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r> ■:i», ■ ■ ■■ :s " ■' ; :: - , ""fTf lTrd>>mi 1 L|B^_ ALBERT STREET, ' Fresh Shipments OF Coming to Hand Daily, tyVf vvtm MV»? JusUrrived A of >Shoc Lustres, Chaste, Button Tan Kid Gloves,. from Is (i-V.I ppr pair' Goods and Most Fashionable- Lutties' 4 Button Suede, ami 1 Muiw Limie Just Arrived—A Lot of Black Figured Lustres, { lvid Gloves in best {jualicies, just to hand Beautiful Deigns. Very scarce Goods arid in \ J lvS t Arrivcd->A new lot of Oilcloth 5- &b yard, Qr-oat Demand \ yard, 1]- yard, and i yards wide; new iioral i»n « Amved-l few pum of Japanese Art j tile Bitterns. Also Hearthrug, Doormats, and - Altishns; Tinsel Meets. lively Goods and J Slipmuis, st'liing rapidly. Sheepskin Slipmats certain to clear rapidly' I at 2s lid in Maroon, White, Grey, and Gold Just Arrived-A new lot of Ladies' Gem Ilats; Just Anmd-X«w lots of Lice Curtains, Honeybtyiisli, yet Economical < comb and .Satin Quilts; choice patterns and exJust Arrived—A fresh lot. of Ladies' Umbrellas; } ccllent value latest handles, and A 1 Value j Just Arrived A Large Slupraeirt .rf Kaiarf Jmt Aravejl-A lot ot Clriktes Blouses, I'liiii- ) Clotlitosj. Tire Hut and l'inisli «.f lliese sooils fo;es, and Overalls; an English. manufacturer's ( are a special feature. Men's Odd Vests and samples, only one of each, selling at Home j Boys' Odd Knickers now in Stock at finest ■* llce ® I prices, Just Arrived—A large stock of. Ladies' Corsets from S Just Airived-Hew lots of Men's Shirts in While, tl;o best makers, Thomson's and C.B.'s all ; Regatta, Charley's Aunt's Tennis, etc., new lute marked lowest prices 0 f Ties, Collars, Braces, Hats, Caps, Fuggaries, JusUrnved-A fresh lot of Kid Gloves; Girls' } and Underwear. All fewest Goods and Sellin-; i Bitton Ton Kid Gloves all sizes; Ladies' 4 1 Cheap DAD pDT W/nnn Ms Thenks for the Liberal Support accorded him FIUuLI 11 Wtf vU U since Opening and will endeavor to merit a continuance of the same-' Qood Goods for Good Gold are what Thames imple require, and 11. W. will always lieep this in View. ROBERT WOOD Cash Draper and Clothier.

Mr t. ii. fiostroitm, TEACHKB ofPl*Bo, VIOLIN, 'CFM.O, rtnd SINGING bega to announce that by general yetjitcst he Ims ilccidcil to at oneo commence the piv.cticc of his profession tit the Thames. tiT TERMS, etc,, on Jipiilieation to litis oflice. Industrial Exhibition and Floral Fete. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 28tk, 1800. CHEAP EXCURSION TO AUCKLAND. » < EXCURSION RETURN vj Ticmssj^aa^cn 2s Ccl will bo issued by The S.S Ohini'inuri, loavin«r Thames on FRIDAY* 127 th, at 10.30 pan.; and S.S. Rotoinabana leaving on SATURDAY at 9 a ui., available for Return till MONDAY, November 'iOth, 189 G. Rotomnliana will leave Auckland at 7,ilC p.m. on SATURDAY, and another steamer will leave at 7.30 on SUNDAY MORNING. 11. C. GILLESPIE, Agent. "IunjAVIES For some years with M r S. Vickers, enrryhig on business in Auekllvnd, under the style of Victors and Davies, Sharebrokers, BEGS to announce that he hits resumed business as SHAREBROKER, ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENT, At , HOBSON'S BUILDINGS, iSiiohtljAnd-Stkkkt, Auckland Telephone No, 818. a« e. e. mm (Member Thames Stock Exchange, Sharebroker imd Mining Aflent, EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, BROWN STREET, THAMES. Money to lend on approved security*

ABSOLUTE AND POSITIVE CLEARING SALE. £5700 worth of Hew and Fashionable Drapery, Millinery, & General Household Furnishings. Retiring from Business-Leaving Thames as soon as the stock can be disposed of and Premises Leased. »»*yyyyyy*yy?*»TyTy»yy^ryvyrMjfy»yy»yr» A. J„ AHI> E„ IRYIME Desire to tender tlioir most sincere Thanks to tlieir friends and general public, both at Thamos and Up-couiury districts for the very liberal and hear l v support accorded them since resuming business. The great success wluii attended their efforts to please encouraged thorn to continue longer in business than they intended to do when resuming business tm\,? years ago, tlieir m ■ long experience of Thames trade has enabled them to select goods suitable to tlie reqiiirc' ments of the p'ace. Their lias always been a go; J an. relrble article at the \m<, possible expense to their customers, The Thames people have appreciated their.efforts,-Result a very liberal and hearty saippot N T ego*Woßs for the premises have been going on for some Lime, but the heavy stock'bein* a barrier to the disposal of the business they have decided to give the pub! J c a chance of making a Bi<j Having by purchasing their Spring MdStitniflc?* Goods at great reductions for CASH ONLY. During the next few months they must clear out- tins bulk of tlieir Extensive, New, and Fashionable Stock of General Drapery' BAIBKOWQK! SALE NOW 0N22 Every Article Greatly Seduced. All Goods Booked will be Charged Ordinary Bates. J?tv,it m €ittßß DHMBBMA KJMQ oil the JPremisoS' Low Clawfjes, K.B.—This is a rare chftnce for heads of families and other large buyers to replenish their stock at very low prices for "cash. A, J. & E I are now prepared to consider offers % the Lease of the Premises, which will be found most complete and well appointed, with every facility for carrying on a very large business, capable of doubling present turnover. The stand is without exception the best oh the Thames. A. "I. AND E. IRVINE, Draper sand Silk Mercers, Pollen-street, Thames.

Number and dato of Minor's Right s No. 4390; dnto, :9th Moy,JB9J. Nance atirt adfm« in full of aoplicant-. CLerloa Ratjon, of Auck'aml, Chora's 1 ;. ttyle under which it is intended to co.ndn.fct the busiiiess: Alchon isfc spocial claim. Locality where the land applied for is diiaated j IlcUconTniruaand Obni. Bounded on all sides by suppored unoccupied ground.. Extent of land applied for : 100 acres. Amount of capital proposed to be forested •. £10,000. I'ropoßcd modo of working the land: Tunnelling, etc. Torm for which liconso is required: 21 years General remarks: Marked out on l7ih Noromber, 1893. Mork.on p g«, XI Datod at Thames this 20th day of Novombor, 1890. The nboro application and any objections wi 1 be heard at the Wardon's Court, Thames,, at 10.30 a.m. on 10th December, 1896. _ Any parson dosiring to objeofc to the Issue of a license for the bnd applied for, must, prior to tbo brnring, enter his objections at j the Warden's Oflico at Thames. H Etbk Kena'Y, Warden, Warden's Office, 20th. Norom'or, 1896, P ; m._ [No. APPLiOATiON im SPECIAL OLAIM. District: Hauniki Mining, Datet 21st November, 1896. (To tho Warden at Thames.) I HEREBY apply for n Special Claim forgoldmining purposes under the previous of "The Mining Act, 1891," of the lands hereinafter described, which have been duly n.arkcd in accordance with the mining regulations. EmVAHD MfWlliM.VMfi, Signature of Applicant. No, and date of Miner's Right: N0.5102 j date, 7til September, 1896. Name ami address in full of applicant s Edwanl McWilliams, Mining Agent, Thames. Style wider which it is intended to conduct the business: Puru Main Lodes special claim. Locality where the land applied for is situated: l'nru.. Bounded on south bf Bi;; Reef special claim, west by Trojan ami kuvera. on no'lli by Monarch of I'm iu on cast by Puru Main Lodes Extended. Extent of land applied for: KlOacre?,. Amount of capital proposed to be invested : £5,000. Proposed nmde of working the land': Tunnelling and sloping. Tci.n lor which license ii mjviircd: £1 years (itmeral remarks: Matked out on 21st November, 1.19(16a. in. Mark mi i-egs, XX Dated at Thames this 21st day oi November, 1890. < —• The nlmve''application and any objections Will be heard at tire Warden's Court at Thames, at liUiU a.m., on Wilt ber, W9O. Any person desiring to object to the issue of a license for the land applied for, must, before i bat date, enter his objections at the Warden's Ollire at Thames. 11. 15vj:k Kkk.sV, VViiideii. Warden's Olliee, Tlunrcs, "lstNovowber, 1896:, 11.45 a in, No. 341

%gjp English, Continental, American, and Colonial - JSI Ladies', Gents', and Children's BOOTS and * n r^n ' ace Ooze-calij Canvas, [ etc,, all sorts and sizes af, * H, WHITEHEADS, Family Boot and Shoe Warehouse, Pollen street THOBBURH Will THIS WEEK off® to Ms Customers and the General PuMie SOME EXCEPTIONALLY ' CHEAP LINES k DBAPIRY, CLOTHING, & HATS > THORBURN will sell Turk Towels at 2sJ THOR[;URN will sell CO dwen 'Women's i lld per dozen } Rl-'i ek Seamless Hose at 7'.d jier p »ir i THORBURN will sell Strong White Calico, J TUORBUM will soil Ladies' ard Girls' a full yard wide, at 3s Oil per dozen { Large Flop Sun Hats at lid each TIIORBURN will sell New Print Dresses, f T.HORBUBN will sell Men's Merino Sox at guaranteed to wash, at Jis 9tl tlib dress/ 4UI per pair ; THORBURN will sell New Tweed Dresses VTHORBUKN will sell Mon's Navy or Black' at Is 3d the dress J Cashmere Sox* seamless, at Is per pair i TUOI'BURN will sell Ladies'Undervests at/ THORBURN 7 will sell Men's Merino Under. 4ld each i shirts at Is 6d eadi, Drawers at Is ( ! d . HIORIiURX will sell Mors Tweed .Suitsat i per pair [ KSx lid the suit ) THORBURN asks you to inspect his Speci. THORBURN will sell Men's Strong Drill\ «% Clothing-Men's Suit at 255, 1 Puius, at Is per pair j 30s, *ws, 4G<, 4.'S r »>fs, .l i.s, (5(1, 65s . j THORBURN will sell Silk J TTI will sell a berutiful lot of ' WiTnmlU sell llaiii-kerehiefsat Is lid per dozen {THORBURN will se ll sup?ri< r makes in THORBURN will sell Linoleum and Canvas-', Ladies' Corsets at. 'Is 6d per pair luiek Mats for placing in front uf w.ish-/THORBURN will sell Children's Muslin if. stands at Is, Is 3d, Is lid each. } Pinafores at Is each. f TIIORBUHN lias now a very large Stock of all classes . of Drapery, CJothing, and Hats, and respectfully asks your Inspection and Patronage. ADDRHiSS<THE LITTIE SHOP," Telephone; 77, POLLEN STREET, THAMES-

OIIINEEUKI ELECTORATE. fJIHK HON. A. J, UADMAN will ADDRESS thfi Kopu portion of the Electors in tho Kopu Public Hall on FRIDAY NEXT, tho 27 th inst., at 7M o'clock. THAMES ELECTORAL DISTRICT. NOMINATION OF CANDIDATE. IN pursuauco of Section 76 of "The Electoral Act. 189:1," I, THOMAS WILLIAM CLARK, Returning Officer for the Electoral District of Thames, do heroby give notice that EDMUND HARVEY TAYLOR. with his consentj has this day been duly NOMINATED as a CANDIDATE for ELECTION as a. Membor of tho House of Roprosoutatives for the said District. T. W. CLARK, Returning Officor, 'riiamos r 25th November, 1895. IiOROUGII OF THAMES, ELECTION OF MAYOR. DECLARATION OF BOLL. I HEREBY notify that the NUMBER of VOTES recorded THIS DAY for each CANDIDATE was as follows :— THOMAS RADFORD 26!) FRANCIS TREMBATH 192 Informal 2 I therefore declare— THOMAS RADFORD to be duly elected to the OFFICE OF MAYOR of the Borough of Thames taki.ig office on WEDNESDAY, the IGtli tiny of December, 1896. T. W. Cr.ARK, Returning Qfliecr. Thames, November 2oth, 180(3 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CLAIM. District : Haumki, Dale: 20th Novomber, 1696. (To the Warden at Thames.} IHEHEBY Apply tor a Spoeial Claim for poM-tniniPg purposes under the provisions of 'Tho Minmj? Act, 1891," of tbo lands hereinafter de cribed, which hare been duly marked in accordance with the mining regulations* CIIAHI.ES RrrjßN, By his solicitor, Edwin Clendon, Signatnro of opplicant,

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8595, 26 November 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8595, 26 November 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8595, 26 November 1896, Page 3