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ANNUAL PRIZE DISTRIBUTION. Xho annual prize distribution in connection with tub -Sew Plymouth technical Co.lege loot place in the Good Templar Hall on Wednesday atlnrnoon, tho Mayor C'lr. C. H. Burgess) presiding over a good attendance. DIRECTOR'S ANNUAL REPORT. The director (Mr. A. Gray) gave his -■oport as follows; — in presenting to you a short account t£ the wont oi the year i feel that T an confidently assert mat the College .as wade one more decided step, itacii ear has brought with it increased .rowth with the corresponding increase a responsibility and usetuiuess. X eel aiso that a good deal of misapprehension formerly existing as to me efficiency of tcchniciii education has been removed from the minds of the people, and I know that many who once looked askance at what they were airaid would prove but a costly experiment are now enthusiastic supporters of a system tvhich, it is evident, has come to stay. Perhaps in no direction has this change of opinion been mure marked than in the recognition of technical work as a “system of education” as well as a training lot, specific trades and professions. Tho ettoct of this system on tho future of the Empire will, 1 think, bo most marked, and I hope that we jn our little corner will be able to carry- out the part that falls to each of us in is thorough a manner as possible. X admit that there is much to ho done before w-e can be said to possess a perfect technical system, but each mistake equally with each success enables us to make one more move towards perfection. In some instances it has been found that a lad has not settled on any particular calling, and for these students tve shall, next year, conduct a general industrial course. This course will include tuition in practically all of tho specialised courses, and it is hoped that at the end of a year the insight which the lads will have gained generally w.ll enable them to make a definite decision. It is hoped this course may prevent a hoy from taking np work, and afterwards finding that ho is not suited for it. I think it will be found in the majority that tho year of general work has been well spent. During the year the staff has been working under difficulties in tho matter of accommodation. The ■work has been carried on in three different buildings, and consequently the task of supervision has been unduly heavy. Next year, however, the new engineering establishment which ts approaching completion will largely settle tho difficulty, and the building of a new art room, which we hope to secure,, idlll still further relieve tho congestion. During the year there have been 204

students in attendance at the day classes. The courses of work wore:— Boys: Engineering, agriculture, commercial work and wood-work. Girls: Domestic work, commercial work and art work.

Engineering.—This class continues to do fine work under Messrs. Kirkpatrick and Skelton. Twenty-one of the lads sat for the City and" Guilds examination, the results of which are not yet to hand. The decision of the authorities to allow three years at technical institutions to count for two years towards a third marine ticket should ho particularly noted by parents. One of the difficulties w'o have to contend with with this class as well as with other classes is that some parents have not enough backbone to soo their boys take a full epurso. It is absolute folly for any one to expect us to turn out fully-fledged engineers in one year; but this is what some people do expect. Another bad feature of this method Deprocedure is that employers arc sometimes induced to employ boys on the strength of their having attended the College, and in some cases the attendance has been limited to a few months. In these circumstances I should be glad if employers would communicate with us before employing any alleged students. t Parents must understand that we will recommend for employment no hoy who has not passed through our course. Agriculture.—Under Mr. Sergei’s tuition this class has done some verv fine work indeed. The hoys can all handle a team of horses, and can plough or do any other field work necessary- la the laboratory, too, they have got through some very good work* it is necessary that parents_ should not overlook this class, as it is tho verv training required for boys who intend to bo farmers. Arrangements have been made with the Agricultural Department to conduct these experiments ui conjunction with our plot in Mr. Couneu'f. land at Corbt>tl Road. 1 should like to say once more how much we are indebted to Messrs. Old and Comictt for tHe practical assistance they have given us iu this work. Commercial Class.iliis class baa boon a very largo one, over one hundred students having been receiving tuition during the year'. Mr. Davis was appointed instructor and took up his duties at the beginning of the year, and bo bus boon xussistoci by Alouzies. Practically all our third-yeai students bavo obtained positions, and in some eases oven lir»t-yeai_ pupils have been employed. Hero again. however it is important to note that wo cannot guarantee students other than th a“ic.-Mi« Mikkehf Mis* Taylor, and Miss Simson have had charge of this class, which although somewhat small has done some good work, -/he medal donated by Mr. U. Trimble for tho host-cooked dinner was won by Mbs B. Pease, with Miss D Hodgson iu second place. I hope a domestic class as strong as the quality of the instruction warrants will enter next year. Throe of tho girls sat tor the City and Guilds examination. Arts and Science Class. —Miss Stitt has had charge of thfa class, which » one of the most solid m the college. 1 he aim of tho class is to .tram teachers and with that object m view special hand-work and mental science subjects have been taken up. Art and Art Crafts Class.—Miss Biws Han continued in charge of this class and some good work has been turned out. Specimens of this will be on exhibition this afternoon. The drawing and painting of tho younger students has shown a marked improvement. Wood-work. —This small class was in charge of Mr. Sandford and some good work was done. I have made arrangementis for a epecV instructor for next year if the size of the class warrants it. General. —Tne boys were again successful in winning the northern football championship, beating some very strong teams. A good sports gathering was held v when some fine athletic performances wore recorded. A camera, club has been formed by Mr. Skelton, and the bovs are taking much interest in the work, with good results. I wish to thank tho staff for the hard work they have put in during tho year. I also wish to thank the press, which has at nil times been most helpful m putting forward the claims of the College for public recognition. CHAIRMAN’S ADDRESS. The Mayor, in the course of a few remarks, expressed his pleasure at being present ou this occasion, for ho recognised that Technical School work was of great importance and would be of great value to tho pupils in tho future. The whole trouble in years gone by was that when boys and girls lett tho primary schools there was a blank for a few years. They could not follow up what they had 1 been taught m the primacy schools and keep their mmda fresh. " As a result of the technical school system, boys, and girls too. were now trained so that they could take up some particular class of work which they fancied, so that they thus had an opportunity of improving their knowledge until such time as they took up positions. This was especially important in so far as tho boys were concerned, because the time had come whom they had to be efficient and in applying for a position the lad who had studied at the technical school and could show that ho knew something of the work, would always get tho preference. Ho thought employers were quite reasonable in expecting that boys or girls who came to them seeking positions should know something of what tiicy were required to do, in other words, it should nob bo necessary for the employer to have to start and teach them their work right from the bottom of the tree. The country was paying a very large sum of money to educate its boys ana girls, and he thought no one in the Dominion begrudged that money so long as they were satisfied value was being received fox- it. His Worship congratulated Mr. Gray and his staff upon the excellent report dealing with the past year’s work of tho school, and concluded by wishing them all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. (Applause.) PRIZE DISTRIBUTION. Certificates and prizes were then distributed by tho Mayor as follows (Ist denotes first-class, 2nd second-class, 3rd third-class, Ist and cr. first-class and credit): — ART AND SCIENCE CLASS. First Year.—Nellie Warren, English 2nd, geometry Ist and cr., algebra 3rd, botany Ist and cr., geography Ist, school method .Ist, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) 2nd, insff-umental drawing 2nd, arithmetic Ist, French Ist, hygiene 2nd, natural science Ist and cr., phychology 2nd. Alice Crone: English 2nd, hygiene 2nd, natural science Ist, geography 2nd, psychology 2nd, school method 3rd, handwork Ist, instrumental drawing 2nd, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist and cr. Maggie Parli: Hygiene Ist and cr., commercial geography 2nd, psychology Ist, school method Ist and cr., drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist, instrumental drawing Ist and cr., principles of education Ist, history of education 2nd. Dorothy Hurst: English 2nd, Latin Ist, algebra Ist, botany 3rd, psychology 3rd, handwork Ist, instrumental drawing 2nd,

school method 3rd, arithmetic 2nd, gee- 1 motiy Ist and cr., hygiene 3rd, commercial geography 3rd, natural science 2nd, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist. Emma Norris; English 2nd, arithmetic 3rd, Latin 2nd, hygiene 2nd. algebra 3rd. geometry 2nd, botany 2nd, geography 3rd, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist and cr. instrumental drawing 2nd, handwork Ist and cr., natural science 2nd. Mary Trewin: English 3rd, algo-; bra 3rd, geometry 3rd, psychology 3rd, science Ist. botany Ist and or., drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist. instrumental drawing Ist and er., arithmetic 2nd. hygiene Ist and er., geography 2nd, school method 2nd. ,Ellen Waite: English 3rd, Latin 3rd, algebra Ist and cr., geometry Ist, hygiene Ist, botany 2nd, science 2nd, geography 2nd, psychology 3rd, school method 3rd, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist and or., instrumental drawing 2nd. handwork Ist and cr. Hazel Andrews: English 2nd, arithmetic 2nd, hygiene 3rd, botany 3rd, commercial geography Ist, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist. instrumental drawing Ist and or. Lydia Fuller; English 2nd, arithmetic 2ml, hygiene 3rd, natural science Ist, commercial geography 3rd, psychology 2nd, drawing 2nd, instrumental drawing 2ml. handwork 2nd. Wilfred Taylor; English 3rd, botany Ist, natural science Ist. commercial geography 2nd, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist. Robert I’aacoo: English 2nd, arithmetic 2nd, hygiene 3rd, botany 3rd. natural science 3rd. commercial geography 2nd, instrumental drawing Ist, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist. Second Year.—Edith Lynch : English 2nd, arithmetic 2nd, hygiene Ist, botany Ist, psychology 2nd, instrumental drawing 2nd, natural science Ist, geography Ist, school method Ist. handwork 2nd. drawing (F.M.-and B.B.) 2nd. Phyllis Niooll: English 2nd, arithmetic 3rd, hygiene 2nd, geography 3rd, handwork 2nd. psychology Ist and cr., school method 3rd, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) 2nd, instrumental drawing 2nd, natural science 2nd. Jcauue Hyndman: Arithmetic 2nd, geography Ist, botany Ist and cr., psychology Ist and cr., instrumental drawing Ist and or., drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist, English Ist and cr., hygiene Ist and cr., natural science Ist and cr., school method Ist and er., handwork Ist. Clarice Linn: English 2nd, arithmetic 3rd, Larin 2nd, algebra 3rd, geometry 2nd, hygiene 2nd, instrumental drawing 2nd, handwork Ist and cr.. botany Ist, science 2nd, commercial geography 2nd, psychology 2nd, school method 2nd, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist and cr. Third Year. —Florence Uascoe: English 2nd, arithmetic Ist and cr., hygiene Ist, botany Ist, science Ist, commercial geography 3rd, school method 2nd, drawing (F.M. and B.B.) Ist, instrumental drawing Ist and or., handwork Ist. INTERMEDIATE COMMERCIAL. Yiolot Bellringer; Shorthand 2nd, English 3rd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 3rd, dressmaking Ist, craft work, 2nd. Thelma Berge: Shorthand Ist credit, English 3rd, book-keeping Ist, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist, arithmetic 3rd. Ella Francis: Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, book-keeping 3rd, commercial correspondence 3rd, commercial arithmetic Ist, arithmetic 3rd, craft work Ist. Gordon Fraser: Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, book-keeping 3rd, copunet cial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd, arithmetic 3rd. Evelyn George; Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, arithmetic 3rd, craft work Ist and credit. Lena Graham: Shorthand Ist and credit, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic lsi« arithmetic 3rd. Violet Groombridge : Shorthand 2nd, English 2nd, book-keeping 3rd, commercial correspondence 3rd, commercial arithmetic Ist, arithmetic Ist, drawing and craft work Ist. Norma Hammond: Shorthand 2nd, English 3rd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist, craft work Ist and credit. Margaret Hannah: Craft work Ist, shorthand Ist, English 2nd, book-keeping 3rd, commercial respondenca 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd, arithmetic 3rd Eileen Hooke: Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, book-keep-ing 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist, arithmetic Ist, craft work Ist. Eva Hornblow : Shorthand 2nd, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist, arithmetic Ist, craft work 2nd. Ivy’Jackson: Shorthand 2nd, English 3rd, book-keeping 3rd, commercial arithmetic 3rd, commercial correspon-

donee 2nd, craft work 2nd. Margaret M'Kenzio: Shorthand Ist, and cy., English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist, arithmetic 3rd. .Margaret Manning: Shorthand. 2nd, book-keeping 3rd, commercial correspondence 3rd, English 3rd, arithmetic 3rd. Eva Newell: Shorthand Ist and cr., English Ist. book-keeping Ist., commercial correspondence Ist, commercial arithmetic Ist, arithmetic Ist, craft work Ist and cr. Frederick Red ward: Shorthand 2nd, English 3rd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist, arithmetic 2nd. Brig Uudkin: Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist, arithmetic Ist, craft work Ist and cr. Irono Waldock; Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, commercial correspondence 3rd, commercial arithmetic Ist, craft work Ist. WOODWORK. Gordon Hollis: English 3rd, carpentry 2nd, instrumental drawing Ist and cr. JUNIOR. COMMERCIAL. Eva Andrews: Shorthand Ist, .English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Gwyneth Beadle: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist. Marjorie Birch: Shorthand 3rd, English 2nd, book-keeping 3rd, commercial correspondence 3rd, commercial arithmetic 3rd. Rita Bishcll; Shorthand 3rd, English 3rd, book-keeping 3rd, commercial correspondence 3rd, .commercial arithmetic 3rd. Millie Boon: English 2nd, boiklkeepmg 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Zeln Bvauiid: Shorthand 3rd, English Ist, book-keeping 3rd, commercial correspondence 3rd, commercial arithmetic 3rd. Eileon Browne: Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Irene Ballot; Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, bookkeeping 3rd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Alice Campbell: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence Ist, commercial arithmetic Ist. Gladys Clare; Shorthand Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd. Harold Clough: Shorthand 2nd, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 3rd. Myra Corbett: Shorthand 3rd, English 2nd, bookkeeping 3rd, commercial correspondence 3rd, commercial arithmetic 3rd. Ada Corney: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Eileen Corney; Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Elsie Curline:_ Shorthand Ist, English Ist, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 3rd. Reginald Edgecombe: Shorthand 3rd, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Elsie Fenwick: Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd, dressmaking Ist. Elsie Fowler: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keep-ing Ist, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist, dressmaking Ist. Ethel Fraser; Shorthand Ist, Eng2n£, b.nik-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence Ist, commercial arithmetic Ist, dressmaking 2nd. . Roina Gernhoefer: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercail correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Violet Harrison : Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence Ist. commercial arithmetic 2nd. Gladys Harvey: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, commercial arithmetic Ist. Constance Hawke: 'Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keep-ing 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Eileen Hellier: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keeping 2nd', commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd, craft work Ist. Dorothy Horsnell: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keep-ing 3rd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 3rd, dressmaking 2nd. Margaret Johnston: Shorthand 2nd, English 2nd. commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd, craft work Ist. Edmund Jury; Shorthand 3rd, English 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd, drawing 2nd. Claris Larsen: Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, commercial arithmetic 3rd. Muriel M'Donald: Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, commercial corrospon-

dence 3rd, commercial arithmetic 3rd. Edward M'Manus; Shorthand 2nd, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, com- , mercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist. Dorothy Mannix: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-, keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Alice Mason: Shorthand 2nd, English. 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist, commercial correspondence Ist. _ James Millar: Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, arithmetic Ist. Mildred Monk; Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, arithmetic 2nd, commercial correspond-; ence 2nd. _ Nelson Moore: Shorthand ! 3rd, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, arithmetic 2nd. Alice NichoUs: Shorthand Ist, English Ist; book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic Ist. Ronald 01- i liver: Shorthand Ist, English 2nd, I book-keeping 2nd, commercial corre- | spondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic | 2nd. Rita Pennington; Shorthand Ist I and er., English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, i commercial correspondence 2nd, com- I mercial arithmetic 2nd. Pearl Phipps: i Shorthand 2nd, English Ist, book-keep- I tug 2nd, commercial correspondence | 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd. Fred. j Preo: Shorthand 2nd, English Ist and j cr., book-keeping 3rd, commercial coy- 1 respondenco 2nd, commercial arithmetic | 2nd. Olive Price; Shorthand 2nd, English 2nd, book-keeping 2nd, commercial I correspondence 2nd, commercial arith- ; niotic 2nd, dressmaking 2nd. _ Eileen | Priest: Shorthand 2nd, English Ist, j book-keeping 2nd, commercial corre- 1 spondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd, dressmaking 3rd. Thelma. Red- : wood; Shorthand 2nd, English Ist, i, book-keeping 2nd, commercial corre- j spondence 2nd, commercial arithmetic j 2nd, drawing Ist. Myrtle Sheppard: , Shorthand Ist, English Ist, book-keep- , ing 3rd, commercial correspondence | 2nd, commercial arithmetic 2nd, dress- | making 2nd. Una Sole; Shorthand Ist, | English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, com- j mercial correspondence 2nd, arithmetic ■ 3rd. Kathleen Wasley; Shorthand 2nd, English 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd, arithmetic 3rd. Eric White; Shorthand 3rd, English Ist, book-keeping 2nd, commercial correspondence 2nd. commercial arithmetic : 2nd. Lindsay Williams: Shorthand j Ist, English Ist, book-keeping and com- | mercial correspondence Ist, commercial f arithmetic Ist. Coral Barnes (3rd j year); Shorthand Ist and cr., book- , keeping Ist, commercial correspondence ! Ist, arithmetic Ist and cr., English Ist. | SENIOR COMMERCIAL. i Nellie Boswell: Shorthand Ist, book- j keeping Ist, English Ist, commercial j

correspondence Ist, craft work Ist and cr., arithmetic Ist. Jessie Feakins: .Shorthand Ist, book-keeping 2nd, drawing Ist and ct., AGRICULTURE. Grant Maxwell; Mechanical drawing Isty freehand drawing 2nd, practical agriculture Ist, agriculture chemistry 2nd, agriculture botany Ist and cr., Latin 3rd, algebra. 2nd, English Ist. Gerald. Piggott: Practical agriculture Ist, agriculture, chemistry 2nd, agriculture botany 2nd, English 3rd. Willie Piggott: Practical agriculture Ist, agriculture chemistry 2nd, agriculture botany Ist, English, 3rd. DOMESTIC. Bessie Andrew: English 2nd, drawing Ist and cr., craft work Ist and cr., arithmetic Ist, dressmaking Ist, needlework Ist, laundry work Ist. -Doris Hodgson: Cookery 2nd,, dressmaking Ist, laundry work Ist. Kathleen Holmes: Cookery 2nd, dl-essmaking 2nd, needlework 2nd, laundry work Ist. Rose May; Drawing 2nd, craft work 3rd. May Penniall: English 2nd, cookery 2nd, drawing Ist, craft work Ist, arithmetic Ist, dressmaking 3rd, needlework Ist, laundry work Ist. Hazel Wells; English 2nd, cookery 3rd, drawing Ist and cr., craft work Ist.and cr., arithmetic Ist and or., dressmaking Ist, necdlewoTk Ist, laundry Ist. Dorothy Dean: Cookery Ist, dressmaking Ist. Marjorie Greiner; Engjish 3rd, craft work 2nd, dressmaking- 2nd, needlework 2nd, launder work Ist. Nora Jury; Drawing Ist and cr., craft work Ist and cr., arithmetic Ist, dressmaking 2nd, needlework Ist, laundry ■work 2nd. Grace Mason: Cookery 3rd, craft work 2nd, arithmetic 3rd, dressmaking 2nd, needlework 2nd, laundry work 2nd. Barbara Pease: Cookery 2nd, drawing Ist and or., craft work Ist and cr., arithmetic Ist, dressmaking Ist-, needlework Ist, laundry work Ist. Daisy Sampson: English 2nd, arithmetic Ist and cr., dressmaking Ist, needlework Ist, laundry work Ist. AT THE COLLEGE. The company subsequently adjourned to the College, where they had an opportunity of inspecting the class room? and specimens of work done. by the pupils attending the different classes during the past year. One and alj expressed their pleasure at the high standard of Work accomplished at the. College, work which was second to none; in the Dominion, and which reflected great credit upon the pupils themselves and the staff of teachers responsible for their instruction.

During the afternoon Mr. J. S. Connott, president of the Taranaki Agricultural Society, delivered, a short address and dealt more, particularly with the importance of the agricultural classes. -Splendid work was being done in this department of the school work and ho expressed the sincere hope that farmers generally would show in tne future a more practical interest in the course and that the class would become a very strong one. The value oi the course in agriculture as given through the Technical College could not be oveicstimated, particularly m a district like Taranaki. He had assisted as fai as possible by allowing tho College the use of a portion of his farm m which to carrv out its work. Mr. Hal Goodacre also mad© a few remarks and stressed the importance or technical education. In tho past a boy’s vocation in life had been decided upon in a more or less haphazard way, only later to be discovered'that he was not altogether fitted for that particular class of work. The Technical College, however, offered a splendid opportunity of discovering what particular department a boy was most adapted for and so his work in life became a pleasure instead of a drudgery. He referred with satisfaction to the increasing popularity of the College, as was evidenced by the large increase m the number of pupils during the past lewwears and he was confident that the sphere of usefulness of such a splendidly equipped school woiild still continue to grow, for people wore realising more than they had ever done in the past the immense value of technical education. . . The visitors were entertained to afternoon tea, the function being a decided success. ■

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Taranaki Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 145172, 21 December 1916, Page 6

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TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Taranaki Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 145172, 21 December 1916, Page 6

TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Taranaki Herald, Volume LXIV, Issue 145172, 21 December 1916, Page 6