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The footpath and road in Quecn-slrcet in front of the Masonic Hall and Mcnnie and Doj'b new buildings is in a wretched state, and requires immediate attention, or it will becomo impassable for foot-passengers, Pedestrians travelling between Orabamstown and Shortlqnd invariably use this road, instead of going round to Pollen-street by Albert-street, and as Ijio Borough Council recently provided stone crossings in Cochrane-street, they ought to complete tbo work by at least putting the Queen-street footpath in order, . On reference to our Police Court report it will be seen' that there were several charges laid yesterday for breaches of the peace by fighting in Burkcstreet. There was no appearance of two of the parlies charged, and it appears that one for whoso apprehension a warrant has been issued had absconded. These were the parties who took part in the disgusting fight in Burkc-strect last week, ill which the combatauts gnawed eilch other liko dogs instead of fighting iu the usual way. A juvenile lodge cf the Protestant Alliance Friendly Society, is to bo opened in the ICaraka school-room thisovening. • f

A soiree is to bo held to niglit at tlio Good Templar Hall, Rollcston-slrcct, of wbiohwill go towards tho liquidation of tlio debt on the building, After tea there will bo addresses delivered on Templar principles, and ,thoproccodingswillbo varied by singing and recitations, and wo have no doubt an cnjoyablo evening will be paßsed by those who attend. " Tho adjourned meeting of tho lhamca Borough Council was to havo been held last night, but it'lapsed for want of a quorum,' There were present his Worship tho Mayor and Councillors Ehrenfricd, Renshaw, and Wilson, The plans of tbe proposed tramway across Pollen-street from N tbo Crown Princess shaft were laid on the table, and the Mayor instructed tho Town Clerk to advertiso the requisite notices regarding it. A deputation, consisting of Messrs 11, C. Lawlor, Prico, and Diuilop, waited ou the Council regarding tho formatioii of a road or footpath along the botch to tlio Karaka, nnd ii good deal of conversation ensiled as to the best means to bo adopted, but in tho absenco .of a quorum of tho Council nothing definite could bt decided,furthor tbau that tho Mayor promised that tlio Work's Committee would report on tho matter. Wo havo no doubt tho residents, in Queouistrtct, or those whoso interest it is that the traffic should not be diverted, would subscribe a proportion of tho amount required for the formation of a good footpath. ( ■ Tho schooner 1 Leslie' was piloted down tho' river yesterday and cleared out at tho customs for Noumea, New Caledonia, with*a cargo of 83,2G3 feet of timber shipped on account of Messrs .Henderson and' Macfarlano, Passenger—Mr Manning, supercargo, '

. Tliero was a .thin house at tho Thcatro Boyal last night on thb occasion of tho second appearanco of tlio Thornton troupe, The perfumnnco was in a great messuio a repetition of that of Saturday _ night, excopt that it was much more finished and elaborate, and although playing tt> a comparatively empty houso, tho performers rendered their parts with very great spirit. ' There was no hitch in the musio, and the burlesque and songa wcro consequently infinitely moro succcetful. Tho aerial suspension was also elaborated, tlio suspended'lady being inado to represent various nationalities and, characters while undor tho niesmorio influence of Mr Thornton. There, will bo no performance again until Thursday night on tlio occasion of a benefit to Miss Amy, when a new programme will bo introduced. An Auckland conttmporary's Wellington correspondent telegraphs" Tho Tairua Com» mittee sat three hours yesterday, I uuderatand a number of witnesses arc ordered from Auckland. The Ohinciuuri miners' rights enquiry begins on Tuesday, Mr Brissenden be examined," . . The following is the slalo of the Thames Qoldficlds Hospital for the weekending 21st August:—Kemniued, 23; admitted, 8; dis. chargod, 6; died 3; remaining, 22, Tho diseases are as follows:—Eheumatisni, 1; wounds and injuries, 4 5 albuminuria, 1; femoral sinus, 1; phthisis, 2; anionorhoca, 1; hernia, 1: cczcraa, \; ulcer of leg, 1; asthma, 1; hepatitis, 1; urinary, fistula, 1 j periostitis, 1; fercr, 1; concussion of brain, 1; diubctis, 1; abscess, 1; pharyngitis, 1, Remaining—Maliß, 18; females, 4; total, 22, Out-patients, 94,

The Horn Mr Bonar htis introduced a bill into the Legislative Council to give a legal titlo and status to the Presbyterian Church of Now Zealand. Mr Wales has brought in a bill to the Hondo'of Representatives to provido for tho incorporation of trustees of tho " religious body known as the Presbyterian Church of Otago and Fouthland," We had not previously heard of this distinction,. But it should seem" what waß expedient for tho local distinctions should also be desired by tho General Assembly of that Church, Tho properties of tho Church are not only considerable, in extent, but very valuable all over tbo colony. All obstructions to the advantageous dealing with trust property for the benefit of tho whole body of tho Churoh Bhould bo removed Why, therefore, should two Ecparate bills bo requisite I—Herald,

The bill introduced by Mr Mcrvyn to tho Houso of Representatives, and entitled in Hansard Goldlields Bill No. 2, has for its object to extend the quantity of land which may be taken up under tho agricultural leasing syetcin from 200 to 320 acres,; and secondly, to define tho maximum amount of compensation which may be paid to pastoral tenants for land required for settlement under tho agrioultural leasiug system on goldlields, Tho first object is not open to discission, but tho second can hardly fail to provoko contention, Tho estimated equitable tental is stated to bo 7,[ per cent, of the value of tho land held by tho pastoral tenant. But it is said tho pastoral tenants of the fouth ho'd tho land nt a mere "bagatelle," in some cases paying to tho couutry not much more than what is known in England as a peppercorn rent. Tho average rental paid by the pastoral tenant is said to bo from one-ninth to one-sixth of the fair rental that would be chargeable according to tho market value of tho land, It is not dearly stated, though it is assumed, that this per ccnt. might form the basis of any such compensation. The question of maximum was left lo tho House, It could scarcely havo boon otherwise. But as to how tbo proposal will fare in Committee, it is not necessary to fpccuInto. Tlio " pastoral tenants" aro powerful in Parliament, for the present at all events,— Herald.

The following wcro tho passengers for iho South on Saturday by tlio ' Turanaki 1 and •Taupo':—Per 'Taranaki'—Mr and Mrs McDonald and two children, Mits Crump, Mr W. McDonald, and ethers booked at Onehunga, Per ' Taupo —Mr and Mrs Penny,' Miss Warren, Mrs Wbitiker, Mr and Mra Christmas, Mr and'Mra Brown, Dr Warren, Mews Oi Cowan, H. Kayscr, Hansen, I{. B. Jonce/'Snoll, Marganctti, Bucklcy, Wilcox, Ilanio, Donald, Clcary, nnd eleven in tlio steerage,

From tho Waifalo Times on Saturday wo extract tho following:—"At a mcetipg of settlers of Tamahere yesterday afternoon, at which every ratepayer iu the district attended except one who vras his house by an accident, tho following resolution, moved by Mr Leslie, seconded by Mr Rcid, was carried unanimously:—'That this meeting is of opinion that the passing of tho Abolition of Provinces and Local Government Bills during the present session of Parliament is absolutely necessary to secure juslico to the out-districts and to tho olony generally.' .. Mr Cmnming was in the chair."

' On Wednesday evening, at tho Flagstaff Hotel, a meeting was held for the purpose of opening an Odd Fellows Lodge at tbo North Slioro. At tbo appointed hour, P.P.O.M.Q.M. Green took his soat as G.M,, Brother G.M, Bagnall as N.G., Brother D.U.M. Thackcyas V.G., Brother 0.8. 11. J. Smith as Secretary F.F.D.G.M. Mills as Warder, and P.S. Burgess as I.G. Tho usual formalities on such an occasion having been observed, the members of tho .newly-constituted lodge elected tho following officers: —P.S. Inglis as N. 0., Brother Sims as V.G., Brother Oxenham as Secretary, and P.P.G.M, Colo to act as G.M, and L.M. A dinner followed, and the follow* ing toasts were given during tho evening, Bro. G. M, Bagnall having given tho usual loyal and .patriotic toastsTho " Manchester Unity," given by P.P.G.M, Place, responded to by P.P.G.M. Cole, who proposed " Tho Officers of tho Auckland District," which was responded to by Brother G. M. Bagua'l. Tho Chairman proposed, "Success and prosperity to tho Devonport lodge,' 1 and minutely explained tbo objects of tho society. P.O. Inglis, as N.G., responded) Brother Gcdkin proposed "The Past District Officers," which was responded to by P.P.G.M's Green, Colo, and Hobson. Brother Mays proposed "The Ladies." P.P, G.M. Cole gave tho "Host and Hostess," which was well received, and suitably acknowledged by host Parker. Mr Bill's band discoursed sweet musio during tho evening, and several songs were sung. After givingthreo chccrs for the Warden, tho company dispersed, after having spent a pleasant eveniug.

One day, just as an English officer had arrived at Vienna, the cmpresn, knowing that ho had Beeu a certain priuccss much celebrated for her beauty, asked birn if it was really true that she was tho ii'osl beautiful woman ho had over seen. " I thought to yesterday," ho replied,

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Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2129, 24 August 1875, Page 2

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Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2129, 24 August 1875, Page 2

Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2129, 24 August 1875, Page 2