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HOUSE tYPHOID AND DIPHTHERIA, with deadly effect... to know that, alter all Oat, hnsbeen done of bteyeanln tho way of sanitaiT improvements, persons die almost dally, POISONED by tho DRAINS tliaj ehould save lifo arid not destroy. it—Sakixaby Cosobess, September, 1882... JEOPARDY IDF Llfp-THE GREAT DAHGEft OF VITIATED AIR. Sfovftrlowr tfelaftor TireatUa? Impure air for two and a balf ainutS evory drop'β-blooa■lβ aore- or less poisoned. There to not a point la tho human ma -lent has teen .traversed »y polsonod Wood, ■ .';£o*;"a"pelnt-Tnit-2iraA^?efliifitoafea.i#3unr. ' , ] < i : h^:: .. \ Iβ tho best remedy. It or poisonous matter (tho groundwork of disease) from tho Wood by natural means, nltoiervotisoxcitoment, depression, and restorqe tho nervous syetom to iteproporcondition.. Uso ENO'S "FRUIT SALT." Itispleasant,cooling, refreshing, andinvig. orating. You cannot overstate.ite great valuo In keeping tho Wood puro and freo from diseaso. ENO'S "FRUIT Dr. Hurst, Vicar.of CoUerly.-"I have used your 1 FRUIT SALT , for many years, and havo verified your statomonts. Tiio thanks of tho public are duo to you for your unceasing efforts to relievo suffcring humanity. Long may you Ilvo to bo a blessing to the world." :.■■:, . "I used my'FRUIT SALT'freolyinmy last sevoro attack of fever, and I havo overy reason : :to say I boliove it saved my life;"—J.C. ENO< '• ■ • : '' ':-■■" Dear Sib,—l am vory.'pleascd to record my knowlcdgo of tho great efficacy of your 'FRUIT SALT" in Measlcs.r-A friond of mino. who had three grandchUdren aid up with this complaint, administered -'frequent dosca, with tho result that-all'tho children pulled ; ttrouEh wonderfully in a for which tho mother was exceedingly gratcfuL thanks to you. FormyeeUandfarailyjJroto 'FRUIT SALT , Bordorlng on years L I ami I find a 1 bottle of BKft'S ' FRUIT SALT' and a few of BJHVB ' VEGETABLE MOTOS' thoVeatest boon in tho uphiH battle of this life— ,f I am, Dear Sir, yours truly, A Omr Mak." • '«J;O.Eno, October, ISPp; ,, . •• ' ' THE SECRET OF SUCCESS-STERLING HONESTY OF PURPOSE J 1 WITHOUT' IT JiIFE IS A SHAM!-"A new invention is brought before tho public, and commands success.' A ecoro of abominablo imitations aro immediately introduced »y tho unscrupulous, who, in copying tho original closo enough to deceivo tho public, and yet not bo exactly as to fiifrlngo upon lcgnl rights, oxcroisoan ingonmty that, employed an original channel, could not fall to soenro ropntation and profit."—Adams. CAUTiONi-ftOTH'M caesWfoi<>*4 «« "" a{ tk Ca ß tlilt b *"$& SNO'S" FRUIT SALT? Witiioutiiyfahato km imiwstd on by a worthless imitation. Prepared only at ENO'S "FRUIT SALT" WORKS, PomeroySt. l NewCross Road, London, S,E. : BY J C. ENO'S PATENT.

,— — r ....-•■, :; ( ;,;,:f.AND r : Sydnejaiid Melbourne, ..'VAM'tt'iF'ACfIIRERS ®F Rackarock Patent Blasting Gompouod. OBED'IN ALLTHBLARGBBT A.NDDPBEBST AUSTRALIAN MINE VKackarock possesses tho s;>me rending ! ■" . qualities an dyiuuuite... Its Expanding Power is equal to powder i.' .■-.'•.'■'■. ■' ■ . ■ It contains NO Nitroglycerine or It i« composed of NO deleterious Glycerine under ANY FORM, or ingredients.. ; - .. t CONDITION. ™ the.simplest and moat effective It has NO* INJURIOUS FUMES, high explosive yet discoveredand ihft smoke consequently'causes NO Ii i?oea not freeze. HBADIOHE. : " It is unaffected by variations o It causes NO LOSS'OF TIME; climate, may return to work IM- It is equally effective m wet or dry MEDIATELY AFTER THE SHOT holes, IS FIBED. RACKAROCK IS SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOB TIMBER. [Testimonials.] .. Globe G.M. Co., ~:...■•■... .:..;••./ . Keefton August 19th,1893, ■•••; Wehavebeen using .Rackarock for 3| years nnd'have much pleasure in ' testifying to the good results derived from "the explosive. Jt is the Lest I havo yet tried or seon iuetopiug. a big reef or any other kind of rammg where blasting is required ; it is not bo rash us dynamitn or gelignite, therefore it spread and breaks more ground. It is perfectly safe, with no ill effects from the fumes. Having ueed it for the time: stated 1 can with confidence recommend it, as J huvo used nearly all the explosive? that have bean in the market for the last 20 Ve818 " (Signed), JAMES GREENISH, Manager, ■ . '.. : ,: - . • Thames, May 29th, 1893. | 1 have'much pleasuro in giving my-testimony in favour of Raokarook Ex<plosive. After giving it an'oxbauFtivo trial I was so satisfied of its thorough ofiiciency aud superiority to other explosives that I used it almost exclusively for futy three year* in the Saxou mine of which I was manager, and during tha period in which it vqs constantly used I had no reason to alter my opinion, t found it veiy suitable for our class of rock and quartz reofc, and that u large por centegeof work could bo done by its uso and at leas coat, while thore were little "no ntaiouß fumes, to contend with. nnMTOP (Signed), T, A, DUNLUJf. local Agents—

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVI, Issue 7879, 28 July 1894, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVI, Issue 7879, 28 July 1894, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXVI, Issue 7879, 28 July 1894, Page 1