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Abolition meetings have been called by tin Provincialisls at Otahuhu, Ponsonby, and Onehunga. Inthiamanner "publicopinion' 1 is manufactured in Auckland, The Thamcf might as well call meetings at Paraw; ', Tararu, and on Block 27.

A new association, to be called the Thames Stock and Share Association, was formed yesterday, and tho old society will ceaso to exist. It WBB found difficult to obtain tho resignations of some of the absent members, and a new society was therefore formed to got over the difficulty,

Two men, who were in an advanced state of intoxication, quarrelled in Burkestrectyesterday, but instead of fighting in the usual manner, they clawed and pawed at each other in a disgusting manner. When'they were dragged asunder by the bystanders, one was endeavouring to gnaw the car of the other of. We havo not beard the names of these worthies, and regret that they made off before the police came up.

Aiico's Troupe gave another very succfSßful performance at the Theatre Royal last night, The house was not to well filled as on Saturday night, but the feats were cleverly and gracefolly performed, and the performers were heartily applauded. At the conclusion of the performance, a large number of prizes were presented, including the'tea service which was drawn on Saturday night and a found of beef, To-night the troupe will give their last performance at the Thames, and on this occasion the proceeds will be for the benefit of the hospital, We hope the public will show their appreciation of the cervices of this clever troupe by attanding in large numbers to as to make the benefit a substantial one.

v Tho Thames Borough Volunteer Firo Brlgadoi Trill celebrate their nnnivenary on Thursday next by a danco at tho Academy of Music

At a meeting o( tho Thames Miners' Accident Kcliof Fund Committco held last' night at tho Governor Bowen Hotol, thero wero present Messrs S. E, Richards (in tho chair), Murray, Love, Dunlop, Goldsworlhy, Carnie, Uomor, Donnelly, and Day. Apologies for unavoidablo absenco wero recoived from Messrs Harris, Fotts, and Hicks, The general rontino business was transacted, Ono application was received, and payment authorised. It was resolved tint tho office which has lately been open for ono hour on Saturdays bo dono away with, thero being so few who pay subscriptions at the office

Our London correspondent, writing.undor. dato Juno 291h, says :-r" I have to report tho arrival of the San Francisco mail yesterday. It is gratifying to tho publio the serviceis keep* ing better time. Shipping business to theprincipal ports of New Zoaland is flourishing,' and very satisfactory, all Bhips on their berths loading with little or no difficulty, with tho exception of dead weight for Auckland, which has been very scaro for tho last two ship.*. Emigrants aro coming to band most freely, and of a better class than usual. I am given to understand there will bo somo check upon emigration after tho month of August, thon it is only to be a nominated and assisted passage I have no doubt (his will bo a step in the right direction, that will ensuro tho colony, a more" useful and belter olnss of emigrants, Trading to tho Australian Colonics appears to bo very much overdone, fine powerful 'Bhips making long stays here, and thon loading with tho vcy low rate of 7s Gd and 12s per ton, whioh certainly mi, ht do very well for tho morohonts, but not.the owners; but then competition is tho order of tho day. Iho ship,' Uarisbrooko Castlo' had a fino class of emigrants, It was circulated in Belfast they woro taking out among them £25,000, but tho truth of this I havo no doubt you will obtain from tho ablo ron of Samuel Cochrane, tho agent there. Your last ship 'Columbus' was dc>, tained over a week in tho channel with very' sovcro gales. Sho took her departure from tho lalo of Wight on tho 15lb, From tho oth tor tho 16th heavy gales blew over, our coast, oaus> ing groatdnmage to shipping. The ship' Whito. Eaglo' will leave here on tho s'>k of July. Tho lino powerful chip 'Ocean Mail'will bo the next Auckland Bhip, sailing on tho Ist of, August. Thanks for tho papers which como to baud by every mail, and nro put on beard' tho various Bhips to different ports for tho uso of tbopeople-ouboard,to verso them in colonial matters."

A. mestingof the Roman Catholics was held at the Catholic Church in Shottlaud on Sunday last. The Rev Fathor Ch&staguon garo an no count of bh ministrations. Ho said apart from all other obligations on him his greatest anxiety was that tho Catholic children of tho parish should receive a Oatholio education, and that in connection wiili their business ho would etato that he was confident that every just man would consider with him that as long as they paid for tho education of their own children it was not right that they should pay for the education of the children of other?; in plain terms he considered that in any freo country a man was required only to pay for tho education of his own children, and that in conncotion with this subject if more in that respect was required of any man, and that ho'.wns compelled to comply, ho did not think that any such course was con* Bistcnt with the principles of a free Btato, Ho would sty no more on this subject at present, as he felt sure that tho enlightened Btalcsmcn in-whoso bauds those matters were now placed would deal out even-handed justice to every* body. Wo learn that about £50, was contributed at tho meeting in aid of tho Catholic school. There is no denying the fact that since this was established it has been a matter of great anxioty to tho Catholics of tho Thames, and most earnest attention of tho Rev Father Chastagnon Binco he becamo pastor of tho parish. Tho school was about £600, in dobf, but Bomo of it was soon paid off. Still a con* siderablo sum remained due, but through tho munificent gift of two gentlcmon this sum has been cleared away. Wo may Btato that Mr James McCabe and Mr ilonald McDonald aro tho donors, each to tho amount of £100, thereby clearing off the last remnant of tho debt, and leaving tho parish in' tho proud position it stands at tho prcsont time, namely, free of all liabilities,—[Communicated,]

Tho mail stoamer' Maogrcgor' was tho bearer for Sydney of 1 box of gold, shipped by tho Bank of New Zealand, weighing 7950zs (rats 2gM, and 1 box gold chipped by the Queen of Beauty Gold Mining Company, weighing 364 ozs; total value, £4,000. ' ;

The regular trading ship 'City of Auckland, 1 Captain Balls, undor charter to Messrs Shaw, Saville and Co., left London for Auckland on the Uth June, and Gravcsend next day, She passed through tho Downs on tho Utb. Tho

'City'has on board tho following passengers: —Saloon: Master Sianley, A. Hadrill, Mr Wat* kinß, Mr 0. A. Waite, Mr MoVoy Baird, Mr Archdeacon L Baird, Mr W. Hunter, and Mr Evan Morgan. Second Cabin! Captain J» Anderson, Mr James Hardy, Miss 0, Balgo', Miss Nora Balger, Messrs Biohard Morgar, Alexander R, A. Spior Dick, Henry G, C. Moycr, Henry Oiricn, James Law, Mre Jano Law, Mr Robert J, Korruish, Mrs Kcrruißb, Mis 3 Margaret Kcrruish, Miss Ada Kcrruisb, Miss Sarah Kcrruisb, Miss Jeßsio Kcrruisb, Miss Nellie Kerruisb, and Mr Thomas A, Ailing* bam, Intermediate: Mr Robert Johnson and MrH, W. Price. Steerago: Mr R. S, Land, Mr James Batty, Mrs Batty, Alico Batty, and Mr Henry Howard, Tho ship brings a fu'l gcnoral cargo, and will bo consigned to Messrs Cruickshank and Co.—Tho ship 'Columbus,' which left London for. Auckland on tho Bth Juno, passed west of St Katherine's Point on the 16th.—Tha Bbip 'Zcalandia,'from Sydney, arrivod at Gravesend on tho 14th Juno, It will bo remembered, that this vessel camo out to Auokland from London, md afterwards proceeded to Sydney to load for homo. By latest advices Bbo was on the berth for Otago.—Tho ship 'Miltiadcs' left London for Melbourno on the 12th June, In bringing up in tho Downs on tho 14tb she lost anchor and chain, ' Sho Bailed again on tho 17th,—Tho tonnage on tho berth at London for Australia and Now Zealand ports, on tho 24th Juno, amounted to 87,263 tons.' Tho 'Fcrnglon,' Bbip. loft Auokland on Saturday, with tho following'passcugcrs, .for London!— Saloon: Mrs U. MoDonnoll, P; Tippett, Mr and Mrs M.. P. Welsh j Mows If. Williams, JJ. MoMurdo, Steerago: Mr and Mrß James Carlow, Jano Carlow, Mr and Mrs Samson Joll, Miea r'arah Collis, Messrs J, Anderson, W, Anderson, H. L. Fleming, J, Reid, H, M. Richards, J, J, Burgess, Herbert Humdall, Mrs Eliza Head and two children, Mary, Laura, Ellen, and Charles Ibbetson Total—27. ThoR.M.B. i'Macgregor' left Auckland on Sunday for Sydney, Passengers:—SaloonBaker's Uibernicon Troup (7), Messrs W. Porch, Edward Lamb, J, C, Raincr, J, N. Wilson, Captain Parr, Mrs W. Hatcly. Steerage—Messrs A. Redman, Q. Gardner, J. McMii'ar, and 32 original passcngcis from S»a Francisco, Tho honour of representing .the East Coast district will, says a Oisborno contemporary, to all appearance, bo keenly contested, Tho addresses of Col. Philip .Harington, and Mr 0. B, Morris, in another column, whilst wo have heard it rumoured that several influential' residents in the district bavo telegraphed to Mr W. S, Moorbouso, tho present Major of Wellington and formerly Superintendent of Canterbury, requesting him to allow himself to bo nominated as a candidate, Tho New Zealand Timet says, of tho lato Mr Beckham's successor:—Tho appointment of Mr Fenlon to bo District Judge of Auckland, to which we referred a few days since, is ono whioh will giro general satisfaction. Mr Fcnton wai for a long time Assistant-Law Officer to the Crown, but oa remoral of tho Feat of Govern* ment, did not care to leave Auckland, and was subsequently appointed Chief Judgo of tho Native Lands Court, a position in which ho was distinguished by his ability, He is an English barrister and a sound lawyer, and bis appointnifnt is ono which can bp taken exception to by nobody,

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Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2123, 17 August 1875, Page 2

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Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2123, 17 August 1875, Page 2

Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2123, 17 August 1875, Page 2