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ANNUAL STOCKTAKING vm mm m m 9 mm mke turn p fa mm m m s mm Iβ era m AT ALBEBT STREET, THE ANNUAL STOCKTAKING BEING THE END OP JULY, AND FINDING THE STOCK**HEAVIER THAN IT SHOULD BE, J.M. WILL HOLD A Cheap Clearing Sale for Twenty-one Days Only, WHEN ALL GOODS WILL BE REDUCED FJBOM 10 to 75 PER CENT. The Sale Commenced ou SATURDAY, July 2nd AN EARLY INSPECTION INVITED. <$r The DKESS MAKING DEPARTMENT is under the management of Mrs Dempsey, who has just arrived from England, where she has had largo experience in a first-class "busiuess. —All Dresses made by Mrs Dempsey are giving the Greatest Satisfaction in every respect.' v 0A fi -TT 8A L E ' co mm m omm - β-wolfe, \J MX KJ JLJL KJ j-i . ■ EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. ■ ALBERT RHIBTIim RemiCTinNC I ABES contaimn? Gold, Silver. Nickel, STREET, THAMES, HJRTHESI rSEOyOTiOiIS I \J Copper, etc, shipped to Germany for T1 o™p0 ™ p t aaV fc FSTATF, APTO'P QTH I niRTHEf? I I soienfciflo treatment. Arrangement made. H UUb *" LiUNIJ > hbiUh MtE^ STILL HftUyb 8 IUIHS. . foradvancesln kr shiient 4 N TSANDDEBIWTEPTFn AT conducted. Apply by letter to M. T. IiMIS ANDDEms COLLECTED. S?f ff 'R fW f\ ffl fill 5 B CLAYT ? N, S * ip aUd SumY ° r t0 TRADESMEN'S BOOKS POSTED n ia Auckland. Office open for business in ores. Agent N,Z, Mutual Creditors' Association, 8 w betffeen j and 2p m (My _ AGBN , L m{ SiSiLILY CHEAP SALE OF DRAPERY, HUMERI, . '. CLOTHING, &C. 0UD1166 ff lulu ! RUBBER STAMPS aud STATIONERY, STTETHERINGToN Desires to return his Sincere Thanks to the Numerous TnVnlna "RVm'f ! I Agent for AUCKLAND EVENING STAB p 11 Customers who so liberally patronised his CHEAP SALE during the past U UUIU/C H I LUU t.l and TIT BITS. few weeks, and although he has not realised quite as much Cash as he requires, he is — ■■ —: ~ j ———— : • confident he will do so during the next few weeks at the Prices he is now offering his TAIUTPQ /"WEI—2O SACKS for 25s at the Uas Goods. dAlrmO dMlJifill V Works, Mary street. The following are only a few of the many Cheap Lines now being offered:- TT ._ Tm . . , T n . ——— ——. . * j j ..,„,, TJAVING Received a Large-Gonsignment CHEAP OARPET3I Dress Melton Cloth at Is, worth Is9d,.and LI o f the above from Fiji, Sydney, and Cheap Carpets; Fancy Striped Jute Car- a great variety of Medium quality dross Hobarttown, consisting of Apples, Island -r-rm a t jm : 0 9n pets at 6d; Tapestry Carpets, Is 4|d, Fabrics from 3* per yard, too numerous Oranges. Sydney Oranges, and having & GO. O worth 2s M; Felt Carpets at Hid, to particularise bought cheap for cash, he is determined to ■ w **-^" faa vw ww. i^ worth Is 9d, Double width good black n Cashmere and giyctheP.ablic the benefit of his experience, wTnUJnTTrp a Twrnm Wide Kidderminster Carpet from Is Gd; Merino at Is Gd, worth 2s 33. v WrIJIOUT A DOUBT Floorcloth's,-a large assortment and nice Ladies' Ulsters at 3s 6d, worth 7s b'd; also ISLAND ORANGES tiattern. from (id, ' . ar g e assortment of Best Qualities and ' ts TFIT? PPOPT T?Q' CoSut MSng,B4 wide, reduced to 28 Newest Makes fully 25 per cent below EATING AND COOKING APPLES, lb 1M IBOPLES 9d:agreat variety of door mats at Is 3d. cost. 2|dto4dperft. TvnnuTflTAiT o nnnnnVin nmAnnn Fancy Splash Mats from ; Crimson ft Ladies' Black Fancy Cloth Jackets from BANANAB 2 , d pei , ]b bv BUNCH rKOYIBION & PRODUCE STORES Green Damasks at 6id; Table Damasks 4s Gd. ' *J_ ' . (all lineu) at Is 4d, worth 2s 6d; Honey- Ladies' Macintoshes from 4s 3d. Tn«5T TM?ni?Tvi?n i ° - ' comb Towels trom2d; Roller Towelling Children's and Girls' Ulsters from Is 6d J Übi P IiCMVI, ' D, ' —- . ■■; at 2M; Heavy Make of Huckaback each. v Ll ' ■ . ■. ■ Towelling at 7Jd worth Is 3d; large size Girl's Macintoshes at 2a 6d each. TUST "DECEIVED !\• Jt ■ ■ White Turkish Towels 10J4, worthMβ 6d, JUST OPENED-A fresh lot of LADIES' O li VU FRESH BUTTER, Is per )b. ■ A great variety of Dimitys'from sd; • and OHILDEMS , FUit CAPE 3, excel- A Large consienment of % )bl Wdth heavv Flax bed Tick at from 2s lid, • Guaranteed of the Best Quality. ____—— ° 6 U i d e l Ladies' New Fur Boas in-Black,. Grey- -«wi • Kn>NRY--BBEn-POTAO!OBerOK»TBlF γ-i: farperefti, .-- ,^_^ Cretonnes at 3?d. ~ -.-. N-ta* from Is 6dleach, . SUBY POTATOES, ONIONS, EIO. Q' ONIONS 2f] per lb Toilet Covers (a large assortment) from A large assortment of Fur Trimmings • Which will be sold at ' v ■ ■ CotSlmterpanesfromlslld. . LaS'ukttK fh, worth VERY. LOW RATES. • - GREEN PEAS, 2d per ib: L S Z Bs6r OOUaterPane3at496d) ASquantityafLadW Straw Hatsat -To meet the dep™ of the Times. g PORRIDGE MEAL, Is 2,1b,, Wide White Calicoes, Special Makes, Best Gdeach. \rn rnNWWOTTnM WTTTT AMY OTOTl? Q ";'.■ Value ever offered on the Thames, from Ladies'and Girls' Felt Hats from Is lid, NO CONNECTION MTH ANY OTHER U . 3d 12 Boxes of Ladies' and Girls' Cashmere HOUSE ' , CD CO-OPERATION A HUMBUG I PQ OATMEAL, MAIZE, WHEAT 04 White Sheetin, Jfr A Jj-Jj and GROCERIES. of all at9d. CQ i• j ■ n '■ -hi ■ ■ CHEAP BLANKETS 11 Crewel Wools, 9d per dozen. . H kinds equally as Cheap. CHEAP BLANKETS I! Crewel Silks, 10d per dozen. P) ' , Fresh Bales, just opened; splendid value Ladies' Full-sized Night Dresses at 2s 6d, T T? TTJ A MGT?M ' ■ Heavy makes White Blankets from 3s worth 5s 9d; and a great assortment of tf JLlie kJli/li* rZ qd Pioh to Wsnemair. These are fully 30 Ladies' Underclothing at about ONE- — m We respectfully call tho alien- »«-'- usm PBICK - 2s. JUBILEE TEA. * ~ nof thoffoßKlKe uu „ CHEAP FLANNELS ! Ladiea' Strong Serviceable Corsetsiat Is 9d Kot the Common Jubilet Twaddle, but a CHEAP FUNNELS I Heavy Make Wmccy Shirting at 4|d. G . Subi:tant i al ArtWei A tho above, and feel confident it Hpiw makes Welsh Flannels from Gid. All Wool Crimean Shirting at Is Id, mllw , "J"' " * . .' ' ~ •„ I ™&$r mmA * im % s ssraKxs,r T s rsp«r U^*.**-*,^ SeKnfwarilawitthlßed. Men's Flannel Shirts and Drawers at 2s %* tofo-Mnf Oof Packet ft , Heavy bSseS at 6fd, worth l.Od, lid. Tea-. Bold Wholesale and lleta.l. 1 - AVpfliP' fc GO S y Men's Regatta Shirts at 2s lid, worth 4s Champion and Woods Flour, oOibs,,6s (id; f°**V Y 00 VU O< CHEAP VELVETEENS I 6d. German and Egyptian Lentils, 4d; Haricot ' - ; • CHEAP VELVETEENS I Men's Hard Felt Hats, good shapes, 2s fid. Beans, 4d ; Green Peas, 2d; Corullour, 6d; \£*r POLLEN-ST Wide Black Velveteen at Is, worth 2s. Men's Tweed Hats, good shape, Is Gd, Splendid Nelson Jams, fid; 21b liuai of : * ■ ' A great variety of Coloured Velveteens . worth 3s. Jam, 9d ; Currants, 7d; Full Weight , . '.; will be sold at Is Gd, worth 2s 9d. j Boys' Sailor Felt hats at Is 6d, worth 2s Sperm Candles, 6d; "Light of Age' — I'd. Kerosene, best Brand in the Market, 9s per I—2o SACKS for 203 at the Gas A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS Men's and Boys' Tweed Helmet Hats from ] Tin; Pain-killer, 9d per bottle, \j Woi , kß Mary streeti GOODS 1 10d. Also- ; E«"wrK™ci. ; i"atiiia,w.rtt J</»;»stagiw ee ai,.. r f,™ 6 ,iid . * ' " 10' d. Men's Strong Tweed Suits from Iss. ALLLINIib Oi l (rKUUMIJib Al ; jfl H P 0& B | Fineness Costume Cloths BJ, worth Is. Men's Overooats from 17s Gd. LuWEST PRICES. ' •§• | m || i 1 . Camels' Hair Cloth, (this ia a special line StrongTweedJot'Boys' VMrfiromla. A w e Assortment of Patent Medicines B W ** H B and guaranteed to give good wear) to be Cheap Ulster Cloth, Double Width, a large Q . * G] Eal . thenware Tinware, Iron vrn THXTQ sold at is, worth Is Bd. assortment f ro m Is Bd. R' B h et;et JNU—IUJNb. Dark Shades in Cable Cords Dress Ma- MILLINERY.-A Large Assortment of "» " „' .„ . ; „;. ' '. : ' tflriSeTe'd worS Iβ New and Sty]iA Millinery to be sold All sold as CHEAP as any house in Town : ■ — worth during the sale at very Great Reduc HANSEI' ! GREAT BASH SALE MOW Mill 01 polm-street. ? ; Coals!! ■ =: AtS, DBAPEB, &c, } Pollen St. Coals ! !! TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE THAMES AND SURROUNDINGS ™. ! iSAHr/fiOMPAHY ' T° JS^ScS!^^- "—__- MIMAb HOUSEHOLD COAL. TV A •IW "KT STRENGTH IS THE PRINCIPAL itJU TONS HOUSEHOLD COAL. P - JJ il 11 Xl a CONSIDERATION IN THESE rfta* *.«.*.« y ENORMOUS ' WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOSSES. . ■: LOWEST RATES, CABINETMAKER, UPHOLSTMiMXj & Ft i ieva viou3Comp"aniesinthe.Colony t AME d EICKITS \J none is stronger than the National. ."■"■ u ' ' GENEiuL tmmw xumumwt. nm ml] Mi tmm r . „ _ fund equal to double the Capital.. POLLEN STREET, SHORTLAND. = — r— Notwithstanding the recent heavy Fire J'~AS ON HAND A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF— the National has just declared a Dividen mieeil S HOWU 'a .. . of ten per cent, from interest on the It Corner Queen and Albirt streets Thames , '* PFODINPt-IRON, WOOD, and BRASS BEDSTEADS, sei ' veFuud ' __ ' — bLDDim Large Assort at AllPriees. RISKS ACC EP TED AT CURRENT [ "l^S^^ rt /c, i » .j> • ■ IiAIILib. luring the last four years in the Northern SPRING MATTIUSS, WOVEN WIRE MATTE ASS (Sole Agent for Dining Kooma, Albert-street, Auckland Thames , ) KOPOK HAIR, and FLAX MATTRASSES. WILLIAM S. AICKIN, ant l now wish; to inform them that I bars J> Corner o f Albert and Brown Streets, taken over ths above Hotol, and intend tc . i nrarafl nnrtu aTTT'Pii'Q ! Tlinmps aive tliesame satisfa-tion as heretofore. DRAWING and DINING ROOM SUITES . «*. 8 Bwy /wjomlßodft , ioil £orßoßrderp In Great Variety. AGENT FOR: atallhom-3 ,i ,i 11 n ri| it Milliard table and good Stabling BEDROOM SUITES In the Latest and Most Chaste Designs. National IDSDKIIIC6 lOllipaiiy Ot U, LINDSAY, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, and KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS. NE W ZEALAND HERALD and lOiniEl ° r ' LINOLEUMS, FLOORCLOTHS, LAOE CURTAINS, AUCKLAND WEEKLY NEWS. Sole Agent for J. P.Kisgs Cclekateo VALENCES; &c, &c. . ■ READY KELIEIt . Chief Agent for all the Thames District ENGLISH and GERMAN PERAMBULATORS. "" ' ; ' ~ WILLIAM S. AICKIN, ' ' nOKE 1-20 SACRS for 2os at the Gas ust Ariiived: A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF TOILET WARE <THE CORNER," ALBERT BT.;TH™jU^

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XVII, Issue 5844, 26 July 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVII, Issue 5844, 26 July 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVII, Issue 5844, 26 July 1887, Page 3