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• WATCHES! WATCHES!! WATCHES! LADIES' KINGS, Gents' Dings, Gold and Silver Alberts and Guards, Brooches, Earrings, Lockets, Spectacles, ami Eye-glasses, A GOOD STOCK to select from, and every article marked in plain figures. ; Clocks in great variety of design and price, Customers wanted for the above by CHRONOMETER: HOUS ■, SHOMMD. Established 1887, Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery repaired at AucklanTprices, and' Guaranteed by ; M. J. WILMS, A practical Watchmaker of 30 Years' London and Colonial experience. MedicalBR FRIEND OF THE BRITISH SETTL !; . TJOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT, TO EMIGRANTS, DIGGERS,/AND OTHKRS. ; You will find in your adopted country this invalu ■ able Ointment, so well known to you all. Should you '. Accidentally meet with injuries of any kind, they may 1 tibt'only be relieved,' but cured, by this cooling and -■ healingVuguent. • .. „; .'. ,, ■ ■■ ; ,'..:'. . " 30UT AND RHEUMATISM. " ", [ '' To.iriffer'ersfrom the racking pains of Rheumatism 1 and'GonMhlsOratmentwill prove invaluable. After i , fomentation with warm water, the soothing action of ',' this Ointment Is most remarkable; it se, em's at once' 1? 'tolesseniriflammation, ease pain.reduce the swelling, • irestorenatural .oirculationi and.expels the disease.. , Tor the above complaints Holloway'a Ointment arid ' Pills BTe Infallible specifics. • '■'DIPHTHERIA, BRONCHITIS SORE THROATS, ~i ~,.-.! ~.-,. COUGHS, AND COLDS, , . , This c'ass of diseases may be cured by well rubbing ; the Ointment three times a day,' upon the hr'oat j breast, aud back of the paMent. It. will soon pene-; trate and give Immediate relief. In all stages, of 'influenza, Colds, and Bronchitis, this treatment may .be followed with efficacy and safety—indeed; t has never been known to fail. 'All VARIETIES OF SKIN DISEASES, SCROFULA •■;■• AND SCURVY . ■.: , •• This.Olntment is a certain cure for Ringworm ' Scurvy. Scrofula or King's Evil, and the most in ' veterate skin diseases to ■ which the human race is subject.: They cannot, be treated with &■ safer, or • more speedy remedy than Hollowsy's Ointment,, as- ' sfsted by his celebrated Pills, which act so powerfully ••'on the constitution- and so purify the blood :that. •, :hese disorders are completely. eradicated from th system, and a lasting cure obtained. ! '' ■ " ' DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. : ' ■■> Beware of this dangerous and stealthy complaint, which frequently creeps upon us by slight squeairilihries's or trifling jaundice, of which ittle or no -notice is taken'until.the legs begin to swell. The came of the evil must be looked for in the liver and itomaoh j therefore, set to work earnestly, by taking • Holloway's famous' Pills according to the printed nstiuctions. and ranbing the Ointment very effec lively over the pit of the stomach and right side 'where these organs lie. Most dropsical : cases will' readily yield to the• combined influence'of the. Ointment and Pills. ; PILES. FISTULAS, AND INTERNA KfFDA'M: ' • : MATION. •■■!.' ' These complaints are most distressing to both body and mind, false delicacy concealing them from the knowledge of the most intimate friends. Persons iufferlngfor years from Piles and similar complaints .when they might use Holloway's Ointment with .Instant relief, and effect their own cure without the 'annoyance of'explaining their ailment to anyone! The Pills greatly assist the Ointment, as they purify the.blood, regulate its circulation, renew diseases tractures. andinvigorate the entire system. DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, STONE AND GRAVEL. Are Immediately relieved and ultimately cured by • Ms ointment be well rubbed, twice a day, into the small of the back, over the region of the kidneys, 'to ■.which it will gradually ponetrate, aud ' most •very case give immediate relief; but rseverance will be necessary to effect n thorough cure, BOTH THE OINTMENT AND THE PILLS .' SHOULD BE USED IN THE FOLLOWING CASES :- Bad Legs Gout Bad Breasts Glandular Swellings "Burns lumbago Bunions Piles , Blteoflfosquitos and Rheumatism : Sandflies Scald Heads , Coco-bay ' Sore Nipple 3 Chlego-foot■ Sore Throats. Chilblains Skin Deseases Chapped Hands Scurvy Corns (Softj : Sore Heads . i , Cancers Tumours Contracted & Stiff Ulcers Joints ■ ' Elephantiasis Wounds Fistulas Yaws V There li a considerable saving by taking the ' arger sizes. j N.8.-Dlrecttoni for the guidance of patients - ; every disorder are affixed to each Pot, ! HEALTH FOB A SHILLING! : ; TjoiiLowTrs PILLS.! . FRIENDS AHD FEILOW-CoUNTRYMEN Most of you now residing at the Antipodes! have no doubt often seen your parents use these ; Household Medicines both for you and themselves i you and your children will act wisely n following ; their example. (Signed) THOMAS HOHOWAY. D2RAHOEMENT OF THE BOWELS, LIVER SIOHAOH COMPLAINIB. .This medicine s so well known n every part of tho World, and the cures effected by its use are so wonderful, as to astonish everyone. Its pre-eminence as a remedy for bilious and liver complaints and derangements of the stomach and bowels, is no loneer a matter of dispute or doubt. In these diseases the beneficial effects of Holloway's Invaluable Pills aro so permanent and extensive that the whole system is renovated, the organs of digestion strengthened and Ujand easy assimilation promoted, so that'both hysical and moral energy are increased. ! '"DETERMINATION OF BLOOD TO' THE BEAD This Is generally occasioned by some irreguiaritv of the stomach and bowels, which, if not quicklv attended to, frequently terminates fatally, \ few doses of these famous Pills never fail to give tone to the stomach, regularity to'the secretions, and uritv to the fluids. Vertigo, dimness of sight, and other notations of approaching apoplexy, ■. e entirely dissipated by a course of this admirable Medicine " THE FEMALE3BE3I FRIEND. For all debiitating disorders peculiar to tho sex aud in every contingency perilous to the life of women, youthful or aged, married or single this mild but speedy remedy Is recommended 'with friendly earnestness. It will correct all functiona derangements to which they are subject. SOBOJU&A AND ALL SKIN DISEASES. For all skin diseases, however inveterate, those medicines are a sovereign remedy, While the Pills act upon the blood, which they purify, the Ointment passes through the pores of the skin, and cleanses every structure, as water saturates the soil or as salt penetrates meat. The whole physical machinery is thus rendered healthy, regular, and vigorous COUQHS, COIiDS AND ASTHMAS. No medicine will cure colds of long duration or uch as are settled upon the chest so quickly as the se famous Pills. Evenin cases where the ilrst stage of asthma has appeared, tee Pills maybe reled on as a certain and never-failing remedy, particularly the Ointment, be simultaneously well rubbed iuto the chest and throat night and morning INDIOESMON.-Bj.HOUS HEADACHE. These, complaints are sometimes considered triflng, but should be borne in mind that, by inattention'an? neglect, they often end most seriously Give early thought to a deranged stomach takri Holloway's Pills, rub bis celebrated Ointment into he pit of the stomach, and you will shortly perceive change for the better in you; digestion, spirited appetite, strength, and energy. The improvements though it may be gradual, will be thorough and lasting. —■ fIOLLOWAV.'S PUIS ABE THE BEST REMEDY KNOWN IN THE WORLD FOR THE FOLLOWING DISEASES i Ague Inflammation Asthma Jaundice Bilious Complaints Liver Complaints Blotches on the Skin lumbago Bowel Complaints Piles Colics Rheumatism Constipation of the Retention of urine ilowels Scofula, or King's Ev Consumption Sore Throats Debility Stone and Gravel Dropsy Secondary Symptoms Dysentery Tlc-Douloureux Erysipelas Tumours Female Irregularities Ulcers Fevers of all kinds Venereal Affections Fits Worms of all kinds Gout Weakness, rom what Headachet ever cause Ac. &oIndigestlon TAiM it s tmti&irabli ra;;i;y by inking ike ' largtr titei. ' \ N.8.-D!ietlon« for the guidance of?palieuls iu ry diiorder are affrod'to sob box.

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XII, Issue 3237, 6 February 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Thames Advertiser, Volume XII, Issue 3237, 6 February 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Thames Advertiser, Volume XII, Issue 3237, 6 February 1879, Page 4