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Fsinilj, Dispensing Manufacturmg GMmist, i. . Ili«S 9 ' POLWN, STRin 1 '■■■■ ■ v ' "■ |> „; • Way be (>oiisiillwl on air) , matter relating to Mcuiciurs and their uhch, and will give adiiceaud. instruction to the 1 ■'■'■■■ leet of hiß aiiiliiy—tho result of 35 years' study and experience. " Medicine's Prepered from t-he Prescriptions of tiie most.Bmiuetit-'Surfreone'aiitr Physicians of Europe &ua Amevica. The lolloping articles ot my own manufacture are highly recommended' 10YAL BAKIHG POWDEH THE BEST PRICE Is 6d per lb. «r THE CHEAPEST,' PINRST VIOLET I'OWDEH tfd. porpwtati * NEBVBTOMO,Cures Headache, Neuralgia, Nerviom ebillt}| tHILOCOME,'. NUT-RIIIVB CIU3&M.MAUROW OIL, and * eta., 2b.83. , ' CRYSTAti I'OMADWor tte Hair. Iβ, fid, aod 23,6 d, * RHBMUAXIO MIXTURE!, the well-known Remedy Bheu- , GLYCBhINE OREAM.ard lIOSBLTP.SALVfi, for .preventing • ri »*i 1 M T »"? 1 3 o 0 ?*V 2 !; 6 w mr • . * i. nn • the ilpa from cricttiu durinir coHwiniU. J PfiOTORALBALSAM, the Beit Medicine for .oiuhs, Cold?, PEARL»nd ROSE DE*TtFRIOE, ; ONDONTO «nd OAMPHO. J ,Astama, Broachitw, Oronp, et»., lefidrand Sβ. fid UATKU CITALKi f'V the ttethli. tier box. J MIXTURn.* Certain Cnreof Con^ipUion, I CTAIR BEBTOKBR, 2s. 6d, j. UAiR DYI?, Sβ, M. and 6b J or »l s ; ™!, T ;? e ' r C n oul P| ai .f s »| s :6 '\ . ... , ! 'j)ENTAii ESSENCE, Iβ., for luotantenou" Belief of Toothacho. • CHERRY PECTORAIi, a Pavonnte Remedy for Coogw and (THE 'PERFECT" CORN CURB,; H-Immediate, MoUu, •• „ Cold«,^;«g?,^ vil , f e„• „ , , „ CoHain ■ • BUPKRIOR LINIMENT, for So&l(U or Uurn", U ani ?•<. , VABBMNB ZliNO OINTMKNT, for Chafes, etc, Is, , J. DENBY'S WORMTOWDBCS are th« moat Relinble MeiHolnn. ; THE CELEBRATED PINK OINTUKM, far Sore's, Siinlw, etc, J They are Bm&ll in quantity, white, plmbmil to the taste, an;l j Iβ, 6d: * «lo not require Benn», Uastor Oil, or any otnor Medlcind t? I PILE OINTMENT; Iβ. CureU most ptinfal Filu in a few «J»yi. • ■ he faken »fto™«jfo' , „„,.-. rinn . UNOi)ymiNmENT,forSei»tiuUndßhuem&tioPaiD» ( li,63 j 800THISO BVRUP, •Iβ. ,»HIVG end FEVER POWfcSJSd h .PI«» to t»ke,! WWg^A^ cafe and efficient { RHUHA.UB PIIjLS, "TEBL I'ILLb, OOUGH I'ILLb. U. inrt. ""Wi.T™' ,0 " , *" Ds, """ y ' '" "'"'""' I SBSSiBSffi! 1 "* ■■*?«&&» pwpfii'S BSSBKCE oVfAWA WULU »nJ PMtMANII BUIK, tor ! HormJi. ««B TINCttIRIi, Inr Htra, fee,!. Porifjitg a»J BDtidduf tie BW, !■. «i. md On. ! 01BB0LI0 LINIMENT, !ot Wonni!. in Hon.! t Cattle, Si.S.l Choiop« retfwnef, Puffjiuiw, Nipple Wiields, Kwasl; I'timps, 1 Enemas, Syringe?, sponges Comb% Hair snd Tooth Unwliea, PouiaOfs, KuoTtilU l , o^dcrß ) and ell Toilet Bcquiaticeat CSbeap Hate?. All kinds pf 1 OLtotniuala (or Horeet?, , Cattle, Do%e,etc., etc. Farmers, BuskmeD, Stook-ownew.-Mid Country, ■ Keaident? supplied oa Liberal Terms. V tfulJ HOMOEOPATHIC MEOIOINES, with Directions for Use Teath Estractsd 1s Bach, ____

;On'my,'Look hoi"e The Best and Cheapest Dolls, Christmas Presents, Toys of all kinds, from a Penny upwards. NOT TO BE BEATfiN IN PKICES, BOLL UP and QBT the GHILUKBN'B PRESENTS BiiFOlW THEY ARE ALL GONE, took in the Window and see, tin Price?* All BOUGHT LOW; will be sold ut Price? to REALISE at once. DON'T FORGET THE QLD NAME--11 MOBG-AN, THREE UOOKB FflOM THE COIWER ov ft COCHRANE STBEEf, Gbahamsiows, SURGEON DENTIST Pollkn Street, ■KEGS to anuounco that he h i tukoa over tbu practice lately cor. ducted'by his brother, Ai.i. accounts o'yviug lo Mb W. II WniOHT way be • (rallied with Mb 11. L. PRACTICAL JOOTMAKE*. ' Evoiy Deaoription of TSoote MADE TO ORDER at RHASON.ABLB RATES, REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. rttfPAIUS DONE WHILE YOU AVAR, A TMAL SOLICITED,

XX X jL Frit j riae at all exhibition* Bhrenfried Bros. XIVM STREET, AOCKLANDh iSJI maukay:sth&hn» W OLISALT Wine %M Spirit MBROHAKIS V\i«e 'tvvardfi obtaiiud'V fouowiup Ex . hibitione:—Sydney, 1879 ; Melbournc« ■ISSO-81; Wellinif'lon, 1885; Anckland :577. 1878, 1ST!) and highly Com mended hi Unu?din, 18S9*9fl( f> OY * L |UK IT 0 T>, L TAPD. TPHRTrop-lfltDir hasmtioJi pleaiute'in » L nounoiDg to the travelling pnblio that be ie now prepared tc meet nil their require nieute ' WKST-aASR STABLING PBEB, Horee-Feeds of the best deeoriptHm 1 The Hou36 has be ti thoroughly » vated tbroughont,and visitors will find every thing of the bent doiorintion, combined with etriotly moderate, charges, Wines and Spirits of the best brwndu kept (D etouk It. fii, BAWKES. .Pntrietor j.HAGUE SMITH & 30

C. Gray & Co., ihkifi CllBlSTlt'! AKD MqULDKX.) CORNER OP POLLEN ft COCHRANE STREETS, THAMES, OOAOH BUIH)EHB AMD COACH PAINTEKs, ■ arrtoge?, lsui>i;iee, etc., repaired and painted oil shortest notice, ' GAUGES MODERATE. Francis Battsop, vLatc\V,KEWMAN PLUMBER, GASFITTEK, hWu HANGER,- TINPLAT& AND iRONWORKER. t'OliiiifiN STfIEEI, (Near Janotion Hotel) iiTi !}i. Having-takea ovei , -the n.bov£ Li«l)r Bminm from-Mb UjWMiXi hopes .tOi receive a'contimmtiou of the sanio nupporb accorded to -hit predtcMsor, Rml hojieli by, careful attention to tnettc»fair shore ol jmtronaqe WA'I'KR AND GAS LAID O^ Mid plain GalvsniV.eil iron taokf I'lunpe, hip, snd apoaije h\l\u BOTTLE UN T T.KRNB, KinußS, ' AN): PANNIKINS. Oteneil* of every iJescnplion . . Iron Chirar.eye'of any dimenslotia LAOA'DiiY ■•ffAb.HKO PDRNAORotjnontinii of every kind-WATKR PIPES water \%\? on for donieetic purpoeeoiotive Bftww, dndfor baths of. every flescriptiou, Ordew In Town and Country will veoei?. imraedißte attention

KUie li & Si MoUrin k Uo, Ltd,) WHOLESAI.E k RETAIL Hardware Merchants }&N IMPORTEBS, OWBN S'XBfiBT, THAMES, HAVJti'OR IK—' well aseortad aloofe of Mining . Requieites, Compriaiug.— Blaßting Powder and Pellets, Dynamite, Gelatine, end RacV»n»Kook i )etonatore(exttjßtrong), Jouble Tape Fuse, Candles, English and OolouW, Bar, Plate, and Sheet Iron, Cram Kails, Bteel and ton, Taet, Shear, Spring, Mβ Blister St«l Cast Steel Hammere, Drills, and Gan , . iSaiUb's Anvils and Bellow i Mining and Navvy Pfoke, HandlesTrPiok,Shovel Axe.fco Bpadea,Forke Hakes, HopJ, Bto Shovels. ; loiißaad ehort haudi£|i Quiukeilvor and Cyanide Blitnkettinu and Bijucsranfi Clotb d ratings and Amalgam Bucket? Belting-Unbbor and Leather ? Hobo—Canvae and Rubber Rope-Wiw and Mnnil'a Chaia-Blaok and Qalvsni^a; Blocks—lron and Wood , Oile-Caator, Colz,a,sperm, ofeatstoDi, &?} Paints and Paint Oils Fencing wire—Plain and Bartied : Corkiuif Stoves, Kitolien Rsngep, KeeieU Oratea, Fontlcre and iron* BUIIiDBIW' IUONIIOSGBKY -Cw tupated Iron, Sj>vmtins Rpnfin|" Nftila, Uiogei , .vjokn, H

FANCY-JVORI! MIW U. V, OAMPBBfit bega to inform the Ladjeo of the Xhaniee arid eur» ounding District* tlmt she k r.ow prepared .to tako PUPILS, and accept ordere for ■ overy description of FANCY, NEEDLE, MACUIME , WAX PLOvVEIt AND FRUIT 1 WORK,' Awo--POONAH'OHR-YSTOfcEiai •.Oliir-PERINK AND' LUST RO* LBUlf PAINTING; and ht forSALBaU Mute/Ule for the samf 1 SPECIMEN^WORK ■now on. view in' t|ie window of It, V CASIPUEivb, Tailor. Brown.iteet Thames OrdfctewilUierwpivftn, i FOE OOUftUS, BROSOHITIS, ASTHMA, IXI'U'ENZi, COSiSITMI , TION, ko n kc. KAY'S COMPOUSD B :, .BKSCR OF LINSEED. AnieceJ, SaaegaJ Pquill, Toln, &c'i with CMoreilyne. K4,y'3 COMVOUiM), r deronli/oat ?x- ---•'■•'■ jrtctoraat, for Qomh, Colti*, »utl Ohc3t Complaintß, ' IT AY'S COMPOUND, for Cp,r,,';n and IV Co'4»,ie eqial'y serviceable fo.' Honied dattlo, KAY'S TIG PRLS, a-epecifln in Nenralj gia,,Fkee-iiche kc. Contain; Quinine tlron&c, LINUM OATnmiOUM PiLK, a tig rceablo aperient, pOAHiUMNS,-Cement for frown At> \\j ticks. SoW Everywhere Mtmnfao I oty Stoulifutt Eujlaml

iddrtss— 1. PAU L, BOOTMAKBK, MARV STREET,-THAMES. TTAWKB, ItS ill. IJ.AWKE, (Brown St., (iraharastown) Jβ prepared n» hitherto'to eetve her old friends with all kinds of se&soa&blo PRUl'r. GROCERIES, k GARDEN SKEDfi >i Khe beet quality at reasonable rates, FBBSS OYSTERS DAIR Renumber ih Addrm(niOCl'l.,, KHU)TI'-RJ!!R& SEEDDIJALEU. BIiOWN OEET, (N'ext to Mr Lewis). KSTBLWIJEI) ISG3,[ J. COO KS, FIJftBJTUp t " |4.\TTRASS M AKD PAOTOUY and GENKKAL PORNISHIKG \VA«EIiOUB POLLEN STREET, CENTRAL^, OECONDfIAND FURNITOBB Bought C Sold or Exohanged, and Repftired|»t the Shortest Notice. "'■ I fiYEKY UOUSBHO!<I> REQUISITE J

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7168, 8 March 1892, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7168, 8 March 1892, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Thames Advertiser, Volume XXV, Issue 7168, 8 March 1892, Page 1