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Medical. 'thS 1 ? 'i 1 0" 1,10 slck mim said wwi « ''l 0 '® 1 ' sl i oo k his head. j ho , r , ois,lfc . thcre ' s I'opo ;Egroto Idum atumas est, sims est. DK L, 8 M 1 T fl (The only legally-qualified medical nan advertising) consults-. On all affections of the Nervous System no matter from what cause'arising), 3 On all broken-down constitutions. » o °:i d ; SeMC3 :irisi "S ro ® early indiscretions. i Un Rheumatism. ' In these colonics, those excesses which wp indulged in "hot youth" tell upon us with j fearful interest. Our regrets are useless, our repining futiln j Tl" aole idea should he the chances we possess 3 of remedying the ills we already have of , combating the effects likely to result; Hide it r as he may, put on as good an exterior as he . can, still is the victim conscious that to i 8 a ; ''™g lie. and that sooner or later his vw'es will discover him to the world. Our Faith our obligations to society at large, the welfare of our futuro offspring, and the duty we owe to ourselves forbids procrastination, and pointß ont to us, not to wait, till tho ravages break out in our constitutions. Boforo negotiating with a merchant, lefore , engaging with a confidential clerk, toforo employing a banister, a careful man makes enquiries as to their standing, their length of occupancy or reaidenco; and, in the case of o legal adviser, both as to his legal qualifications and as to his capabilities of transacting the individual business he consults him upon. Strange to say, however, in the stlection of a , medical man, the sufferer f-equeatly omitsthese necessary precautions, and without regard to tho htness, qualification, experience and ability or the particular ailment requiring treatment, ho consults the nearest man, whoso experience and :S™ S; P PB ' lie3ia qaito an opposito | Is it astonishing that so many aro driven t mad, are ruined in health, and are bankrupt in « spirits, hope and money? Have I not for r years pointed out to them that I, Dr I, 1 i Smith, am the only legally qualified medical ' man advertisingm the colonics? Have I not also prosecuted, at my own expense, these very quacks, and exposed the various nostrums thev are selling,-such as Phosphodyne, Bssence of Life, «c.—and had them analysed and found them to consist of" Burnt Sugar and flavoring j maU f» certificates I have proved to r be all forgeries. It is for this reason that I step i ou ' ?' ™ of the profession and advertisee to give those who require the service of mv • " ranc h a n opportunity of knowing they can 0 consult a legally qualified mac, and one, more- ( over, who has made this his especial study, p Dr L, L, Smith is the only legally qualifi 1 medical man advertising, and he has been • ™ Melbourne 24 years in full prajtice on 5 Wttvous Diseases . Loss of Power & Debility Syphilitic Affections Want of Condition Gout and Rheumatism ' , , Dr l ;, SMITH can be consulted bv letter—Lee, £1. Medicines forwarded to all the colonies, GHOLLAH'S GREAT INDIAN CURES. NOTICE TO THE PUBLTO. e pHB e E RELIABLE AND INVALUABLE e 1 _ MEDICINE?, which have done bo much i good in all parts of the Colony, CAN NOW BR , PURCHASED at Mr J. W. W, ChemS <f Brown-street, Grahamstown. r These medicines consist of the APERIENT I' De an "'y Medicine), the t MIXTURE, and the GOUT 1 MIXTURE, aud are NEVER FAILING REMEDIES, 3 The (Judersigned, having been APPOINTED y the WHOLESALE AGENT for the Thames, hag e arranged for a Regular Supply 0 f the Medicines, I THOMAS VEALE, s JPoilrn Stbeet, Thames. V Trade Purchasers Treated Liberally. Publications. ! 0 W pTiTIsfIED. (PBICE ONE SHILLING AND SIX PENCE): ' 'JHE gETTLER'S Q.TJIDE AND HOUSEHOLD QOMPANION," B Y i J. O. SHA E L A,'N JD, Auckland, SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR I FAMILIES AND THOSE BEYOND THE BEACH OP MEDICAL AID. The aitrs of this handbook are purely prac tical. The discussion of matters connecting Food and Drink with the daily current of sooial life may prove of the utmost importance and benefit to tho pre : ont and future of our race, Tho selection and condense ! information presented to the reader, will, the writer trusts, make every subject clear and comprehensible, It is doubtless incumbent upon every perfon . to possess some knowledge of the piinciplos of health, It is to aid and assist those whose i thou?hts may be directed towards this study, . that the writor hopes this little volume may be I found to fulfil its purpose satisfact-rily. i a very large demand for this work, we have placed its price withih ihb , REACH O? EVERY ONE, ITS USEFULNESS SHOULD COIIHBND 1 ITSELF TO ALL, BY ITS PLAIN AND PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS FOB Tas PRESERVATION OF HEALTH, BY PBOPBB MANAGEMENT OB THE STOMAS. Ist. It takes the broadest meaning of Health, and includes all that relates to Mora), ntellectual, and Physical Culture, 2nd, It teaches sick and weakly people how t to become strong and healthy. 3rd, It teaches people in health how to r keep their Bodies and Brains in the best condition. ' -w . 4th, It teaches how aud what to Eat 'and Drink, how to Sleep, to Bathe and to Clothe. sth. It teaches how to rear Children so that that tlipy may be strong and Healthy. 6th. It leaches how to prepare Food, and how to cook it, and gives a Food Table showing its relative digestibility. 7th. It gives special chapters on Consumption, Colds, Digestion, Diseases, Medicines, their properties, Uses and Doses, Headaches, and Nervousness. Btb, It gives directions and formula for Medicated Baths, food for the Sick Room, Household Ifecessities, Disinfectants and how to prepare and use them, the Symptoms and treatment of Poisons, the treatment of Scalds and Burns, Eveey Householder Should Keep this Handy Book Hung up in a Convenient Place whebe all the Family may have ACCESS TO IT. Medical aid is not always within reach. The perusal of this book by young and old will fortify them by a knowledge of simple treatment in cases of emergency, and where no other help is at hand "A LIRE MAY THUS BE SAVED." To be had of all Booksellers, Stationers, Country Stores, and from the Proprietor, By post, for 10 two-penny postage stamps. Thames Agent: J, H. JEFFERSON, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, POLLEN-STBEET.

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Thames Advertiser, Volume XI, Issue 3183, 2 December 1878, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Thames Advertiser, Volume XI, Issue 3183, 2 December 1878, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Thames Advertiser, Volume XI, Issue 3183, 2 December 1878, Page 4