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THE ONLY RELIABLE DISINFECTANTS I AM CAL¥ERT'S N0.5 FluidGarbolic ICABBOLIC POWDEfI f 8 and IGoz. JMtles, !/• & 1/0 eucH; J, Guaranteed to contain !*»% Calvivht's CI i& 1 gallon Tina,at 2;0,4/-, & 6[(i each. No. 6 Carbolic, the Wrongest Uisin- cc Valuable as a Wheat Dressing. fectant known. (Cheaper in using jai Mode of use on each label. than other so-called Carbolic Powders), (The quality vlqitttl hy tho. HHtltih <3ovom> jMi ' ft °d 2 lb, Tins, at od,, }{-, and uient iftor toctorioliigli.'iil tests. 1/6 each. Bull: lot? at lower proportionate rates. Dr. R, M. Cover, in his report to the Director-General of Prisons, nays " Carbolic AciJ is the most ccrhrin ami powerful o{ the numerous substances used as disinfectants, The preparations supplied by Messrs. Calvjjut & Co. are, in uiy opinion, much tupcrior to any other." f ■ la °F.C, CALVERT & i Modal* and Diplomat, " j| jjj Manchester, England. For the Superior Excellence of their GOVERNMENT PUUVKVOP3. Curbollo Prcjuratloiiß. ~ KIITJKOL \EUROL is the Rowdy of the age, the result of the Chemical research of tho "end of the cendrry," The whirl and worry of life, strained o its utmost tension by K Telegraphs and Telephones has made nervous much more pr«valem, NhUUOL is tiie rkmedy, it soothes the" overwrought nerves, culms the system and renders life worth living, TrPAmnOTG. NIilIR0 !' Ls invaluable FOR HEADACHE.llijiliJiLviliiip ! ft will relieve any form of ilendacho not actually de» pendent on brain WT7TTTJ ATP T A N K(J IU')L cures Neuralgia in the hrad and face more ' iNXi U XviilJU'Xfi J r.!-ad,i!y than Quinine, See testimonials on handbil FOR COLDS. CAT- 0/mWHwmmrwmmvqfo ploa6anfc m] A.RIIH, nnd SIMPLK /( M PTT T5 ffc ¥ Ispeciflo, and induces FEVER—NEUROL is ( <l Jfl| f* Wl HW M * C alni ntid tranquil sleep, nsoful in any fovo-ish •. j FOR INFLUENZA or atate of tho body, such LA GRIPPE, NEUROL >ir tho onset of n com- >»«*"<♦♦ *»<« pytwa will bo foqiid a reliable mon cold in the hoad or | tHE tvkurp't. coy.? It relioresilie ihest, and in simple ■ iiwiis rwt. ikuih, w' " 6 distressing headache and ,'orer, nccompanicd by ■ aching of tho limbs, re # pains in tho mnsclcsnnd J « R,ii Uinaim tn BiUt*tf fa, I duces fever, and inrari nones of the back. It 1/ -J ably shortens the attack SOLI) in BOXES of 12 POWDERS, price 2s, by moat Chemists and Store j keepers, A Box of NEUROL will be posted to any part of N,Z, en receipt of ! Ja Id in stamps, NRU ROL FOR CHILDREN—For children Teething and suffering from Feverishness arising from a variety of cause?, NEUROL far surpasses any other remedy,, all the restlessness of tho child soon, passes away, and cool and calm sleep takes its pl>»ei\ In order to facilitate its use for ohildreD, SPECIAL NKIJIIuL TEETHING and SOOTHING POWDERS ate prepared, and sold in packets of 12 powders—Price Is, The NEUROL Co,, Auckland. A m AM cirnums Am siorhs A WONDERFUL MBDIOINBBEECHAM'S PILLS For Bilious and NcrTous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and Drowinoss, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortnoss of Breath, Costiveuesß, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sonsations, &c. The first Dose will qivb belikf in twenty minutes. This is no fiction. Every safforor is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to bo" WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." BEECHAM'S PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete health. They promptly Vomovo any obstruction or irregularity of the system. For a

Weak Stomach; Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver; they act like magic. A few (loses will work wonders tipoft tho Vital Organs 5 Ktrongthening the Muscular System; restoring the long lost Complexion ; bringing back the keen edge of appotite, and arousing with the llosHiiirn oi' rli;\r/pu the whoi.k wiyswai, knkiusv of the human frame. These aro " facts" admitted by thousm ls in till classes of sooieiy, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and debilitated is Unit Ikedmi t Pilh have the' Largest S<tlc oi'uny I'alcnl Medicine■ in the marhl Full directions with each box. ' Prepared only by THOMAS BEEOKAXI, St He'cns, Lancashire England Bold everywhere, in Boxes 9J(t., Is IJd., and 2s 9d. each. Special Notice Travelling Public Eickit & Co.'s ROYAL MAIL LIKE OF COACHES LEAVES the ROYAL HOTEL and PACIFIC HOTEL for FAEROA DAILY connecting with Campbeh/s Kurangohako, Owharoa, Wnitokauri, Waihi, and Tauranga Coach, and Gallaohek's To Aroha and Morriiisvifle Coach. MONDAYS and THURSDAYS at 8 a.m.—For HIKUI'AIA, PAKRO WAIIII, TAURANGA, andTE AKOHA. TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 8 ».m,~ For JtIKUTAIA, PAEROA, WAIHI, and TE AROIIA. W BUGGIES and SADDLE HORSES for HIRE at Reasonable Rates "an he left ufc any of the abore Co.'s Stables, Auckland Booking Agents, Tm Cook & Son, Victoria Arado, Haw & "0., Lower Queen Strict

rax Sparkling Ale. I (Pi-vat Prize at all {Exhibitions.) EHEENFIiIED BHOS , OUEEN STBBBT, Auckland j MACK AY STREET, Thames. WHOLESALE WINK AND SPIRIT MKUCHANTS. First awards olitflineil at following Inhibitions!— Sydney, 1870; Melbourne, 1880-81; Wellington, 1881} Au)k» l'-nd, 1877, 1881, 1889, and highly commendod at Dunedin 188,9*90. TASMANIAN EXHIBITION, 1882. Bulk ale First Award, Gold Medal Bottled ale „ „ „ „ Bulk stout „ „ „ „ Bottled stout „ „ „ „ AND Championship Against all Foreign and Local Beera

HOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE u DEPARTMENT. Lowest Premiums, Cheap Management. Careful Selection of Lives. Government Guarantee. T OW J'lil'Mil'M.--Xotuiilistaudiiiy Jj IIHV (:li4'lltil:IHIS,t.llOf!llHlSOf tlvoUofifltt* nunis. iimmmluta.l ilnriiig twiuty-fuur years, now huioihU ta over two bturJiiig. 11 Hi;Al' MANAO MMIvNT.-The most rigid V. I i i'iiijoniy is observed. Tito ratio of oxpeiisi'K In iiicoimsis/ttr losvw than that <if miy oilii'i' oiiitio (if himilnrngo cioing ItuMiiii'ss in tin) Colonies, / <Aiii;ri l, Kin.I'CTION OFUYIvS.-Tho U vitruost. euro is. uxijreised in Kimrdiiiff < ayivhsst Hie ffifoiiptanco of doubtful risks. i As a i'«iisi'(juiM!co, (Jio Dciitli-ratu year by I yeitrfitlk iiir short of tliooxpcctaue.y tijinn | which lho IkUli.'s tiiiyo h.uoii computed. ; /'t OVriU.NMIINTHUAIiAN'TEI'J,—TIiopny- . V..1 (neiil of every l'olicy By thy H title. j ' Funds over Two Million Pounds, Annual Income ovor £360,000. C.'ii'i S'JSPLUS in 1893, OVER £190.000 lliAb'V JJIhTIUUIiTUW.'!. 1, U, UICUAIIUSON*, U ~ ~ Cowmlt^aeri

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8595, 26 November 1896, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8595, 26 November 1896, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8595, 26 November 1896, Page 4