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'~;.•'. Miscellaneous ■. • I THE « THAMES' ADVEIiTISEE:, PUBLISHED' DAILY, ■'•:..''] '\' .y. ', 18 THS ~ ■;" | ... OLDEST ESTABLISHED JOtfRML l ON THB ; ■ c■' THAMES MLDFIELD,., < \ AND.HAVINO THB ■ 1 L AUG IS ST OIROULATI I IS THB BBS! , '' MEDIUM; FOIi ADVEIiTMKQ. ■ . Tho Advertiser is' Published 1 Every Morn«, ing at 5 o'clock, and circulates largely throughout Qrahamstown, Shortland, Tap, Coromandel, and Auckland, as well as throughout tho other Provinces of New Zealand, '' I TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. .. ( , for. Quarter (in advance) •• ' 010 ■' ■ Per Quarter (if booked) ..''•' , , t (n2 , . 3 Single Copies .... 0' 0 Subscribers papers aro'delivered regularly every morning, and any irregularity should bo at once communicated to tho Proprietors, ': . - AGENGIE.S. Qrahamstown ... Mr, E. Ihjbra, Brown* . „ ... Mr, Carter, Booksoller, Shortland :,„ Mr,JKmß6oK,Book«cllo'•, " ■ . Pollcn-strcot^' ■ '.' ! • „ ... Mr Noddeb, rollou-strco ;'.„....' ..• Mr MoRO.AK,' Poiten-Btrco'. ■„; ■.J Mr Mason, Mary.strcct • : Tapu (Hastings).,.' Mr. Siefubns, Qcnoral • ' 'Storo, l'apu, ■ "', Ooroniandcl ... Matt Office, , Kapang Road. . . . . Auokland ~, Bmd& Bruit,.' Event ■• Star' Office, Queen-B - Dunedln' ... Mr. B. T. Whehlbr, Stafford-street Sydney ... Qordoh abd Qoioh Melbourne ... . >t n London/ ... Q. Strew, 30 Cornhlil ( | .'« ,„ Gordon &Q.oxoii,Holboin a /"'"',. '■ > J POSTAL BATES, IS MIISRB., ir I. Town letters posted at any Post Office within tho Colony for delivery; at or from such I, Post Officer-' ' ;B Not exoccding half an ounoe • , • 1 ' s Hxeeeding half an ouneo and not cxteodlng 10 oneounoo. •. ■. :' • , •': 2d. For every half ounce, or fraction of half an 17 ounce abovo one ounoe ... •Id '• 11. Country letters any Post Oilico II within'tho Colony for or from any n Post Office within the Colony—. •..',... 4 Not exceedint; half an ounce , • •2d Exoccding half an ounce, but not exceeding n ; one ounce "■ ■ .' * " For evory half ounce or fraction of half an '• onnoo above one ounce , • « 2d. 5 ; 111. Australian Colonios—. 'Not excoedlng half an ounoo • • 2d ■ ; Exceeding half an ounce, but. not excoedlng l0 ' pno.ouneo •"■■''■■• '• -40 i 0 For every halt ounce, or fraotlon ol ! half an ; 10 : ounce above one ounce • . -2d r< IV. South Sea Islands (FIjU, 'Bandwiol )r Islands, io.)-' Not exceeding half an ounoe • ' • 1 For evory additional half ounoo or fraotlon . I ..halfauounee.' ">.«". ■■ >''[ • The rates of postage In New Zealand to be • ' ohargod on oorrespondenoo'for the United King* . dom, via Brindisi, are as follows;10 ; . ' .miibes'. n Not exceeding half an ounoo .'/. ' ■ 9d is Excoedlng half an ounoo and not exoccding id one ounoe ; • ■ l»U >t : And so on, fid for every additional hall-ounoe 1- or fraotlon of half an ounce, '• mwbpapbbs, . Posted at any Post Offioe within tho Colony for dcllv*6jy at the same Post Office • "•• ' ' "" •. id j Posted at any Post Offioe vdthln the. ,4 • Colony for delivory at any other j Post Offioe within the Colony • |d a Australian Colonics ■ ■ Id j United Kingdom « • Id jIORII ordkr batis, On and after the Ist January, the oommlralon chargeable on Money Orders on the' United Kingdom will boss followji!- , Not acceding *2 • ■ • 10 '' Excoedlng £i and not exceeding £6 • 2 6 Exceeding £6 and not exceeding £7 • 8 6 , a Exceeding sfc7 and sot exceeding *10 • 6 0 ie IK NIV ZEALAND, r r < Noteieooding £5 • ■ ■ Od 8 Exceeding and not exceeding £10 •• Is AUSTRALIAN OOLOMI3, Not eioooding £5 • • • • ll Exceeding £6 and not oioooding ' • 2b .0 BOOK AM) rAXHBN JABOIM (VU DBlNDIBl), ' 1- . Not exoeodlng one onnoe » •2d q Kxeeedlng one onnoe and not exoeodlng Wo ir ' ounees • . • . • ■■ •Id |° Exoeodlng two onneos and not-exceeding 'o four ounocs ... . fl ,l Exceeding four onncoi and' not exceeding li eight ounces - ■ • li 2d And so on, 7d for erery additional font ounces or fraction of four ounces, y VIA BAN IBAHOISOO, iv The rates of Postage on correspondence for. 0 warded by the Paoifio Mall Servloe via San 1 Franolioo are as follows:— ' y Lettori Niwipapon Paoketf ioi. . Xach; \\h, Sandwloh Wands • 6d Id Id , x , UnlUd States '■. .M Id . Id is Canadian dominions 8d 2d 'Id n BrltUh Columbia-Is 2d . 6d 11 West Indies •Is •'2d . .Od' ■ ' .» Is . '2d Jd 0 Central Amciloa •Is : 2d :Id s South Amorica -1b 2d : U . 1 Except Bolivia, Chill, Ecuador, and Peru, for it whloh the rates are— s Not excoedlng.half an ounce • : •Is M For every additional half ounce or fraction it ; . ! half an ounoe'. • •.'• Is Cd 'J United kingdom same as via Sues, o Continent of Buropo, 4c, via the United King' J dom, «amo as via Suos, J If a letter be' posted wholly unpaid, the letter must be detained and dealt with according - to rule 163. If a letter addressed to any place 1- within the Colony be not sufficiently prepaid I' with pottage stamps, but nevertheless beir j postage stamp of tho value of ono penny, the r letter must be forwarded charged with double 0 the amount of the deficient postage If a letter |j liable to ■ mow than ono rate of postage, and j addressed to any place In the United Kingdom, the Colonies of New South Wales, Victcm, k South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia, ■ be prepaid with one rate at least, the letter nut be forwarded ohargod with the deficicnoj and an amount equal to one rate as a fine> but * letter addressed to any other colony or foreign country, If not fully prepaid, must bo detained and dealt with according to rule 153 i iooi npjiifi For placei In New Zetland. Anjitrallaß Colonic, and United KlDgdocNot'exoeedlsg one ounce • • '• Id One ounce to two cuncte • • • id Tkq euk'es to four ounces- . > it Ever j additional four euncea ■ » Id

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Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2141, 7 September 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2141, 7 September 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2141, 7 September 1875, Page 4