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HEALTH I<'Q];JPSHILLING JJOLLOWA/r s pills, FRIENDS AXD I'MAOW-COUNTRYJIEN'. Most of you now residing at the Antipodes have no doubt often scon yojlir j avcuts use these Houso* | hold Mcdicines both fyfr you and thenifclves You and your children wrn act wisely in following their example, J (Sign.G'd) TIIO3IAS BOLLOWAY. Derangement/ of the Bowels, Liver, and Stlmach Complaints. This mciliciniiis sc well known in every part of the world, and tjhe cures'effected by its use are so wonderful as to iistonish everyone. Its pre-eminence as a remedy for, bilious and liver complaints, and derangements of the stomach and bowels, is no longer a matter, of dispute or doubt, in these diseases the beijeflcial effects of Uolloway's invalu able Pills arc so peniinneut and extensive that ths whole system is', renovated, the organs of digestion I strengthened, and full and easy assimilation pro moted, so that both physical and moral energy increased. Determination of Blood to the Head This is generally occasioned by some irregularity of the stomach and .bowels, which, if not quickly attended to, frequently terminates fatally. A ew doses of these famous Pillsnever faill j give tone to the stomach, regularity to the secretions, and purify to tho jiuiils. Vertigo dimness of sight and other indications of approaching apoplexy, are entirely dissipated} by a course of this admirable Med lie. The Females Best Friend. For all debilitating disorders peculiar to the set and iu every contingency perilous to the life of women, youthful or aged, mirried or single, this mild but speedy remedy is recommended with friendly earnestness. It will correct all functions derangements to which they are subject. Scrofula and all Shin Diseases, $For all skin diseases, however inveterate, these medicines are a sovereign remedy. While the Pills act upon the blood, which they purify, the Ointment passes through the pores of the skin, and cleansos every structure as water saturates the soil or as salt penetrates meat. The whole physical machinery is rendered healthy, regular, and vigorous. Coughs, Colds, and Asthmas. No medicine will cme colds of long duration such as are settled upon the chest so quickly as these famous Pills. Even in cases where the first staga of asthma has appeared these Pills may be relied on as a certain and never-failing remedy, pa> tlcularly the Ointment, to be simultaneously well rubbed into the chest and throat night and morning. Indigestion, Bilious Headache, These complaints are sometimes considered trifling, but it should be borne in mind that, byinat« tention and neglect, they often end most seriously. Give early thought to a deranged stomach, taka Holloivay's Pills, rub his celebrated Ointment into the pit of the stomach, and you will shortly perceive a change for the better in your digestion, appetite strength, and energy. The improvement, though it muy be gradual, will be thorough and lasting. lIOLT.OWAYS PILLS AEE TUJi LEST REMEDY KNOTO IN THE WOULD FOR THE FOLLOW ING DISEASES Ague Inflammation • , Asthma Jaundice Bilious Complaints liver Complaints .Blotches on the Skin Lumbago ' lioiyel Complaints Piles Celics Kheumatism Constipation of th Retention of Urino . licwcls Scrofula, or King's Eti Consumption Sore Throats Debility Stone and Gravel Dr.opsy Secoudary Symptoms' Dysentery Tie-Douloureux Erysipelas Tumours Female li regularities Ulcers Fevers of all kinds ' Venereal Affections tits Worms of all kinds Gout Weakness elTcctsand Headaches cause, etc Indigestion There is considerable saving by taking the larg sizes, N,ls.—Directions for tho guidance of patients n every disorder are affixed to each box. Address—7B, New Oxford-street, London ONE BOX OP CLARKE'S B 41' PILL TS warranted to cure all discharges trom tho I Urinary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sold in boxen, 4s Cd each, by all Chemists and' Paten Medicine Yendors. Proprietors, The LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COJIPANY, Lincoln, England ' Export Ageut Uurgoyno, BurbriOgea and Co., Colomnn-atreoi Loudon Newbery and Sons, 37, Newgate-street, London Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon-atreet, London Sanger aud Sons, Oxford-street, London And all the London Wholesale Houses, Agents for New Zealard-KEMPTHORNE. Pbosseb & Co., Dunedin, Ohrlatcliurih. and Ancklaund, Dieased nature sometimes breaks iorth in srange eruptions."—Act iii, Scene 1, rO THE~PUBLIC. SOME patients suffering trom nervous affections aro afraid from sheer bashfulness and modesty PersonaiiiV consult a medical man-other pahave not the self-possession and coolness when the consulting room, to accurately describe their O ymptoms-their habits of life, and the nature of tho disease they suffer from. Let such persons (he or she) sit quietly down in the privacy of their own apartments, and with calm minds describe clearly each symptom of their case a clear statement thus written, and laid before me, 'is far preferable in NERVOUS diseases to a personal consulfation. Where, however, a disease is of a peculiar aud exceptional character, a personal consultation may become necessary; but my success in correapon. dence is so great, that of the thousands upon thousands whom I have treated by' ter during the last 32years, not a siugle mistake ha 3 ever.occurred, not a case has ever beeu made public—in fact, theverr simplicity of my system of correspondence prevents publicity. A the same time medicines are sent to my patients i such a form as to defy detection, . . How many thousands have I not brought Joy to ?] How many have been enabled to enter into the marriage state through oonsulting m.e ? llow many after marriage have privately .consulted me and been blessed, and their married lives mado fruitful and happy,. How many'wastedruined youths of both sexes have also been restored to health and thanked their manhood for having consulted me by letter. flow many questions arise where the family phys[. ciau is unable to unravel the case, and where often the patient lingeis on, not daring to tell his family medical adviser the nature of his complaint, until consumption, wasting, or mental diseases set in, and the sufferer gets beyond the curable stage, and Is a hopeless wreck. A ietter written in the privacy of the r 0 t>m and dropped in the post box reaches me quietly the answer is returned as quietly and and the patient, without stepping from his chamber, except to post his letter, is by return of post put in full possession of the nature of his case. His hopes are raised, his doubts removed, and he is compara. tively a new man; in fact, in many cases, a new beta altogether. The only addition to the ordinary written letter is the age, occupation; habits and symptoms, nothins more. The usual consultation fee of W. (onepound) must be enclosed, otherwise no answer will be returned. There are thousands of cases fn daily life wherae consultation with one at a distance will remove by a single letter agreat fear, agrcatcaro, audit often, solves what appears as an impenetrable mysterr Many a sad heart has been mado oyful on receipt of an explanatory letter from me. To those who are about to marry, I would say consul' me before doing so, and thus preveat many after troubles, and remove many unnecessary fears aniß prejudices; to those, more especially who have suffered in early years from who have yielded to their passions,-to fee I say, at'once, consult with me, do not (slay& are dangerous, and as an expert, my tiw may not be always at your service, youcan, by ircpty enclosing ono pound, have the benefty of my exp«ience in the same mannef as if I lived in your own, and with the additional advantage of tho acy.-Youra, trul* LOUIS L, SMITH. Address— Dr. I. b. SMITH, 182COLiINS-STItEEJ Melbourne. CONSULTATION FEE,'By LiITTEK, £1 Fee for personal Consultation, £1 Is, The latter is massive rif Medicine Medicines forwarded, well.paoked, to all'; the Colonies, India, and Europe, L8 n>, "S.STREET PAST Melbourne lhai onlgy Legally Qualified Practitioner tavertising and registered under the Medical Board of Victoria, andjpradtisising last 35 years " diseases of the eye, ear throat, and chest. Mi. WILKIEs, 'lomu/mr, & operating-'Surgeok rs at his Surgery for Uenaral and Special 1 Practice all mornings and afternoons. Sunday, 10 to 12.30. Charges moderate, i 7 years nt Loudui. and Colonial Hospitals \djiißt spectacles to sight. Has a large issortnwut of Artificial Eyos, Consulting looms QukenStbket (opposite Shorfcland trsnti, Auckland

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XX, Issue 6160, 31 July 1888, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Thames Advertiser, Volume XX, Issue 6160, 31 July 1888, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Thames Advertiser, Volume XX, Issue 6160, 31 July 1888, Page 4