ib tho samo day appropriated the I Grand Sttmd Handicap, onCand-ii-qreartcr i miles, b'atifig iVoodnymph (fall sister to ' Martini 1-toati, wiuiur't-f Wo V.R.G. Derby land Melbourne* Grip). ;i.d al-o Tmcjnoife, i L'bo lei", W'a; iti, mid MHiailloiißo j (who «n« thu at mars of her uvy in both Now Zoaliuul arid Aws mliii. I PiUOOKii? is three-pints brother fo Sj. ; ClcmOHts and 4>l. IV.]. two of tho fa to-t | mile horses "n New SScn'nnd. A full-s!>tor is Ito'aliat•'(«!> who won several ia«os. Bkokhy never laoed. #efct«? his leg b okou as n joiulin/?. Ho having got St. Logor and Yulteniloii blood spe iks for itself. I Lo;iTfß I'ro oa owy Monday morning I st.opini.tK at Mr Ooopot'n, ftito Hmir4d Hot J. i act] Will bo at Mr lliekit,'* St<bl h on Tu,fla» I day; v.luruipg homo ou Wednesday awl r mii'iniiw th to the rest < f *!.<! wenk. TKUM —!H guiTOira ai'fjlti w;:ro, <1 guinea* fur two or more. Grazing, 28 pr week, iromuy to bo paid by iWth January, All ciwo inkmi, but- no lesponsib Tity. N, JMCOT, m, Pfoswuirt.

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8596, 27 November 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8596, 27 November 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8596, 27 November 1896, Page 3