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According to the last census there were in the colony five wives botween the ages of 15 and 1C years, and eighteen between the ages of If) and 17 years,

The sum of £51 was subscribed at n. recent mcetiug hold in South Melbourne for tho purpose of relieving a portion of the prevailing distress,

At the Auckland Supreme Court yesterday Duncan Munro was committed to the Avon* dale Asylum tot murdering his wife and children at Tamanga, Aooueed behaved in a very eccentric manner while in the dock, and i\t intervals sang hymns.

Mrs Dodd, wife of a railway employee in Bendigo, Victoria, recently gavo birth to triplets. His Exoellency the Governor has forwarded £3 (through his private Score tary) to the Itodds in accordance with a rple that he had adopted with regard to the birth of triplets.

The following letter fiom ttie Town OJerl: ,trs vead at the Library Ooramitteo's mod* iiifj .yesterday afternoon : ''I haye the honour to inform you tbat in with tho request of the Cnmraitteo of Manajfemnit of the Thames Public Library, the Council of tlio Borough oi Thames has authorised the expenditure during the present year, of a euin equal fn amount to the subscriptions received, less qommis.«jon paid to the Librarian, and the proceeds of ijio ealo of waste paper, to -In applied to the purchase of new and popular literature for the cir ' diluting department of the Library."

A, meeting of tho Library Committee wh li'eld yesterday aftornoim for the purpone of ulectiu}? a librarian iu ploiio of the late Mr J. f *. Hall, Twpnty-pight appUcatiuno for tin , , position were received, and tholiullot resulted in the appointment of MrE, JV. J/iwo. Tho following members of tlic . (sunwiittce were present, His Worship the Mayor (Chairman), Messrs M.cjfioftftu, Moore, Koefoed, and llollh lit may be mentioned that tho plan adopted for the election was tp the following J affect i In two ballots tho number pjf oani* Jiiiatca vvo.s reduced to five, all those receiv inir only one voto bcinjr struck oft , . Tho next ballot, in the order of things, left only two to ohoao from, but the Chairman fuygeatc'l that it would h<. miiro cmiitablo to have three mimes on tho list, Accordingly, it was decided to hallo), xjain to aeo which of those who had been' ifut o.ifc should be again brought in to jpko tli.c thifd. Tjii? resulted in Mr'Lowe receiving the Ijiujjest numbor ojf votes, and he was therefore once more amongst the candidates, Another billot then took place, and aa a ponseijuence Mr lowe and another were left for selection, In the ueit. ballot there was quo informal vote, and time left two yotes to each oartlfdato. The chairman was then compolled to givo l:w uasliujf vote, whioh ho i|W iu liiTuur q[ Mr Luwti

The Rov. W. Morley has been appointed principal of the Weeloy College, Thrco Eingst Tho piizos won at the Miners' Imion sports on Tuesday aro to presented at tho Union ofiue thiß evening at 7.30 o'clock. The result of tho tug-of-war at tho Union sports oo Tuesday was tho special topio of conversation amongst the miners yoaterday, and the merits aud demerits the cot> testanls were freily duoueeed. Nor did the 'Malk"drop at the same time as the piok and the gad, for groups of men wero to be found nearly at every corner last night fighting their battles over again, and varied wero the opinions expressed as to whioli mine could pnt out the best team-Moms', tairi or Saxon. It ia now rumoured that a m«toh beiween these two teams is on the

tapi-i. At the orimiral sittings of the Auckland Supreme Court on Wednesday, Rer;i Kaihau and Kima, two original natives who o'aimrd to be working under the or.icrs of the Maori King Tawhiao in removing survey marks, near Waiuku, wero sent to gaol for twelve

mooths, Tho two natives did not remove the survey marks from aDy intention to dam»2o any man's property, bat beoausa they wore told to do it by Tawhaio, who claims to be tho king o£ New Zeai hnd, So far as wo oau ascertain (siya the Herald) Tawhiao dos not a'lege that any special injustice has been , done to him in aweequence ot the survey of this particular piece of land- He simply put? forward a vaguo prohibition of survoye. natives obey his direction, and they glory in bein? martyrs, and go to gaol with perfect cheerfulness. Two men were olmrged, Kima and Kerei Kaihau. The former actually iQinoved the pole, and at first lie on ! y was charged, But Kima was brought up at the Police Court, Kerii Kaibau was present, and insisted that he also was Ejailty, that hn hhd told Kima what to do. He would not, kefp quiet, and consequently was also arrested, anil charged. Kersi Kaihuu ie a chief of Well descent of the Ngatiteata tribe of Waiufeu, and many of that tribo remained loyal during the war. It is quite char that there aro still a few natives who are wil ing to do whatever Tawhiao telU them, heedless of the consequences.

An intimation from the baiiilf of the Warden's Court, with rc3pcet to the Silver Queen Gold and Silver Mining Compauy. will bo found in another column,

An intarnat'oual tu?-of«war, on the model of the one lately pulled off in Melbourne, is being got up in Christchurch, The Kaitungata Borough Council recently adjourned its meeting bemuse tlio reporter of a certain newspaper was not present, The reason for the reporter's absdnca was 'in interestm* addition to his househo'd. Very ccurtiens, indeed, on the part of tta Kaitangata uouncil, Mauy of our public bodies would prefer thi absence of pross scribes: Two sharks, measuring ten foot and six feat, were recently captured In the Mentone swimming baths, near Melbourne. Tin , anwelisomo nisitore arrived on tbo scaiie a 5 several ladice and children were bathing, ind had it not beon for tlic presence of mind and pluck of Mrs McMcikan these monsters would liavo played sad havoj amongst the btthore. The lady, by con« tinuooaly splashing the water, kept tha manneatore ac bay, Qarliekand Cronwell Invejuuj:. iesned the moßt Complete Illustrated Furniahing Booji Catalogue that has been published in thi Colony. It will provo cspeeially convenient for country oustoniore, storelscepei'u and itlicre about to furnish Illustrations and price are given of Hall, Druwiug, Pi«ins, Drawing andJW Room Furniture. Youn« people about to marry will find it a great aaaistai'oo in making up their list and estimating cost of fnrnialiinif. It also shows j how a 'hree roomed hoiieo caa be furnieh o *' for £17 10s. Four rooms for £38. Five rooms for £80. Six rooms for £160. Fnll particulars of bed iing aid iron bedftads and furnishing good 3. "ion will not do better than furnish troin Garliek and Uranwell, Queen St, Auckland -Ao\T.

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7170, 10 March 1892, Page 2

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Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7170, 10 March 1892, Page 2

Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7170, 10 March 1892, Page 2