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The fortnightly meeting of tho Counoil was held last evening, Present-The

Mayor, Councillors Mennie, Speight, Hansen, Price, 'Wilson and McGowan.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.

Gomfield's Revenue.—A. letter was received from the Treasury stating that the sums of £2 machine licenses, £1 4s linns, fees, &c„ collected during March, under the Municipal Corporations and Licensing Acts; and £19 19s goldfields revenue, had been remitted to the credit of the Borough.

Charitable Aid.-A loiter was read from the Colonial Secretary's Oflice, acknowledging leccipt of a letter from the Council, and stating n reply, that the Government were prepared to mako a payment of £223, being half the amount expended by the Borough in charitnblo aid for the quarter ended March 31st. (Tho Council had applied for a subsidy on £446 7s 7d.). A telegram was also read from tho Premier to the effect that the Colonial Treasurer had promised to enquire into and adjust any claims the Borough might havo against the County, for charitable aid; and that ho had also promised to communicato with tho Council as to the assistance to bo given towards the erection of tho orphanage. A communication was also read from the Colonial Treasurer stating that Government were prepared to contribute ono-hnlf of tho cost of erecting tho Home for Destitute Children, if tho Borough would undertake to provido the remainder by collecting subscriptions in the locality, or by grants from the Borough Funds. Should the Borough signify its willingnoss to accept this proposal and forward an estimate of the costs, the Government would bo prepared to mako progress payments.—The Town Clebk: said the Council had alroady sent the estimate (£1050) to tho Government.—lt was stated that the erection of the Home would be proceeded with in a few days, and the offer of tho Government accepted.

D bain age.—Messrs Mennie and Dey wroto calling attention to the want of drainage in Queen-street, opposite their premises, and expressed a hope that the Council would attend to the matter without delay.—deferred to the Works Committee to report thereon.

Reobeation Gbound.t-A telegram was read from the Crown Lands Office, Weilington, stating that the conveyance of the Recreation Ground had been ■ prepared, and was on its way to tho Council. Bad Footpath.—A letter from Dr, Rowbottom, Pollen-street, asking that a few loads of sand might be placed on the muddy footpath near his premises, was referred to tho Foremau of Works.

Gold Duty.—A letter was read from the lreasury stating that £152 13s 2d, being the Borough share of the gold duty for the months of February and March, had been placed to the oredit of the Borough.

Fiee Brigades,—A letter was read from tho Secretary to the Insurance Companies' Association enclosing a cheque for £50 from the /> ssociation towards the expenses of the Thames Fire Brigades. Mr Bullbn's Testimonial.—Tho following letter was read from Sub-Inspec» tor Eullen ro tho illuminated vote of thanks accorded him by the Council :— " Constabulary, Taranaki District Oflice, New Plymouth, May 16, 1879—Sir,—I beg to inform you that I havo this day received the very beautifully illuminated resolution of the Thames Borough Council according me a voto of thanks for the manner in which the police duties were carriod out while I had tho honor to have charge of the Thames Goldficlds District. In acknowledging receipt of this handsome testimonial, permit me to say that the very flattering terras of the resolution are not deserved by me, but rather to tho excellent and suitable codo of Bye-laws in force within your Borough; and also allow mo to add, to the able and willing assistance at all times extendod to me by yourself when carrying them and every other Act or ordinance having regard to the maintenance of good order into effect within the Borough, and the District generally. May I request that you will bo pleased to convey to His Worship the Mayor and Councillors my sincere thanks for their consideration and thoughtfulness in this matter, and with constant hope for a steady return of that prosperity so largely enjoyed by all in your district, and with grateful remembranco of muny kindnesses experienced by me from the people of the Thames,—My doar sir, I am very truly yours, R. Bulleh, Inspector." Municipal Cobporation's Act.—The Town Clebk read a copy of amendments in the above Act proposed by tho Auckland Council, and said that it was intended to send the amendment as proposed to tho Premier at an early date.—lt wbb suggested that it would be better to appoint a committee to look into the amendments before thoy wero despatched to Government, and on tho motion of Cr Hansen. Crs McGowan, Speight, and Mennie were appointed a committee in accordance with the suggestion.

Wohks Report.—The report of the Board of Works was read as follows :—

Tho Committee havo to report having visited tho Shellback road leading to the Old Siam claim, and finding the samo to he very rough, and at its present entrance from the Tararu road, very steep, they recommend that tho shareholders of the Siam claim be asked to state a fixed sum for which they will make a dray road that will be satisfactory to tho Council and themselves, and in stating suchfixed sum, to define the width—tho depth tho road will bo cut in tho solid; tho batter to be given to banks; the description of bridges at tho crossings of tho creek, and the depth and width of the coat of broken metal thoy will put on.-Your Coramitteo recommend that Davy-street, between Amy and Cochrane streets be formed, and that the two fences of gardens now sliding on this roadway bo pulled down by the contractor; for this work all necessary notices have been served on tho owners, —lour Committeo havo also to report that the time given by notice to the owners of the building known as Sebastopol Houso to removo samo off tho lino of street oxpired on the 19th inst.; and suggest that tho Foreman of Works be instructed to carefully remove all parts of the building encroaching on cither Williamson or Brown-streets.—Tho Engineer in charge of tho Thames and Waikato Kailway requires that the Karaka. Crock be straightened at once. Tho contractor for tho railway works, Mr O'Brien, will commence forthwith to fill up tho present outlet of tho Karaka Creek, and erect tlio bridge over that portion of the foreshoro where the new outlet of this creek is to be. The Government having notified the Council by telegram that the proclamation in reference thereto has been signed by the Governor, your Committeo recommend that the work of excavation of tho new bed of the creek and bridge for cart traffic over the new channel bo at once tendered for.—The Committeo lay bofore the Council tho annual statement showing the works proposed to be executed during the curront year, and the sums available for such purpose.— ■VI b Hendebson said the shareholders of tho Old Siam claim would undertake to keep the road in repair whilst they used it.—Tho report, with tho amendment re Shellback, was then adopted.

Estimate job Hate.—The estimate for rate for twelvemonths, ending 30th June 1880, was read, and after sundry alterations was appoved, The amended statement is as follows:—

Total Rateable Value of the Property on the Valuation Roll for the year ending 30th June, 1880, is £33,977. Proposed Expenditure: On repayment of Bank of New Zealand Overdraft, £4,21713s 8d; building and furnishing Orphanage, £1,050; Hospital and Obaritable Institutions, rations, &c, ,£,1,200; Board of Health, £80; streets and footways, being maintenance of present streets, cartage, formation of Davy street, of Mackay street from Richmond street and Sealey street, to Grey street, and water-table along Tararu road, footpath from Williamson street to Sholover hotel, part of cost of formation of Shellback road, formation of track Karaka Creek road to Irish Town, of straightening Karaka Creek and construction of bridge over Creek, formation of part of Eyre street &c„ formation and metalling Momatarairi and Waiotahi roadr, £2,500; metal for maintenance of streets and footways, £1,000; streets, footways, asphalt, and drainage, £1,170; recreation ground, £500; lire brigades, £200 ; public pound, £25; allowance to Mayor from April to December, £118 15s; salary, including £25 for auditors, £500; stationery, printing, advertising. and office charges, £250; total, £12,811 8s Bd, Income available: From rate of Is in the£l on £33,977, £1,698175; arrears of old rates, £260; Government subsidy on last year's rates collected, £1,800; Government grant now due, £500 j Government grant for recreation ground, £400; Hospital and Charitable Institutions—amount to be rsceived from Government for year 1879-80, £825; Hospital and Charitable Institutions—amount to be received from Government as per voucher already sent, £223; Orphanage—?rant from Government in aid of building, £525; asphalt—amount of separate rate, £700; do., do., now owing, £197; Fees—publicans' licenses, auctioneers', carriage, theatres, kerosene, dogs, slaughter, houses, pounds, £2,800; fines and penalties, £30; receipts in aid, £200; gold duty, £1200; amounts due by W, Souter, Piako G.M.00., and others, £66; rent of recreation ground grass, £100; cash and cheques in Treasurer's hands, £53; all other sources of revenue, £250; Harbour Board, £480; Thames Water Supply, £2,11G; total, £14,423 17s. *Memo —Expenditure calculated so as not to include the £2,116 due from the Water Supply Committee. —A. letter was also read from Messrs Henderson and Boss, of the Old Biam claim, stating that it would tako £150 to make a good job of the Shelback road. They would undertake to have tho work dono if the Council would guarantee that amount.—Cr McGowan strongly supported tho making of tho road, and suggested that the mattor bo left in the hands of the Works Committee, to act ia conjunction with the Foreman of Works, —It was resolved that tenders bo invited for making tho road, in terms of tho shareholders' letter.— -On tho motion of Cr Mennie, tho statement was approved, and ordered to be published, and the fees (£l2 10s each) for tho auditors passed. Recreation Ground Contbact.—Tho Town Clerk said that a cheque for £2 6s 8d had been drawn for tho purpose of bringing up the amount to £2 per week per man. Some of the men, who had only worked a portion of the time, oom-

plained tliey had only received at tlio rate of £1 per week.—lt was agreed to leave tho settlement of tho matter in tho hands of tho Mayor and Town Clerk. Accounts.—A number of accounts were passed for payment. Asphalting—On tho motion of Or. Price it was agreed to apply to tho Government to contribute towards tho cost of asphalting in front of the Govern* menfc buildings. Bad Footpath.—Or. McGowan called attention to the disgraceful condition of some portions of the Tararu footpath, and moved that the matter bo referred to tho Works Oommitfpp.—Carried.

Dangbbous Verandah.—lt was resolved to call tho attention of Mr Dowden, of Anckland, to tho dangerous state of the verandah of his old mart near the Queen's Hotel, notifying him that it must be replaced.

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XII, Issue 3323, 23 May 1879, Page 3

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THAMES BOROUGH COUNCIL. Thames Advertiser, Volume XII, Issue 3323, 23 May 1879, Page 3

THAMES BOROUGH COUNCIL. Thames Advertiser, Volume XII, Issue 3323, 23 May 1879, Page 3