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----; The funeral of Mrs Pox, widow of. tho Into Mr Robert Fox, took place yesterday, and wis very.largoly attended.' Tho members of tho UibcruUn Rndfity, clothed la rejalia, mußtcrcd-' strongly, and marched at tho hoad of tho pro* cession in front of tho hearso. A largo con* courao of citizens followed, who testified by their presence their' Borrow for tho chain of - afflicting circumstances which had resulted so disastrously, Mrs Fox had no rolativca at tho Thames nor in the colony,- nor were thdro any relatives of tho lato Mr Fox in Now Zealand, but the friends and acquaintances of both b&w that her desires were carrlod out. Prior to her death Mrs Fox bequeathed her to her mother, who resides in Ireland. On theai rival of> tho funeral procession at the cemetery, tho cofltn r jwas taken from tho hearse and carried to tbo ;• grave of Mr Fox, This had been opened, and tho coffin of Mrs FoX was laid on top of it',' !Tho coliin of tho stillborn infant was placed on top of that of its mother) go that the whole family •who less Iliad twelve months ago began lifoas a happy married ocnplo now rest in ono grate in the Shortlaud cemetery. Tho funeral ritc3 of tho Catholic Church were performed at tho grave by the Ref. Father Mahony, A singular, breakage occurred at tho Tram* way battery about 9 o'clook on Tuesday night, The cam-shaft, a 4J-inch iron bar, broke aotosa-' close to the' middle. This. of courso caused a Btoppago of the battery, but tho broken shaft was at onco taken out and sent for ropaira to Price's foundry. Hero, upon examination, it appeared that the wonder was not bo much that it had broken, but that it had held together., thore had evidently been an old weld at'this part, which had not properly .joined, for tho nature of the break showed that at'least half the bar had only been solid and intact. Be* pairs wcro so far. completed last Sight, that the battery will start to work again early this morning. : ■ ■, , Our Ohinemuri correspondent, writing' on' Tuesday,'says;—."The Warden'went, out to Waitekauri on Sunday, and returned last night. He had voiy bad woather -both going and re* t'lmin.q, but yesterday morning- was line, and lie had'timo to lcok around, While there, ho succeeded in bringing tho suit between tho Queen.of Beauty and Golden Point to a satisfactory conclusion, .In fact, (ho thanks of tho miners in that district are due to Captain Fra'cr for .the great, trouble ho has taken to put things straight, and thus forward the interests of that district particularly, and of tho field generally. < Tho amalgamation of tho Dan Leahy, Golden Crown, and Golden Point claims is nearly. completed, and. Messrs Marriman, Carroll, and Mungoran (as representatives of the shareholders) have applied for protection for nino month?, whioh will bo granted, when Mcs<rs Bleazard and Brown havo entered into a bond for £2,000. Mr McLaren rcturnod this evening from Waitekauri." - Mr Oookson, of Williamson-street, Grahams* town, has just completed, to tho order of tho Thames 'Volunleerß, a handsomo belt, tho Thames' District Belt,' »nd is now in tho postession of Lieutenant Paul. Tho- 'bolt itself is of black glazed leather, and carries a cartouche box, , which is ornamented with a silver monogram of tho letters -T.D.V., ( and with & silver border r«uod tho edges, In the centre of iho belt there is a raised crown, undor which are two crossed rifles, -Mo plates or o'asps immediately above > and bobcath tho crown are handsomely engraved with borders of oak leaves, and , bearing. tho .inscription "Thames' Volunteer District Belt" neatly.engraved on them. There are ten other clasps upon which the names of tho winners aro to to engraved. Tho belt is to bo competed for quarterly by tho Thames Volunteers. It h« been won for the first timo by Captain Murray, of the Thames Scottish, to whom it is ti bo presented next Thursday, . ■ , ' ' : The usual fortnightly meeting of the Waiotahi District Board was held last nfgbt, Present - Messrs A.firodic (in the chair), O. S. Broun, Q', Hill, J. Coutts. The minutes of last meeting wers read and, confirmed, A letter from certain ratepiyers was read, asking the Board . lo make a road from the second bridge (near the Nonpareil) on the tramway towards tho Collarbone, to junclion ( with the. Irish Town Eoad, and pointing out tho necessity which

existed for «nch ft;road,'' The' Chairman naid tnit some of the peopls told him they woold contribute to the expense, It,was decidid to refer the ■ inatter to the Works Committee io inquire into the probable cost of the road, and now m Qch the.'applicants would * contribute in money or labour, with power to act, provided the residents contributed to'the eitent tl £3. A .letter,.; from the the head of tho Waiotali Creek was read,'calling attention to the stale of the road from' the Multnm-in-pano,.hopper ,t°_ ,the head ,\of the Moanatalarl''-tramway. It was'"so bad that they wer® ab!o .to get; down their qwtz, The track referred an old goldfields tt«lr, and only a'email portion 'of'it was bad. The Chairman Baid that the cost would not be, Tery. great, lt .wa? referred .to. thd ft'Wkli Committed, with ■ power'to'Act.—i Mr Charles Hopkins was appointed to compile an ajjwnient list,. In .conjunction with the PoVeman of Workg, : adds sum of £6 63 was roted as paymtnt to Mr Hopkins,—The Chairman was authorised to procure, a plan of the,; district, to'lib forwarded with a' petition'to'the" Goneral Asaembly/aetting forth tbo wants of the district, and asking for assistance to enable the Board to open up roads—tbo petition to be forwarded to Mr 0. O'Neill for presentation; also, that letters be Eent to Sir George Grey and Mr John Sheehan, asking them to support tho, petitiop.—Tho Secretary was instruct:d to apply--to'the Provincial Government for the grant'of: £20 for planting trees, and. for, ' the first instalment of the sura granted for the maintenance of naflj and tracks up to the ei )d of September, A letter wis read from the District'' Engineer stating" that.ho Was in- : structedts handover the Waiotahi Creek water supply to tho Board. ..It..was decided that Mr Brown and the ,Secretary,, should see Mr McLaren, and takoo^orthefliipply, 'and arrange *ith,the,:Bpugh -. Council 011. the. question of maintenance, a portion ,of the supply being within the Borotigh.' It'wis dicided to maintain tho nUmber'ofhahdi "already employed for' 1 another Affesw s accounts were passed, and the meejing then terminated. ,A. perusal ,o(,<>nr ,9tago exchanges (says New Zcaland'Timts) is,', sufficient to 'show that; In that province 'at least, there.- is a tery Mpious. machinery ..for,.tho : npurpof?3 : : of. local self.• government, 'which, were Provitalism abolished, ; to-morrow morning, sould'carry on all necessary' *adminiatration. 1 This same machinery has already dono a of sgood work in tho Southern province, ind would hitre done more had not many ol.tho resources which should have been at its disposal been' used up In the support of tho Provincial Government and the Province ajatem ot administration. ;. The Otagopapsre C? just now full of advertisements 'concerning the elections for members cf Road Boa'rdi '.andjvMunicipal fjCouncils; and y.m may, I,say,,, without, .hesitation, that were the Frpyincial.aystem'quietly put out of existence next week, these bodies would be quite competent to provide*, .all j the necessary machinery for the purposes of that government which it is.the cry of Provincial supporters would disappear with the diesppca'ranco of their favourite institution,' V-'■ -'.^iv.: r.- ;;j-

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Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2101, 22 July 1875, Page 2

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Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2101, 22 July 1875, Page 2

Untitled Thames Advertiser, Volume VIII, Issue 2101, 22 July 1875, Page 2