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MEDICAL,.. y ; : ! V:\'n : " WbateiYeryTravelling Tmak&HouseKold^ IN THE WORLD OUGHT TO CONTAIN- ;' A BOIiLE OF • ;; \ /; . ; ENO'Sj JEOPAKDY. OF . LIPE-THE GREAT DANGER OF DELAY, :YOU CAN CHANGE THE.TRICM/INGSTREAM, BUT NOr THE,EAGING 'TORRENT. j' J BWlrnt Everybody should Itecul.-How Important . is to .every Individual to have at hand some .simple,'effective,, and w 'EN(Sfetiit. • to check disease at the onset I For this is the time.' "VVith very little' trouble you can chango the course .of the trickling mountain stream ■ but not the rolling river. It will defy all your tiny efforts. I feel I ( cannot sufficiently impress this important information upon all House- • holders, or Ship Captains, or Europeans generally, who are visiting or residing in any hot orforeign climate.., Whenever a change is contemplated, likely to disturb the condition of health, let ENO'S FRUIT SALT be yourcompanion,'for, under any circumstances its use it beneficial, and never can do harm. When you fcl,out 'of sorts -; • unable to say why, frequently without any warniug you are suddenly' ; seized with lassitudo, disinclination for bodily or mental exertion," ; of appetite, sickness, pain id the forehead, dull aching of iback and •• • limbs, coldness of. the surface, arid/often shivering, etc,,' then yonr Whoie body IS'oug ot oraer, we spirit,of danger ;has'been kinilledf 'b'nt you-do tiot ; know where it may" eml; It is a real necessity to have a' simple, remedy, at hand, that will: always answor the very best end " : witlipositive a.s3tirancQ of dote good ia every case and in no case any harm.. The. pilot can so steer and direct as to bring the ship into safety;, but he cannot quell the raging storm. The common Idea • when hot feeling well is, I will wait and see—perhaps I shall be better to-morrow; whereas, had a ply of ENO'S BRUIT SALT been at hand, aud use made of it at the onset; ail calamitous results might have been avoided. What dashes, to the earth so many.hope 3, breaks so nuny sweet alliances, blasts. many auspicious enterprises, as untimely death?' It'is not exaggeration,'but simp'# fact; whea that any little pecuniary benettt I may derive from the sale of this Preparation Is absolutely nothing • comparediwsththeloionsebenefltbythosewhouselt.... . ; HEADACHE ANT DISORDERED STOMACH.-" Aftor suffering for nearly two and a half years ifrom' severe headacho and disordered stomach, and'after trying almost everything andispending much' money without finding any benefit, I was recommended by a friend to try your FRUIT SALT: and before 1 had'finished one bottle I found it doing rae % great deal of good, and now't am restored to my.usualhealth • and others I know that have tried it have not enjoyed such good health for years.-Yours most 1 truly, Robert Humphreys, Post Office, Barrasford." : .-.s* '•" , ' TIIOUSAND3 OP MILES IN INDIA,-" For many years' I have, found ENO'S : FRUIT: SALT of the; utmost value in the hot and dry seasons, also in the monsoons. : I have travelled some thousands of miles in India durlns the last thirteen years, and in'all the various changes of climate I have found ■ ENO'S FRUIT SALT the most refreshing beverage I could get, especially.aafterr r long, heavy, marches,' and other fatiguing duties,to which'the British soldiers of lati have been exposed. I have always been able to keep a supply of the FRUIT SALT on hand,and could obtain it ; in most stations! My dear wife.'diirin" her travail, found it to be the most useful thing that could be obtained. Many others here have found ENO'S ERUIT SALT better than any beverage yet in the Indian market.. I am, yours <6c,, A.; WARDER, Central Military Prison, Poonah, Dombay, January 30. ISS4.—To'Mr J. C.'ENO." ' ! , . , mHE REGION OFTIIE ETERNAL FIRE.-Charles Marvin, in his account of a journey' to the PstroJ ■ leum Region of the Caspian, says: "It was anticipating history,a:bit, but there is very.ltttle doubt that before long it will be possible to do the journey from London'to the' Caspian —a distance of over 2.600 miles—in a week, . . Any medicines the traveller may require can easily be obtained at the chemists' shops in Russian towns,..;. above all,- a few bottles of ENOM FRUIT SALT, perhaps the best medicine' in the world for the Caspian region, where the heat and the dust occasionally provoke symptoms needing a gentle and invigorating treatment, 1 "-From -Newcastle Daily Chronicle. ' ■ ■ •; ri iIIE SECRET of SUCCESS.-" A new Invention is brought before' the public and cMnmandssuccess.; A I • score of abominable imitations are immediately introduced by, the unscrupulous, who, in copying the original closely enough to deceive the public, and yet not so exactly' as'to infringe upon- legal rights; exercise an ingenuity that, employed in an original channel, could not fail to secure reputation and profit."—Adams. ' : , • CAUTlON.—Examine each Bottle, and see that the capsule is marltei "ENO'S FRUIT, SALT"- 1 - IF ithontit you have been imposed on by a worthless imitation, Soldby all Chemists.' I'M -m \' DIRECTIONS IN SIXTEEN LANGUAGES HO ff TO PREVENT DISEASE. ; . , . : ' PREPARED ONLY AT 'N. ENO'S FRUIT SALT WORKS, HATOHAM, LONDON, S.E. . '' i BY J. C. ENO'S PATENT, ''i'"'-'; : ' 1 AND OF ALL CHEMISTS., v.:.,/: 1 AGENTSAuckland, N.Z.—Kempthorne,Prosser, and Co, .Wellington, N.Z. j'Felton, | Grimwade, : & Co.: Whanganni—Wakefield &Hogg,Chemists. CfoMrarph,N;Z,! '■ . r—Kempfchorne; Prosser & Coi; L,E, Nathafr&COi Dunedin', thorne Prosser, and' Co, ; P. H'ayman and Co,, Kattray-streefc.

GRATEFUL—COMFORTING ; J J£ P P S'S :; Q O,C 0 A, • • (BREAKFAST).. i By a i-. borough, knowledgo of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful'application of the fine properties of ivell-solected cocoa, Mr Epps,- has provided oni breakfast tables with' a delicately 'flavoured beverage,, which 'may >save us' ,many heavy, doctor* bills, .It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be . gradually built, up . until strong, enough: to resist, every, tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever ' there ira weak point, We may escape many a fata . shaft by keeping, ourselves .woll fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame . • —See article in the Civil Service Qmltt ,[' ■ - ' • • : * Mads simply:with boiling, water or milk. : Sold in 'p; packets,! by drooers, labelled " thus,:—.-J EPPS CO.,'': HOMEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, " . ," ' LONDONj ENGLAND.;:; . .■ Diseased Nature'of tentimes breaks forth In strange ' I■■■, > eruptions."—Actiii;Sceno 1. . : TO THEPUBLIC. rtOME patients suffering,from neryous affections Qi; are afraid from sheer bashifulness and 1 modesty to Personally consult 'a':medical niaii- oth'or pti-i tients have not the self-possession and coolness wlies in the consulting room, to accurately describe their 1 symptoms-their habits' of, life, and the nature ol the disease tliey suffer from. •: r^tli;.'!:•; :!• >i ; ■ let such persons (ho or'slieJiSlt-QUietly down fn the privacy of tlieic" mraiapartmerits, and with calm niinds doscrlbe clearly each symptom of their case; a clear statement thus written, and laid.before me, fs far preferable in NERVqos diseases to a personal con--1 sultatidri. Where, however, a'disease'is of a, peculiar arid exceptional character, a personal <consuttatipn may become but my success in correspond dence is so 'great", that of the thousands 'upon thou-; sahdswh'omlhave'treated by letter daring:the last, 32yearsi not a siugle mistake has ever occurred/not acasehas everjbeenmade.publuj-in fact,ithevery simplicity of my system of corrospondence prevents, publicity. ■ 1 At the same timejmedicines are sent to my patients in such a form as, to defy detection. , How'many thousands have I not brought joy to? i How many havo been enabled to enter, into the . marriage state tiiroiigh consulting mo ? j How many after, marriage have privately consulted me and been ; blessed;-and their Carried'lives mado fruitful andliappy. -ny,v ■..}■, <-;■■■ i.-.-ji: • How many wasted ruined youths of both sexes have also been restored to health, and tliiinked their inan- ■ hood for having consulted me by [letter!} | 1 How many questions arise where the family physl-1 ciari is unable to unravel the case, arid' where 'eften tho patient liiigei's on'. nbt daring to tell his family medical adviser,the nature ; ot his' complaint; until consumption, wasting,' oririental diseases sot in, andthe'sulfel'er gets'beyond'tho curable stage,-and is left a hopeless wreck. . r t.T.-.v ... > A letter written in tho prlyacy,,of the room and dropped in the'post box'reaches me quietly; the answer is returned as quietly arid unostentatiously, and. tho patient, without atoppintr from his chamber, oxccpt to post his letter, is,by return of post put in full possession of the'natute of his'case. 'His hopes ' are raised, his doubts removed; and he i3,compnra- , tively a new man j infact, in many cases, a new being altogether, ' " ■ ' i !" " V.■ The only addition to the ordinary written letter, is, the age, occupation, habits and symptoms,; nothing more. -The usual consultation fee of 1!. (one pound) must be enclosed, otherwise no, ariswer will be;returnod.' . *.«• ■t" , , There are thousands of cases in daily life where a consultation with one at a distaritio, will rerfiovo by a single letter a great fear, agveatcaro.anditoften solves what.appears;as an impenetrable,mystery. Mauy asad heart lias.been made joyful on receipt of an explanatory letter from me. ,1 ' ' ' ! • To thoso who aro about : to marry; I would say consult me ljeforo doing so, and thus preventmany after troubles, and romovo many unnecessary fears and prejudices; to thoso, more especially who' have' Buffered in oarlyyears from disease, or who have yielded to their passions, -to these I say, (it once, consult with me, do riot tarry, delays are dangerous, and as an expert, my tirno may not bo always at your'sor l vice, you can, by simply enclosing ono pound, have the benefit of my'experience in the same mannef as If I lived in your own town, aud with tho additional advantage of thorough privacy.-Yours, truly, ' ' : . / LOUIS L, SMITH. I ; ■ Address— ~ ' DR. L. L. SMITH, 182 COLLINS-STREET EAST, ' ■ Melbourne. CONSULTATION FEE, BY LETTER, £1. - Fee for personal Consultation, £1 Is. ; . The latter ia inolusive of Medicine.: 1 Medicines forwarded, well-paoked, to all the Colonies, India, and Europe. 182 COLLINS-STREET EAST,.Melbourne. SANDER AND SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACTSurgical Clinc of Prof. .M'lntyre, College of Phy- . sicians and Surgeons, St. Louis-Sclrrhusof Breast —Excision. Eucalypti Extract employed.-;Ho 1 swelling, heat or discolouration. Oared' to; 14 days -m,

ONE WORD. v ,! • Dear Friends.;: r : We have soriae heiitdtlon in addressing you In the' 1 manner following, but hope that it will not be looked at in any Invidious light, when we state that' it is only our regard'for your health that causes us' to do It, We have been a'Firm of Analytical' Chemists for many,' many years, ; and 'have in .the long course of, this, time manufactured., certain Medicines 1 that being ! based on sdentiflc,'formula 'and absolute; caro .and precision in'manufacture, have enjoyed a .popularity.; far. in-advance of any other Pharmaceutical Preparations ol the'day. Hiiw: aucccaaful we have been in' this, 1 is 'only to note the extraordinary amount of the'sale of our Haydock's New liver Ml.. We have the pleasure to state that Tte have sold'' , f28,089 VIALSOF Dis: 1 i ; Liveb Pills. ■■ The reason pf this demand is because: we find la ' . 1 . Haydock's New 1 awonderfularid extraordinmy'combination l of con-:; centrated medicine,: ;The.Victories,of iScimce— Eiectric Telegraph; Steam and Printing—revolu-'. tio'nlsed the whole system of the gloM, : ah'd made I .mankind wiser tiud jbptter. rf although. there- are' I countless Pills used for diseases and claiming much [ as'to their merit/thoßemarkable discovery of -Dr. I Haydockhas eclipsed them all, and has founded a New Medical System; 'i ■. The Doctors, whose vast doses of four.or five pills enfeeble the stomach and paralyze tfte bowels, must give way to;th?mari who' restores health'' and app'e-' • tite with one'or two; of his 6ktraordinaiy Vegetable; Pills." ; One or two of DR. HAYDOCK'S NEW JtIVER PILLS suffices to place the stomach in perfect order oreates an*appetite,*and renders the spirit light and buoyant. ; the Liver is affected, its functions are restored,and'lf the; Nervous System Is 1 enfeebled,: •• is invigorated and sustained. ; , -Vfv; cui'—-(TBANStArrIONi> k !.", v.. Aykabi Province of Burmah, B. I.j |, HohoJed and learned Phjlsician::': '■■■' ' i jj ;• T1)0 tujwftrthjr jone . who! darp's; .to • address ; yoa and come before humbly in thej dust, .begs for their, ignoile miseries, and oure them-with-your life-Giving grains (Pills). Uluatrio'us ".'one. : your most : potent' inedicln'e fa-'llfe to them'attd'tjiQlr children; i >and 'allvthe 'Drug-: Jtaaars ;are i empty-and-.,your' soul, ls. M not. ,them.,,:Thls; humble petitloner. althoughieis ignbble be in your high presents, prays thatyou will l grabiOMly permit your life grAins :(Till3Vtp- cpme to A'ykab. To the most learned, and. wise Physioian Bayloclc "(Haydoek) of high 1 name., 1 ' Native', to .the States of-America,- united in North'AmericaCountfy. ..Servilely signlngf'for,himself and, tw.enty.-three others this Petitioner.places WS sign; v s' ' , " >K K ; i ; THAIIi'PANAIBERERANOIEIi, " i' -. ' 1,.,,. ■' ■ Csrwi,ill, April 2, 1884 i,. Dr.J. HAYDOCk:' - > Dear Sir :-I received'your Pills a week ago. ; I have tried them and-'must'say that I never had so much good done by anything as they have .me, . I have suffered for years with 'biliousness, 'and haye' been so sick at'times as not to care to'livei but your Pill? have cured me. .One aged man .here has taken : from'me'ouly two of your,pills.' and Iwlsh you could see him. 1 < 'He has had no'appetite for' five'/months,' andto'day:;he eat;such a dinner,as;a, ploughman; eats., I,had,to.check him, but ho laughed,and said he was treating his stomach to a new sensation 1 for It really was hungry. 'Thand you with this four dollars, please send at : once, as below, your Pills; , Mbs. Sarah Manners. ! ' i ' ' Carmi,lllinois, U.S. : i'We would fatigue you if We were to go od .with them, as we very .well could do; but the above must suffice. '7 [ i . ! : Haydook's New Liver 1 Pills, :i : Are the true grains and essbn'ce of health, ana the greatest blessing'' that 1 ' Bcienca has given' to the world., ; : ; ; n:r' --1 '.'i'-! Ti r For, Nervous Prostration, .Weakness, .General Lassitude;' Want of' Appetite and Slok'Headache, Dr.- Eaydook's New Liver Pills will be found:(ra Effectual Remedy. , \ -\ - ' .Each vial feontalns Twenty Pills. 'Price IwentyAve Cents.' ForSalebyall Druggists. .■>' : ,■ Any sceptic can. have a vial of .Pills SENT: HIM FREE on receipt of his name and address, for a trial. - ' Send a postal card for, copy of pamphlet-f" THE LIY.GR AND ITS MYSTERY.",-It furnishes valuable information to all,: . ( HAYD.OOK AND CO., , 'fr r NEW YORK, U.S. -, CAUTION I—Druggists are,desired to notice that the name of J. H., Francis, Sole Agent, 1b written across each dozen 1 packages: of Havdook's Liver Pills. "All without this are counterfeits. : ; P. HAYMAN AND CO.. " Auckland and Dunedln, ' : , ■ ■I! ■; ■ f Agents, New Zealand; ; Advice to Mothers I—Are you broken in yoor rest by a aiok' ohild Buffering' with the pain of outting' teeth ? Go at once to a ohomlst and get ; a bottle of Mrs WiNSLOW'S Soothing Syrup. It will i relieve' the poor sufferer immediately. It is perfeotly,harmless and pleasant to' taste, it i produoeß .natural, quiet sleep, by 'relieving, the ohild from pain, and . the; little oherub awakes "as brighi as'a button," It soothes the ohild, it sottens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for dysentery and diarrhffla, Whetherarisingfrom teething or otheroauses Mrs Winslow s Soothing Syrup is sold by ■Medloine dealers 'everywKere : at Is ljd por; qottlej I

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5179, 28 May 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5179, 28 May 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Thames Advertiser, Volume XVI, Issue 5179, 28 May 1885, Page 4