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A woolly sheepskin weighing 281bs. was sold by auction in Stratford recently and realised £1 5s 6d. Any small calf-skin is now worth from 8s 9d to 11s, IVo understand that Mr. S. W. Shaw has sold his beautiful residential property, “Glen Almond, ” Devon Street, \Vest, to Mr. H. Greig, of J?ukearuhe. The threatened sugar shortage will be avoided. Tho Government has been officially informed by the Colonial Sugar Company that the refinery at Chelsea Auckland, is working at its full capacity, and will continue throughout tho summer, so that the company will bo able to supply all reasonable local demands. Brown sugar is also available if required. A roving and pugnacious bull suffered an unfortunate fate when a train from the Wairarapa was passing through tho Mauawaiu Gorge last week. While the train was emerging from one of the tunnels it pulled up sharply. Tho bull had charged tho engine. Beyond causing tho temporary stoppage' of the train the animal’s misdirected energy had no effect on the object of its fury, while, by tho force of the impact, the ill-starred bovine itself was decapitated. The value of tar-sealing in roadmaking was , instanced at Saturday’s mooting of tho Eitbam County Council, says tlio iiltham Argus. There was some questihh as to what should bo done with certain surplus toll-gate revenue, and tho clerk said ho did not know whether it could bo used for any purpose but tho upkeep of the Eltham Road. Councillors pointed out that there was no stipulation to that effect, but when the toll-gato was erected they had not anticipated nqj; surplus to bo available for other purposes. That there was, only wont to prove tho success of tho tar-scaling policy adopted by tho council in all its fuSil work, which, while necessitating much greater initial outlay, yet was, in tho long nm, much more economical than tho ordinary macadamised road. In tho Queensland Legislative Assembly a week or two ago, tho Minister for Works (Mr. Larcombo) moved that ho hnvo leave to introduce a Bill to provide for the determination of fair rents for dwellings, This measure was, he said, a flesh and blood Bill to help the health and happiness of women and children. No lawyers would ho permitted iu ( tho Fair Rents Courts. Tho gross profit allowed to landlords would ho 10 per cent., from which they would have to bear tho cost of maintenance, depreciation, and taxation. The motion was agreed to. and the Bill was read a first time. Queensland is a little behind tho times. New Zealand has had a more stringent measure than this on tho statute book for some years. A fractured skull sustained by falling from a gun-carriage on to the concrete foundation of the cannon in the triangle at Newmarket, Auckland, on Saturday last, resulted in the death in the evening of Orrio William Eva, aged nine. The boy, who was a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Eva, of Amy Street, Ellerslie, and lately of New Plymouth, was playing on tho gun-carriage, when he fell. His mother, with three of her other children, was present when the accident occurred. The boy was conveyed to tho hospital, Where he died at about six o’clock. An inquest was held by Mr. J. W. Poyntnn, S.M., who returned a formal verdict and added that ho would write io the Newmarket Borough Council with regard to placing a fence around the cannon ns a precaution against similar accidents. Mr. Jacobson, Government Bee Inspector, will give a demonstration at Mr. J. W. Foreman's apiary. Tikorangj, to-morrow (Thursday), at 2 p.m. On November 26 the Wairarapa Farmers’ Co-op. Association will oiler for sale by auction the famous Mangntoro Estate which has been sub-divided into 11 farms, varying from 63 to 48 acres. Exceptionally easy terms for purchase havo been arranged and intending buyers should make a- point oi inspecting 'the property. Plans may bo obtained from this office. Why do you pay two profits when one will do? Being manufacturers, The Regal Shoe Store are able to soli at one profit, and you get tho benefit. Wo guarantee every boot and shoo made iu our own factory and our styles arc always amongst tho leaders. Give us a trial; you won’t regret it. —Regal Shoe Store, next Everybody's Theatre.* Word has been received by The Melbourne, Ltd., that their tender has-been accepted for salvage stock from the recent fire, at Roberts (N.Z.), Ltd.’s warehouse, Elliot Street, Auckland. The goods will be placed on sale at an early date.* Arrangements are well in hand for tho “Rose Tea” in aid of the funds of To Henui Church on Thursday afternoon, November 13. An excellent variety of roses and other choico flowers will be on sale. There will bo a good display of produce including ham, home-made bread, butter, cheese) eggs, new potatoes, sweets, flowers, etc., as well as afternoon tea. The produce stall will bo a special feature of tho afternoon. Gifts of all kinds will ho -gladly welcomed on Thursday morning at tlio Sunday School. An attractive programme with musical items, etc., lias been arranged for tho social gathering on Thursday evening. “No Rubbing” Laundry Help is free from all caustics or other injurious chemicals, hence the popularity of “No Rubbing.” Ono shilling packet sufficient for seven weekly washings.—J. M’Neill.* A special feature of tho window display at the Now Clothing Factory this week is the lino display of hat's. Our new season’s goods include the popular straw boater, also the newest panamas, English felt hats, and the well-known Stetson felts and velours. Boys’ and girls’ panamas and washing hats in great variety.—N.Z. Clothing Factory.* Mr. H. Hollis announces in this issue that ho has taken over tho shop lately occupied by Lancaster, boot repairer, Fitzroy, and is prepared to do hoot repairs shortest possible notice. Best materials and expert workmanship guaranteed. L. A. Nolan and Co. are advertising in tliis issue sale of salvage stock of Petty Bros. A quantity of now bedding, undamaged, will also he offered. Sale of Petty Bros.’ salvage stock, hy.L. A. Nolan and Co., is advertised in this issue. Amongst the stock offered is a quantity of new bedding.

Owing to the unprecedented October fogs the London Omnibus Company is reviving the linkboy system, and is training a staff of fogmen, equipped with lamps and signals, to guide omnibuses through the traffic. On dime 2, 1919, the cattle stocks in Germany were nearly 17,00(3,000, and there were not quite 9,000,000 swine and nearly 6,500,000 sheep. Compared with the last peace census of December 1, 1913, there is now a decrease of over 3,000,000 cattle and 13,000,000 swine. 1 The reappearance of Rhine wines on the tables of the dining-room in the House of Commons occasioned some banter. Mr. Billing asked Sir A. Gardner, chairman of the Kitchen Committee, w,hy the Rhine wines were purchased. Sir A. Gardner replied that various members wanted them, and there were cries of “Names!” Mr. Bottomloy suggested that it was the most agreeable method of helping Germany to pay the indemnity. The first “limited” express train from Wellington arrived in Auckland at 11.30 o’clock on Sunday morning, 20 minutes ahead of schedule time, it left AVellington at eight o’clock on Saturday , night, taking 15 hours 30 minutes to complete the journey. The train consisted of 10. cars—seven ordinary, one Ministerial, and one sleeping car and a luggage van. The train was well filled, 130 passengers in all being carried. A cross of Aberdeen granite, offered by the Weekly Dispatch in 1914 to the village which sent the largest proportion of its men as volunteers to the colours before February 28, 1915, was unveiled recently at Knowlton, an old but diminutive hamlet about nine miles from Canterbury. The monument, which was designed by Sir George Framptou, R. A. tree of cost, records that 13 out of 39 residents volunteered. The approach of winter is sending up fur prices in London to amazing heights, and French and German buyers are reinforcing the keen English demand. Minks have risen 250 per cent, sables 120 per cent., stonemartens 100 per cent., and other qualities proportionately. The recent AVest-End prices of ladies’ coats in the choicer furs, ranged from 150 to 1500 guineas, and it is stated that one sold for £IO,OOO. Even rabbit skins are fancypriced, a stole costing 25 guineas, and undisguised ’possum muffs, 10 to 20 guineas. At Waterloo, in 1815, 9044 artillery rounds were fired, having a total weight of 37.3 tons, wliile on one day miring tho last offensive in France, on the British front alone, 943,837 artillery rounds wore fired, weighing 18,080 tons —over 100 times tho number of rounds, and nearly 540 times the weight of projectiles. Again, in the whole of the South African AA’ar, 273,000 artillery rounds*were fired, weighing approximately 2800 tons; while during the whole war in France, on the British front alone, over liO million artillery rounds were fired, weighing nearly 3A million tons—G22 times the number of rounds; and about 1250 times tho weight of projectiles. Polliug is taking place to-day for the election of Mayor of New Plymouth, the position having been rendered vacant by tho resignation of Air. C. H. Burgess.' There arc two candidates in the field, Air. James Clarke and Air. Geo. Blanchard. Very little interest has been shown in the contest, and tho poll is not likely to bo at all a heavy one. Tho booths will close at 7 o’clock and Air. R. Day, tho returning officer, has made complete arrangements for displaying tho results at the principal booth, AVhitoley Hall. The issue is a clear-cut one, and it is anticipated tho final result will bo known at an early hour after tho closing of the booths. AVhilst in America recently Air. Sproul, managing agent in Australia of tho Oceanic Steamship Co., was struck by tho wonderful roads. For hundreds of miles the roads wore laid out us straight and as smooth as a billiard table, aud it was a delight to travel on them. Tho cost of these roads, which were bedded with concrete aud topped with asphalt has been found to bo much cheaper than the old stylo of road. Tho initial cost was fairly high, but the much reduced cost of maintenance more than made np for tho first outlay. Good roads in America, Air. Sproul said, had been found to lessen tho cost of transit to a remarkable extent, and thus cheapen tho cost of living. On Thursday last the Christchurch City Council carried out a trial of a two-ton electric truck loaded with two and a-quartcr tons for tho Tai Tapu Dairy Company. Tho route was from Christchurch to Tai Tapu, on to Greenpark, back through Christchurch to New Brighton, and up to the city again —a total of 62 miles. The truck averaged 13 miles per hour on this run and at the end there was still left a fair percentage of capacity in the battery for a further distance had that been required. Alorcover, the day was rainy and tho roads, for a portion of the distance, newly metalled, so that -the test was carried out under severe conditions. Tho popularity of the electric truck is evidenced by tho fact that four firms in Christchurch have duplicated their orders for the storage battery vehicles. These firms had previous experience of petrol cars. During tho Alaori wars there was no more popular regiment in New Zealand than tho 65th, No. 10 Company, which was present at the Battle of AVairoka, being withdrawn, however, by Colonel Alurray, at sundown, for which the colonel was sharply criticised. There are probably in tho district descendants of some of the men, even if none of tha latter still survive, and they will bo interested in a journal which has just reached ns from Home. It is called “Tho York and Lancaster Regiment’s Journal, tho York and Lancaster being tho modern designation of the old 65th. General Plumer is Colonel of tho regiment, and ho is pardonably nroud of the regiment’s achievements in tho great war just concluded as well as hi other campaigns. Tho journal contains a record of the regiment’s doings in tho recent war. including the Gallipoli campaign in which it took part. The list of awards to officers and men is a long and honourable one. Do your washing in half the time. Fairy 'AVonder Dry Soap enables you to do tliis! Clothes need no boiling, or rubbing. Fairy AVonder makes them like driven snow. It contains no harmful paraffin wax, which makes clothes yellow instead of white. Try it! Is lOd largo packet.* A women’s meeting will he field in the Good Templar Hall on the afternoon of Sunday next, when Alrs. Eva Cvnven-AVhcoler, one of America’s finest elocutionists, null speak to women only telling tho story of America’s great fight and victory for national prohibitum. The meeting is held under the auspices of the AVomen’s National EfSionov League, Tho Young AVomen’s Guild, and tho AV.C.T.TJ. AVith elocution and music a pleasant and profitable afternoon is promised. Aliss Mildred Thomson and Airs. AVilkes will he the soloists, *

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 16590, 12 November 1919, Page 2

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Untitled Taranaki Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 16590, 12 November 1919, Page 2

Untitled Taranaki Herald, Volume LXVII, Issue 16590, 12 November 1919, Page 2