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Medical.- r ■ ....( .1. , .— _ DO W ELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED; IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. • ; Dear Sir,—lmay tell you that I haw used i your Balsam for a very long timo (both for 1 myself and my family). I think it an ; invaluable medicino for numbers of my pro- , fession, and hare alwava strongly recommended it to my brother and Bister artists, If yon' think a testimonial from mo would be of any service, you are very welcome to mako uso of this. I am, Sear Sir, Youib troly, LIONEL BROUGH, Globe Theatre. POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, THB FAVOURITE COUGH REMEDY, THOUSANDS OF VALUABLE LIVBB havo been eared this year in England by it<* timely uso. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, NIGHT COU(3H, ;&0., IT 18 UNSURPASSED. Sold by Chemists and .Storekeepers throughout Australia and Now Zealand. Prepared by THOMAS POWELL,; 16, BLAOKFMARS ROAD, LONDON, Tbadb Mabk, Lion, Net and Mousb. NBRYOUSNESSi WEAKNESS! PIMPLES IN THE PACE I FLUSQIKGI. MSB OF MEMORY! MENTALDBFRESSIONS|I All those suffering from the abovo ailments should apply before it is too lato and irremedi* ablo to Dr L. L. Smith, who is the only legally qualified medical man in the Australian Colonics practising solely on'these diseases and their origin. DrL. L. SMITH'S namo is a household word, and through his means many thousands of homes hare been mado happy, and many whoso lives were a misery to them bare been restored to health and comfort. His practice in Victoria has extended now over 21 years on this speciality of his profession. His practice extends moreover throughout all thcßO Colonics, and patients hare visited him oven from Java, Borneo, Japan, China, and India, To convey somo idea of tho extent of his fame and name, ho has been consulted from Great Britain six times during the year 1874. Those wishing to consult Dr L. L. SMITH can do bo by enclosing a One Found note, stating age, symptoms, and duration of suffering, A reply will bo sent by return mail. DrL, L. SMITH, for the convenience of those who personally consult him, has taken those extensive premises in Collins-street, lato the residence of His Excellency tho Governor. Every luxury and comfort will bo foumd for those waiting o consult tho Doctor, Address-* DrLL. SMITH, Collins-s'reet East, Melbourne, Consultation Fee by letter, £1, N.B.—For the convenience of patients in the neighbouring Colonies who wish to visit him personally in Victoria, Dr L. L, Smith has taken a largo mansion in tho suburbs and fitted it np as a Private Hospital for the treatment solely of tho above affections; and also including (jout, Sciatica, and painful nervous diseases. Medicines, appropriately packed, forwarded to all the Colonies. Books written by Dr L, L. Smith, Post free; postago stamps, Means of 'Prolonging Life Is 9d Medical Household Sketches, No. 1 3s Od Do do do, No. 2ls Od Weakness and Sterility ... 2s Od Medical Almauae, 1875 Od HEALTH FOE A SHILLING I TJOLLOWAY'S PILLS. FMKHD3 AUD FELLOW-CouHTKYHBH Most ol you now residing at tho Antlpodcß luvo no doubt often seen your paronts uso these Household Medicines both {or you and themselves; you and your chlldron will act wisely in following thel example, (Signed) THOMAS HOUOWAY Dkbahqbmeht o? ins Boms, Lira am. Siomaoh Complaints. Ibis medicine li so well known n overy part of tho world, and tho cures effected by Its use aro so wonderlul, as to astonish everyone, Its pre-eminence as a remedy for bilious and liver complaints, aud derangements of the stomach and bowels, is no longer a matter of dispute or doubt. In these dlseasos the beneficial effects of IMoway's invaluable Fills are so permanent and extensive that the wholo system Is renovated, the organs of digestion strengthened, and fall and easy assimilation promoted, so that both physical and moral onorgy are Increased, DBTERHIHATION Of BLOOD 10 TUB HEAD. Ihls is geuorolly occasioned by some irregularity of the stomach and bowels, which, if not quickly attended to, frequently terminates fatally, A few doses of these famous Pills never fall to glvo tone to the stomach, regularity to the secretions, and purity to the liuids. Vertigo, dimness of sight, and other indications of approaching apoplexy, aro entirely dissipated by a course of this admirable medicine, Xhk Fmiitfs Best Kmend. For all debilitating disorders peculiar to tho sex aud In every contingency perilous to tho lifo of women, youthful or aged, married or single, this mild but speedy remedy Is recommended with friendly earnestness, It will correct all functional doraugements to which they aro subject, SCROFULA AUD ALIi SKIH DIBEABKS. for all skin diseases, however Inveterate, these medicines are a sovereign remedy, Whllo the Pills act upon the blood, which they purify, the Ointment passes through tho pores of tho skin, and cleanses every ttructuro. as water saturates the soil or as salt penotratesmeat. The whole physical niachlnory is thus rendered healthy, regular, and vigorous. coughs. Colds,] aro asthmas. No medicino will euro colds of loug duration or such as are settled upon the chest so quickly as famous Pills. Evenln cases where the first stage of asthma has appeared, these Pills may bo relied on as a certain audnover-failing remedy, particularly f tho Ointment be simultaneously well rubbed into he chest and throat night and morning [HDIOESTIOS.-BIUOUS HJBADAOHE. . Theio complaints are sometimes considered trilling, but it should be burne in mind that, by inattention and neglect, they often end- most seriously. Glvo early thought to a deranged stomach, take Hollowa/s PUls, rub his colebrated Oiutmout er the pit of tho stomach, and you will shortly porcelvo a change for the better in your digestion, spirits, appetite, strength, and energy. Tho improvements though it may be gradual, will be thorough and lasting. —» HOLLOWAI'S PUIS ABE TUB BESI BEMKDV KKOWH ID IBS WOBLD JOBIHJSIOLLOWIKQ DISEASES i jtgue Inflammation Asthma Jaundice Bilious Complaints Liver Complaints Blotches on the Skin Lumbago Bowel Complaints Plies Colics Bheamatlsm Constipation oi the Mention ol urine - Bowels Ecofula, or King's £vll Consumption Sore Throats Debility Stono and Gravel Dropsy Secondary Symptoms Dysentery TioDouleureux Erysipelas Tumours female Irregularities Ulcers Fevers of all kinds Venereal Affections 'Pits Worms of all kinds Gout Weakness, rom what* Headaches , evercatue to. do, Indigestion Tkn U a ctniidtralk wing by taking (kt larger tittt. , N.B.—Dlxetloui for the guidance of pttlenls In v \ery dlioidti are ifSxed to tacb box,

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Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2123, 17 August 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2123, 17 August 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2123, 17 August 1875, Page 4